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Retreat, Hell - Episode

A/N: Hey, guys! Normally, I'd hold off until Saturday morning to post this, but I'm going to be busy the rest of the week and won't be able to do much posting, so here you guys go, a little ahead of schedule! Coming in at 16,673 words, it's not the longest episode ever, but it's still on the longer end!
In this episode, we get more running, a special marching cadence, and a few big reveals. Plus some bitter-sweet and happy squad feels at the end.
There are only two main episodes left in Act III, then we'll be back into the war with Act IV. I've already got a lot of Episode 16 written, though if past experience is any indication, it'll probably still double in word count from where I'm at now by the time I finish fleshing all the scenes out (and I'll always have a few unexpected scenes crop up before I'm done). How soon that'll all be done is still hard to say. Work is still keeping me pretty busy, and every time I think things are going to ease up or settle down and give me more free time, it doesn't.
On another note, I'd like to hear from you guys on what brought you to RH, or how you heard about the story, and what some of your favorite parts of it are so far. I can't promise I'll give you more of everything you love (and I can't please everyone), but knowing what you guys enjoy, and what you think is good helps me know what I'm doing right, and what I can focus on to continue doing good. I really look forward to hearing your feedback!
Here is the Patreon post for anyone who wants it in one solid block. Now, without further ado, what you're all here for:

Retreat, Hell – Episode 15


“Give me that old Marine Corps Spirit!”


“’Cause it’s good enough for me!”


“It was good for Chesty Puller!”


These people run too gods damned much! Rinn panted as the battalion thundered around the base on their morning death march. And oh, look, here we are, running past our barracks again, getting our hopes up just to dash them… He stifled a whine. At least today they’re cutting the run short for helicopter training. When this is all over and done with, I don’t ever want to run again…


“Hahahaha! And the looks on their faces when we went evasive!” Edison kissed his fingertips and flared his hand as he backed through the bunk room door. “Perfection!”

“Nah, the best part was old Shields here,” Kawalksi threw a heavy arm around Rinn’s shoulders, nearly causing him to stagger into the door frame. “He was all stony faced, like, ‘I’ve done this before, this is nothing exciting,’” Kawalski said, putting on a fake deep voice. “Even as the huey went sideways!”

“I was trying not to throw up…” Rinn admitted, flicking an ear at Kawalski as he trudged back to his rack, sore, tired, and trying to pretend that his legs weren’t all wobbly after the day’s aerial adventures.

“Yeah, what’s the straight-horned one with all the “that’s what she said” jokes, Tyaytyay?”

“Tyehtyeh,” Rinn corrected.

Kimber gave him a “whatever” wave. “Yeah, him. He puked his guts out all over the tarmac three feet after he got out when we landed.”

“Ha! He did better than old Stuffy McStuffyface, threw up in mid-air!” Kawalski chuckled. “Projectile vomited when we went evasive! Though, we were horizontal at the time, so it mostly just went straight out the door!”

“Mostly my ass!” Kimber said. “I was sitting at the down door when he spewed! He puked all over the back of my helmet!”

“Hahaha, yeah, it was great!” Kawalski grinned. “You should probably go clean that off, though…”

“Yeah, no shit.”

Rinn sighed as he popped his boots off, wriggling his toes and savoring their freedom. The human boots fit better than any other pair of boots he had ever been issued, and they had mostly broken in by this point, but they were still combat boots, and didn’t quite match his foot shape. He pulled his shower gear out of his pack, looking forward to a hot soak, only to watch a parade of four Marines scramble past, already half undressed and dibsing the showers first.

He sighed, setting his shower kit at the end of his rack before digging out a pen and notebook. It’s probably best to go last, anyway, now that we get more than five whole minutes of hot water… More time to soak.

“More English lessons?” Bradford asked, leaning over to look at his notebook as he flipped it open.

“Yeh,” he yipped, still amused the Gyani word for ‘yes’ was so close to an informal English word for the same.

“And what’s the word of the day?”

“What is the word for…” he frowned. “It is a place in a home where you build a fire…”

“A fireplace?” she asked.

He flicked an annoyed ear at her. Of course that would be a word they used… “Yes, but… no, that is not the meaning I’m looking for.”


He shook his head. “No, that’s not it, either. The place where the fire is, the foundation, the hearth.”

“The hearth?” she asked, and he sighed.

I should have just led with the word. The words were different, but the meanings were identical. Not everything translated so well, but many words did. “Yes, that is the word. Hirth…”

Hearth,” she said, emphasizing the vowel sound.


“No, no y, stop putting y’s in everything.”

“YI Dyon’t knyow whyat you myean,” he yipped in heavily accented English, flicking an ear at her and sticking out his tongue.

She laughed, then grabbed her pillow and swung it at his head, barely missing as he fell to the side. “Now try it again, you guber.”

“Ha-arth,” he said, drawing the vowel out as he sat up. “Harth.”

“Close enough,” she said, chuckling.

He flicked his ears up with a smile, and jotted down the phonetic spelling in Gyani.

“How did you say your word for it?”



“No, sfyisch.”


“No, it’s not a hard tch, it’s a softer sch.” He considered for a moment. “It’s like a hissing tch. And its yi,” he yipped the short vowel sound, “Not uuhhhhwwweeeee. Stop flapping your big, fat lips.”

“Hey, you got lips, too, dumbass!”

“Yeah, but they’re not so fat and poofy, like yours!” He flicked his ears at her. “You look like you got stung by a bee.” He flicked an ear to the side. “Or a dozen.”

This time, the pillow did catch his head, and sent him flopping to his rack. “Oof.”

“Who’s got big lips now, bitch!” she said, puffing her chest out and swaying her head back and forth.

“I don’t know, was that your lips or your pillow you hit me with,” he said, sticking his tongue out at her, promptly earning himself another bonk. “Oof.”

“And just for that, you’re gonna have to wait until I’m done with the shower,” she said, hopping up and snagging her toiletries bag as a gaggle of half-dressed Marines chased each other out of the head.

Rinn chuckled as he tossed her pillow back on her rack and sat back up. That’s just more time for me to soak…

“Hey, have you guys seen my Switch controllers?” Kimber asked, digging through his pack. “I can’t find them anywhere.”

“Where’d you have them last?” Dubois asked, not even looking up from the boot he was cleaning.

“I could have sworn I put them back in this pocket,” he said, tapping a pouch on his pack. “That’s where I keep them, but they’re not anywhere…”

“You can borrow mine,” Edison said, once again performing surgery on the squad’s GoPro. He gestured absently at his pack. “They’re in the clip-on bag, somewhere…”

“Thanks, man, but… I wanna find mine.”

“D’you think someone might’ve, like, grabbed ‘em by mistake, brah?” Stevens said, pulling on a clean shirt.

“Or not by mistake?” Miller asked.

“Yeah,” Elder said, looking up from his phone. “We had that platoon thief a while back, remember?”

“Dude, that’s why you need to carve your name into them,” Davies said, lying on his rack playing his own Switch. He lifted his hands to show his name carved into the same kind of controllers Rinn had seen Kimber using. “That’s what I did with mine.”
“I had my name on them, man, in sharpie.”

“Yeah, but sharpie can come off,” Edison said, still focused on the GoPro. “Alcohol or a dry-erase marker can do the trick.”

Kimber grumbled something, and started expanding his search area.

“Hey, Shields,” Kawalski said, dropping down next to him. He only had his boxers on, and was still a little damp from the shower. “Teach me more keshmin swear words! How do you say fucknugget?”

Rinn raised an ear and an eyebrow at him. “We don’t have that one.”

“Well, come on, then, what else have you got? I’ve got a new one for you! ‘Twat!’” Kawalski grinned. “Means ‘pussy’ in English English.”

Rinn flicked his ear. “Is that how you use your words words, when walking down the street street?”

Kawalski laughed. “No, fuck face, it’s English spoken by the English, as opposed to real English spoken by Americans.”

Rinn paused, pen in mid-air, and stared straight ahead for a moment. “Wot?”

“Kawalski, you dumbass, the English invented the English language,” Dubois said. Rinn didn’t even need to look at him, he could hear the eye-roll.

“Guys! Guys!” Gomez stuck his head out of their supply fort. “I found some boxes we missed! They’re full of fucking duct tape!”

“No shit?” Kawalski said, immediately distracted by the prospect of creative acquisition. “How much?”

“I dunno how we missed it, hoss, there’s boxes and boxes of this stuff! Different colors, too!”

“Sweet! Grab us all a roll! Jabs, too!” Kawalski paused, then stood up. “What all colors are there?”

“Dunno yet, I haven’t gone through all the boxes, but there’s a few at least.”

“Lemme see…” Kawalski disappeared into the fort. “How the hell did we miss all this… Oh, I see, it got buried behind the fuck tent.”

Dubois looked up. “Why do you have a fuck tent?!”

“Dude, you always need a fuck tent!”

“Who the fuck are you fucking!?”

“Your mother! Heheheh!”


Rinn pulled the earmuffs off his head as the firing line was declared cold. The new earmuffs they had been given had deeper cups with more room for his ears, but they still didn’t fit well. We’ll have to talk to somebody about getting some properly designed for us, he thought as he trudged down range to collect his targets. The Marines had scrounged up a few more of their pop-up metal targets for the “new” range, but they were mostly still shooting at paper targets tacked to wooden frames.

Back at the tables behind the firing line, Rinn looked over the keshmin targets with a pleased quirk to his ears. Their scores were not anything the Marines would consider good, by any means, but even the grizzled Gunnery Sergeant running the range begrudgingly nodded his approval at them being passable. Barely.

Not bad at all, for what little training we’ve managed to fit in around everything else. Lord Anyo is even showing a particular knack for the weapons, at least on the fixed range. Rinn was pleased to note that his own scores had surpassed Anyo’s on the dynamic range, much to the Knight Captain’s chagrin.

Lunch consisted of MREs at the range, and Rinn once again got to demonstrate his “advanced knowledge” of human equipment to the other keshmin, and warned them away from the less favorable MREs. Not that I’ve actually tried many of them, but our pallets seem to match close enough that I’ll take the Marines at their word.

The lunch break was short, barely enough time to heat the food and gulp it down, before they were hurried off to the next event on the range, this one pushing the artificers to their magical limits.

“Cease fire! Cease fiiire!”

Rinn panted, overheated and out of breath, as he lowered his stave. The targets down range were shredded, both by gunfire and spellfire, but this wasn’t a measure of accuracy.

“Most impressive, Ahyat,” Yeshai said as Rinn stepped back from the firing line. “How many armor enhancements were you able to maintain?”

“All twelve of them, Your Grace,” Rinn said, still trying to catch his breath. “But I couldn’t keep up with the machine guns. I could barely keep up with one, nevermind three!” He shook his head, making sure to close his mouth to keep his tongue from lolling, though his ears still flopped a bit. “The best I could do was one enhancement every fifth or sixth shot with two. One in a dozen with three.”

Yeshai snorted. “No worse than anyone else so far, and you did it while maintaining all armor enhancements, a very fine shield, and respectable spellfire of your own.” He flicked an ear. “Any of us might surpass you in single skills, but on the whole, I’d dare say you’re the best of us, and by no small margin.”

“You honor me, your grace,” Rinn said, giving him a bow.

“Your service honors the kingdom,” Yeshai replied, dipping his head in return.

Straightening, Rinn couldn’t miss Anyo glaring at him, but he pointedly ignored the Earl. Sinyan had gone before Rinn, but Anyo had gone before him, and all but confirmed Rinn’s suspicions that the Knight Captain was a sparker.

“And who’s our next contestant?” Gunnery Sergeant Valdez called as Rinn flopped down next to Bradford, happily guzzling the bottle of water she handed him.

“Tyehtyeh, that’s you!” Yenyed called, glaring at the oblivious artificer.

“Oh, right!” Tyehtyeh said, looking up from the spellstructs he had been studying. He barely even put on his false-deep voice.

“Oh, here we go…” Bradford muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Don’t be spiteful,” Rinn said, flicking her ear with his tail. She swiped at the offending appendage and tried to grab it, but he quickly snatched it out of her reach. “He’s made incredlbe progress these last two weeks. He hasn’t admitted it, but I’m fairly certain he’s had no formal education as an artificer, or even at all.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “So his bluster’s all just a show, deflecting from his … ignorance?”

He dipped his head with an affirmative ear flick. “And the more I give him to study, the less he remembers to put on the act.”

“Huh…” Bradford said, giving Tyehtyeh a newly appraising look.

“Line ready?” Valdez called out. “Shooter’s stand-by! FIIIRE!”

Tyehtyeh immediately popped up a shield and sent a triple burst of tight, powerful firebursts down range, before the Marines could rack their bolts and engage. Brief flashes of light rolled down the line as armor enhancements went up.

He still needs to kill that startup flare, but at least he’s cut out the continual glow, and his efficiency is a hundred fold better. He’s barely leaking any mana!

Tyehtyeh hesitated as the rifles opened up, several rounds zipping down range unseen. He rolled his ears, shifted his feet, and every single shot became a visible bolt, glowing as it snapped down range.

More rifles opened up, then a machine gun, then two, then tree. Rinn’s ears shot up under his earmuffs. Every single round glowed.

Then Tyehtyeh brought his stave to bear and let off a barrage that made Rinn’s spellfire look like a peashooter.

“CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIIRE!” Valdez called as the targets disappeared into several plumes of splinters and smoke.

“Holy shit!” Bradford said. “He hits like an artillery piece!”

Rinn looked at her, then to Tyehtyeh, then to Yeshai and the other keshmin. A small part of his mind was pleased to note that he wasn’t the only one whose jaw was hanging open.

“Did I mess up again?” Tyehtyeh asked, sheepishly scratching at the base of a horn.

Yeshai shook his head, the first to collect himself. “No. No, you didn’t.” He looked at Rinn, forcing the field artificer to collect himself. “Second Artificer, you wouldn’t happen to have a metering artifice in your repertoire, would you?”

He cocked an ear to the side, wondering what the Duke was getting at, before it clicked. “Yes, your grace, I do.…” he stood up, retrieving his stave, and walked over to Tyehtyeh with Yeshai. The Marines and other nobles muttered amongst themselves in their separate groups as Tyehtyeh squirmed under the unexpected attention.

“Second Artificer Tyehtyeh, have you ever been officially metered?” Yeshai asked, stopping in front of him.

“Well, ah, no, Your Grace,” Tyehtyeh said, scratching at the base of a horn. “Militia really only ever cared that I could sling spells, didn’t much care for any of the details.”

“I suspected as much,” Yeshai said, dipping his head in a small nod. He flicked an ear at Rinn, then back to Tyehtyeh. “Second Artificer Ahyat, if you would be so kind.”

Rinn nodded and stepped forward, his stave held low in one hand. He didn’t really need it to run this particular artifice, but he suspected the extra precision and peak range it allowed would be useful.

“What’s this, then?” Valdez asked, stepping up to the line.

“The lad has never been officially metered,” Yeshai said, waving a hand at Tyehtyeh, an exaggerated gesture probably for the human’s benefit. “He has no idea how powerful he actually is. We’re about to find out.”

“Will this hurt?” Tyehtyeh asked, his ears nervously twitching back.

“Of course not,” Rinn said. “You don’t even really need to do anything. Just passively channel a mana stream.” He paused. “Down range, if you please.”

“Right,” Tyehtyeh said, turning to point a hand down range. Rinn brought up the metering artifice, set so the measurements were visible in the air. At first, there was nothing, then Tyehtyeh closed his eyes and everything spiked.

“Above and below…” Yeshai muttered as Rinn scrabbled to shift the ranges the meter was displaying. Tyehtyeh blew past the maximum levels. Twice. “You’re a gods-damned savant!”

“What?!” Tyehtyeh squeaked, spinning around and cutting off the mana stream.

“Not just a savant,” Rinn said, his eyes and ears locked on the measurements his artifice was still displaying. “Your Grace, he’s one of the most powerful savants to ever live.”

“What?!” Tyehtyeh said again, this time with a little less squeak. “That can’t be right…”

Yeshai, turned to Valdez. “Gunnery Sergeant, we are done here for today. We need to do a complete examination and assessment of Second Artificer Tyehtyeh’s abilities, and I need to write to the King.”


Scrubbing her face, Bradford trudged around the corner of a building on her way back to the barracks, after dark, and smacked right into someone. “Oh, shit!” she said, stumbling back while fumbling out to catch the other person before they fell.

Bradford kept her balance. The other person he the ground with a yipped, “Oof.”

Looking down, horrified at her clumsy inattentiveness, she found Rinn glaring up at her. “I was hoping to run into you on my way back, but I didn’t mean for you to take it literally!

She laughed, reaching down to help him up. “Sorry, I’m just a little brain-dead right now.”

“Oh,” he said, standing and dusting himself off. He flicked an ear at her. “I couldn’t tell the difference.”

“Oh, fuck you,” she said, giving him a shove that sent him staggering and nearly back into the dirt.

“Abuse!” he cried, struggling not to laugh. “Help! Help! I’m being abused!”

Bradford just continued walking, flipping him the bird over her shoulder.

“That rough a day?” he asked, jogging briefly to catch up. “Too much going on on your surprise afternoon off?”

“Pff, I wish.” She sighed, waving at the barracks ahead of them in the distance. “Most of the guys got the rest of the day off, thanks to Tyehtyeh, but not me.” She shook her head. “Nooo, I’m a Sergeant now, with ‘field experience,’” she said, with air quotes. “Since I happened to be free for the afternoon, I got pulled into another planning meeting for the field exercise we’re doing at the end of the week.” She shook her head. “Normally, these things are all planned out weeks in advance, but now we’re trying to cram that all into a few days…. Ugh!” she scrubbed her face again, heaving a sigh. “What about you? How was your afternoon?”

Rinn sighed, his shoulders sagging. “Probably not much better.” His ears twitched, and he shook his head, letting them flop around. “More testing with metering artifices more precise and capable than mine will be required to know his exact power, but between myself, the Duke, and the other nobles, we were able to determine that Tyehtyeh is a savant, and one of the most powerful to ever live. There are two, maybe three other savants alive who are more powerful than him, and those not by much.” He scrunched his snout. “And he has the education of a quillhog farmer!”

Bradford laughed. “Sounds like someone’s a little pissed off that their spot as the top artificer has been stolen by an uneducated bumpkin.”

“I’m not pissed off!” Rinn snapped. “Not about that, anyway,” he sighed, tugging at a horn. “It’s just- I’ve taught Tyehtyeh a hundred times more in the last few weeks than anyone else has ever taught him. Almost everything he knows, he learned on his own! He’s not just a savant, he’s not just one of the most powerful savants to ever live. I have to admit, he’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.”

“Oh, really?” Bradford asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Yes!” Rinn rolled his ears. “Now, of course, he doesn’t act like it at all, not in the least, because he has the education of a quillhog farmer! But instead of a bumbling idiot who can barely figure out which end of his pike to point at the enemy, he taught himself how to do magic from scratch, using a bare handful of spells he was shown as an example, and a few concepts he overheard in conversation.”

“Damn,” Bradford said, shaking her head. “Imagine what he could do if someone taught him.”

Rinn vigorously nodded his head, eyes wide and ears up. “That’s exactly what we just saw today! And if he had a proper education.…” He shook his head. “The Duke has written his father and the King, and the nobles of are two minds about what to do with Tyehtyeh. On the one hand, he should be sent to a university, trained and educated. In time, he might become the most powerful savant to ever live!”

“On the other hand, he’s useful now?”

“Yes.” He sighed. “The education he should get would take years, when he is already a powerful battlefield savant, and we are in desperate need of every advantage in the war.”

“So what are they going to do with him?”

“I don’t know. The Duke has a lot of influence to sway that decision, but it will not be made by him. That is for his father, Lord General Yangri, and the King to decide.” He sighed. “Until that decision is made, I will be continuing my tutelage of Tyehtyeh, and the other artificers will provide selections of well-designed spell structures for him to study and master.”

“Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to worry about tomorrow,” she said as he opened the door to their barracks and waved her in. “It’s late enough as it is.”

“Indeed,” he said, following her through the door. His ears twitched as they approached the bunk room. Bradford could here muffled shouts and laughter coming from inside.

Glancing at Rinn, who gave her a smirking flick of an ear, she opened the door. The room fell to immediate silence as it swung open, the bright light of the hallway casting a sharp outline into the dimmed room.

Inside, every other member of Second Squad was wearing assorted styles and colors of masks made out of duct tape. The diversity of styles included cut-out or molded eye holes, teeth, full cheek guards, bikers goggles, a medieval doctor’s beak, mohawks, and more. Holding a wild medley of cardboard-and-duct-tape melee weapons, they were clad in little else besides a chaotic mix of speedos, diapers, vests, and/or a few get-ups that looked suspiciously like pleasure harnesses, all made from a rainbow of duct tape.

In the dim light and resounding silence, they all turned to stare at the door.

Bradford slowly cast her gaze across them as she looked from one side of the room to the other, the Marines all frozen and staring at her in silence, before she quietly backed out and shut the door.

“We’re going somewhere else for a while,” she said, still staring at the door she firmly held shut.

Rinn’s ears, held straight up, swiveled to point behind him. “That… That sounds like an excellent idea…”

“Yeah…” she said, releasing the door and pulling herself away. She looked at Rinn. “Anyone ever show you how to play Xbox?”

“I can’t say that I have,” he said as she pointedly ignored what sounded like Kawalski’s muted shouting behind the door.

“Sounds like a great time to learn,” she said as muffled chaos exploded behind the door. She turned and headed towards the common room. “C’mon, I’ll teach you how to play Call of Duty, and we can see what other games they managed to snag. I haven’t had time to play anything since they set the system up.”


Rinn fidgeted as Echo Company formed up outside their barracks complex. He was nervous. First Sergeant Khatri had found out about his cadence project. He was nervous because he expected to be called on to lead the whole company through his new cadence.

He was also nervous because he was the one who told First Sergeant Khatri about it the night before. That’s why he had run into Bradford on the way back to the barracks. He gave a silent prayer to all the gods above and all the gods below that the squad wouldn’t find out.

“Company! Atten-hut!” Rinn snapped to attention with the other Marines as Khatri marched out in front of them. “Marines! It has come to my attention that one of our augments has been undertaking a little cadence project, translating a Ganlin marching song into a Marine Corps cadence. Is this true, Second Artificer Ahyat?”

Rinn had to struggle to keep his ears from plastering back against his skull. “Yes, First Sergeant!”

“And it is my understanding that it is in a workable state. Is this true, Second Artificer Ahyat?”

Rinn hesitated. He swore he could hear a pin drop. “Yes, First Sergeant!”

“Outstanding! Now, as you all know, I take great pride and joy in a proper marching cadence, and to hear this warms my heart.” He clutched a hand to his chest for emphasis. “The deep, sub-cockle regions of it. Second Artificer Ahyat, you will be leading us in this cadence today!”

“Yes, First Sergeant!”

With the closest Rinn had ever seen Khatri come to a smile, the First Sergeant made a crisp about face and saluted Captain Spader. “The company is formed and ready, sir!”

“Very well. Get them moving, First Sergeant.”

“Aye, aye, sir!”

Khatri pivoted and marched to his place in the column. “Company! Forward! March!”

Feet crunched on gravel and packed dirt as Echo Company stepped off. Khatri called out a basic cadence as he turned their column out of their little assembly area, what the Marines had started calling the grinder, and onto the road.

“Ahyat!” Khatri shouted as the last of the Marines snaked onto the road. “Sound off!”

Rinn cleared his throat. “Yipe! Yipe! Yegh!” he shouted, the corners of his mouth twitching as the Marines echoed back the nonsense sounds. Here we go, he thought, taking a deep breath.

“I left my heart in San’Riiaaaaa!” he called out in English. His t’s were still a little soft, and he still dragged out his vowels a bit longer than he should, but his accent was still clear.

“I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN’RIIAAAA!” The Marines echoed back, and he could hear the surprise in their voices. He smiled and called the next line.

“I left my heart to heed the caaaall!”

“I LEFT MY HEART TO HEED THE CAAAALL!” The Marines’ voices were stronger, more certain, adapting quickly.

“I left my heart to shield her theerre!”


“I left my heart to goo to waaaar!”


“Chorus!” he shouted, before taking another breath.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

He closed his eyes for a beat. He could already tell his throat was going to be sore when this was all done, but he wasn’t going to bungle it. Another breath, and he shouted again.

“I found my boots in Rotiyiiiin!”


“I learned to march in formatioon!”


“In line and square and in colummn!”


“To bear my heart in San’Riiaa!”


This time, a few Marines joined in on the long notes of the chorus.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

A few more had joined before the chorus had finished.

“I donned my armor in Toiyooo!”


“I wrapped myself in clooth and steeeel!”


“Re-enforced with maail and speeell!”


“To shield my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


Marine voices started to overpower his as he drove into the chorus once more.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

“I grabbed my pike in Mol’Raiii!”


“Enchanted bright and shaarp of biiite!”


“I lift it up and hoold it hiiigh!”


“To guard my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


The Marines had picked up the chorus this time, and he could barely hear his own voice over theirs.

“We carry on the looong campaaaign!
We steel our hearts and maaarch aloooong!
To keep the war awaay from hooome!
We raise our pikes and neeever yieeeld!
‘Til we’ve freed the yoke from all Gahlaaa!”

“I earned my strips in Riiun Paaass!”

“Blood stripes!” someone shouted in the brief gap before the rest of the company echoed back.


“At Koilay, Bruhl, and Sai’Li’Unnn!”


“In blood and fire I baattle throuuuugh!”


“To win my heart in San’Riiaaa!”


This time the Marines beat him to the chorus, and he straightened in pride as voice was drowned out by a company two hundred strong.


“I yearn to see my heaarth and hooome!”


“Family, friends, and soomeone mooore!”


“I promise one day too retuuurn!”


“To see my heart in San’Riiaaa!”



“I left my heart in San’Riiaaaaa!”


“I left my heart to heeed the caaaall!”


“I left my heart to shield her theerre!”


“I left my heart to go to waaaar!”


He held the last note to signal the end of the cadence. The Marines copied the long note, and it trailed off as they made the final turn, approaching the rest of the battalion’s formation. The First Sergeant timed that well… he thought, but felt one last call was needed. “Royal Host, Never Yield! Two-Five!”


“Company! Halt!”


“Guh, my head feels like mush,” Bradford said as they trudged into the gym. “I swear to god, if I have to go to one more strategy seminar or training planning session, my brains will all ooze out of my head and have to be mopped up off the floor…”

“Don’t worry, Jabs,” Edison said, tapping her arm. “We’ve got your favorite activity to make up for it: Picking up heavy things and putting them back down.”

“Damn straight!” she laughed.

“Raaawwwgh!” Edison said, flexing his arms in front of him. “She-Hulk STRONG!”

Laughing, she gave him a shove hard enough to send him staggering off to the side. “Stronger than you, pencil-arms.”

“Why do we keep having to sit through all these seminars, anyway?” Kimber asked. “We’re Marines. You don’t put us in classrooms. You give us a gun, and point us at whatever you need destroyed.”

“It’s to figure out how to train the next guys,” Bradford said, stepping over to a weight bench. “Got my spot?” Rinn and Edison paired up by a couple of benches by the dumbbell rack nearby while the rest of the squad dispersed through the gym.

“Sure,” Kimber said, stepping over to the weight rack. “How much to start?”

“Fifty on the bar to warm up a bit, then up from there.”

“Cool,” he said, grabbing a weight. “And what do you mean, figure out how to train the next guys?”

“The next guys,” she said, locking a weight on her side of the bar, then settling down on the bench. “The next group of Marines and Artificers, or Soldiers and Artificers, or whoever the fuck else gets sent through this program.” She took a grip on the bar as Kimber moved into position at the head of the bench, and with barely a grunt she heaved it off the rack and started doing reps.

“When did we get put into a program?” Kimber asked.

“We’re not in a… program,” Bradford grunted out between reps. “We’re… pathfinding it. The training program… that integrates artificers and the U.S. military.”

After several reps, she shoved the bar back up on the racks and stood up, wiping sweat off with a towel as she switched places with Kimber.

“You think they’re making this a program?” Kimber asked, heaving the bar off the rack and starting his own set of reps.

“Fuck yeah, they are. No putting that cat back in the bag. We’re just kind of the pilot, fumbling our way through, figuring shit out for the people that’ll come next.”

“Hadn’t really thought of that,” Kimber said, putting the bar back up on the rack after his set.

Bradford snorted as she grabbed more weight for the bar. “You’re a Marine. You don’t get paid to think. Good thing, too,” she winked at him.

“Damn straight!” he laughed, locking a matching weight on the other side of the bar and moving back to the spotter position.

Their conversation tapered mostly to insults and encouragement as they added more weight with each set.

They were just locking another set of weights on the bar when Kawalski called over. “Kimber! We need you! Gomer thinks he’s the wrestling champion!”

Kimber glanced back at Bradford, but Edison spoke up. “Go ahead, man, I’ll spot for her.”

“Ha!” Bradford snorted. “Spotter needs to be able to at least help lift the weight that’s being benched, and that ain’t happening with your pencil arms, and I could probably bench Ahyat for reps.” She glanced at him. “No offense.”

He shook his head with a dismissive ear flick. “None taken.”

“Ha, I bet you could!” Edison said.


“I can’t, man! Jabs is gonna bench Shields!”


“Jabs is gonna bench Shields!”

Bradford laughed, glancing at a bewildered Rinn.

“Man, I gotta see this,” Elder said, elbowing his way to the front of the crowd that spontaneously formed around the weight bench. It felt like half of Echo Company was there.

“Hey, how many reps you bet she can do with him?” Kawalski asked, hustling the crowd even as it formed.

Bradford looked at Rinn again as a pair of Marines lifted the bar out of the way. He was shoved towards the bench, and his ears drooped in defeat.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m not benching him.”

“But, Jabs-“ Kimber said, before she interrupted him.

“Dude. He’s, what, one ten?” She raised an eyebrow at Rinn. “One fifteen, soaking wet, with a brick in your pocket?” He shrugged his ears, flicking the end of his tail at her. “I just repped one thirty,” she said, pointing her thumb at the bar, “And upped it to one forty-five. I’ve got nothing to prove by benching Ahyat.”

“Aw, c’mon, Jabs,” Kawalski said. “It’s not about provin’ nothin’, it’s about bein’ funny!”

“I said no, Kawalski.”
Continued in comments...
submitted by Ilithi_Dragon to HFY [link] [comments]

Post WWE Raw 1/25/2021 Show Discussion Thread

Winner Match Finish Loser Stipulation
Charlotte DQ when Nia attacks Charlotte Shayna Bazler
Charlotte, Mandy Rose, and Dana Brooke Count-Out Shayna Bazler, Nia Jax, and Lacey Evans
Nia Jax, Shayna Bazler, and Lacey Evans Leg Drop Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose, and Charlotte
Xavier Woods Shining Wizard Slapjack w/ Retribution
Sheamus White Noise John Morrison w/ The Miz
Miz and Morrison Skull Crushing Finale Sheamus
AJ Styles w/ Omos Calf Crusher R-Truth
Riddle Roll-up Shelton Benjamin, MVP, and Cedric Alexander Gauntlet Match
Alexa Bliss No-Contest due to Orton Asuka (c) For the Raw Women's Championship
Rate this week's Raw
Best match on this week's Raw?
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

My [30M] adult sister [25F] is seriously becoming a burden

This is long. Sorry. I figured it was best to put in everything, in case the context mattered to the solution, especially since I played a part in why things are getting worse so me just talking to her might not work so well. I've sectioned it so it's easy to skip past details that might be irrelevant.
For some background, before we get into the current problem, feel free to skip this, it's just speculation: Ever since we were very young, my sister has been my bully. Not only is it incredibly embarrassing to be bullied by your younger sister, but the adults in your life tend not to believe you could be bullied by a cute little girl a whole head shorter than you.
As a result, when we were kids, she would start fights because she wanted something (for example, we might be sharing some candy, so she would scream that I punched her, and I would be sent to my room. More candy for her, or she might randomly hit me and then bawl when I pushed her away, making sure everyone saw that I pushed her). She'd always gotten away with this and she pushed it further and further, escalating to threatening me with knives as a teenager, and once even kicking the shit out of me. She's a large lady, so even though she has always been shorter than me, she throws that weight around a lot, and I refuse to hit back.
I can say without a doubt, she was the "favorite" child.
The end result of all this? She grew up completely spoiled. My mother [52F] is disabled and spends a lot of time in bed due to chronic pain. Growing up, I looked after her a lot (cooking/cleaning/etc.), but she didn't have much company and I think my sister became that company. To the point where she didn't even need to go to school if she didn't want to, she'd just stay home with mum and be that company. Even after my mum married again, my sister was still being spoiled because he wasn't home much due to work. My sister has never been made to do something she didn't want to in her entire life.
I strongly suspect this is why she's acting this way.
Fast forward to today:
I've been living out of the house since I was 19, but she's still there. She's nothing but a burden on my mother. She doesn't cook, she doesn't clean, she doesn't pay rent or bills, and she barely works. She has a job but she calls in sick and schedules days off near constantly, and basically ends up working about one day a week.
She has a boyfriend [25M] who is the exact same (right down to skipping work), and his mother doesn't like my sister, so he's practically living there, and they're both constantly leeching off my mother, who is only on a disability pension and can barely afford to provide for herself, let alone for them. She called me in tears yesterday because there was no food in the house, and she only had ten dollars in her purse and my sister had taken it to buy dinner from McDonalds for herself and her boyfriend.
My mum will be hobbling around cleaning their mess around them while they just sit there watching her. My mum likes a clean house but with my sister and her boyfriend there, it always looks as though a bomb has hit it. If mum even tries to ask either of them to clean, my sister carries on and throws a tantrum about how she "had to do everything as a child" and "had no childhood thanks to your disability" which is entirely untrue and incredibly hurtful to mum. My sister never did anything to help as a kid.
My elderly grandfather [82M] comes around to help my mother because I live 3 hours away and my sister, though living there, does absolutely nothing to help. He tried asking her one day to help him move some furniture so he could vacuum (his back is really bad) and she just scowled and silently went to her room.
She resents me. I'm currently re-training to be a nurse and I'm holding down a decent accountancy job. Once I heard her screaming (not yelling/arguing, actually screaming) at my mum because "You're spending a lot of time with him lately." (I visited for a week and I'd treated mum to lunch that day). Any attempts to get her to look for a better job or try higher education is met with "Oh I bet you wish I was perfect like S****(me). He was always the favorite!" or "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH!!!!"
The boyfriend is a frustration too, and at the center of the latest drama that my sister is generating.
Because I stupidly asked that he didn't come to the family Christmas.
The Christmas/Boxing Day Drama:
They'd been causing multiple public blowups because he'd cheated on her, and they always devolved into embarrassing screaming matches, I didn't want that to happen in front of our elderly grandparents on a day that's traditionally supposed to be a quiet lunch to relax after the stress of Christmas.
That was probably a bad-guy move on my part, but we always hold two Christmases, the first "everyone can come" Christmas where we do a big lunch, and all the extended family and boyfriends and girlfriends are there, and a second on the day after Christmas, where it's traditionally always been myself, my sister, my mum, and my grandparents only, we don't dress up, we don't put up decorations, we just relax.
He was absolutely invited to the first Christmas but I'd asked that we keep this family Christmas as a family Christmas. I was the one paying for all the food and organizing it, and I didn't want drama, nor did I want to shell out money to feed a lay-about who has been such a burden on my mother. If I'd been able to ask my sister not to come, believe me, I would have.
My sister agreed, and said "I know. It's a family thing, it's always just us." in a tone that implied I was stupid for even thinking he'd come in the first place, but then come Christmas evening, the boyfriend came over and then... wasn't leaving. At around 1am, I asked her when he was going home and she replied "He's not. He's coming tomorrow."
To which I replied "No he's not. We already agreed to this. I didn't make enough food for an extra person"
Cue screaming, slamming doors, "I'm leaving! YOU ALL HATE ME! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!", driving off, coming back when they realized they didn't have anywhere else to go.
You know. The usual. The type of thing you'd expect from a 15 year old throwing a tantrum, except coming out of a woman old enough to have a career. Her childlike boyfriend was sitting playing his switch with the sound on loud the whole time, completely unbothered.
She didn't come to the family Christmas. It was just my grandparents, my mother, and me. It was the first time I'd seen mum smile in a long time.
Mum and my sister live in a small town, and in the next few days, my sister proceeded to spread lies about me, my grandparents, and my mother to anyone who would listen. She works in a supermarket and she was gossiping over the counter to old ladies that play lawn bowls with my gran. She even brought our step-dad who passed away a few years ago into it, saying "He probably cheated on mum and she still stayed with him, so she's being a hypocrite about me and my boyfriend". This, by the way, is entirely untrue and not something he would ever do. She told people my mother was kicking her out. She told people we said we hated them (the people she was telling). She told people my grandfather spat at her boyfriend. Literally none of it was true and it's damaged my grandparent's and mother's social lives.
Now she screams in my mother's face every other day, and I'm honestly worried about my mum's safety.
The Current Situation:
Mum says she doesn't know when a day is going to be fine or not, because sometimes my sister will pretend everything is normal and sometimes she'll just snap at everything.
She is even worse about making mess and if anyone says anything, she just starts going on and on about Christmas and how she knows we all hate her. She leaves make-up all over the counter. She flooded the bathroom and left the towels to sop up the water on the floor for days where my mum could trip on it. She leaves grease all over the stove when she does cook (rare) and leaves McDonalds wrappers all around the house when she doesn't (extremely common).
I'm at the end of my tether, I've been having groceries sent to my mum's house because they're draining her of money but I know if I give my mum money, they'll get their hands on it, so I pay to have milk and vegetables and stuff like that delivered to the house.
I'm not particularly wealthy but I don't want to see my mum starve, and I feel responsible for this latest blow up because of what happened to Christmas.
I just want her gone but mum is reticent to kick her out because she thinks she'll feel like a bad mother. I think I might be able to convince her to kick them out though, she keeps talking about how lovely it will be when she has the house to herself (then immediately feels bad about thinking that way).
How do you even deal with a loud, trashy, violent adult who has a major case of failure to launch?
Does anyone have any ideas for how we can safely get her out of the house? Or even just... convince her to clean up after herself? Anything at all that could alleviate the situation? She's a monster.
I'll seriously try anything. Has anyone else had any luck getting through to someone like this? We just need relief. My mum doesn't feel comfortable in her own home and I'm stressing because I live so far away that I can't help my mum out.
I would travel down to fix this though, I have a few days in my PTO. We live in Australia, so if there's any legal aid we can access to safely remove her from the house, or some kind of program we could refer her to that anyone knows about, I'd appreciate that.
Or if we could talk to her? Does anyone know any ways to start a conversation with someone like this in a way that keeps it constructive?
tl;dr: My [30M] sister [25F] is leeching off my disabled mum [52F]. My sister has a history of being violent, though only with me. She and her boyfriend [25M] have been trashing mum's house and spending all her money. She's also been screaming at my mother and ignoring anyone who asks her to help in any way.
How do I get her to shape up or ship out? Is there any way to kick her out cleanly, or does anyone know how to get through to someone like this in a way that changes their behavior for the better?
submitted by MaccaTA to relationships [link] [comments]

Hi Everyone, I'm the Community Manager for Lucid Games and Destruction AllStars!

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to you all! What a fabulous subreddit you've all created here!
I'm the community manager for Lucid Games working on Destruction AllStars. It's been one hell of a rollercoaster these past few days, but we've been absolutely amazed by all the wrecks, takeovers and catastrophe you've all been causing in the arena!
On behalf of the team at Lucid, I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who's played the game so far, or joined in the discussions on this subreddit or elsewhere online! The team is loving what they're seeing in the community, the love, support and questions about where the game is heading. A big thank you as well for all the feedback you've been providing us, we'll be doing our best to respond as and when we see it!
To get a head start and answer some of those questions:
That's just a snapshot of what we've been seeing, there's plenty more feedback that we're working through in the (virtual) office.
Again, I'd just like to say a massive thank you to all of you! Keep the feedback coming and keep the highlight reels rolling!
See you in the arena!
submitted by Lucid_Ruley to DestructionAS [link] [comments]

$GME Thesis: We have near no effect on Gamestop's price, what's really happening and big brain shit inside -- oh and rockets

Disclaimer: This is all satire, my thoughts, from my brain. If you take investment advice from someone on the internet you should rethink shit a bit
I wrote a comment today (pasted below the rocket ship horizontal rule) -- but people said I should make a post out of it. I don't give a fuck what you think about it, do with it what you will.
TLDR: GME🚀 bears r fuk
🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎✋💎 🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎✋💎
The questions you should be asking...
People have left out all the fund traded shares that are owned (likely locked into place unless it moons and they have to rebalance). You're leaving out all the synthetic shares floating out around because of the shorts, and the facts the institutions or their allies are front running those shorts likely. Citron has also ignited a fight with some funds that have a bone to pick.
You're leaving out that the shorts also ARE NOT GETTING DELIVERED. Just because a broker has the shares on their books to short does NOT mean those shares are delivered.
How do I know?
GameStop's been on it far too long.
But brokers don't give a fuck, because SEC doesn't give enough of a fuck to do anything about it. They also don't give a FUCK about you. They only give a fuck with someone that matters enough does something wrong enough that someone else who matters enough gets hurt. Why did Elon get charged? There were a few institutions betting against it, remember?

Questions for you
Have you checked institutional inflow estimates? Have you checked L2 aggregated orders? Have you peeked at the bulk order flows?
Do you actually have any idea how fucked the shorts are? Because if you did, you'd second mortgage your fucking house and put it on the line (do NOT do this you fucking idiot, it's a figure of speech).

General thesis as of today:

🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎✋💎 🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎✋💎

On how the volume is behaving and what is going on likely:
As far as institutional inflows those and bulk order flows sometimes go together. Also, some dark pools aggregate their orders so what looks like a bunch of 1000, 500, 250, 50, 90, 110 share lots when people are selling are actually a single lot of 2000 etc.
These dark pools are used as back channels for some private funds that have broker access to the street, and help to disguise institutional movements mostly for hedge funds and speculative funds.
By looking at inflow estimate reports (you have to be in the industry to get access to most of this, it comes from extremely expensive research firms that brokers pay, or they have a team in house doing it) along with bulk orders, and trying to match those to the T&S tape ticker, you can start to see perhaps who is moving what.
If someone transacts let's say, 1M shares, and you can attribute it to a single individual somehow (if the pool didn't aggregate their order into another order to mix it into the execution cycle which normally they do to try and hide it) you can get an idea of what the true tradeable float is (if you don't get why, it's because you don't buy a million shares of something to day trade it, those are sitting at home for awhile, a long while).
Those institutions buying those shares will let the price fall, then throw 50-100k of their shares through. You don't just execute a buy or sell of 1M shares @ $40, it's a thousand here, thousand there and the algo tries to get you the best price possible. Often you'll see dips, massive buy spikes, then buy/sell walls go up at price points where their average is to try and build a retail base also. Considering originally there was a low percentage of outstanding shares traded per day, building that base will take time because institutional ownership is so huge. Once that is built, they just have to counter act any shorts, and see even 50 basis point increase in volume could set this entire thing off.
Those short attacks will stop once the shorts get out of their position but the base will remain and the hunger for the shares will remain. If the short float falls a bit, it actually will help us believe it or not, because the people that are going to get fucked here aren't the institutional traders - it's the big retail whales and 9 figure individuals betting against this. The big firms are already hedged, I promise you.
With the short volume being met by institutional buying volume, I estimate the actual float to be much, much, much smaller than the numbers we're seeing. Institutional ownership is over 100% -- this is ONLY possible by buying synthetic shares that are shorted.
All of this combined shows me that we have firms going at each other. A couple retail whales come in and upset that balance of power, and we're going to see this thing rip upwards. What you're likely seeing is firms day trading calls on swings (yes, calls, not puts) and forcing those swings to help them profit some, then cover some of their shares and slowly reduce the delta of their positions. They're not trading puts because that just exaggerates their delta, they trade the calls in case the thing fucking flies to the moon, their losses are capped as it sits now, and they're likely trading portions of their share position. 10% at a time, and if they have enough capital, they can drag this fight out for a long fucking time. There's no benefit for them to unwind all at once, it could set this thing into the stratosphere. It's potentially possible many of them have various dated $20 calls to help cover their short (and by possible, I mean likely, because the algos probably hedged as soon as it saw the price/volume explode when it moved off the $20 mark and identified the possible buttfucking their short position was about to give them) and they're just slamming volume around trying to create volatility because that's the best for the people writing the options (them and their friends). For all we know, some of these shorts are completely hedged just building it up to profit off the squeeze. If the shares rip up once they get out of the position, they don't care, because they'll hold to expiration for hedge, exercise, take the gains, and tank the stock again and short it on the way down while hedging the upside again. If the stock goes down, they can dump the calls and just let their short ride back down a ways. The calls are their cap -- similar to people buying a debit spread instead of long calls.
But with Melvin's puts likely expired and not re-upped in any identifiable way, that means we know one guy is really under the heat and already way fucking down on his position, which causes desperation. Humans can only take so much. Match that up with Citron's extreme fucking failures over the course of the last two years, we got a couple guys with reputations and millions on the line.


GME🚀 bears r fuk

I have no idea when. Whenever the institutions are happy with their positions, probably.
Days to cover means shit, for every person that covers, at this point, someone else is going to take their spot because enough firms think that it's going down and they would love that because they want a better entry on the long term. Believe it or not, regardless of Credit Suisse's way off price target, there's numerous VC firms and big whales looking at this right now wondering if WSB got something right, and if they understand the industry better. Most these guys don't understand gaming, it's a new, growing industry.
The catch is that someone has to be the first one to jump, like cliff diving into water you don't know the depth of. If one firm jumps, others may join. But if they jump and are wrong, they're tied into that investment and can't be non-directional if they're making an investment based play since that would be bad to suppress price for the company they're invested in and a violation of fiduciary responsibility.
This is part of the reason that long term, we could benefit from a pullback. Let some of the assholes off the hook so the real price can be determined by the market.
I used to post DD and stock picks on here under another name. I may start again soon, I stopped for personal reasons and deleted that account, that was almost 2 years ago.

Learn the market first, learn how to trade without any of the finance knowledge. This knowledge really doesn't help me trade all that much, it helps me understand why I win or lose, but knowing how to pick entries/exits and how to control my emotions is the best thing I've learned although I'm unhinged on Melvin and Citron
How I Made $2M In The Stock Market by Nicholas Darvas, then review Bill O Neill's shit with a grain of salt, don't follow CANSLIM to the T, but some of the ideas are sound like how to identify growth companies.
After that, mess around trading shares and just make a goal to profit. If you're down, analyze the position and thesis and decide if you will get a profitable spot later, if so, learn discipline and hold. If not, cut it loose and start another trade.
Do it about 50,000 times over 10,000 hours and you'll get good at it.

In Conclusion: If you're in the industry, you have access to shit others don't (not implying I am, or how I know these things). You should be able to watch a price/volume chart during the day and instantly identify institutional activity.
Fuck Melvin and Fuck Andrew Left and Shitron. It's one thing to be in a firm and short a stock for fundamental reasons. It's a whole other thing to let your ego get in the way after you drove the price down to $3 and go for the jugular just to make yourself feel better. The guy deserves the fucking $200-$300M loss he's about to eat at the current price, probably more considering the options he had expired and he's likely got some other hedges in place that won't work out for him.
This isn't to flex knowledge, it's to tell people you should be careful just spreading info around this board and getting people on board with a thesis. We're all mostly right on the idea that there's a squeeze coming, but it isn't for the reasons that we're saying.
The mania around here now has the public viewing us as some goddamn conglomerate pump and dump scheme. That shit has to stop. We're just dudes with small accounts compared to the real big fish, and we believe in $GME.

SECOND DISCLAIMER: This is all just my fucking opinion. Do what you will. I'm 🚀💎✋💎 gang though because long term, I believe the thing has serious potential to get the right valuations it deserves and 10x.
submitted by DancingNugs to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Matched Betting Extra Place Horse Racing - January 21 Profits - £4,707 on top of Full Time Job

Hi all,
I thought I would share my profits for Matched Betting Extra Place Horse Racing for Jan 21. January 2021 has turned into my best month of Matched Betting since I started way back in Summer 2018. This months profits are roughly £4,707. A life changing figure for many and a great figure seeing this is achievable on top of a full time job. Matched Betting is the only decent side hustle I have actually found, compared to doing hundreds of boring online surveys...yuck! (Unless you are a good business person / have 5 lodgers / lots of family money etc.) To see some of my other Matched Betting profits you visit my site:
I will be investing some of my profits this month in ETF/Shares and putting into house improvements like a new drive way. In addition with Cheltenham horse festival coming up in March, I will be increasing my bank to cover liabilities.
The bulk of my profits came from Extra Place racing, large underlayed winners and BOG (best offer garuntee). Variance was certainly on my side this month and I must have had at least 10 large winners which won upwards of £1600 pounds per bet. As I underlay my bets I made more profit than If I had fully layed of the bets. About 5% of these profits came from low risk casino. After you have completed all welcome Matched Betting. Ep's become a gold mine...and I truly recommend them to anyone.
Some more of my bets this month illustrating underlayed bets and ep:

Images of one of my bets illustrative of Best offer guarantee:
For those who are starting out on their Match Betting journey in 2021 these sort of figures are achievable to you once you have experience….unfortunately this will not come overnight! I do put a lot of time into it..between 2-5 hours a day, 7 days a week sometimes. For the average person you could earn at least £500 a month.
To learn more about Match Betting please visit my article Boost Your Income with Matched Betting. Alternatively you can start an Odds Monkey free trial where they will teach you step by step and give you the calculators you need: odds monkey trial or (non affiliate)
To those with a little more experience who want to learn about Matched Betting Extra Places you can visit my guide here Extra Place Match Betting tips here or I have copied and pasted it all below.
For those with Matched Betting Experience - my guide and tips to Extra Places:
What is Extra Place Matched Betting?
Extra Places can be a very lucrative technique to learn. Extra Places are available for us to do pretty much every day, increasing the appeal. Extra Place Offers are available to all customers. This means that even if you get gubbed with a bookmaker, in most cases, you can still make money with them by Matched Betting on their Extra Place Offers.
Extra Places are considered an advanced reload offer, as they not risk-free. However once you have gained some experience on more basic horse racing offers, you can start to take advantage of the lucrative profits available. It may sound complicated but as soon as it ‘clicks’, it becomes simple. Essentially we are taking advantage of the bookies and exchanges paying out if the horse you have backed comes a certain ‘place’ in a race e.g. 4th.
Extra Places combined with additional offers such as BOG (Best Offer Guarantee) can mean additional profits. For example, you back a horse at odds of 15 and then the starting odds move up to 23. If that horse wins you win an extra x8 on your bet. You can see some real life scenarios I found of Extra Place combined with BOG below. Depending on the size of the underlay, profits below would range up to £3,000+

What is a ‘place’ in horse racing?

Quite simply a ‘place’ is the position the horse finishes a race in. For example if a horse wins a race it comes 1st, if a horse comes 2nd its 2nd. In some races with a large number of horses some bookies will pay out if a horse finishes the race in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th position. Horse Racing festivals such as Cheltenham or Ascot are particularly well known for this.

What is an ‘Extra Place’ in horse racing?

Now we’ve understood what a place is in horse racing you may have probably already guessed what an ‘extra place’ is going to be! An ‘extra place’ is where the bookies add one (or more) additional places to their standard place classification on a particular race. For example they may offer to ‘pay 7 places on a race’ instead of the standard 3 places. The ‘extra place’ in this instance cover 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
What are my Extra Place top tips?
  1. Some of my biggest profits have come from big underlayed winners and BOG. I typically underlay most of my bets by about 20% sometimes more. If you are starting out I would underlay on the place only by about 10% to play it safe until you learn more.
  2. Don’t bet on more places than a bookmaker is offering. E.g. If the bookmaker is offering 4 places don’t bet on more than that.
  3. Whilst your learning, take horses on implied odds of at least 12 or more on a match of 80%+.
  4. Look to keep qualifying losses down. E.g. for £100 profit, £5 ql.
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[AMA] All the questions and answers from Darian's AMA on January 26th, 2021

Firstly, just want to start off by saying a big thank you to everyone who submitted great questions, but most of all, the hugest thank you in the world to u/Darian_CoC (100% the best community manager ever) for sitting down and grinding through hundreds of your questions over about 3 hours.
Due to the sheer amount of questions, putting them all here exceeds reddit's character limit, so I have put the full compilation of questions in this document here. You'll probably find a few more of the fun, personal or quirky questions are in the document, with more Clash related stuff on this post.
A load of interesting stuff was discussed, including future updates and plans for Clash in the coming year, so lots of great stuff to have a read through! We have compiled all the questions and answers into this post here for your enjoyment, and we hope you come out of this post knowing a lot more than you did previously! So without further ado, here we go:
  1. Is there plans to bring in a new recruitment system or is sc still trying to better it?
  2. Any plans to reduce cost/upgrade time? For me at least 2-3 weeks for upgrades is getting slightly excessive and going further than that. I can’t imagine many players will be very excited to grind it out. Especially casual players.
  3. Currently, Do you think the game is balanced ? I’ve heard quite a lot of complaints saying th13 is too easy.
  4. Any plans to add family clans features ? Like a way to add other clans to chat, white list/ black list players etc.
  5. Has a complete remake/ sequel to clash of clans ever been considered?
  6. Is sc more focused on bringing more tasks, events and in general things to do during the game or are they more focused on bringing new content like troops ,spells ,defences etc?
  7. Are you able to provide any details on what the priorities are/what is being worked on for 2021
  8. How is the cost/ sell price of magic items determined?
  9. Is there a reason as to why all the hammers cost 120 medals ,but the hero hammer is 165 and the opposite happens for books? All the books are 925 gems, but the hero book is set at 500 gems.
  1. Regarding the Recruitment Tool, I'll have to repeat something I said a while back .First, the tool isn't developed by the Clash team. I don't say that to try and wipe our hands of any obligation to it, but it genuinely is something the Clash team has little control over. However, with that said, regardless of who the tool is made by we have tried communicating with the community about its features, and even its shortcomings. But because of the nature of social media, online posts, etc. much of that gets lost hours after it's been posted. One of the things we've repeatedly stated is that the Recruitment Tool suffers not from a lack of functionality but from a lack of transparency. The Recruitment Tool actually does a lot of the things behind the scenes that players feel there is a lack of control over. And because they don't see how those work, it can feel like it doesn't work like they expect it to. I'm not saying it's perfect - far from it. We know it could use some improvement, but the biggest area it could be improved on is helping people understand exactly how it works so people are a bit more confident in the searches it pulls up, or at least understand why it gets those results.
  2. As we add more content higher up (TH14, TH15, and beyond) we keep a very close watch on how long it takes for players to start from scratch and climb to max. We try to keep the ranges relatively similar so I would say it's a fair bet we'll adjust the upgrade times and costs in the future. In fact, that is a regular facet of the game that can be expected every so often. I can't say if it'll be once a year, or once every new TH level, but refactoring and rebalancing the costs and time are a regular part of that strategy.
  3. The game will never be 100% perfectly balanced. It's just impossible. There are simply too many moving parts, too much randomness, and too many variables to consider. We try to balance the game the best we can, based on player data as well as feedback from the community. But adding more content will always shift the balance in one direction or another. Sometimes it may skew towards offense, and sometimes more towards defence. When we see the game shifting like that, we start looking at how we can balance the game to bring it back more towards the centre. With that said, we try to balance the game more towards being offense-friendly. Now, before you get out your pitchforks and protest we're making it too easy, what I mean by this is that we try to make the game as rewarding as possible while still keeping it challenging. If defence was always OP, then the win rates would plummet. If you're unable to win, this is incredibly frustrating as a player and would cause players to leave the game. That's not a good thing. Like any other asymmetrical multiplayer game, you almost always tend to win more often than you lose. We try to maintain a degree of balance slightly leaning towards offense.
  4. A Clan Alliance/Family feature has been on our wish list for quite a few years. We simply haven't sat down to truly discuss what we want that feature to be. When we work on a new update, we have to prioritize what new features we're implementing and any additional content must thematically feel appropriate or can be fit in resource-wise (meaning time). Creating a Clan alliance feature should be more than just being able to cross chat and donate troops. That alone isn't worth reprogramming the multiplayer functionality of the game. An alliance system has to be meaningful in order to be something the players enjoy. But what that is, we still have yet to decide.
  5. No. Why create a sequel when we can just keep adding new content to the current game without creating a brand new one? What would the goal of a sequel be? As long as Clash of Clans is live, creating a sequel would cannibalize players from one game to the other. That is not a viable way of game development. Additionally, let's say you've been playing Clash for 8 years now. Now let's say we release Clash of Clans 2. If all this game is is just a prettier version of Clash, you'll be less likely to invest the same amount of time as you did the first one. So you quit Clash 2 but the likelihood of you going back to Clash 1 will be reduced. Also, let's say not all of your friends are willing to play the new one. So now that your friends aren't playing, you're more likely to quit because of split loyalties between the games.The best thing we can do is keep improving Clash so you're not forced to choose between which ones you want to play,
  6. I'd say it's all of the above, depending on the needs of the game. Content will always be the primary driver for Clash of Clans. It's where we see spikes in players returning, players being more active, etc. But in between content releases, it's good to give players more activities to do.
  7. Lots and lots of new content for 2021. Lots. And it is badass.
  8. I had an answer for this and I cannot for the life of me remember what it is. Unfortunately our Live Ops guy has left for the evening so I can't cross check with him. I'll try to ask him tomorrow and I'll post a reply here.
  9. One big reason with the cost discrepancy is due to the resources you spend to upgrade those units. The cost to upgrade a Hero uses Dark Elixir which is a much more premium resource to farm/earn compared to Gold or Elixir. It's far easier to earn Gold and Elixir for upgrading Buildings/Troops. So the cost for the Book of Heroes is to help offset that. Whereas, because it's easier to earn Gold & Elixir, the other Books are more expensive. With the Hammers, the Hammer of Heroes is more expensive because you don't need to farm the DE for it.
Answer: The Elixir Monster was a troop concept we prototyped during the development of TH12. The Elixir Monster was a troop that gained strength and size as it destroyed things. Similar to the Lumberjack, it would drop a Rage Spell after it was killed. In the end, the mechanic was really cool but way too complex for the average player. Additionally, because the unit required to make the kill attack in order to earn it's level up, with so many other troops attacking it actually rarely made a kill so it didn't morph? Mutate? Evolve? as fast as we thought it would. So it's a troop we might save for a rainy day and tweak it a bit to see if we can get it to balance correctly.
  1. Is the maximum Experience level, which currently is level 500, gonna be increased any time soon?
  2. If there'll be more than 100 buildings after TH14 update, how will % be calculated? What about bases that have the 6th builder compared to the bases that don't?
  1. We might address it in the future, but I wouldn't expect any changes to it in the next couple updates. Apart from vanity purposes it doesn't really do much else so it's not a major priority for us.
  2. We won't hit the 100 building limit just yet so we still have some wiggle room left to go before we start needing to worry about it. But it is something we are worried about for when we finally do hit that limit. We haven't found a solution to how we want to address it, but it is something that comes up every time we start working on new content.
  1. What is the status of World’s 2021? The entire competitive community has been eagerly waiting for news about this. We need time to plan and prepare, and if it’s not happening we deserve to know.
  2. Are there any plans to include any in game e-sports tournaments other than ESL?
  1. We are still working on the Worlds stuff and we're inching closer to announcing the 2021 season. We've made a few changes so we're still putting the final polish on those details. But we will announce the 2021 Worlds when we're ready.
  2. There are tons of community-run events around the globe. We simply can't add them all in-game.
Answer: The challenge with this is that replays are not stored as videos. So you're not actually watching an actual "replay" of the match. The game stores your screen taps that you performed when you played your game. So when you watch a replay, you are actually watching a live version of the game where the AI is simply reproducing the same screen taps. Because the pathing algorithm and AI functions the exact same way, the system can recreate the same conclusion of the game every time.
So because you're watching the AI play the game using your screen taps, it can only go forward.
Answer: This is actually a topic of discussion we're looking at; how to make the lower TH's more engaging and less grindy to make the progression to higher levels more enticing. So we totally understand where you're coming from. It's something we hope we can address in an update this year.
Answer: Every so often, a game will become a cultural icon of the platform it's released on. For consoles that would be the Mario franchise. For MMORPG's, that would be World of Warcraft. For mobile, that's Clash of Clans. What I mean by cultural icon, is that it's a game that has lasted far longer than most others due to the sheer number of people that play it and the popular success it has had because of it.
Clash has been out for almost 9 years now. On any game platform that is almost unheard of apart from those other games that are cultural icons themselves.
I'm not sure what you mean by "good representation". But I will say this: The Clash community is possibly one of the best gaming communities. Period. It's one of the least toxic, most supportive, and fun communities I've ever had the privilege of working with.
  1. Would it be possible to have custom CC's for friendly challenges implemented into the game? To further explain what I mean, lets say I have my normal raid army set up with the cc troops I would usually take. However I want to practice new armies in friendly challenges but every time I do that, I have to dump old troops and request for new troops but those in my clan who have the troops I need for my friendly challenge army aren't always online. So a feature where I could customize my own cc troops for a friendly army is what I'm getting at.
  1. The Friendly Challenge is an interesting facet of the game that was introduced much later in the game's development history. So the functionality of it is wholly based on how the rest of the game functions with regards to troop donations, troop deployment, etc. Creating a unique set of functions for this feature is something the team sees as a priority at the moment. However, that priority could change when we start to look at what QoL changes we want to implement in future updates. Many of the changes implemented into the FC/FW features were based on QoL requests from the community so I wouldn't say it's a ruled out idea. Just not something on the production schedule at the moment.
Answer: It's rather interesting that whenever we released new BH content, there was general disdain that we were allocating development resources to it. But now there is a lot of clamouring for when the next BH level will be. :-) We don't have any solid plans for BH10 yet, but we have discussed it on occasion. We're reluctant to simply just do a new level as we're still trying to decide where we want to take the Builder Base feature. We don't want to keep adding features that are already available to the Main Village; otherwise why not just keep developing the Main Village?
Answer: I am not a programmer so I would hate to misrepresent something I know little about. You'll have to forgive my lack of correct vocabulary. There has been some API discussion recently to make certain data more accessible, though what those data are I can't say simply because I didn't understand how that process works. But I can say there has been some movement in the API discussion on the team.
  1. Has an increase to the 30s scout time in legend league been considered along with viewable building radiuses? This was brought up partly last year in one of the TH hour videos where Eino admitted that as new TH levels were released the allotted 30s planning time becomes more & more restrictive the more there is to consider when planning an attack. IMO increasing the time to 45s / 1min in legend league would combat this whilst also separating it from lower leagues.
  2. Are there any plans to restructure the Legend League system i.e rewards / ladder / ranks? The gems rewarded to the top 20 players in the top 3 clans is long outdated & legend trophies don’t have much use besides a visual standpoint. The day to day ladder system could also be taken further - something akin to a weekly system for example whereby your standings at the end of the week determine your placement for the next whilst still maintaining a monthly season would be less stale & more meaningful imo. Additionally ranks / badges could also be included within legend league to further develop the ranking system & possibly tie in to a rewards system somehow.
  3. How does the Eagle Artilleries target prioritisation work? According to the wiki: The Eagle Artillery targets according to a "heat map" or "hitpoint map". In other words, it targets the area with the largest density of hitpoints. However this doesn’t seem to apply most noticeably during a queen charge / walk. 5 healers for example have a greater combined HP than a maxed queen yet 9/10 the eagle will target the queen so I suspect there’s more going on here. Whilst targeting the queen over your healers is far more favourable for the attacker it can be incredibly frustrating when the opposite occurs. As far as I can tell the logic currently appears to operate under RNG although I hope & suspect I’m wrong. Perhaps someone from the dev team could elaborate on this?
  1. While it had been discussed, at this time the team feels there's no need for it.
  2. While the LL system could certainly use some new polishing and some shiny chrome, there hasn't been anything internally proposed that has made us say, "YES! That's what it needs!"
  3. There is no RNG in how the AI targets units or paths towards a target. Every target is calculated based on the rules programmed into the algorithm. For the Eagle Artillery, yes population density does factor in. In your particular example, it could be that the Archer Queen had taken damage, where the collection of Healers now collectively had more HP resulting in a more desirable target before the AQ was fully healed again. I would need to see a specific replay of any instance before making a definitive call on what you're seeing.
  1. In an interview with galadon around 11 months ago you said “ Part of it is as we see a lot of activity of a lot of players returning a lot of them are coming back to their old clans” In response to why sc hasn’t added a clan name change. Has this changed, Is there a still a high amount of players returning? If not is sc planning or at least considering adding it?
  2. In the same interview with galadon he pitched you an separate section in the shop were you buy obstacles with legend league trophies. At the end of your answer you said” but, I think it’s an idea that does have some merit and all I can do is to present it to the team” did you present to the team and is there possibility we could see this any time soon?
  3. As my final question I’d like to as you if you could explain the choice of sc censoring the whole clans chat when a kids account join?
  1. Clan name changes are still a ruled out idea for now, for the same reason. Additionally, changing your player name is one thing. That's personal to you. Changing a Clan name is something that affects the entire Clan. While sure, many Clans would be ok with the name change but what happens when members don't like the name that it's changed to? If that original Clan name had sentimental value, and someone changes it, that would feel really crappy for those who liked the original Clan name. So rather than try to come up with rules and edge cases for it, and introduce possibly more unnecessary complexity, it's simpler to prohibit for now.
  2. Nothing has come out of that discussion apart from the idea being presented.
  3. The rules for this only applies to new underage accounts created in the US. The reason for this is for compliance with new online regulations that are required for certain kinds of games. We have no control over those regulations.
  1. Does the barrel shaped building where you boost super troops have a name? If not, then what did the dev team call it?
  2. Do you guys plan on adding more achievements?
  3. Will there be more single player campaign levels as part of the next update or th14?
  4. There has been an insane amount of rumours and ideas as to water based troops or gameplay. Is the dev team even considering something among those lines?
  1. It's called the Super Sauna. The image of the modern sauna is a Finnish invention, and since we're based out of Finland, it seemed like a nice cultural touch to the game.
  2. Yes!
  3. We really liked the Winter Challenge map and plan on doing more things like that in the future. However, we'd like players to remember that Clash is a multiplayer game and designed around that idea. Adding more single player content, while fun, minimizes that multiplayer aspect so it's not a primary focus of ours.
  4. Water based troops? First time I've heard this rumour. Considering the map is based on land, a water troop would be a bit like...a fish out of water? In other words, I wouldn't listen to rumours.
Answer: We have a super cool feature we're steadily working on. We're not ready to share what that is just yet, but we're hoping we can reveal and release it this year.
Answer: This sounds like a good idea, but moderating all the entries that would come in would require it to be a full time job in itself. Checking to make sure the map isn't broken, or doesn't have inappropriate content, or doesn't cause any problems. It's not a matter of just pulling it up on the screen and say "ok there are no middle fingers hidden in the images so it's good to go." It would require playtesting, feedback, etc.
  1. Would you consider going to a 24-month instead of a proposed 18-month cycle of new TH levels to sync with World Championships better?
  2. Could we get a double deployment bar on phones?
  1. 24 months of no new TH content is simply too long. We're really happy with the pace we've been releasing new TH levels. One of the things we have to look at when spacing out the content is how long before maxed players start to get bored and stop playing. New content is always the biggest driver of player activity, and the longer you draw out not having new content results in players becoming more likely to leave the game. The World Championship is an exciting and cool facet of Clash, but it's not the main one and only a very small number of players will ever compete in the Championships. That small percentage of players cannot dictate the pace of content progress.
  2. We tried looking at this but the UI became so small that it was super inconvenient to use, even with a stylus.
Answer: Coming up with new and unique content will always be the challenge as we create new features. It came up when we were working on TH13, and is in discussion as we work towards TH14. And it will likely come up again as we work on TH15 and beyond. Making sure something is cool and unique is always a fun challenge, but we shouldn't make something JUST because it's unique. It has to also be fun and exciting.
  1. Will we ever have a troop, or Super Troop, with the capability of switching from Ground to Air? (I think Ice Golem/ Ice Hound could've utilized this feature.)
  2. Without the ability to add new buildings due to percent damages, could you have a "Gear Up" feature at TH14 which would combine all Builder Huts and /or Barracks to 1 main building, which must be upgraded FIRST before being able to purchase new TH14 Defences?. (Multiple problems solved)
  1. This is something that has been considered, like making a "Fallen Angel" Healer who is a ground troop but heals air units. This is just an idea and not something being worked on, before everyone starts saying it's confirmed. Changing a unit from air to ground or vice versa is actually pretty complicated because the pathing for ground units is different than air units as is the logic algorithm. So it's not just a matter of allowing it to swap places. But I wouldn't be surprised if we introduce a Super Troop that does do this.
  2. We've contemplated the building fusion idea in the past and we're not convinced that is a good solution.
Answer: We had considered this idea and while it's cool, it doesn't offer quite the flexibility and variability players are looking for in a feature like this. We would want a feature like this to feel like players are able to customize their experiences. A second ability doesn't really do that as players would just choose a favourite one, then set and forget. We think there is a better way to offer that kind of customization. Additionally, balancing new abilities would be super challenging compared to new troops or new spells.
  1. Any plans on player made maps as single player map?
  2. Any plans on mega base type mode?
  3. What are big features which aside from new troops, buildings, townhall levels?
  4. What are your plans on bringing more social features to the game?
  1. Player made maps are never a good idea, though they sound neat on paper. We'd need some kind of moderation process to remove inappropriate submissions, and given there'd be thousands upon thousands of entries, it would require full time moderation.
  2. We see this request a lot. Again, on paper it sounds really cool. But what would the overall goal be? What would the benefits be to the Clan? There are a ton of logistics you'd have to look at. Like who would be the caretaker of such a mega base? The leader? What if the leader left or stopped playing? Co-leaders? What if they disagree with how the mega base should be laid out? Would Elders and Members have access to editing the mega base?
  3. We've got something pretty big planned this year (fingers crossed we can finish it in time). We'll announce it when it's ready. And it's a doozy.
  4. It entirely depends on what social features players want (features that aren't Global Chat or similar function).
u/sportsguy3: Could you give us some examples of new charactetroops/heroes/ideas that were very close to making it into the game but eventually didn't make the cut?
Answer: When we work on new TH content, we try to prototype new troop ideas. When we were working on TH12, we had several troops we had tested out before we finally settled on the Yeti. One of the troop ideas was a Goblin Glider. It was basically Goblins that flew in on little gliders and dropped down to attack resource storages and collectors. If I remember correctly, the Goblin Glider eventually inspired the Builder Base Hog Glider unit since we liked the glider function. But the Goblin Glider felt a bit TOO spammy.
  1. Do you guys have plans regarding banning accounts? I see so many times players are perma banned for “account sharing” or “account stealing” when nothing like that ever happened. Even someone in my clan was perma banned, and I see posts on Reddit all the time about this. Do you have plans to change the process of being banned or the criteria to avoid these situations?
  2. What is your opinion regarding queen walks after indirectly nerfing them so hard? This year, you guys added headhunters and super minions, both of which destroy queen walks if your not careful. Did you guys think they were OP before this update, and do you think they’re still OP now?
  3. Do you believe that the game has done a good job balancing progression? For townhall 10, IMO you guys did a perfect job, I finished my hero’s, walls, and defences at almost the same time (got screwed up since at that time there was the event where everything was half off. But for th11, I am currently almost max, just working on my last lab upgrades and walls, but I’ve been full on dark elixir for the past 3 months. Do you think progression overall is super balanced and any plans to change it?
  1. In the near-4 years I've been at Supercell, I've had hundreds of requests from players to investigate their account ban. Out of those hundreds, I can count on a single hand how many of them were incorrectly banned due to agent error. A single hand. Time and time again such threads rarely ever reveal any kind of loopholes or weaknesses in the support recovery process and more often than not highlight how players treat their account security by engaging in behaviour that violates our Terms of Service policies. Almost every single one of those players underestimate just how accurately we can investigate an account issue. Many of them start off with a friend who let another friend do their War attacks, but most of the banned accounts have shown very suspicious activity of account sharing, buying, etc.How do these accounts get phished? It's simply because most people don't realize just how manipulative scammers/phishers are. Also most people fail to realize exactly just how much identifiable information they put out for the public to be able to see.That's the thing about scammers/phishers. The good ones rarely make their intentions obvious until it's too late. There's a reason why scamming is a multi-billion dollar industry. Good scammers are charismatic, manipulative, and convincing. They are also relying on the fact you have no idea just how useful the information you gave them really is, especially when you think the information is banal or mundanely useless.The fact they leave you blaming a lax in security instead of blaming yourself shows A) just how manipulative they are and B) how willing you are to deflect blame in order to admit to falling for a scam.Admittedly, that second one is a tough pill to swallow. No one likes admitting they made a mistake, and that's especially so when you have to face severe consequences for those actions. But as I said before, we can tell the difference between someone's compromised account vs. someone who fell victim to a scam or gave/bought/sold their account. Usually if the account is compromised, Support is fairly quick at restoring access to those accounts. But because there's no reason to voice any complaints about it, you don't read about those thousands of success stories. What we do hear about on the forums are those examples where support was unable to restore the account because they can see suspicious or fraudulent activity on the account.
  2. I still use Queen Walk at TH13 so you're asking the wrong person. I find the strategy still viable and very strong.
  3. I do think we've done an overall good job of maintaining balance. It's not perfect, nor will it ever be perfect. This is especially true as we add more content in the future. There is no such thing as a perfectly balanced multiplayePVP game. All we can do is try to balance it to the best of our ability when we release a new troop or keep an eye on the data and balance it as we see the data coming in.
  1. Do you intend to improve the time to update buildings and troop level TH11, TH12 and TH13?
  2. Is there a possibility to create a new hero in a new update?
  1. Eventually, most likely.
  2. We don't want to do a new Hero with each new TH level. The earliest we will likely add a new Hero would be TH15, but that's not a guarantee.
  1. Clan War Leagues and Clan Games are monthly events that last a week. Are there any plans for introducing another monthly event that lasts a few days in between CWL and Clan Games? (Townhall Tournaments, etc.)
  2. As the army camp size increases and the possibility for more troops in battle at any given time increases, will we be seeing troops with higher and higher housing space to avoid overcomplexity?
  3. Will we be able to use two Siege Machines at the same time in the future? More than two Super Troops?
  1. Yes. Although what that is we're not ready to reveal yet.
  2. It's unlikely we'll adjust the housing space for older troops like Barbs, however, how much housing space a troop takes up is actually an essential part of the design process as we design a new troop.
  3. Two Siege Machines would be a bit weird since you only have a single Clan Castle. Being able to deploy two and divide up the CC troops between them would genuinely be way OP. As far as allowing more than 2 Super Troops at a time, I mean, we just started allowing 2 recently! We're keeping an eye on their usage to see if allowing 3 or more would be something positive for the game.
  1. Is it true that Supercell is going to remove builder base by June?
  2. Why don't war donations account for donation count?
  3. Why is builder base's attacking AI is different from Home village's?
  4. Do you consider the ideas we post in this sub while adding new features to the game?
  1. Wait..what? Remove Builder Base? Where the heck do you guys find this stuff? We're not removing it.
  2. Part of it is because you can remove and edit War donations, at least in the War Leagues. So it would be easy to abuse to edit/remove cc troops and keep redonating just to get your count up.
  3. The AI isn't different, it uses the same logic engine as the main village. However, a big factor in what causes some issues is the Guard Post. The wandering units cause havoc with the pathing AI because the attacking units have to constantly recalculate their position and the targets it's tracking.
  4. Absolutely.
  1. Will we ever get a new gamemode like the builder base?
  2. Why are super troops taking up so much space? This makes them almost unusable
  1. I'm sure there'll be new game features we'll introduce in the future. It won't be like Builder Base, but will be something completely new. In fact we're working on something that I think will be pretty enjoyable. No release dates yet, as it's a fairly complex system. But we're excited to announce it when it's ready.
  2. The housing space for Super Troops is to balance out how much stronger they are than regular troops.
  1. Can we donate super troops with gem donations, even if we don’t have them unlocked?
  2. Can we have separate clans for home village and builder base (so I don’t get kicked out of my top clan for not having a good builder base)?
  3. Add a clan search filter for CWL league (Champs 1, Champs 3, Master 2, etc.)
  4. Can we cap the level of the CC troops donated to lower town halls / CC levels? (Ex: A level 9 loon donated to a TH3 caps at level 2)? I feel this will make it easier to balance lower THs and make it more fair for those who can’t get CCs
  1. No. Being able to donate them without spending the upgrade cost kinda defeats the purpose of spending the upgrade cost.
  2. No. Programming the logistics behind this, having separate chat UI's, Clan logs, match logs, war logs, etc. would be an absolute data nightmare.
  3. As a reflex response, my guess would be that it would lead to just those Clans at the top tiers being bombarded with invitation requests while lower clans would remain unfilled. And because they remain unfilled, it would make it harder for them to climb to those ranks, thus perpetuating a bit of a cycle.
  4. No. The levels they are donated at is intentional.
Answer: We planned out the calendar of events for a very specific reason and the timing is intentional. Having them set the same time allows players to more efficiently plan out how they upgrade and how they spend resources. Mixing up the schedule would make it more difficult for players to do so.
Answer: We never publicly reveal numbers. With regards to bots, it's a constant game of cat and mouse. We improve our systems to detect them and they improve the botting software to avoid detection. So we then improve the system again to detect them and then they improve the botting software to avoid detection. You can see how this goes on. It's one of the reasons why we do mass bans of botters instead of just individual cases. If we banned players who bot on an individual basis, it allows the bot software creators to analyse what it was that allowed them to be detected and make changes even faster. So by banning in mass groups, it slows down their development a bit.
To answer your question about using the same attack, that's not how the detection system works so as long as you're not using a bot program we don't care how often you attack with the same army.
u/mystic_coc: Hi Darian, what do you think about a new game mode in clash. It can be solo or multi (like clan base or something). You could create multiples worlds with the clash universe like a goblin village etc were we can attack the king of goblin
Answer: I'm curious, but you don't really give any kind of idea what kind of feature you're suggesting. It's like saying "have you thought of a new multiplayer game?" Yes I have, but without knowing what kind of game you want, it's kind of an impossible question to answer.
If you've made it down here, well done! I hope everyone here has learnt something new, and after reading the sheer amount of answers I'm sure you can all thank Darian for the extraordinary effort he put in (he isn't being payed for this either, he's just that amazing).
If you don't see your question on the reddit post or the document it was most likely to avoid duplicates
Happy Clashing!
submitted by GingerbreadRecon to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

Wizard Tournament: Chapter 67

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      Laughter echoed out from a campfire. Draevin walked somberly into the camp and stood at the edge, not yet ready to get involved in the conversation. He was thinking about Tenna. She had been scared and planning to drop out before he made that deal to save her life. It got her killed. That made her death his fault.
      Fighting in the tournament was supposed to be the greatest achievement a wizard could aspire to. It was a place for the best of the best.
      He wasn’t so sure anymore.
      He had always thought that even if he died on the battlefield, at least he would die a legend—remembered for generations. Maybe get a nice monument. Yet Tenna died and the tournament kept going, like nothing was amiss. Perhaps because nothing was amiss. It felt so… hollow.
      This was hardly the first person Draevin had known who died. Probably wouldn’t be the last either. Hell, Gro’shak might kill him tomorrow and all this commiserating would be for nothing. That’s what he needed to focus on right now. He needed a plan to beat Gro’shak. Then he could finish off that hunk of scrap for Tenna. He could still win this tournament and bring her back. Being sad wasn’t productive. Winning was.
      He strode into the camp with a new purpose. Technically it was the same purpose he had yesterday, but it at least felt new. The human camp was still an imposing fortress, but the guards recognized Draevin and let him in without issue. As soon as he got inside Peter spotted him and waved him over to a campfire where a bunch of people were gathered.
      “So then he said, ‘Mommy, I think you should get a tail,’” a woman’s voice was saying. Everyone seemed to find this very funny. Draevin figured he must have missed too much of the setup. He looked around at all the guests. Most of them were humans, aside from Sylnya, Grrbraa and the two other dryads sitting next to him. The story that had just finished had come from one of the dryads: presumably one of Grrbraa’s mothers. The speaker had scaly-green strands for hair that fell down her shoulders much like mundane hair and her partner had a wild bush of broad leaves.
      “Where’s Alex?” Draevin asked Peter. He was the only other human face he recognized and he was missing. He was hoping the human leader would have some connections that could help him prepare for his next match against Gro’shak.
      “Working on a surprise,” Peter said with a conspiratorial wink. “He’ll be out in a minute.”
      “So this is Draevin,” the bushy-headed dryad said from beside Grrbraa. Her green head turned in Draevin’s direction and he recognized her as the same dryad that had challenged Judge Dag after their raid on the Eldesian embassy. On closer inspection it seemed her leafy hair partially obscured her face to hide the black scarf she wore across her eyes. Draevin wondered briefly how she knew where to look for him until he saw the pink dot on her forehead that indicated she was seeing with her third eye. “I’ve seen you fight,” she said, “you’re pretty good.”
      Draevin swelled up at the compliment. “And you must be Grrbraa’s mother,” he said. “I remember you. You got us out of that jam at the Eldesian embassy. I don’t think I properly thanked you for that.”
      “Think nothing of it,” she said. “I didn’t exactly do it for you and I owed Alex a favor anyway. If I’m being honest it was worth it just to see the look on Dag’s face when he realized his little police force was completely outmatched.”
      “Can you make out that much detail with True Sight?” Draevin asked her. The woman was blind, so she used the spell to see. Presumably that meant she was quite a bit better at it than most casual users.
      She smiled. “No, I can’t quite make out that much detail. It was just a figure of speech.”
      The other dryad poked Grrbraa and he jerked. “Uh,” he stammered, “friend-Draevin, this is mother-Taelshin. Mother-Taelshin, this is friend-Draevin.”
      Taelshin smiled up at her son and patted his arm. “Thank you for that warm introduction, Gerby.”
      “Nice to officially meet you,” Draevin said, and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She seemed to have no trouble finding it. “Is it impolite to ask…?” Draevin said, just letting the question hang. He assumed anyone who had been asked the same question enough times didn’t need to actually hear the words anymore.
      She waved a hand in a flippant gesture over her covered eyes. “Oh please, I’d be worried about you if you didn’t ask. I was a Tree Warden back in the day: got cursed on the job.”
      “Tree Warden,” Draevin repeated. “That’s like a cop for you guys, right?” He wasn’t completely sure. Maybe Sylnya was right about how little attention he paid.
      “In a sense. We spend most of our time hunting down poachers and… persuading them to leave our forests alone.”
      Sylnya laughed. “Yeah,” she agreed, “we ask real nice.” She drew a line across her throat and stuck her tongue out.
      “I see,” Draevin said.
      Taelshin shrugged. “It’s a dangerous job. I count myself lucky. My partner at the time had to get replanted. I still caught the guy, even after the curse. He’s fertilizing the very trees he tried to harvest now.”
      “So you must use True Sight a lot,” Draevin said as casually as possible. “Did you happen to catch Gro’shak’s match the other day?”
      Everyone around the campfire broke out into whoops and jeers all at once. They were laughing pretty good-naturedly about something. Draevin looked around, a bit confused as to what had set them off. A human Draevin didn’t recognize walked around the fire and dropped a stack of gold coins worth a small fortune into Peter’s open palm. He was grumbling curses under his breath. Peter merely smiled.
      “What was that all about?” Draevin asked him.
      “We were betting over how long it would take you to ask about Gro’shak,” Peter told him while counting the money. “I told you he was single-minded, Wesley!”
      “If the soup ‘ad finished he’d a asked fer it first,” one of the humans called from across the fire. “He jus’ cudn’t smell it yet.”
      “Everyone knows elves always eat for two,” another human chimed in.
      “I think I’m supposed to be offended here,” Draevin said loudly, being careful not spoil the good mood. Less loudly he asked Peter, “What’s this about eating for two? They do know only females can get pregnant, don’t they?”
      Peter coughed into his hand and muttered in a low voice, “You probably don’t want to know.”
      Draevin noticed many of the assembled humans were listening to their exchange so he said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Believe it or not, I spent an entire human lifespan as a child, I think I can handle a little good-natured jeering from the likes of you.”
      A few of the assembled humans chuckled, one even shouting out, “He can handle it!”
      “It means you eat twice,” another said. “Once for you…”
      “And once fer your ego,” another finished. They all broke out into more laughter. Despite the obviously long-standing insult to his people, their laughter was infectious. Draevin couldn’t help but join in.
      “Soup’s on!” A woman’s voice called out from another part of camp.
      “You couldn’t a’ finished it thirty seconds ago?” the human that had paid Peter complained.
      A thick woman in an apron came in expertly carrying half a dozen bowls, several of which were balanced on her arms. She passed them out in short order then stopped in front of Peter. She held out a hand and Peter passed her a small pile of coins. She winked at Draevin while she pocketed the money.
      “Hey! You waited on purpose!” One of the humans called out. “You was in on it with Pete!”
      “Oh this?” She asked with a sweet tone and a mischievousness grin. “This was just a tip for serving the soup on time.”
      “Right on time,” Peter added with a roguish smile. The woman chuckled as she tucked away the money before returning to the tent where the cooking was going on.
      A serving girl walked up to Draevin with a large bowl of soup just for him—much larger than any of the others. “A gift from Rashad,” she said as she handed it to him. She gestured over her shoulder where the shadowman was sitting at a table nearby, separate from the group. “He said it was a special dish from his homeland that only an elf would appreciate. He wanted me to tell you it’s so you know there’s no bad blood between you.”
      Draevin took the bowl and sniffed at it suspiciously—it burned his nose in a pleasant way. Rashad had been rude earlier that afternoon when Draevin had refused to touch him. Perhaps Peter had asked him to apologize. He looked in the bowl and only saw swirling shadows. “What is it?” He asked. He wasn’t sure if he should trust something a shadowman might have touched. He had to admit that it did smell pretty good though.
      “He called it ‘egg drop soup,’” the girl told him. She then leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “And it was made with a dragon egg.”
      Draevin’s eyes lit up. He couldn’t wait to finally devour a dragon egg. He was convinced that his bad luck this tournament so far had to be related to his lack of dragon eggs. He hesitated: dragon eggs had to be cooked at a pretty high temperature. He didn’t want to burn himself.
      “I’m sure you’re dying to know, Draevin,” Taelshin said. She had taken a seat next to him and was sipping on a cup of something warm and steaming. Probably not soup considering her biology. “What that spell was Gro’shak used to take out that dragon.”
      “Wait,” Draevin stopped her, “I have to know. Phakos was a dragon, right? Do you know how he transformed so quick like that?”
      “Oh yes,” she said. “I already had this conversation a few times from curious humans. Phakos was a shapeshifter, but he didn’t transform into a dragon. He used mutamancy to take a humanoid form and simply released his spell at the start of the match.”
      “It’s really telling how strange this year has been,” Draevin commented, “that having an intelligent dragon sneak into the tournament for the first time in living memory is only a footnote.”
      Taelshin’s voice went sour. “It’s been a long time coming with the way you elves have been farming them. Did you know the dragon farms only keep a few old enough to be breeding stock and the rest are culled before they reach maturity? Truly despicable, and for what?”
      Draevin looked guiltily down at his soup. “Well I don’t care for the meat,” he objected weakly. He realized his counterpoint was somewhat undermined by the fact that he was about to eat dragon egg soup right in front of her. “Just the eggs.” He tried and failed to think of a way to steer the conversation back to Gro’shak.
      The leaves that made up Taelshin’s hair vibrated. Draevin wasn’t sure what emotion that signified but her body language indicated it was probably a bad one. He brought his spoon up to his mouth for his first bite and blew on the steam that billowed out. “If you think the eggs are any more humanely-sourced than the meat you’re a fool. Those dragon farms are just—” Taelshin stopped in the middle of her rant. Draevin glanced over at her curiously and found that her whole body was turned in his direction and she looked like she was about to pounce.
      “Don’t move a muscle,” Taelshin said very cautiously as though she were afraid of spooking a wild animal. Draevin looked to his side to see if she was maybe talking to someone behind him. With the blindfold it was hard to tell exactly where she was looking. “Stop,” she commanded. “Very carefully put your spoon back down in your bowl.”
      “Uh, what’s wrong?” He did as he was instructed though. Once the spoon was back in the bowl she brought her hands out slowly to take the bowl from him. “Is this some sort of prank?” he asked her. “Look, that egg was already cooked when I got it. Taking my soup isn’t going to undo anything.”
      She shushed him and lifted the bowl out of his grip as though she were afraid it might bite. She carefully placed the bowl on the ground at their feet and took a step back, “You step back too,” she told him.
      “What is going on?” he demanded.
      “Greyskin poison,” she hissed at him.
      Draevin practically jumped out of his seat to get away from the bowl. A string of curses escaped his mouth that his brain couldn’t even keep up with. “In my bowl?
      “You’re very lucky I was watching your bowl with True Sight,” Taelshin told him. “Do you know who might want to have you killed?”
      “Yes,” Draevin said, “but the fact that you stopped it just now tells me it probably wasn’t her.”
      “That seer bitch who harassed my boy?” Taelshin asked. Draevin nodded.
      “But I thought she’d figured out her blind spot,” Draevin wondered out loud. “I don’t see why she would have tried something now if she knew it was just going to fail.”
      “I know how criminals operate,” Taelshin said. “She might have hired someone less competent than herself—to insulate herself from potential guilt. Reminds me of the Logger Baron.”
      “That,” Draevin said with supreme confidence, “sounds exactly like her.” It didn’t take long to realize what that meant. Rashad sent the soup! Draevin wondered if he had been hired by Caelnaste to kill him this whole time. He knew he couldn’t trust a shadowman! He looked over to where Rashad had been sitting but he was nowhere to be seen. For that matter, neither was Peter.
      “You better freeze that bowl before someone knocks it over,” Taelshin instructed him. She was clearly used to being obeyed, and Draevin had his wand out of its holster before he even thought to question her order. He shrugged when he noticed and decided to listen to her anyway. It was the right call. They could hunt for Rashad after.
      The air suddenly shifted; it tingled against his skin dryly. Draevin looked around for what had changed. He saw Grrbraa sniffing in random directions trying to get a fix on something and his other mother rubbing her arms and looking up at the sky. It was like the air had suddenly gone stale. It just felt wrong. For a brief moment of panic he wondered if a drop of the poison had touched him and if this was just the first symptom before he died.
      “What happened to the magic?” Taelshin asked him.
      “Magic?” Draevin repeated. If there was something wrong with the magic in the air that could be what he was feeling. He pointed his wand at the poisoned bowl of soup and cast a small Icy Prison. Nothing happened.
      Nothing happened!
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