The 5 best roulette strategies explained Planet 7 Magazine

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Old fart advice for young investors

There seems to be a lot of interest in stocks from young investors. I imagine that many will make their way from WSB to this sub because WSB is a bunch of monkeys flinging poo. You may have lost some money and now you want to explore stocks from less of a Meme and emotional perspective.
There is nothing wrong with Meme stocks. Meme stocks can be fun. I have had fun with it. I am also a 42-year-old man with rental properties, commercial properties, and a few small businesses. BB, NOK, AMC, and even GME are all fine. The DD is fine behind all of them. The issue is that if I lose $1,000 then I can write myself a check from one of my businesses for $10,000 to make myself feel better. That is not a is simply sharing that people come from different places in life.
You are just starting off life and probably have far fewer resources and every dollar matters more.
I challenge anyone to CMV but I am not a big proponent of stocks as a core investment strategy. Here are my reasons why.
  1. Information has a time-decay of value. Meaning that information becomes less valuable over time. Data is what is mined to often produce new Information. You are at a disadvantage when it comes to both data and information. The information that you get on a retail level has already lost much of its value. This is where the saying "if you read it in the news you are already too late"
  2. You have no power. You simply cannot compete with whales and whales don't become whales by letting people glean the crumbs that are leftover. They have the power to move markets, you don't.
  3. You have no control over outcomes. You have no control over the success of a company. You have no control over other investors. You have no control over anything.
  4. The odds on options are not that great. Even compared to blackjack our betting the outside of a roulette table they are just not that good.
  5. Many people that are far more intelligent than you are, lose money at stock investing.
  6. Your emotions and FOMO will be a hindrance and problematic.
  7. Most stock investors are too young to understand the market cycles
I like stocks as a small part of an overall investment strategy for young people for the following reasons.
  1. Time is valuable and you have the most time
  2. Compound interest is the "force" behind all investing and compound interest compliments the stock market very well
  3. Certain strategies can complement long-term wealth building
Building wealth through stocks is like trying to build a house one brick at a time...just you, and you are gathering the straw, digging the mud, and pressing each brick by hand. When it rains many of your bricks will wash away. If the sun shines for enough days then you will make good progress.
The problem is that all markets cycle. The housing market cycles. Petroleum and natural gas cycles. The stock market cycles. I believe that a full market cycle is around 18 years with around 7-12 years in an up cycle and 6-11 in a down cycle. In the stock market, they call these bull and bear markets. We are currently in one of the longest bull markets on record due to interest rates and the feds printing money. No one has a crystal ball but sooner or later the market will peak. When this happens Boomers will be the first to pull money out and put it into bonds or CDs. Boomers are as big of a whale as retail can get. Anyone and I mean anyone could have made money in the current market. If ten years ago you had asked a five-year-old to pick five of their favorite things and invested in their choices you would have made money. That could be Barbies, YouTube, Pizza, Sprite, and their Dog. They would have made money on any stocks you picked around those five things.
There will come a day sooner or later when Boomers and GenX will see trends in the market that they don't like. Boomers own multiple houses and are deep into retirement. GenX is a small but powerful generation that is now on the back Nine Holes of life. Gen X will largely inherit the wealth of the Boomers. There will come a shift towards mitigating losses and that shift is not far away. When they move their money from markets so goes the market.
Is it fair to say that one of the longest bull cycles on record could transition to one of the longest bear cycles?
Let's look at Millenials...a generation that is struggling to just buy a home. Boomers own a few. GenX may own a couple and Millenials that are now entering into their forties struggle with one. Millenials are a massively sized generation that I believe is now bigger than both GenX and Boomers combined because Boomers are dying at a rapid pace. Millenials are the generation that were adults starting life and careers in 2008 and full-blown families with Covid-19. Maybe one of the unluckiest generations.
GenZ is this very talented and intelligent generation. Y'all are creating disruptions in culture, in politics, and in Wall Street. You are savvy and demanding. Giving billionaires the finger while pissing on the front door of their mansions.
But you need to be careful.
Stocks are not the key to your success. They are just a single tool in your toolbox. A better tool may be early homeownership or owning a small business. Life is about options...and I am not talking about the gambling options of Wall Street. I am talking about the options of having equity in a home to adapt to economic swings. I am, talking about the options of owning a small business where your day to day decisions make you smarter and more valuable. Where you own assets that make you money. Most importantly you have control over your own destiny.
I am not telling you not to invest in stocks. I am just telling you that it should be a limited part of your overall strategy in life. Unless someone has been through two complete cycles of the stock markets then I would take their advice with a grain of salt.
General advice:
  1. Don't sell stocks that you have taken a loss on
  2. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying
  3. Invest in stocks with a strategy based on your knowledge and experience
  4. Invest only what you can afford to lose
  5. Stocks work best with time. Leave them alone
  6. Be a value investor
  7. Invest with a purpose
Number seven is important. For example, I like Robotics, AI, and Automation. I like these is two specific areas....transportation and mining. I operate in the Transportation industry. I know that very soon human drivers will be eliminated and self-driving trucks will take over. Trucks will be loaded, driven, and unloaded without a single human being doing any of that work. With that will come an entire supporting industry. Tow trucks will need to be automatically dispatched when trucks break down or in accidents. AI will need to be involved in decision making. I will see these changes before I am dead and I am 42.
I like underwater mining. Our oceans are the next frontier and the next gold rush. We have areas of sea bottom that has very little life but is rich in gasses, minerals, and thermal energy. Automation, AI, and robotics will play a huge role in underwater mining. I will see this transition start in my lifetime and I am 42.
Beyond that, once we have machines that are capable of underwater mining then we have the basics for machines that can mine inner-system planetary objects. From nearby asteroids to the moon, to thermal energy collection closer to the sun, to Mars and beyond. The wealthiest person in existence will be the person that is able to start the first off-planet mining operation. Where there is no EPA, no taxes on land, where we are not building sub-divisions next to mines. Where we don't have to worry about the ecosystem. Where gasses and pollutants are not pollutants because there is nothing of consequence to pollute. The largest land-owners in existence will be the owner of off-world mining operations. That may not happen in my lifetime...but it may in yours.
I like investing in Meme stocks because they are fun. But I also invest in Robotics, AI, and automation with one-single this company taking humanity one-step close to automated transportation or underwater mining? I invest with a purpose.
Sure I will grab up some value stocks every now and then. People are going to be flying more than ever in a few years. People are going to be more social than ever in a few years. Shoot Condom manufacturers are a buy right now because people will get the idea.
The whole reason that I wrote this excessively long post is to maybe get you into thinking about your strategy....what is it? And to caution you on being "all-in" on stocks.
Stonks don't always go up.
submitted by TheMeistervader to stocks [link] [comments]

Why you should learn poker and game theory (LONG READ)

Hello everyone! I have only been on Reddit for a few months but I learned so much from it that I figured I should try and give back to the community. English is my second language and this is the first time I ever write a full-length article, I hope you will enjoy reading it and I would be very thankful if you could provide some feedback about my writing, about the topic, or about anything else really… So here goes!
Why you should learn poker and game theory:
My story is similar to that of many: I learned about the game 10 years ago (during the golden age of online poker) when some friends of mine invited me to play a home game. Although I initially thought of poker as just another game of chance akin to playing slots or roulette in a casino, I quickly came to realize that there is a lot more to it as my more experienced friends would repeatedly get the best of me during these home games, which led me to start watching videos and reading strategy books to improve my skill… Little did I know it’d be the start of a journey that would impact many different aspects of my life way beyond the game itself, as most of the fundamental principles learned through poker can be applied to your decision-making outside of the game, especially when it comes to money management and investing. Now, let’s dive into a few of these principles:

- Risk management (i.e. Bankroll management)
When learning about how to be successful playing poker, the first big piece of advice most people come across is bankroll management or BRM. To understand BRM, you must first realize that poker has a lot of variance: you might be vastly ahead in a given hand but there is almost always a slim chance that you will lose in the end if one specific card hits. This implies that you will sometimes lose even though you were a 99% favorite, and that you will sometimes get unlucky and lose 2, 5 or maybe even 20 such encounters in a row. THIS is variance. It doesn’t mean that you played bad or that you made bad decisions, but rather that you got unlucky. Over time you will have lucky streaks and unlucky streaks, and these will average out in the long term… It’s just the way the game goes.
Now that we understand variance, let’s get back to BRM. What is it exactly? Let’s say you are the best poker player in the world but you only have 1000$ that you can EVER use to play with. Taking your whole 1000$ on one table and multiplying your stack at an exponential rate might seem like a good idea. Surely nothing can go wrong since you’re the best player in the world right? But variance can be a bitch ;) Even if you’re the best you will lose regularly and you will sometimes get unlucky, it’s just part of the game. The correct move here is to apply BRM, which means only using a small % of your available capital for each game you play in order to reduce the risk of going broke. Using only 100$ per game would already be a lot safer, but you still run the risk of going under on a streak of bad luck. If you only allocate 10$ per game you play, then it becomes virtually impossible for you to ever go broke, even on a huge streak of bad luck. Sure it’s not as exciting and you won’t be making money quite as fast as you could, but this is the way to go to make sure you don’t go broke…
This approach to risk management translates very well to investing:
- Only invest what you can afford to lose. Once the money is on the table it’s as good as gone, which is why you should only use your “spare” cash and never invest with your living expenses or worse, borrow money to invest.
- Diversify your investments. There is always a chance, however slim it might be, that you will lose most of your investment. This is why going all-in on a specific investment is generally a bad idea (this applies particularly well in the crypto space).
Proper BRM allows you to make sure that you will come out ahead in the long run if you play well, which basically comes down to making more good decisions than bad ones. But that’s assuming you don’t let emotions come in the way of your decision-making, which brings us to our next point…

- Emotional management (i.e. Handling tilt/Positive mindset)
Nobody likes losing… In the same way we enjoy winning because of the dopamine rush, we feel bad when we lose which is totally natural. Overcoming this and avoiding tilt (irrational decisions made out of angefrustration) is an essential skill for any successful poker player. You might play a sound game of poker and apply good BRM, but you will still lose if you let your emotions get the best of you.
After a loss, rather than being angry and frustrated, you should evaluate your decision-making. If your decision-making was good, you just got unlucky and you shouldn’t worry about it since you are playing for the long run (remember that variance teaches us that anything can happen in the short-term). If your decision-making was bad, you need to learn from your mistakes and move on. The key here is to always have a positive mindset: making mistakes is part of the learning process and should be seen as an occasion to improve. Being angry and ranting, on the other hand, rarely result in anything positive.
Again, this translates very well to investing:
- Don’t be impulsive, don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. You should not FOMO because the price is pumping, nor should you sell because of FUD or price corrections. If you believe in a project, short-term price changes (did I hear someone say “variance”?) shouldn’t bother you.
- Don’t get stuck up on losses. You bought the top and it crashed immediately after? You sold the bottom right before a huge rally? Don’t let this bother you: what’s done is done and you just need to move on and make the best of your current situation.
- Have a positive mindset. Anger and frustration lead to nothing. Yes you could have bought in 2009 when you first heard about it, hindsight is always 20/20. Stay positive and keep learning/improving yourself.
The good thing about all this is that it goes way beyond poker or investing. Being aware of your emotions and how they affect you, learning how to handle losing even when you were “supposed” to win, etc… All this can tremendously help you in all aspects of life by making you less impulsive and more rational in your decision-making. Now, this leaves us with our last fundamental principle of a sound poker strategy:

- Basic stats and probabilities (i.e. Expected value/Odds)
To become an accomplished player, you will inevitably have to learn about these simple mathematical tools that poker players use all the time in their decision-making process, such as odds and expected value. To make it very simple, the expected value (EV) of any bet is (REWARD \ WinRate - RISK), meaning that if you can bet 1000$ with a chance to win 10k$ half of the time, your EV is *(10000\0.5)-1000 = +4000$**. Obviously these are great odds to take as long as you have enough capital to overcome variance. But things would be very different if the odds of winning were only 5% as your EV would then be negative *(10000\0.05)-1000 = -500$.*** Now this is clearly a bet you should not take…
Now that you know probabilities, statistics and game theory are useful decision-making tools in poker, guess what? They are also extremely useful in investing! Even better, the study of game theory with problems such as the “Byzantine generals” or the “Three prisoners” has been, along with cryptography, the foundation on which blockchain technology was built, enabling the trustless and decentralized services that are about to revolutionize our world…
Assuming this was enough to pique your interest and make you want to dig deeper, I’ll just add that just like the other topics we discussed and as you might have guessed, this translates very well to investing and also to pretty much anything in your life:
- Learn how to break down complex situations. Logical thinking paired with a statistical approach will help you break down any complex problem into several easier problems, making the whole thing a lot easier to approach/comprehend.
- Base your decisions on a methodical and rational approach. List every possible outcome along with its associated upside/downside, estimate the probability of each outcome to occur and make the best decision based on the information available.
My point here is that risk management, emotional management and statistics/game theory are all awesome tools that you should definitely add to your arsenal. Not only will it improve your money-management and investing, it will also be beneficial to your decision-making and to your life in general. Of course poker is not the only way to learn about these, but I personally found it to be the best practice ground to refine and improve them, which is why I strongly encourage you all to try it out and study the game.
I hope you enjoyed the article, and I wish you all a happy 2021 bull run! May we all come closer to retirement and financial independence!

TL;DR: more than a game, poker is a school of thought. It teaches you to be reasonable, to assess the risk of every single choice you make, to overcome you emotions, to play the long game rather than the short game, to make informed decisions, etc… This has made me a lot wiser in every aspect of my life, which is why I strongly encourage to try it out and read about poker strategy.
submitted by RaBaTaJ_ to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

I've never played a Dragon Quest game before. Just finished DQXI [spoilers for the entire game]

After 106 hours I'm finally free!
But okay, let's start at the beginning - I was initially torn on whether to get this game or not. I've never really been interested in the Dragon Quest series. For various reasons - Akira Toriyama's artstyle doesn't really appeal to me, for one, and neither does the 'fairytale' feel of the stories, really. But on the other hand, DQXI looked really, really pretty, and I was craving an RPG, so when they announced the price cut in Japan I figured why the hell not.
So as far as the story goes, how would I put it. If you've ever played a jRPG before, then you probably know exactly how it's going to go... but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They didn't make a 'standard' story because they couldn't do any better, every element of the plot feels very deliberate. And while the story didn't have any big 'HOLY SHIT' moments, I was a fan of how each act builds upon the other, like a delicious layer cake. Act 1 shows you the big, beautiful world, lets you explore it, get attached to the characters, and then act 2 goes all FFVI on you breaks that world over a knee. I really loved the way act 2 spreads your party all over the world, and then when it introduces Hendrik as a new party member it lets you be alone with him for a while, get to know him better, y'know. Although I do think the new characters stories added in the Definitive version, while nice, break the pacing a little. It was honestly the only part in the game where I felt like "man, let's get this over with so I can get back to the story," and that's despite the fact that most of the stories were pretty interesting (Sylv and Jade were... eh.)
Then act 3 happens and it's a whole thing. Honestly, at first I was going to take a break after act 2, because I'd already put over 70h in by that point, but I was intrigued, because a lot of people on the internet seem to really hate act 3. And even once I started it, I was just going to do the required stuff to see the rest of the story.
Act 3 was, easily, my favorite part of the game. I can see why people dislike it, I really do, but man, I just loved the fact they they had the balls to let you basically reset everything that happens in act 2 and try for a golden ending. All for the price of awakening an evil even worse than act 2's boss, but hey.
Side note: speaking of Calasmos, I found that he sounds far creepier in Japanese, since in that version he speaks in gibberish (I'm pretty sure it's Japanese played backwards), rather than... just a guy with a deep voice. I mean, give it a listen.
Anyway, act 3 impressed me so much that I ended up doing... well, not 100%, but as much as I was willing to do - all sidequests, all trials, getting the best equipment for everyone, etc., and that's where the final time on my file comes from, lol. I didn't touch Ticktinton, though, because while I love the idea of it, I don't like the way battles work in 2D mode, and I don't get any nostalgia from it, as I haven't played the previous titles in the series.
Some other things I have to praise: the characters - they might to be my favorite party out of any jRPGs, but they're a lovable bunch (Erik and Hendrik were probably my favorites), and the graphics/animation, which really help bring both the world and its inhabitants to life. Also, the fun-sized forge is a really fun minigame. The battle system is pretty standard for a turn-based game, but it just feels good, I'm not even sure how to describe it.
But of course nothing is perfect, and I have some gripes with this game, namely:
The music - I'm pretty sure every review talks about it, because it's just kinda... not great. It's not even that there are no good songs in the game, but there's just far too little variety. After 100 hours I was dying for a new battle theme at least. But perhaps the bigger problem was uniftting music in some cutscenes. It's a bit subjective, but I felt that in some cutscenes the music they picked didn't match the mood well (an example would be the battle with Hendrik after Jade first teams up with you - it playes the regular battle theme, which isn't a bad song, but it sounds far too cheerful for a tense and dramatic scene like that one.) As someone who's a massive nerd when it comes to game soundtracks, DQXI was disappointing in this regard.
Also, I have a beef with the amount of palette-swapped monsters in this game. Yeah, many games do that, but is it just me, or did DQXI go way overboard with this? I swear it felt like most of the monsters in the second half of the game were palette swaps. Hell, even the two hardest superbosses are palette swaps of regular bosses, which is just disappointing.
And while I enjoyed the battle system, generally speaking, too many skills felt redundant, IMO. By the post game each menu ends up being like three pages long, yet you usually only end up using a fraction of those skills. Like - why give the MC all these elemental sword skills, when you can get a far more powerful AoE far earlier than that? I tried to find a use for them, but it just felt... pointless, especially when you can't even tell what the enemy's elemental weakness is.
Still, I enjoyed my time with this game far more than I thought I would, and enough to put over a hundred hours into it. I wouldn't put it as my favorite game, but I definitely consider it a damn good one. Will I go back to play the previous games in the series now? Probably not, tbh, as part of what makes DQXI so much fun is the production value - the animations, the voice acting, the QoL - and the older titles just aren't going to have that. But hey, never say never, am I right?
An aside: Okay, so I've played this game completely in Japanese, but I saw bits end pieces of the English version when I read stuff online, and man - what the heck is up with this translation? I know Japanese scripts often sound "dry" when translated directly, so they spice them up a bit in localization, but it feels like they've gone waaay overboard in this one. And what's up with the skill names? As an example, I looked up the strategy to grind levels in the post-game, and one of the pep powers you're supposed to use is "Electro Light." I thought it was some sort of a lightning-based attack, not something that turns enemies into metal slimes (the skill is called "Spectacle Show" in the Japanese version.) The other is "Haulellujah", which, first of all, almost everyone seems to misspell as "Hallelujah", and two - I get that it's a pun on "haul", but... what was wrong with "Super Roulette" (which is what it's called in JP), as a name, exactly? I just don't get it.
But okay, that's enough of that, this post is already far longer than it should be.
submitted by irmoony to JRPG [link] [comments]

Trading Subscriptions or other Paid Services

I used to be a Financial Advisor for a very brief period almost 10 years ago for Peter Schiff. At the time I was in my early 20s and liked a lot of what he said. He frustrates me a lot more now and fails to adapt accordingly. Anyhow, I now run Mostly a website researching US macro and discussing the worst institution ever created: The Federal Reserve.
Here’s some quick advice for beginners and even further on up I’m sure.
I've seen an unbelievable amount of these advertisements in the last few weeks. I just came across a comment in this room about just beginning and who to trust for paid services.
This may seem counterintuitive but if you're just beginning in the stock market DO NOT buy anything for education or trading. All the material you need is available for free online. Investopedia and YouTube have everything.
If you're just beginning you need to educate yourself and make small purchases. Education is the easiest part of trading in the stock market. The hard part is educating yourself about yourself. I've seen a few beginners that trade frequently and have done very well - in all likelihood they'll eventually lose all of their gains(+95% chance at bare minimum).
Stay away from paid services that claim they can help you trade. 99% are bullshit. Only experienced individuals should use these services because those individuals most likely know the few real people or firms that actually provide value. Experienced traders use these services for insight, education, and to help their process. Beginners have other obstacles to deal with first before these would properly benefit them.
Fuck Tim Sykes, those raging bull fucks, and others. They're full of shit. They are just a salesman using flashy marketing. It doesn't mean they haven't ever done well themselves - I think Tim Sykes actually did - but they realize selling hope, making millions, along with a little education is not just more profitable but it also eliminates risk.
In my opinion, I believe I could start a very “successful” subscription service. It’s aggravating seeing these guys because fooling beginners is almost like shooting fish in a barrel. But I’m not going to start a business where 95% of profits are based off of fooling others with slick marketing.
If anybody comes across a service you may be interested in but aren’t sure of its validity, feel free to send it to me and I’ll provide my two cents.
I’m going to explain trading by summarizing how I go about it. I’m not a day trader - I’m not making multiple trades a day and I recommend you do not do that either unless you want to lose money.
Before joining Euro Pacific Capital I would make a few trades a day. 50% of my portfolio was for long term investments 1+ years and the other for my speculation. I was fortunate enough to begin these investments at end of 2008 and early 2009. The long term side would do well and my speculations did alright too. The problem was I had big goals and desires for more wealth even though I had almost doubled the 12500 in less than a year. This led me to abandon stock speculating/trading because gains were too small and slow. However, stock options provided the leverage needed and I thought I had a trading process that would work.
Btw... “back in those days” I was paying 5.99 to buy and then 5.99 again to sell every trade! In 2010 my commissions were well above 2gs.
Reflecting on it now my process was abysmal and I’m surprised I was able to hold up for time I did. I was making reckless trades but one in particular really boosted my confidence. I bought far OTM calls on VXX(volatility) that expired in a few days. It was only a 100 dollars or so.
The market got slaughtered the next day. My calls were up over 4000%. I was up 4,950 dollars at 1205pm and then 4,150 a few minutes later. I believe I exited with a return of just over 4,300% which was a close figure to the actual dollars I made.
Here’s one of the most important points I’ll make: a PROFITABLE trade does not make it a GOOD trade by any means. That’s still one of the largest returns I’ve ever had and certainly the quickest but it was foolish.
It’s like going up to the roulette table and placing money on any number. The outcome of the spin does not change the fact this is a bad decision. Do not fool yourself by thinking your gains are all good decisions or investments. The only way you can have a good bet playing roulette is if you have knowledge or insight which puts the odds in your favor. And the only way you can do that is through some illegal con I believe. However, the market is not roulette. It can be. It can be worse if you make it that way.
Moving on... A few months after the big gain I had steadily lost money and I was getting a bit frustrated ——-
understanding how your emotions impact your thought processes and decision making is fundamental. There’s no manual for this part because every tradeperson is different. Happiness can and will influence your decisions. For some people it may cause them to be less disciplined or open to taking a risk and for others it will do the opposite. Traders create a process to eliminate the effects emotions can have - a simple example is to set a stop loss on a trade so you aren’t trying to guess when or if should prevent further losses or risk it. It’s important for beginners to do this. Do not enter trades where the losses cause worry and stress and you have no idea whether or not to sell. I don’t always have pre determined actions when I trade these days but I’ve also been doing this for over a decade and there are trades where it’s not as important or just not a good strategy. Again, if you’re a beginner please do not do this.
Back to my frustration... I entered an abnormally large call option order attempting to make up some losses - another stupid and beginner mistake. Unfortunately, the next day my parents needed help moving to Florida from Iowa. I had a 5g option that expired in 4 days and I wasn’t at my computer so I put in an order to (stop)sell if it so happens to fall quite a bit. This stock was amazon and it just so happens a negative headline came out right before opening bell. I had no idea bc I was still sleeping and dealing with moving.
The option price was around 5.20 and I had 10. My stop was at 4.
At 1030am we were going out for lunch and I went to check my position.
I was down 4,700 dollars.... because I put a LIMIT at 3.85.
You see, On this trade I went through ETRADE for whatever reason and I knew these sleezy guys sell their order flow - oh, btw Robinhood also sells their stock option orders but it’s really only important for a very small% of ppl - basically ETRADE profits from selling orders to other brokers who then complete your trade. So if these guys can see a price quickly drop and pop back up they’ll execute your order at worst price and then sell it for a profit a second later. Free money.
I was trying to limit any excessive scalping by putting a limit but amazon dropped quickly so E*TRADE of course did not get my order executed. If they were an honest and customer first company the order would’ve been executed and I wouldn’t have lost thousands of dollars. However, ultimately it is my fault and once again a stupid trade.
Trading is different from investing. Being an advisor certainly doesn’t make you a good trader. Advisors are typically there to plan long term investments and get to know their client so they’re able to adjust the risk in their portfolio accordingly.
A year or so after amazon I was working for Peter Schiff. He had really exploded in popularity because his predictions about the housing bubble all came to fruition. As an advisor you can’t trade. I was only there for a year because my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I left to be with her. I had to save funds and for a few years after didn't trade either.
These days I'm back trading but its much different. I enjoy macro research and writing so i use this to my advantage. In 2020, I made around 40 trades total. Some of these are still open. Most of my trades are options and last a few weeks to months but two open positions don't expire until Jan 2022. Last year I made a return of 135%. I made a few huge mistakes and one out of laziness. Earlier in the year I was up 200%. I believe my process is solid but also needs improvement.
I try to limit my trades and find areas I'm most confident in. I also recommend you do not make hasty decisions. MISSING TRADES can be hard but it's a much better result. 135% really isn't that great of a gain considering how well the market did and the style of my trading. I missed many trades I was really confident in and thought were easy bc I have a strategy that may require 100% of my proceeds into Few positions. It sucks knowing I should've and could've easily had a 400/500% year if I chose to be aggressive. But I stick to my game plan because I'm confident later this year or next my returns will be multiple 1000s of percent. Maybe I'm wrong. We will see. I do best when Im unbelievably confident in an outcome and yet able to remain patient. I find I can do better or much worse if I change these.
My friend that's a girl did better than me because she bought her first and only stock this year which was Tesla. Does it suck underperforming your beginner girl friend having been in this trade for 10 years?
But all of that noise must be drowned out lol. Everybody has to find their own way and what works best for them. I don't use reddit too often but for some reason I received an invitation to this board and joined tonight. I figured I'd share my thoughts and story and I hope this helped. I didn't proofread this.
My website is and you can find me on @Twitter at @junkiebonds - I started both in 2020 but am just really beginning to take off.
I'm always willing to help anybody with questions. Thanks for reading
submitted by 9Basel9 to MoonGangCapital [link] [comments]

Hot take alert (Long post ahead)

In a recent discussion with u/Multiman778, I made a list ranking the Paper Mario series. Here's what I wrote.
This'll probably trigger someone, but aight.
  1. Color Splash
  2. The Origami King
  3. 64
  4. Sticker Star
  5. The Thousand-Year Door
  6. Super
Honestly, choosing the rankings for TTYD and Super was kinda hard, because IMHO, they're both boring. I just thought Super was more boring, so it gets booted to sixth.
Same sort of thing with SS and 64. They're both really fun IMO, but 64 was more fun.
So, if you were paying attention to the entries on this list, you'd notice that TTYD and Super were near the bottom, and how I went on to remark about how I thought both games were "boring". Needless to say, I have some explaining to do.
When I first heard about Paper Mario as a whole, it was from watching trailers for Super and Sticker Star on the Nintendo Channel for the Wii. (Does anyone still remember that?) At the time, both games looked really fun to me. Then again, I was 5, so anything looked fun to me. Fast-forward a few years, I decide to check out some of these games on YouTube. Sticker Star still looked fun enough, Super looked more so like something I'd be able to get into, as one of my first Mario games was NSMBW.
(Remember I said that. It's a surprise tool that'll help us later.)
The darker story turned me away a little, but then I found a show called RWBY that I really enjoyed, and then at that point there was no reason not to try it.
It was at this time that I heard of TTYD and 64. as well. 64 definitely lived up to it's prerelease name (Super Mario RPG 2, in case you didn't know), and TTYD?
I dunno. There was something about it that I couldn't explain, but I just didn't like it. Even speedruns looked boring to me. The at-the-time upcoming Color Splash looked pretty cool though.
Fast-forward another few years, where I play Super and Sticker Star for the first time. I had a blast playing Sticker Star. It was more fun than I originally thought I would have, even. Sure, I did end up running out of stickers for the Bowser Jr. fight in World 4/5, but I knew a pretty good (and really fast) coin grinding spot, and was able to stock up again easily. The only part of the game I didn't like was that one raft level with the giant fish, but otherwise, the game was solid.
Super, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. I found it to be an absolute slog, going through the game. So much so, that I can say that my favorite level was the tree in Chapter 3. And that's saying something. Back during those times when I was looking up these games on the web, a ton of the same arguments made now were made back then, too. Namely, the lack of original characters. Sure, they may all be Toads, but I'd rather have Toads than a square with a couple of lines attached. And don't even get me started on 2-3 or the postgame.
2-3 was quite literally jumping for an hour so I could walk to the right for another hour. Yeah, you can slide on the wheel as Mario to make your life slightly easier, but that doesn't even work properly half of the time, and the text box that pops up every time the wheel so much as slows down makes it faster to just walk how you're intended to! And even that's slow! I still have a life to live, you know!
The postgame is just as frustrating, if not more so. First off, for the sake of story reasons, Tippi is gone, so if there's any invisible secrets you missed, or new enemies you want to know about, you have to go to Fort Francis and pay 9,999 coins for a robot replica named Tiptron. As far as I'm aware, unlike Sticker Star, there aren't any easy and quick places to go and grind coins, either. The only one that comes to mind at the moment is the Pits Of 100 Trials. Oh, yeah. The Pits Of 100 Trials. How could I forget? As you get later in the game, you unlock the Pits Of 100 Trials; one being in Flipside, one being in Flopside, and the last one being in the Sammer Kingdom. All of these throw 100 trials at you, with a reward for clearing all of them. The Flipside and Flopside Pits both have 91 rooms filled with enemies, where you have to defeat the one that drops the key to move forward. Every tenth room is a break area, where you can buy items (if you're lucky), or leave. If you leave, you'll have to start over from room 1, so it's usually not the best course of action to take. But then what if you're someone like me, who has chores to do, and a dog to take care of, and a brother to annoy? Then I hope you set aside a couple of hours. Each.
The Sammer Kingdom Pit is a lot more straightforward, simply throwing 100 enemies your way, and expecting you to beat all of them. This would be fine if they didn't have to talk to you before and after EVERY SINGLE ROUND. The rewards for completing these aren't even any good, either. You get Dashell for completing the Flipside one, which is pointless, because Carrie is way better, and you get Catch Cards for completing the other two, which aren't of any use whatsoever except for 100%! And there is no way in heck you are getting me to 100% Super Paper Mario.
As far as my complaints toward TTYD, though... you might want to sit down for this. This is where the takes get really hot.
First off, the arguments you've already heard. The backtracking, the hallway-inspired area design, all that. Backtracking in video games is fine by me. Like I said, I've played NSMB before, so I know that feeling when I get to the Goal Pole and realize I missed the third/second Star Coin, and have to speed back through the level to get it. When you have to backtrack between the different world of the game though, is where things get a little iffy. Color Splash, Sticker Star, and heck, even Super handled this aspect really well. In CS and SS, you can press Start on any level you've already been to to simply leave to the world map, from where you can quickly go and grab the thing (or sometimes Thing) you need. Super's method was a bit more convoluted, but essentially did the same thing; go to the menu, and use the Escape Pipe to leave from pretty much anywhere. Granted, in Super, you still need to walk back to where you were before, but it's not as bad as TTYD, where you not only need to slowly walk to where you were before, but also to where you had to backtrack to to get the thing you needed. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last time I say this, but I have a life to live, dang it! And it really doesn't help that you have to do this multiple times for MANDATORY STORY PROGRESSION. Sure, you can skip most of it with glitches, but I don't know how to do any of that!
As for the hallways, I could really care less. Even two of my favorite games of all time, SM3DW and Splatoon, have areas that are literal straight lines. But in TTYD, this is pretty much the entire game. Like I said, I couldn't care less, but it is still an issue for a series that is 40% battles, and 60% exploration. Heck, Super had more exploration than this.
Oh yeah. The battles. Oh boy.
The battle system in TTYD is most often described as an expansion of the battle system from 64, which I adored everything about, minus the pretty much frame-perfect guard timing, that the tutorial barely helps with. TTYD's battle system, IMPHO, is more of a downgrade. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fact that the partners had their own HP. But a lot of the other things the game does I'm not a huge fan of. The audience mechanic I feel worked well in TOK; the audience helps you out, but there's a drawback; you spend coins that could be used on weapon upgrades or story progression. In TTYD, the audience helps you refill you star energy, as well as helping in other ways whenever they feel like it. They can also screw you over. Whenever they feel like it. That means the audience can randomly get up from their seats and say, drop a stage light on your partner's head, forcing you to rethink the entire strategy you spent the entire rest of the fight forming. And if you were relying solely on that strategy? Pfft. Say hello to the Game Over screen. Yeah, that can very well be blamed on the player being unprepared, but we can't forget the fact that this entire domino effect stemmed from random chance. I know RPGs have random elements; it's kind of a staple of the genre, but this is ridiculous. And yeah, I know you can off some of the audience members. But what if I told you that that was only the beginning?
Say hello to the Bingo Wheel, which is singlehandedly the dumbest game mechanic I've ever seen in any video game ever, let alone in an RPG. The mechanic was sort of in Sticker Star, where it could be activated for 10 coins, allowing you to increase the number of stickers you used that turn, as well as healing you, giving you extra coins, poisoning you, giving you a free attack, or whatever the heck the Lightning Bolt did. Most of the wheel's effects were good, but there was the one bad one. even then, you could still avoid it by slowing down the spinner, though it would cost you more coins. The mechanic was in Color Splash too, but instead of increasing card slots, it simply gave you a card, should you be running low. There were no drawbacks or extra rewards for doing it, either. You just spend coins and get a card. In TTYD, the Bingo Wheel is a bit of a nightmare. It shows up pretty much randomly (Unless there's something I'm missing), with the first two spots on the wheel filled in with a random image. You're then tasked with pressing A and praying to RN-Jesus that you do/don't line up the last picture. If you do, then you'll get an effect based on the image, but the most common picture I've seen is the Poison Mushroom, so you usually don't want to line it up. There's no way of slowing down the wheel, either. This, right here? This is the reason I'd rather play Sticker Star. Yeah, there's still a roulette wheel as part of the battles, but you choose when it shows up. That's something most of the modern Paper Mario games have been doing, actually. Grabbing elements from TTYD's battle system that usually occurred via random chance, and mapping them to a button, and removing some of the hinderances from using it. Some people don't like this, but honestly, I'm totally on board with it.
Then, there's the argument that the modern games don't have any original characters.
...Okay, yeah. For some long-time Mario players, this isn't even a debate. The original characters were better. But on my behalf, I'm going to remind you:
one of my first Mario games was NSMBW.
(Remember I said that. It's a surprise tool that'll help us later.)
As I'm sure you're all aware of, NSMBW (or New Super Mario Bros. Wii), isn't exactly a "Beacon of Originality". Heck, the entirety of the NSMB series isn't. So when I saw the different species inhabiting the different towns, I had to do a double-take. It made me ask "Is this a Mario game?", which might be the question some of you want to be asked when playing these kinds of games. Something so unique and unlike anything else in the series that it makes you question the game you're really playing for a moment. For me though, the guy who grew up playing NSMBW as a uncertified-but-totally-certified Blue Toad main, it was really alienating. Don't get me wrong, I thought Goombella and Professor Frankly fit right in with the rest of the Mario cast, but if you told me that Admiral Bobbery was a Bob-Omb, I probably wouldn't believe you. I remember when I saw the fisherman in PM64 for the first time. I was really confused as to what he was supposed to be, and after talking to him at least 50 times in between chapters, I still don't know much about him besides the fact that he acts like Big The Cat.
Heck, I showed PM64 to someone when they were visiting once, and they said verbatim, "If I got this game when I was a kid, I probably would've returned it."
Those are words you never want to hear anyone say about any game ever. And it's not like that person wasn't a gamer, either. They were very familiar with the modern Mario games.
...Notice how I said they were familiar with the "modern" Mario games. Sure, maybe Nintendo is playing it safe. But you know what? In the end, they're still a business. Businesses have to make money. And in attempting to succeed in that endeavor, they have to appeal to everyone. Not just the people who want TTYD 2, but also the people who grew up playing NSMBU and SM3DW.
If you've made it this far, congrats. You're awesome. I'd give you an award, but all I have is a Catch Card of Dashell, and I'm not sure you'll want it. Either way, if you want, you can put your overall Paper Mario rankings in the comments or something. Idk. Anyway, I'd like to thank you for reading, Ask you to put an F in the chat for Bobby, and wish all of you with dogs to take care of and brothers to annoy a very pleasant evening. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by AgentOGames to papermario [link] [comments]

[TRADING PSYCHOLOGY] Nobody ever takes a trade thinking it's going to be a loser

I spent several hours this past week coaching traders at my prop firm. And something caught my attention…
Every single one of these traders needed help with the same thing.
It has to do with what I call the “reverse” gambler’s fallacy. And it’s something many traders struggle with.
Today, I’ll show you how to get this common obstacle under control… and start earning more consistent returns year after year…
What Most New Traders Get Wrong
The obstacle I’m talking about is trading psychology. It’s a very broad term used to describe the emotional side of trading.
Almost all new traders believe the most important part of trading is being able to analyze markets like a pro.
On the surface, this logic makes sense. After all, if you can reliably forecast which direction to take on a trade, the money should take care of itself… right?
What these novices don’t yet understand is that something special happens the moment you commit your money to a trade…
You start feeling things.
Whether it’s fear, excitement, anxiety, or a mix of all three, no one is immune to these emotions. And they can wreak havoc on even the best planned trades.
You may be able to call the direction, the timing, and the target price to perfection… But it can all be for nothing if you are unable to stick to your trade plan.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen traders plan out a great trade… But then ended up somehow losing money, or not being in the market when the move they’d forecast played out.
So how do you beat your emotions to become a better, more consistent trader? It comes down to the three key parts of trading. Let me explain…
The Three-Legged Stool of Trading
I think of trading as a three-legged stool.
Your methodology/strategy for picking trades is the first leg. Your risk- and trade-management strategy is the second leg. And the third leg is your trading psychology.
In my experience, most traders focus on the first leg (strategy and methodology), and they neglect the other two legs. But the stool needs all three legs to stand on its own.
Over the years, I’ve honed my own proprietary method to develop well-rounded traders. Here’s what I’ve learned…
The first fundamental building block of a profitable trader is to establish a proven strategy/methodology you can use to identify good trades. In my experience, everything follows from this foundation.
How you manage your risk and your trades should be determined by the strategies you employ. Your trading psychology likewise will be influenced by your approach to risk and trade management.
I’ve seen other trading instructors assign arbitrary percentage values to the three legs of the trading stool. Usually these values are divided up like this: 30% to the level of importance on the analytical strategy, 30% to risk and trade management, and 40% to trading psychology.
But I don’t believe that any one leg is more important than the other. And yet I’ve found that, more often than not, traders neglect risk/trade management and psychology.
So how do you stop neglecting these two important areas to become a more well-rounded trader? That’s where our reverse gambler’s fallacy comes in…

Time to Ditch the Casino Mentality
There is one block that seems to stop traders from progressing to working on the other two legs.
That is, they don’t know how to flip the switch from thinking about their trades as individual trades in a vacuum… to thinking about them as a collection that relies on a statistical edge to net a profit.
Most traders run into this problem at some point in their careers. And if you’re frustrated with your trading right now, chances are you may be struggling with this, too.
It’s known as the casino mentality. And it’s the same mindset that amateur gamblers will take with them into Caesars Palace or the Bellagio.
It doesn’t matter if they’re seated at the blackjack table or standing over the roulette wheel. Most gamblers believe that the hand or spin they are about to play is the opportunity to hit a winner.
After all, if the roulette wheel has landed four black spins in a row, the next one surely must be red, right?
In reality, the chances of the roulette ball landing on black or red is even, at about 47.4% each. This means each spin is independent of the last.
This is also known as the gambler’s fallacy. What’s interesting is that I’ve observed a kind of reverse gambler’s fallacy from many traders…
This occurs when a trader, who does in fact have a statistically proven strategy, goes on a losing streak… And then instead of continuing to trust their strategy, they abandon it altogether.
How to Avoid the “Reverse” Gambler’s Fallacy
I saw this logical fallacy in effect this past week during one of my coaching calls.
The trader I was coaching had recently taken a technical setup that simply did not work. He was convinced he had done something wrong and wanted my help in improving his analysis.
But his analysis was great.
He didn’t do anything wrong in identifying the setup, which was textbook in nature. But the setup looked so good that, when it resulted in a loss, the trader was convinced that he was the problem… That he did something wrong.
The lesson I imparted to him, which I now want to pass on to you, is this very simple truth…
Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever takes a trade thinking it is going to be a loser. Every single trade you take will be because you thought it would make you money.
Despite this feeling of confidence, out of 100 trades, you’d be lucky to win 50% of them.
That’s why a great trader is not defined by what percentage of their trades end up as winners or losers. A great trader is defined by whether or not they are net profitable after taking 100 trades.
If you win roughly as many trades as you lose, but your winners make you 2x or 3x the amount of money you give back on your losers, you will end up with a nice profit at the end of the year.
Remember, nobody ever takes a trade thinking it is not going to work out. This is why it is absolutely crucial to abandon the idea of thinking about your trades as individual trades.
Instead, start taking a more data-driven, statistical approach to your trading. What do I mean by that?
Keeping a longer-term perspective on your trading is the key to longevity in this business. What your numbers look like over the next 100, 200, or 300 trades is far more relevant and important than losing your cool because you lost a handful of trades in a row.
Of course, to be able to make it to 300 trades, you must have a rock-solid risk management plan in place.
I don’t see gamblers at the casino take a professional approach very often. It’s rare to see someone bet small and stick to the odds on every play. It’s far more common for gamblers to be all over the place with the size of their bets.
They may start off betting small, but after winning a couple of hands of blackjack, they get overconfident and take an outsized bet. Sure enough, on that next hand they go bust while the house just happens to hit blackjack.
This is how casinos make money from gamblers. And it’s how the market parts amateur traders from their capital.
No doubt, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline to make the transition from amateur to professional. But, I promise you, the rewards make it all worthwhile. Until next time.
submitted by ParallaxFX to Forex [link] [comments]

Why you should learn poker and game theory (LONG READ)

Hello everyone! I have only been on Reddit for a few months but I learned so much from it that I figured I should try and give back to the community. English is my second language and this is the first time I ever write a full-length article, I hope you will enjoy reading it and I would be very thankful if you could provide some feedback about my writing, about the topic, or about anything else really… So here goes!

Why you should learn poker and game theory:
My story is similar to that of many: I learned about the game 10 years ago (during the golden age of online poker) when some friends of mine invited me to play a home game. Although I initially thought of poker as just another game of chance akin to playing slots or roulette in a casino, I quickly came to realize that there is a lot more to it as my more experienced friends would repeatedly get the best of me during these home games, which led me to start watching videos and reading strategy books to improve my skill… Little did I know it’d be the start of a journey that would impact many different aspects of my life way beyond the game itself, as most of the fundamental principles learned through poker can be applied to your decision-making outside of the game, especially when it comes to money management and investing. Now, let’s dive into a few of these principles:

- Risk management (i.e. Bankroll management)
When learning about how to be successful playing poker, the first big piece of advice most people come across is bankroll management or BRM. To understand BRM, you must first realize that poker has a lot of variance: you might be vastly ahead in a given hand but there is almost always a slim chance that you will lose in the end if one specific card hits. This implies that you will sometimes lose even though you were a 99% favorite, and that you will sometimes get unlucky and lose 2, 5 or maybe even 20 such encounters in a row. THIS is variance. It doesn’t mean that you played bad or that you made bad decisions, but rather that you got unlucky. Over time you will have lucky streaks and unlucky streaks, and these will average out in the long term… It’s just the way the game goes.
Now that we understand variance, let’s get back to BRM. What is it exactly? Let’s say you are the best poker player in the world but you only have 1000$ that you can EVER use to play with. Taking your whole 1000$ on one table and multiplying your stack at an exponential rate might seem like a good idea. Surely nothing can go wrong since you’re the best player in the world right? But variance can be a bitch ;) Even if you’re the best you will lose regularly and you will sometimes get unlucky, it’s just part of the game. The correct move here is to apply BRM, which means only using a small % of your available capital for each game you play in order to reduce the risk of going broke. Using only 100$ per game would already be a lot safer, but you still run the risk of going under on a streak of bad luck. If you only allocate 10$ per game you play, then it becomes virtually impossible for you to ever go broke, even on a huge streak of bad luck. Sure it’s not as exciting and you won’t be making money quite as fast as you could, but this is the way to go to make sure you don’t go broke…
This approach to risk management translates very well to investing:
- Only invest what you can afford to lose. Once the money is on the table it’s as good as gone, which is why you should only use your “spare” cash and never invest with your living expenses or worse, borrow money to invest.
- Diversify your investments. There is always a chance, however slim it might be, that you will lose most of your investment. This is why going all-in on a specific investment is generally a bad idea (this applies particularly well in the crypto space).
Proper BRM allows you to make sure that you will come out ahead in the long run if you play well, which basically comes down to making more good decisions than bad ones. But that’s assuming you don’t let emotions come in the way of your decision-making, which brings us to our next point…

- Emotional management (i.e. Handling tilt/Positive mindset)
Nobody likes losing… In the same way we enjoy winning because of the dopamine rush, we feel bad when we lose which is totally natural. Overcoming this and avoiding tilt (irrational decisions made out of angefrustration) is an essential skill for any successful poker player. You might play a sound game of poker and apply good BRM, but you will still lose if you let your emotions get the best of you.
After a loss, rather than being angry and frustrated, you should evaluate your decision-making. If your decision-making was good, you just got unlucky and you shouldn’t worry about it since you are playing for the long run (remember that variance teaches us that anything can happen in the short-term). If your decision-making was bad, you need to learn from your mistakes and move on. The key here is to always have a positive mindset: making mistakes is part of the learning process and should be seen as an occasion to improve. Being angry and ranting, on the other hand, rarely result in anything positive.
Again, this translates very well to investing:
- Don’t be impulsive, don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment. You should not FOMO because the price is pumping, nor should you sell because of FUD or price corrections. If you believe in a project, short-term price changes (did I hear someone say “variance”?) shouldn’t bother you.
- Don’t get stuck up on losses. You bought the top and it crashed immediately after? You sold the bottom right before a huge rally? Don’t let this bother you: what’s done is done and you just need to move on and make the best of your current situation.
- Have a positive mindset. Anger and frustration lead to nothing. Yes you could have bought in 2009 when you first heard about it, hindsight is always 20/20. Stay positive and keep learning/improving yourself.
The good thing about all this is that it goes way beyond poker or investing. Being aware of your emotions and how they affect you, learning how to handle losing even when you were “supposed” to win, etc… All this can tremendously help you in all aspects of life by making you less impulsive and more rational in your decision-making. Now, this leaves us with our last fundamental principle of a sound poker strategy:

- Basic stats and probabilities (i.e. Expected value/Odds)
To become an accomplished player, you will inevitably have to learn about these simple mathematical tools that poker players use all the time in their decision-making process, such as odds and expected value. To make it very simple, the expected value (EV) of any bet is (REWARD \ WinRate - RISK), meaning that if you can bet 1000$ with a chance to win 10k$ half of the time, your EV is *(10000\0.5)-1000 = +4000$**. Obviously these are great odds to take as long as you have enough capital to overcome variance. But things would be very different if the odds of winning were only 5% as your EV would then be negative *(10000\0.05)-1000 = -500$.*** Now this is clearly a bet you should not take…
Now that you know probabilities, statistics and game theory are useful decision-making tools in poker, guess what? They are also extremely useful in investing! Even better, the study of game theory with problems such as the “Byzantine generals” or the “Three prisoners” has been, along with cryptography, the foundation on which blockchain technology was built, enabling the trustless and decentralized services that are about to revolutionize our world…
Assuming this was enough to pique your interest and make you want to dig deeper, I’ll just add that just like the other topics we discussed and as you might have guessed, this translates very well to investing and also to pretty much anything in your life:
- Learn how to break down complex situations. Logical thinking paired with a statistical approach will help you break down any complex problem into several easier problems, making the whole thing a lot easier to approach/comprehend.
- Base your decisions on a methodical and rational approach. List every possible outcome along with its associated upside/downside, estimate the probability of each outcome to occur and make the best decision based on the information available.
My point here is that risk management, emotional management and statistics/game theory are all awesome tools that you should definitely add to your arsenal. Not only will it improve your money-management and investing, it will also be beneficial to your decision-making and to your life in general. Of course poker is not the only way to learn about these, but I personally found it to be the best practice ground to refine and improve them, which is why I strongly encourage you all to try it out and study the game.
I hope you enjoyed the article, and I wish you all a happy 2021 bull run! May we all come closer to retirement and financial independence!

TL;DR: more than a game, poker is a school of thought. It teaches you to be reasonable, to assess the risk of every single choice you make, to overcome you emotions, to play the long game rather than the short game, to make informed decisions, etc… This has made me a lot wiser in every aspect of my life, which is why I strongly encourage to try it out and read about poker strategy.
Edit: I couldn't crosspost from cc so I just copied the post as I figured it is relevant here too :)
submitted by RaBaTaJ_ to ethtrader [link] [comments]

What's the best way of beating wagering requirements on Roulette?

So I've got an £100 bonus and it needs to be wagered to £1500. There's no maximum earnings. The requirements say any bet on Roulette that covers 67% or more of the board doesn't qualify to the wagering.
So my question is what's the best way to complete this wagering requirement and give myself the best chance of coming out with the most money? Very interested to hear the different strategies people would go for here.
Edit: thanks for the tips guys, came out with £150 for £0 risk. I'll not complain!
submitted by OverrunInMidfield to gambling [link] [comments]

the thousand maws of toto-what?

the thousand maws of toto-what?
well, this was a ride. i'm choosing to post this even if it doesn't paint myself in the best light, lol

tune into everyone's favorite dungeon on leveling roulette whatever, i need materia and i'm cheap.
tank begins mass pulling, business as usual. arcanist is doing nothing but healing - so naturally i'm like? wut? also didn't have their carbuncle out. so i question it, and they say "i literally have no aoe at this level" which is true - and i say, the carbuncle? will still be more dps with single target.
so they're like "fine, good luck" - at this point the tank has pulled everything up until the first boss, and their hp is melting like a popsicle forgotten in a car on a hot day, so we wipe, and i die running back since we didn't clear the louses (lice?).
(to clarify; i genuinely do everything in my power to keep them alive but they had all of the monsters from start until first boss on them because we had not stopped to kill anything and the only means of staying alive was if both myself and the acn was heal spamming on them)
the acn is like "we do it like this all the time" with the acn healing and the mch dps'ing i guess.
so at the retry on first boss yourstruly_pettybitch.exe is initiated; i remark something like okay, they're the healer, so i just dps? tank eventually dies to poison in spite of physick spam, and the acn says "OH MY GOD can you just benefic 2 or do you want to pull all monsters one by one"
to which i answer, oh so no essential dignity?
(i ressed the tank and we kill boss, and move on)


so i pretty much always cast benefic ii for the rest of the dungeon, using lightspeed to cast between pulls, even when tank was full, until my mana drained, and the acn did the rest
i wanted to comply with their wishes and being a team player :)
i would've been perfectly fine doing it "their way" if someone had given me a heads up at the start; assuming a sprout acn had no idea what they were doing is, for someone who does daily roulettes, not an unfair assumption. we all know the "oh no tank is under 50% hp must clemency/vercure/physick" people.
they could've made their strategy known after i commented on their healing, which would also have been cool.
anyway i made sure nobody died from poison since i didn't want to grief *that* bad, and left as soon as we finished.
feel free to drag me, i lowkey hate being a salty binch anyway
(edited to clarify some events that i didn't describe too well at first i think)
submitted by anaesthaesia to TalesFromDF [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: October 11, 2020 | 30+ Ending Soon (including: THE 7th CITADEL) & 55+ New This Week (including: Frostpunk: The Board Game)

What this is:

This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter board game projects that are either:
All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (The occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!)
Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between midnight and noon PST.

Ending Soon

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
Broadside Empires of Steel A fully printable tabletop miniatures game set in the era of the Dreadnought Battleship. // Has raised A$11,322 of A$3,000 so far. (~377%) ☑ 2 206 $22 / A$55 Oct 11 kicktraq bgg
PERTHRO A Norse mythology-inspired dice game for two players. // Has raised CHF13,392 of CHF3,500 so far. (~383%) ☑ 2 484 $20 / CHF28 Oct 12 kicktraq
Random Fun Generator, Dice Games from Steve Jackson Games A collection of over twenty dice games from Steve Jackson Games! Use any existing six-sided dice, or play using our many custom dice!!! // Has raised $79,119 of $500 so far. (~15824%) ☑ varies 3166 $15 / $25 Oct 12 kicktraq
Sharks Feeding Frenzy Life getting you down? Wouldn't you rather be a shark? Eat new and exciting people! // Has raised $11,309 of $10,000 so far. (~113%) ☑ 2 - 6 169 $29 / $67 Oct 13 kicktraq
Kingdom (2nd Edition) Build your community together. Fight for what you believe in… or watch it burn. A game about communities by the author of Microscope // Has raised $35,010 of $2,500 so far. (~1400%) ☑ 2 - 5 1214 $10 / $29 Oct 13 kicktraq #rpg #newedition
The Thing - The Boardgame The official board game inspired by the 1982 movie The Thing. // Has raised €318,357 of €42,000 so far. (~758%) ☑ 1 - 8 3995 $93 / €80 Oct 14 kicktraq bgg
Apogee: A New Space Tale A card management game from 1 to 5 players to discover the New Space // Has raised €110,467 of €20,000 so far. (~552%) ☑ 1 - 5 2014 $43 / €55 Oct 14 kicktraq bgg
Soulgivers Absorb the Souls of the fallen heroes and capture the Fragment to survive the Decay in this competitive strategy game for 2 players. // Has raised €64,148 of €40,000 so far. (~160%) ☑ 2 863 $82 / €74 Oct 14 kicktraq bgg
Fruit Salad: The Multiple Games in One Game We will be creating a board game called Fruit Salad. This game comes with 8 different games perfect for all kind of players. // Has raised $4,301 of $7,064 so far. (~61%) 1 - 10 30 $25 / $143 Oct 14 kicktraq
Bots Up Build a bot, send it to battle and compete to be the last bot standing!Find out more at // Has raised £15,831 of £3,500 so far. (~452%) ☑ 2 - 5 546 $20 / £29 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
Hogs Of War The Miniatures Game A 1-4 Player Tabletop Miniatures Game with Tech-Tree, Hidden Movement and Base-Building mechanics. Solo and Co-op Modes included! // Has raised £101,206 of £18,000 so far. (~562%) ☑ 1 - 4 1091 $88 / £93 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
Office Buzz The Drinking Game To Become The CEO // Has raised $6,553 of $5,000 so far. (~131%) ☑ 3+ 231 $18 / $28 Oct 15 kicktraq
Machina Arcana ~ To Eternity A dark and immersive experience awaits you and your group of explorers. Travel the unknown, face cosmic horrors and fight for survival! // Has raised $447,554 of $30,000 so far. (~1492%) ☑ 1 - 4 5682 $25 / $79 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg #expansion
Best Left Buried: Deeper A new version of the rules light fantasy horror roleplaying game, Best Left Buried. // Has raised £23,277 of £10,000 so far. (~233%) ☑ ? 447 $13 / £52 Oct 15 kicktraq #rpg
Night Parade of a Hundred Yokai Raise an army of supernatural beings to haunt the islands of Japan in this asymmetrical engine building game! // Has raised $51,323 of $10,000 so far. (~513%) ☑ 1 - 4 904 $50 / $57 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
10+ Game A Card Game for Players & Inventors // Has raised HK$104,132 of HK$46,500 so far. (~224%) ☑ 2 - 6 284 $24 / HK$367 Oct 15 kicktraq
Forgotten Depths A quick-playing but substantial experience of exploration and combat // Has raised $29,423 of $26,000 so far. (~113%) ☑ 1 - 3 994 $30 / $30 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg #take2
Mythalix: Chapter 1: Greek Mythology Gods and Titans clash in a new world.Battle opponents, control areas & build your deck in this light strategy board game. // Has raised £14,588 of £10,000 so far. (~146%) ☑ 2 - 4 316 $32 / £46 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
THE 7th CITADEL After The 7th Continent, explore the world of the Collapsing Lands! // Has raised €2,238,010 of €300,000 so far. (~746%) ☑ 1 - 4 27409 $81 / €82 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
Brick Logic: The Game A kid designed logic game that uses LEGO bricks. Great for pandemic fun. // Has raised $2,227 of $204 so far. (~1092%) ☑ 1+ 130 $12 / $17 Oct 15 kicktraq
Castaway Curse (Second Printing) The shipwreck adventure game, now available with international shipping! 2-6 players, 20 min/player. Ages 13+ // Has raised $1,748 of $1,000 so far. (~175%) ☑ 2 - 6 22 $100 / $79 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg #newedition
RUMSKI (Second Edition) A quick-thinking, rummy style, strategy card game // Has raised $2,904 of $3,500 so far. (~83%) 2 - 6 81 $13 / $36 Oct 15 kicktraq #take2
Set 🔥 Watch: Swords of the Coin ⚔️ The highly anticipated stand alone expansion to our acclaimed 1-4 player cooperative game, Set a Watch // Has raised $167,927 of $20,000 so far. (~840%) ☑ 1 - 4 3554 $28 / $47 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg #expansion
Ultimate Bestiary Miniatures A horde of miniatures for your tabletop adventures! Based on the best selling monster book; Revenge of the Horde! // Has raised $85,513 of $75,000 so far. (~114%) ☑ - 1229 $10 / $70 Oct 15 kicktraq #minis
What's The Point? - The Cactus Card Game What's The Point? is an exciting, family-friendly, and cacti-loaded card game! // Has raised $7,925 of $3,000 so far. (~264%) ☑ 2 - 6 156 $25 / $51 Oct 15 kicktraq
Lucky Luau Flower matching and lei making fun from beautiful Hawaii! // Has raised $5,204 of $4,000 so far. (~130%) ☑ 2 - 6 180 $15 / $29 Oct 15 kicktraq bgg
Choo Choo Game. The Choo Choo card game is a train building game for everyone. // Has raised A$761 of A$750 so far. (~101%) ☑ 2 - 12 19 $20 / A$40 Oct 15 kicktraq
Pets Gone Shady - Card Game A card game that lets you throw octopuses, deal with naked turtles and avoid hangry hamsters! // Has raised $25,190 of $12,500 so far. (~202%) ☑ 2 - 5 520 $20 / $48 Oct 16 kicktraq #newedition
Good vs Gooder Fun debates for funny people—a family-friendly party game celebrating the gooder things in life // Has raised $17,758 of $18,500 so far. (~96%) 3+ 209 $29 / $85 Oct 16 kicktraq
Dinosaur World and Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write Dinosaur World and Dinosaur Island: Rawr 'n Write are two stand-alone games set in the Dinosaur Island Universe! // Has raised $642,373 of $25,000 so far. (~2569%) ☑ 2 - 4 7422 $30 / $87 Oct 16 kicktraq bgg
Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants A castlepunk Forged in the Dark roleplaying game. Mask up. Spill Blood. Drink the Rich. Join the discord! // Has raised $48,598 of $10,000 so far. (~486%) ☑ ? 1644 $10 / $30 Oct 16 kicktraq #rpg
DOPPELT ODER NICHTS Ein Kartenspiel, bei dem niemand sicher ist. Du hast die Wahl, aber wenn du dich überschätzt, trifft es dich doppelt -ENGLISH AVAILABLE // Has raised €5,803 of €7,000 so far. (~83%) 4 - ? 115 $20 / €50 Oct 17 kicktraq
Escape Deathrace 2182 A pocket-sized table-top dungeon crawler that pits you against your friends (and aliens!) in a cosmic street race to save the galaxy! // Has raised $4,044 of $8,200 so far. (~49%) 1 - 4 45 $25 / $90 Oct 17 kicktraq bgg
Arms & Influence A political strategy card game, where you compete with neighboring nations to achieve world dominance. // Has raised $10,916 of $7,500 so far. (~146%) ☑ 3 - 4 215 $19 / $51 Oct 17 kicktraq bgg

New This Week

Project Info Players Backers Min / Avg Pledge Ends Comments
"Really Karen?" Party Board Game Live the life of a 'Karen' as you argue and complain around town with your friends in this hilarious party board game. // Has raised $2,715 of $10,000 so far. (~27%) 2 - 6 43 $30 / $63 Nov 06
13 Monsters: Armed to the Teeth - Battle expansion pack Supercharge your battles with 13 Monsters: Armed to the Teeth, the brand-new expansion pack for 13 Monsters: The game. // Has raised €1,558 of €6,500 so far. (~24%) 2 - 8 37 $30 / €42 Nov 05 bgg #expansion #reprint
Additive Drinking: The Card Game For Drinkers A fast paced and competitive drinking game. Influence your opponents drinking tasks to impossible levels using cards like +1, +4, x2. // Has raised $451 of $500 so far. (~90%) 2 teams 16 $12 / $28 Nov 02
Ambush Epic A semi-cooperative Dungeon game. Lead your hero to the creepy and darkest nook of the dungeon. // Has raised €14,570 of €25,000 so far. (~58%) 1 - 4 309 $42 / €47 Oct 29 bgg #take2
Animal Family A card game for the whole family. It matches animals in different family dynamics, which has rules for both ages 3 - 6 and 6 - 10. // Has raised $1 of $5,000 so far. (~0%) ? 1 $12 / $1 Dec 06
ANiMOZ - The trading card game of Australian animals The game changing conservation. Come be a Ranger! // Has raised A$12,836 of A$5,900 so far. (~218%) ☑ 1 - 4+ 198 $11 / A$65 Oct 31
Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black Golden age pirates join the world of Blood & Plunder as we move into the 18th century! // Has raised $220,954 of $120,000 so far. (~184%) ☑ 2 1133 $50 / $195 Nov 04 bgg #expansion #reprint
Bluffy pirates An extremely fun, highly competitive, strategic party game, suited for groups from 4 to 6 people. // Has raised €862 of €5,000 so far. (~17%) 4 - 6 25 $19 / €34 Oct 26
Card Bard A highly thematic card game where players take up the mantle of the bard! // Has raised $4,182 of $12,000 so far. (~35%) 2 - 4 70 $38 / $60 Nov 05 bgg
Cartographers Heroes + 3 Map Pack Expansions The stand-alone follow up to the critically acclaimed map-drawing game - Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale. // Has raised $218,516 of $20,000 so far. (~1093%) ☑ 1 - 100 4073 $22 / $54 Oct 23 bgg
Cooking Customers - Play Cards, Roll Dice & Don't Get Fired! Cooking Customers is a "stick it to your competition" card and dice game where you play cards, roll dice and try not to get fired! // Has raised $22 of $100 so far. (~22%) 2 - 10 3 $15 / $7 Oct 24 bgg #take2
Dice Command A semi-abstract tactical wargame for 2-4 players with dice action selection and engine building! // Has raised C$10169 of C$7000 so far. (~145%) ☑ 2 - 4 183 $35 / C$56 Nov 05
DICTATOR-Y LITTLE BITCH: A Cooperative Card/Board Game Team up with intelligent life forms from all over the Universe to resist the DICTATOR-Y LITTLE B!†₵Ħ before he totally Fµ₵кs the WORLD. // Has raised $1,357 of $13,000 so far. (~10%) 2 - 6 22 $34 / $62 Nov 02
Disciples - The Immoral Game of Cults and Consequences Start a cult! Perform ridiculous rituals, collect disciples and forget your morals in this fun global strategy tabletop game. // Has raised $2,653 of $3,333 so far. (~80%) 2 - 4 35 $38 / $76 Oct 30 bgg
Do You Realize How Much? An engaging, fun and surprising card game about our human footprint // Has raised €5,721 of €6,000 so far. (~95%) ? 145 $18 / €39 Nov 11
Dungeon Decorators A new tile-drafting light strategy game from the makers of The Red Dragon Inn! // Has raised $26,777 of $40,000 so far. (~67%) 2 - 4 476 $39 / $56 Oct 29 bgg
Dungeon Drop: Dropped Too Deep and Tavern Tales Prepare to drop deeper with an epic expansion to the premier "drop-style" tabletop game. Then complete your story with Tavern Tales! // Has raised $143,731 of $14,500 so far. (~991%) ☑ varies 2357 $16 / $61 Oct 29 bgg #expansion
Eternal Eight A Miniature War game with True 3D Castles and Villages! // Has raised $1,855 of $100,000 so far. (~2%) 1 - 4 19 $89 / $98 Nov 09
EvenQuads A new card deck, and five new games, featuring the biographies of women mathematicians through history. // Has raised $6,043 of $3,000 so far. (~201%) ☑ 1 - ? 146 $18 / $41 Nov 19
Fearsome Wilderness: the board game & miniatures collection a tabletop gaming experience crafted for gamers, hobbyists, and horror fans alike. // Has raised $17,390 of $10,000 so far. (~174%) ☑ 1 - 4 289 $49 / $60 Nov 05 bgg
Filibust! Party Card Game A party card game full of laughter; just don't let it out! You and your friends must keep a straight face saying your whacky lines. // Has raised $587 of $10,000 so far. (~6%) 3 - 8 10 $25 / $59 Dec 08
Frostpunk: The Board Game A city-survival game where heat means life and every decision comes at a cost. From the designers of Nemesis and This War of Mine: TBG. // Has raised €1,093,059 of €200,000 so far. (~547%) ☑ 1 - 4 9962 $89 / €110 Oct 28 bgg
Gun and Gun A fast-paced competitive card game featuring action-packed 1v1 duels and a two-deck draft system, brought to you straight from Japan. // Has raised $27,313 of $10,000 so far. (~273%) ☑ 2 438 $30 / $62 Oct 22 bgg
Herbaceous - Pocket Edition A new, compact version of Herbaceous that's just as relaxing and beautiful as the original // Has raised $18,466 of $4,500 so far. (~410%) ☑ 1 - 4 925 $15 / $20 Oct 19 bgg #newedition
Hey Doc, A adult party game for health care workers, students and anyone who finds bodily functions humerus! // Has raised $12,005 of $11,000 so far. (~109%) ☑ 3+ 269 $35 / $45 Nov 01 #take2 #lolwut
Hidden Society of the Gnomes: Great Invasion Gnomes are taking over the world! The invasion is inevitable! Will they succeed, or will the human race prevail? The choice is yours! // Has raised €222 of €60,000 so far. (~0%) 2 4 $47 / €56 Dec 08 #hmm
High Rise: The UltraPlastic Edition The tabletop board game about construction and corruption, now with gorgeous plastic buildings // Has raised $49,273 of $50,000 so far. (~99%) 1 - 4 706 $5 / $70 Oct 29 bgg #newedition #expansion
Jack Rabbit JAM: Battle Roulette A casino-style 1v1 game of strategy and luck, inspired by classic arcade fighters. // Has raised £83 of £777 so far. (~11%) 2 13 $10 / £6 Oct 28
Journey to Ecrya: A roleplay-driven board game Play as 1 of 8 unique heroes and embark on a dangerous journey through a rich fantasy landscape in this 2 to 4 players game. // Has raised €2,180 of €13,000 so far. (~17%) 2 - 4 53 $30 / €41 Nov 10 bgg
King of the West A quick Weird West area-control card game that fits in your pocket. Only $9! // Has raised $2,169 of $3,500 so far. (~62%) 2 - 9 86 $9 / $25 Nov 03 bgg
Mighty Armies: Invasion The dead have risen! The living must form armies as they combat the forces of foul necromancers. Welcome to Invasion. // Has raised $1,441 of $500 so far. (~288%) ☑ 2? 22 $10 / $66 Oct 18
MUD: A Political Card Game The dirty game of American elections. // Has raised $19,427 of $12,000 so far. (~162%) ☑ 2 - 6 394 $25 / $49 Nov 02 bgg
NOONGK - the future is already here! Harness the power of technologies and leverage them as a tool to achieve the sustainable development agenda. // Has raised €182 of €30,000 so far. (~1%) ? 5 $35 / €36 Nov 11 #hmm
Pocket Paragons 3-minute Asymmetrical Duel // Has raised $11,591 of $8,000 so far. (~145%) ☑ 2 214 $20 / $54 Nov 05 bgg
Prosperitea A simple and elegant card game about blending, selling, and trading loose leaf tea. From the studio that brought you Cantankerous Cats! // Has raised $3,714 of $20,000 so far. (~19%) 3 - 6 95 $29 / $39 Nov 02 bgg
Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Rainbow Unicorn Rescue is a true family board game; created by two young sisters and brought to life with a little help from dad. // Has raised $4,046 of $5,000 so far. (~81%) 2 - 4 56 $30 / $72 Nov 01
Random Fun Generator, Dice Games from Steve Jackson Games A collection of over twenty dice games from Steve Jackson Games! Use any existing six-sided dice, or play using our many custom dice!!! // Has raised $79,119 of $500 so far. (~15824%) ☑ varies 3166 $15 / $25 Oct 12
Rathskellers Modular Table : For Dining, Gaming & RPG's Rathskellers' 1st kickstarter project ! Presenting Sunnygeeks: A truly epic & modular table for Dining, Gaming & RPGs. // Has raised €269,740 of €100,000 so far. (~270%) ☑ - 231 $1182 / €1,168 Nov 12 #bling
Reputation: The Game of Fame A scandalous card game about your journey to superstardom. // Has raised A$1,155 of A$1,500 so far. (~77%) ? 25 $18 / A$46 Nov 02
ROTTEN MINIATURES MMXX Resin miniatures in dark fantasy style for players, collectors, and painters. // Has raised €4,486 of €2,500 so far. (~179%) ☑ - 79 $10 / €57 Nov 07 #minis
RPG Battles: The Card Game The easiest roleplaying, cards, and strategy game ever! Based on the mechanics of the Pathfinder RPG, without the complication. #TTRPG // Has raised $961 of $1,000 so far. (~96%) 2 - 6 31 $15 / $31 Nov 06 bgg
Sig: City of Blades Cosmopolitan Planar Fantasy, Forged in the Dark // Has raised C$15246 of C$10000 so far. (~152%) ☑ ? 354 $19 / C$43 Oct 30 #rpg
Solid Oak Dice Tower Evolution Dice tower / tray / storage combo // Has raised £1,605 of £400 so far. (~401%) ☑ - 26 $39 / £62 Oct 29 #bling
Spindlewheel A tarot-like interpretive storytelling game where you weave a story from card to card. // Has raised $19,970 of $5,000 so far. (~399%) ☑ ? 321 $35 / $62 Nov 07 #rpg
Studies in Sorcery Studies in Sorcery is an engine building and drafting game for 1-4 players about getting your master's degree in the dark arts. // Has raised $16,327 of $5,900 so far. (~277%) ☑ 1 - 4 545 $19 / $30 Oct 29 bgg
Takkure, a cyberpunk rugby game In a violent cyberpunk universe, the players take on the role of coaches to lead teams of 4 players. // Has raised €19,734 of €13,000 so far. (~152%) ☑ 2 282 $77 / €70 Oct 25 bgg
The Conquistadors A game simulating the Spanish conquest of the Americas from 1518-1548 // Has raised $6,373 of $2,500 so far. (~255%) ☑ 1 - 5 80 $64 / $80 Oct 27 bgg
The Sleepover A lightly horror themed family friendly co-op board game. Where you have to restore power to the house before the Boogeyman gets you. // Has raised $2,569 of $27,000 so far. (~10%) 2 - 6 32 $45 / $80 Nov 06
Time Vault Soccer - The football card game A 2 player starter pack and expansion for the original Time Vault Soccer "Debut" set - with added World Cup-ness. // Has raised £613 of £1,000 so far. (~61%) 2 - 6 14 $27 / £44 Nov 05 bgg #expansion #newedition
To The Moon And Back A fun and highly tactical board game where in up to six players compete against eachother as intergalactic parcel couriers. // Has raised €3,724 of €20,000 so far. (~19%) 2 - 6 68 $48 / €55 Nov 05
TorKings: The World's Greatest Strategic Alignment Game UNTAMED and UNLEASHED - The genre's EXTREME UPGRADE of gameplay and hardware is here. // Has raised A$38,686 of A$5,000 so far. (~774%) ☑ 2 - 6 406 $39 / A$95 Oct 27 bgg
Truth or lie, do you know your friends? The boardgame where you will have to discover if your friends are lying or telling the truth, with the most intimate questions // Has raised €322 of €2,200 so far. (~15%) ? 8 $24 / €40 Nov 03
Unforgiven: The Lincoln Assassination Trial Relive one of the most famous trials in US history--a tense, tabletop duel where you sway a jury & a nation for swift justice. // Has raised $22,177 of $7,999 so far. (~277%) ☑ 2 373 $29 / $59 Oct 31 bgg
WOKE UP! “There is no such thing as a single issue struggle"Audre Lorde (Black, Lesbian, Mother, Warrior) // Has raised £1 of £4,600 so far. (~0%) 2 - 6 1 $20 / £1 Nov 04
Yonder: A Fantasy Tabletop Roleplaying Game Refugees from a cataclysm venture into a magical land where they are transformed as they reveal their inner nature. // Has raised C$8192 of C$6000 so far. (~137%) ☑ ? 176 $19 / C$47 Nov 01 #rpg
You Don't Know Me: The Friendship Party Game Testing friendships since 2020. // Has raised C$2957 of C$8000 so far. (~37%) 3 - 6+ 36 $19 / C$82 Nov 05

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submitted by Zelbinian to boardgames [link] [comments]

(MANGA) Top 30 strongest characters in the series so far

Yeye i know hunter x hunter is all about match-ups and strategy, knowledge and all that but i believe you can still put together a solid list ranking the characters. For example no matter how much strategy went into the Youpi fight, Knuckle and Morel couldn't best him. Also beware as i'm gonna go into manga spoilers. I will go into detail for every character and why i rank them the way i rank them. Open to suggestions and discussion. Creditless arguments like "pouf is a royal guard tho" or bias (looking at Morel, Killua, Feitan and Hisoka wankers) will be ignored.
Note: this list is a little subjective as i'll go into some headcanon. I won't include characters like The Guide or the Gatekeepers. Also no characters undergoing development as we know nothing of what they can do in a fight (looking at you Tserriednich and Benjamin). Finally no Alluka / Nanika and Adult Gon
  1. **Don Freecss (assuming he is still alive) 1, *Post-Rose Meruem (in the case Don is not alive)
  2. Beyond Netero - There's no way someone that already survived the Dark Continent once and went on to train himself for 50 years to go there again can't be this high up. If Togashi ever decides to write that arc, i think we are gonna see Beyond best foes above Meruem.
  3. Pre-Rose Meruem - No matter how you put it, Netero couldn't best him in a 1v1 fight so he had to go all out and kill himself to prevent Meruem from being a further threat to humanity. 0 Hand barely did some damage to Meruem. A true King
  4. *Isaac Netero - The pinnacle of hunters at the time of the palace invasion.
  5. *Ging Freecss - His portrayal is off the charts. One of the 5 greatest nen masters in the world according to Neterom and he showed some of that potential with the warts game. He can copy any Enhancer ability just by being hit with it and use it in a masterful manner by analysing the way the user might use his ability and in what situations, showing his deep understanding of nen and his cerebral, strategic prowess. Lastly he's gonna be a major player in the Dark Continent arc if Togashi ever picks up the story to that point. Personally i think he could potentially be above Meruem and Netero, but i'll give those 2 the benefit of the doubt as we haven't seen much from Ging.
  6. Botobai - One of the only 3-star hunters in the world and given that he's a terrorist hunter he's highly proficient in combat. Also portrayal wise, he was stated to be the man in the HA to be the closest to Netero
  7. *Silva Zoldyck - This may seem weird, but i believe Silva is supposed to showcase what a top tier hunter in his prime is supposed to look like. Great portrayal as the head of the Zoldyck Family and a master assassin. His explosive orbs were said to be able to kill top tier nen users like Zeno or Chrollo if it's a direct hit, and he also 1-shot Cheetu who was giving Morel and Knuckle a run for their money without even having a Hatsu. He could potentially be higher but we need more feats. *Interchangeable with Razor*
  8. *Razor - Insane nen reserve and nen mastery. The fact that he created and imbued all the thousands of cards inside Greed Island and even keeps the game going with his nen is enough. On top of all that he can still conjure dozens of nen beasts and emit high level nen attacks (like his nen ball). Add his insane physicality on top of all that and i think we're looking at a top tier. *interchangeable with Silva*
  9. *Youpi - Insane nen reserves, insane growth speed and versatile with his body transfiguration technique. *interchangeable with Pitou*
  10. *Pitou - Around the same as youpi. Genius level intellect and a specialist, can make up new Hatsu on the spot and hast some of the best feats in HxH. *interchangeable with Youpi*
  11. Zeno Zoldyck - Self explanatory
  12. Chrollo - I don't think i need to go into detail for this. His encounter with Zeno and Silva and his fight with hisoka speak for themselves. As for why i have him below Zeno, i think ppl too often misinterpret what Zeno said after that encounter. He never said "Oh chrollo you could kill me", but rather "The outcome *might* have been different". Also important to note that once Zeno fought seriously he cornered Chrollo. Lastly Chrollo needs more prep-time to be effective in a fight, whereas Zeno is suited for quick, direct combat.
  13. Post-Revival Hisoka - Honestly he might be even stronger than this but we don't really know the heights he achieved after his revival, given that he was already strong enough before his death. As far as we know he could be only slightly stronger or even above the Royal Guards. I for sure expect his placement to change in the future.
  14. Bisky - You may think this might be a little too low for Bisky but hear me out. Yes she has peak physicality and is a great nen user, but that's all she has. Everyone that's above her (besides maybe Chrollo) has either high tier or top tier physicality AND some great hatsu suited for combat. At the end of the day as good as Bisky's hatsu is for training, it's pretty useless in combat, so all she has going for herself is her physicality and basic nen techniques.
  15. Pariston - Probably the most cerebral character in HxH, Pariston is to this day a mystery. One of the only 10 3-star hunters in the world and a great threat lurking in the world right now. We don't know what type of hunter he is, and to be honest the fact that we know so little about him is the only reason i have him this low. Could easily be top 10.
  16. Saiyu - being one of the Zodiacs he is a high tier hunter and master Nen user. I mostly put him this high cause i think his hatsu is quite insane.
  17. *Pre-Revival Hisoka - High tier hunter that sees even the Zodiacs as nothing more than playthings. Proven himself to be a nen master and highly cerebral and skilled combatant. Bungee Gum is super versatile and his physicality is high tier. His cards also help a lot since they provide piercing damage.
  18. *Illumi Zoldyck - Pretty much portrayed to be equal to Pre-Revival Hisoka. Proficient nen user, master assassin, i don't know what more I can say about him. Pretty self explanatory.
  19. Uvogin - Physical beast, top tier Enhancer. Uvogin was unfortunate enough to go down rather early in the story and people underestimate him because of it, but Kurapika is just too good against PT members.
  20. Nobunaga - In my opinion one of the most if not the most underrated character in HxH as far as fighters go. His hatsu is pretty crazy imo and the restriction makes it so much more potent. He was also portrayed to be Uvo's equal.
  21. Killua Zoldyck - The only reason he is this low is cause his lack of experience against top tiers (Chimera Ant Arc was his first time fighting opponents this strong) and the inconsistency Godspeed provides. Being a former assassin and given Godspeed's insanely high nen usage, Killua is at his best in short encounters. If he can't best any of the people above him while Godspeed is active, it's an automatic loss imo. Could potentially be ~16-17
  22. Kurapika - Good physicality as he was keeping up with Uvogin, master nen user and probably the most versatile fighter in the series thus far. Emperor Time is just too OD. NOTE: this is Kurapika on average, not when he is facing PT members
  23. Morel - Nen master, experienced fighter. The things he did in Chimera Ant Arc speak for themselves to be honest. You could argue he can be a little higher but i'm comfortable with putting him here.
  24. Knuckle - Similar to Saiyu, knuckle has to meet a certain condition to best his opponents. The only problem is, his condition takes way longer to be met and i'll give Saiyu the benefit of the doubt cause of his Zodiac status. APR is an amazing hatsu, truly broken to be honest. You could argue that Knuckle does great against your usual hunter / monster, but Youpi was just too much for him, and while i agree, i still don't think he can drain someone of Kurapika's caliber or Uvo of his Nen before they beat him. I could be wrong tho. This is a placement i'm looking forward to hear more opinions on from yall.
  25. Kanzai - Now this might be controversial, and i feel like I'm heavily low-balling Kanzai. He's a combatant 2-star hunter, a Zodiac, Hisoka said his strength is around 85 (w/e the fuck that means) and was stated to be Netero's sparring partner. So why do i have him this low? For 1, he is super dumb, and intelligence and strategy matters a lot in nen fights, and 2 we don't know to what extent his sparring with Netero went. Also very important, Netero was notably rusty nd out of shape before Chimera Ant Arc. I could see him being higher tho, but we need to see more from him.
  26. Phinks - Potent Enhancer. We don't know much about Phinks to be honest and that's the only reason i have him this low. I will say tho he could 100% be above Uvogin, we just need to see more
  27. *Kite - Proficient nen user, kite is a really skilled hunter, earning Ging's praise. He could potentially be higher up but the random nature of Roulette keeps him from being consistent in fights against high tiers in my opinion. Kite vs Feitan 1v1 could go either way depending on Roulette. Does he get a good weapon and kills Feitan before pain-packer, or does pain-packer take him down before he gets an amazing weapon?
  28. *Feitan - The exact opposite of Nobunaga, i think Feitan is one of the most overrated fighters in HxH. Yes pain-packer is cool and all, but if you can put him down before that ability activates, he's not much to fear. *NOTE: now i will say, given the context of post-death Nen, it could turn out that a post-death pain-packer could even take out a fuckign Royal Guard, but at the end Feitan is still dead so it's not really a win
  29. Gon - I love Gon, and he is just as talented as Killua, but he is far from reaching his potential. His main issue is his 1-dimensional hatsu and the lack of versatility in fight, proven time and time again against people like Genthru or Knuckle. I wish i could put him higher but i really don't see him beating anyone above him.
  30. *****Pouf - Honestly i don't even know if Pouf deserves to be on this list, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Pouf is 100% the most overrated character whenever i read thru someone's list of the strongest characters in HxH. YES he is a royal guard, YES he has insane nen reserves, YES he is a genius, but people forget 1 really important thing: HE IS NOT A FUCKING FIGHTER. This dude didn't even pose a threat to Morel for crying out loud and i see people put him in top 10 all the time. HE. IS. NOT. A. FIGHTER.
submitted by Freddie_Kane_SZN to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

Getting ready for a Merry Xmas of Fantasy Fixtures

A post for everyone to think about but for someone like me who is hovering around the 700k overall rank, I always see the December games as a massive opportunity to pick up/gain points on the rest in a short period of time.
Provided there are no changes to fixtures or unfortunate postponements I'm listing a few teams that I think should be the go to's in the 6 games over festive perriod.
I believe everyone should be targeting these fixtures on the basis of quick match turnover which give those who are in top form an opportunity to go on great runs. It can also be an opportunity for certain players to win big. Teams will be obvious but hopefully it will help some.

1. Liverpool: FUL(A) TOT(H) CRY(A) WBA(H) NEW(A) SOU(A) 2nd place Liverpool are looking very nice in December. Apart from Spurs at home I don't foresee there being many problems for the champions. I fully expect with some fans now allowed back at Anfield they will want to show more of what they did against Wolves to the unfortunate fans who did not get to celebrate the title.
Player watch: Salah is my personal preference instead of Mane. You could double up with Jota if you think he will get more starts but he is a rotation risk. Robertson and TAA are also attacking full backs who have the potential to haul but they do come at a cost.

2. Man City: MUN(A) WBA(H) SOU(A) NEW(H) EVE(A) CHE(A) After a mediocre start to the season Pep will have seen promising signs from the last 2 fixtures that his team is starting to show signs of why they are one of the best teams in the league. Champions league is wrapped up, surely he will want them to go full throttle now and bang in as many goals to prove that his team is still to be reckoned with.
Player watch: KDB is the obvious choice but if you feel like going for something different, don't shy away from Sterling and Mahrez. Personally I think a double up with Mahrez could be a nice aggressive move to make. Yes you will encounter Pep roulette but how many times have we seen city 2-3 goals up in the 2nd half only for a player like Mahrez to come on and get a goal. I don't have a preference for the defense.

3. Leeds: WHU(H),NEW(H) MUN(A) BUR(H) WBA(A) TOT(A)
Bielsa's boys lie 14th but only separated 5 points between 4th placed Man Utd. You know what you are going to get with Leeds, solid performances. They can give the best in the league a game on their day and with that I feel like they are one to monitor.
Player watch: Bamford is the obvious choice, he gets in great positions and I'm surprised he hasn't scored more over the past few game weeks. At 6.1m I think that's a bargain. I like the defence and I prefer full backs than centre backs so 1 of Dallas and Ayling might be worth a shot.

4. Aston Villa: WOL(A) BUR(H) WBA(A) CRY(H) CHE(A) MUN(A)
A team that has gelled really nicely since avoiding relegation. I would be targeting Grealish for the first 4 fixtures at least. Annoying that he started to give Watkins the pens but after he missed his last one hopefully Grealish can get back on them. Watkins is a nice pick but he seems to haul big in certain games and go missing for the rest. I'm a fan of Mings and Konsa, 2 goals each so far and have picked up clean sheets.
The maybe teams:
5. Man Utd: MCI(H) SHU(A) LEE(H) LEI(A) WOL(H) AVL(H)
As a Man Utd fan our season is like sitting on a roller coaster, so many highs and lows. Despite being 5th there is a recurring pattern playing out with Man Utd in that they start matches too slow, deep and lack much of a press. It's only until the ship is steadied that they make it to half time but by then they've already conceded.
Player watch: I don't like any defenders from this team. Bruno and Rashford are the obvious picks. I'd stick with Bruno, just look at what happened at W.Ham. Stay away from Pogba,VDB,Martial etc, way too flakey,expensive and rotation.
6. Spurs CRY(A) LIV(A) LEI(H) WOL(A) FUL(H) LEE(H)
After losing to Everton first game of the season, I'd be lying if I didn't think Jose was going to have a bad season but he's surprised us all in creating a classic team that likes to sit back and hit hard when they get an opportunity. Everything is coming from the superstars Kane & Son. Before playing City/Chelsea/Spurs who would have thought they would also have picked up 7 points? It's testament to how well the team is playing. I put these lot as a maybe because now that we have settled into the season I think some of these matches might be more lower scoring and Jose will no doubt happily take a draw I think if games aren't going his way considering their position. I could be very wrong and biased but let me know.
Player watch: Kane & Son (obvious reasons). Reguilon looks great on the left and Aurier has played the last few matches instead of Doherty so maybe he keeps his place.
Teams with good fixtures but who I feel are not good:
  1. Burnley: ARS(A) AVL(A) WOL(H) LEE(A) SHU(H) FUL(H)
Not the prettiest team on the eye but I feel like there could be some clean sheet value in their defence. Last 4 games 2 clean sheets, mauled by City and conceded 1 goal against Everton. Maybe you take a punt on Taylor or Lowton at 4.4m or a bit more on Tarkowski.
8. Arsenal: BUR(H) SOU(H) EVE(A) CHE(H) BHA(A) WBA(A)
Before you shoot me, wait a moment! I mentioned Arsenal last night to a few on a forum and they all rejected the idea. I totally agree but Arsenal are not relegation fodder despite where the league positions them. In my opinion they will pick up wins and improve, it's just where and how.
Player watch: Aubamayang is ridiculously expensive but if anyone is going to score it has to be him to lift this team as he starts every game. Lacazette does not start often enough but I don't think Arteta can afford to keep his minutes low. I don't know what Arsenals regular team is but if you really are desperate and want to take a huge risk maybe have a quick peek.

Hopefully this wasn't a bad read. Let me know what your Xmas strategy is and which teams and players you think we should be targeting.

Good luck everyone.
submitted by Tri11ionz to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

Big Brother Season RANKED (SPOILERS)

I’ve been looking around YouTube for recent lists while I wait for Peridiam’s new part to come out, and there surprisingly aren’t many season ranking videos. At least not of late. So I decided to type down my own thoughts and put them here. Would love for some discourse/debate on this! Some seasons I’ve only seen once and it was a long time ago(like BB9 & BB5). Anyways, here is my ranking!
21)Big Brother 9 -horribly gross drama, a terrible pairs twist, and a fixed Final 4 HOH comp are all factors that lead BB9 to being my least favorite season of the show. It was just bad. Every single bit of it was bad. The gameplay sucked. There wasn’t a single cast member I liked. A couple were tolerable, but none that I actually LIKED. A bad, bad season and easily my least favorite of all-time.
Favorite Player: N/A Best Player: I guess Adam?
20)Big Brother 13 -another season with a pretty bad cast(in my opinion), an awful pairs twist and a rigged outcome. I really dislike this season because it’s so clearly set-up to favor the veterans from the start. The pairs twist ruined all gameplay in the first half of the game, as veterans came in with their loved ones as their pair, and the newbies were just slapped together with another stranger. Like, wtf is that. Not to mention the veterans all were a 6-person alliance from the jump. Then there’s the stupid golden key twist which practically kills the gameplay of whoever receives one, Evel Dick leaving early, and Pandora’s Box literally shaping the end of the season on it’s own. It’s awful. The whole game feels fabricated from the start. Just a bad season for me.
Favorite Player: Dani Donato Best Player: Shelli Moore
19)Big Brother 19 -Arguably THE WORST cast in the show’s history(except for Paul). I really enjoyed Paul in BB18, and while it was somewhat nice to see them take control of the game in BB19, it wasn’t enjoyable to watch. Paul used a lot of bullying tactics in their gameplay. Which honestly, I didn’t mind. The issue was that every single other house guest just followed their orders. They all were their minions and none of them seemed to ever mind being their pawn. It was embarrassing to watch the other players do this. And the only two players that didn’t give in to Paul, were terrible people in their own right! There was genuinely nobody to root for. By the end of the season, I at least was hoping that Paul would be rewarded for their dominant gameplay but NO. The jury votes Josh the winner. I know that for some people this felt like justice, but I loathed the finale. Josh sucked just as much as Paul, but Paul clearly played a better game. And Cody won AFP which... also sucked ass.
Favorite Player: Paul Abrahamian Best Player: Paul Abrahamian
18)Big Brother 22 -While this season was unbelievably boring and predictable, getting to see house guests like Tyler & Janelle talk in the same house together was incredible. The fact that I got to watch several BB legends game with each other gives this season enough positive points that it can’t rank last. Still, a horribly boring/predictable season though. It’s just so unfortunate that The Committee won every single HOH in the season(counting Enzo as Committee). There was never even a chance for a power shift with the comp results. Cody played a great game, but it’s hard to truly give him props when he dealt with literally 0 adversity throughout the entirety of the season.
Favorite Player: Tyler Crispen Best Player: Cody Calafiore
17)Big Brother 11 -Another extremely unlikable cast(in my opinion). We were introduced to Jeff & Jordan in this season, and while I enjoyed watching their relationship blossom at the time, I can’t look back and enjoy watching Jeff play Big Brother. The only good players this season are Jesse and Kevin. And yet again, there’s some rigging. Jeff is just given the coup, and suddenly gets the front runner at the time, Jesse out of the house. It was such an unfair and embarrassing moment for the show. And it truly tainted the rest of the season for me. The only real highlight that this season has for me is Ronnie’s HOH week. Seeing every other house guest screaming at him from the kitchen was incredible. Loved watching Ronnie’s game collapse.
Favorite Player: I guess Kevin? Best Player: Kevin Campbell
16)Big Brother 16 -A season with a really good cast gets heavily weighed down by one of the worst twists in BB history, AND one of the best players leading with extremely boring gameplay. Starting with the twist, Battle of the Block SUCKS. It HEAVILY favors a super alliance. Which is something that really originated in this season. It let everyone in that super alliance have too much control of every week, and it gave the outsiders almost no chance to overcome their fate. Then there’s Derrick. One of the best players we’ve ever seen, but also really boring. He intentionally stopped fights from happening all the time. Which sucked because it led to practically no drama in the season after Devin had left. Still though, Devin’s downfall, Zankie, and an overall good cast make this season somewhat enjoyable to watch.
Favorite Player: Zach Rance Best Player: Derrick Levasseur
15)Big Brother 4 -A season that I didn’t really like at the start. The ex twist was one that didn’t really work for me. I just didn’t enjoy watching people argue about personal stuff that we didn’t originally see for ourselves. But even with that, I just thought the cast of this season was ok. Jun and Alison were great. But nobody else really shined at all. Not to mention, the overall gameplay during the season was lacking. The only real strong gamers were Alison and Jun. I was happy to see them make the Final 2 and, in my opinion, have the rightful one of them crowned winner. Just a solid, but not great season.
Favorite Player: Alison Erwin Best Player: Jun Song
14)Big Brother 21 -The first half of BB21 is abysmal. It’s probably the worst pre-jury phase in the entire history of the show. BUT things reaaallly kick into gear once jury begins. The super alliance breaks open and a lot of drama and real gameplay begins. We get Taco Tuesday here, Jackson’s incredible lie at Final 5, and Cliff & Nicole’s underdog story. Not to mention Christie becomes a solid player and really entertaining in her own right. If only the cast wasn’t so unlikable. Practically all of the likable house guests are evicted immediately and we’re left with a group of assholes + Cliff & Nicole. Still, BB21 has a very entertaining back half. And I think that it’s overall a solid season.
Favorite Player: I guess Christie? Best Player: Jackson Michie
13)Big Brother 5 -A season with a solid cast and a really entertaining set of twists, just fell flat a few times too many. It’s impossible to not mention Project DNA when talking about this season. It was a really cool set of twists that still gave us the coolest reveals in the show’s history. But the gameplay of the season was mostly lacking. Drew & Diane were a strong duo, and Karen, Marvin & Nakomis were strong players as well. But other than that, it seemed like nobody else had their head in the game. The best moment of the season was when Drew cut Diane at Final 3, and he goes on to be crowned the winner. Deservingly so. In the end, it was a solid season that was just lacking in some aspects. It’s hard to point out the exact issues I have with it. It’s easier to just say that it fell flat at multiple points. Still thought it was a fun season though.
Favorite Player: Karen Ganci Best Player: Drew Daniel
12)Big Brother 12 -This season became the template for a typical Big Brother season. It was the first time that an alliance of more than 2 people really dominated the game in secret. This led to some predictable and boring gameplay, but this is mostly remedied by the cast. BB12 has a fantastic cast. We’re introduced to Britney, Hayden, Enzo, Matt, Rachel & Brendan(I didn’t like them but it’s undeniable that they bring drama/entertainment), and even Andrew was really entertaining as well. The fun cast of characters is what drives the season. The Brigade dominates and the winner is practically decided once Hayden masterminds Matt’s eviction. It’s a solid season that lacks a bit in overall gameplay, but more than makes up for it with a phenomenal cast.
Favorite Player: Hayden Moss Best Player: Hayden Moss
11)Big Brother 8 -A really weird season for me. It has a lot of aspects of seasons at the bottom of the list(less than stellar cast, rigged outcome). But I just can’t deny that BB8 is so wildly fun to watch. It doesn’t have the same vibe to it as any other season of the show. It almost feels like a drama with how much focus is on the relationship of Dick & Daniele. It was impossible not to be enamored with the edit. And then there was the secret star of the game, Eric. Eric is one of the greatest players we’ve ever seen play, but he didn’t even get to play his own game. Being America’s Player drastically hurt his game and practically made it impossible to win. But somehow he still manages to control the season without ever even casting his own vote. It was an incredible feat. But it’s also why this season can’t rank higher for me. Eric being strong armed by America saved Dick in the pre-jury. He was literally going home without America forcing Eric’s vote. And then Dick goes on to win the game. It makes his win feel so fabricated. I wish Eric could’ve returned for a future season of BB.
Favorite Player: Eric Stein Best Player: Eric Stein
10)Big Brother 17 -I never really loved the cast of this season. There were two major highlights with Vanessa and Johnny Mac. But other than those two, I didn’t care about anyone else. AND this season brings back one of my most hated twists, Battle of the Block. This all sounds like a recipe for a terrible season, but surprisingly that isn’t the case. BB17 thrives because it’s one of the most competitive seasons of the show ever. Almost every single person in that house came to play and win. Vanessa is such a great strategist and she brings so much drama and gameplay shifts. Not to mention that her emotions DRASTICALLY varied depending on the conversation. It was just really, really entertaining to watch Vanessa dominate this season, especially because she was at the bottom early on. It was unfortunate, but also so cool to watch Steve cut her at Final 3. I wish she could’ve won, but Steve played a solid game and I can’t fault him for eliminating her. It was the necessary move. BB17 is a really good season of Big Brother.
Favorite Player: Johnny Mac Best Player: Vanessa Rousso
9)Big Brother 6 -This season introduced us to multiple legends of the game. Janelle and Kaysar are seen for the first time, but we also get James, Howie and Maggie this season as well. The drama here is palpable as the house is immediately split right down the middle, and it remains that way for the entirety of the summer. The Friendship and the Sovereign Six HATE each other. And that hate really drives the season. It is just so entertaining to watch two sides of the house despise one another and take deep shots at each other week after week. Literally every other week the side that just lost a number won the next HOH. The intensity never seemed to dampen all season long. The Friendship really takes their lead when our eventual winner, Maggie, convinces Howie to nominate his own alliance members. It’s the best move of the season, and also the defining move of the season. That being said, while this move by Maggie is incredible. It’s really the only big game move that happens all season. There isn’t much strategy discussion or secret moves done because the house is so openly two-sided. Maggie’s only other move she has to make is keeping The Friendship together and staying less annoying than the others in her alliance so she doesn’t get targeted. In the end, BB6 is a really great season of Big Brother that lacks just a little bit in the strategy department.
Favorite Player: Janelle Pierzina Best Player: Maggie Ausburn
8)Big Brother 3 -A really good early season that shines because of it’s cast. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Danielle & Jason secretly dominate the game together. Marcellas was amazingly fun to watch. And seeing Roddy stay in the house so many times really proves how strong a player he was. In my opinion, Roddy is one of the most underrated players ever. I haven’t even mentioned the winner, Lisa, yet. Coining herself as the Princess of Darkness and I loved her. While a lot of people claim Danielle was robbed by the jury, I’m not as sold on that as others. Don’t get me wrong, Danielle is definitely a better player than Lisa. But Danielle & Jason could’ve evicted Lisa instead of Amy at Final 4, and they didn’t. It was their fatal mistake. I understood the logic for Danielle as keeping Lisa gave her a better shot at Final 2. But in my opinion, you gotta take out the jury threats when you’re that deep in the game. Still though, Lisa was a great winner in her own right. One of the most underrated winners, in my opinion. And in the end, BB3 is a great season of Big Brother.
Favorite Player: Lisa Donahue Best Player: Danielle Reyes
7)Big Brother 18 -In my opinion, the most underrated season of the show. I just think the cast in BB18 is SO GOOD. Frank comes back(not great, but at least brings drama), Da’Vonne(I didn’t even like her but again, drama/entertainment), I loved Paul, Nicole(gameplay-wise), Victor’s insane comp run, Paulie’s beautiful fall from grace, the best cryer the show has ever had with BIG MEECH, even Bridgette was awesome. Most of the cast here was really great. Although it wasn’t all great as we had James & Natalie who I loathed at the time. And Corey is arguably the most boring house guest that’s ever been casted. But the game is FILLED with exciting drama in the first few weeks between Day, Frank and Tiffany. And then late game is extremely fun to watch as we have 3 pairs duking it out at Final 6. We also get one of the strongest Final 2’s ever with Paul & Nicole. And a crazy close jury vote. I think Nicole was an overall better player but Paul had less of an advantage and overcame more in the game. I would’ve voted for Paul to win if I were on the jury. My only real complaint with BB18 is the team twist at the start. But it’s such a good season that gets overlooked too often.
Favorite Player: Paul Abrahamian Best Player: Paul Abrahamian/Nicole Franzel
6)Big Brother 15 -This season gets so overlooked by too many people due to the terrible people on the cast and the racism of the season. The cast in BB15 really is gross. Not very many great people to root for and most of them are complete assholes. I know it’s hard, but if you can get passed the racism/bullying in the season, then you’re in for THE MOST competitive season of Big Brother. There are so many strong contenders playing in this season including Andy, Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, McCrae... even Spencer, Elissa and Judd are strong competitors. We get two of the best double eviction episodes EVER. BOTH IN THE SAME SEASON. My only complaint(besides the racism) is the MVP twist. I hated it because it was another twist clearly trying to favor production’s favorite house guest. BUT this twist was utilized by the other players SO WELL that I couldn’t be too mad about it. And it led to the David & Nick blindsides, which were very fun to watch. Andy plays a rat floater game this season, and he plays it to perfection. It’s honestly one of the most impressive games I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how he’s able to juggle so many relationships and conceal/give info at the correct moments all season long. Super, super impressive and a very deserving winner.
Favorite Player: Andy Herren Best Player: Andy Herren
5)Big Brother 10 -I think that the cast of BB10 is what keeps it from being higher on my list. Dan is really the only cast member that I LOVE here Keesha is also good, but then I didn’t really love watching anyone else. Memphis, Renny, Jerry... they were all just ok to me. But the important cast member here is Dan. Dan drives this season to greatness on his own. He’s just such an entertaining player because his moves are so theatrical. Nomination Roulette was incredible to watch. Dan’s lie to Ollie to set it up was ruthless. And Dan’s constant acting for sympathy made for great TV as well. The drama this season is very apparent too with loud and feisty women in the house with Keesha, April, Michelle and Libra. They always made for entertaining drama. Keesha’s birthday is the true highlight of drama in all of BB history. The awkwardness and tension of the whole scene is incredible. The season never really lets up in the strategy department as Dan is ALWAYS positioning himself for the win. It’s a really great season to watch, and I understand why others may have it as their favorite season ever. But for me, I just didn’t love the entirety of the cast as much as most others seemed to.
Favorite Player: Dan Gheesling Best Player: Dan Gheesling
4)Big Brother 20 -Some may think it’s crazy to put BB20 above BB10, but in my opinion BB20 has a phenomenally better cast. The only house guest in BB10 I truly loved was Dan. But BB20 had Tyler, Haleigh and Brett that I loved so much. On top of that, the first 2/3s of BB20 were incredible. Blindside after blindside. FAUTTE spectacularly failing. And Level 6 capitalizing on their shortcomings. If the final third of this season kept the momentum of the first two-thirds, then it’d be in contention for the best season ever. But unfortunately, the hacker twist and buyback come into play and slow the season to a slog. Not only that, but the best player isn’t even voted the winner at the end. It’s a shitty ending, but it’s first two-thirds are so amazing that it still ranks this high for me.
Favorite Player: Tyler Crispen/Brett Robinson Best Player: Tyler Crispen
3)Big Brother 14 -The first season I delved into the live feeds for. At the time, I was most excited to watch Mike Boogie play again. BB7 & BB12 were the only seasons of watched before this, and I was enamored with Chilltown at the time. Unfortunately, Boogie didn’t live up to my expectations. But I did fall in love with his partner Frank. Frank had such an incredible run in this season. He was either HOH or on the block every single week in the house. And it was solely because of him being Boogie’s top pick. Watching Frank win the double eviction Veto and then come at the whole house(Ian in particular) was one of my favorite moments. And while I loved Frank, he wasn’t even the star of the season! Dan stole the show away with his funeral. I think that Dan’s Funeral is the greatest single moment in reality TV history. Dan’s delivery, charisma and gusto with this plan is done so well. It truly is him coming back from the grave. AND THEN his blindside Shane eviction at Final 4 is just as entertaining/crazy! It’s disappointing that Dan wasn’t voted the winner of the season, but Ian was still a respectable winner on his own. It’s weird because I don’t think that the overall cast is great in BB14. The newbies SUCK outside of Ian and Frank. But the vets they brought back were genuinely 4 legends of the game. And they really helped carry this season.
Favorite Player: Frank Eudy(Dan as a close second) Best Player: Dan Gheesling
2)Big Brother 2 -It’s absolutely insane that BB2 is so entertaining without a Veto being present all season. It really goes to show how great the cast is this season. Not just in personalities, but also in gameplay. Nicole and Will really pioneer strategy in Big Brother as we know it. They’re the clear two best players of the season, but they play so wildly different from one another. Will is the obvious highlight and star of the show. His DR segments were just absurd when compared to the others. He was always playing a character and it never got boring. It was so entertaining to watch, but he also had the gameplay to back it up. Watching Will’s underdog story in BB2 is some of my favorite television ever. He plays everybody in the house to perfection after practically sabotaging his game to death in the first couple of weeks. It’s absolutely incredible to watch him maneuver his way through the game. It’s masterful AND he never loses his evil doctor persona throughout the entirety of his run. I will never get tired of watching this season solely because of Will’s come from behind win. But we also have other great players like Hardy and Monica. All of these players were so good at the game. Any of them could’ve come out on top at the end. It’s a phenomenal season of Big Brother. And easily one of my favorites.
Favorite Player: Will Kirby Best Player: Will Kirby
1)Big Brother 7 -This is the first season of Big Brother I ever had the pleasure of watching. I can vividly remember my 7 year old self sitting on our living room floor and watching Will & Boogie work their magic. I was so enamored with the way Chilltown masterfully lied their way to the end of the game. It really made me fall in love with social strategy. My mom even made me a Chilltown shirt during the season because I loved it so much. BB7, I think undeniably has the best cast ever. I mean, it’s All-Stars. And the cast lives up to the hype. So many incredible blindsides set up by Chilltown, Janelle’s ridiculous presence in comps and in the house, Operation Double Date, The Legion of Doom, James’ feud with his fellow S6 allies, Danielle Reyes’ drunken rants and doorbell ringing, Chicken George’s Veto win, and the list goes on. Everything that I love about Big Brother is present in this season. And while neither of the best two players made it to the end, a win for Boogie was essentially a win for Chilltown. So I still wasn’t upset at all with the winner of the season. For me, BB7 is undeniably the best season that we’ve had to date.
Favorite Player: Will Kirby Best Player: Will Kirby
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what is the best strategy for roulette video

The Golden Eagle Roulette Strategy is arguably the Best Roulette Strategy that Works. This Strategy involves a specific betting sequence, that involves betting on the 2-to-1 places. This Roulette Strategy works strongly because of the patterns and streaks that occur during the game of Roulette. Without further ado, let’s break down the first and probably most common roulette winning strategy: the Martingale Strategy. The Martingale Roulette Strategy. When you see that guy at the roulette table expertly throwing the chips down, he’s most likely using the Martingale Strategy. This method depends on doubling your bets after you take a loss, with the goal of recouping all previous losses and gaining a small profit. In other words, if you place your wagers only on a ... Oscar’s Grind, Hoyle's Press, or Pluscoup Progression, is one of the first positive progression strategies. This roulette system is one of the best roulette strategies to make money in roulette. Namely, Oscar’s Grind is based on the balance principle between losing and winning streaks. Unless your roulette strategy changes the odds of you winning (to be better than random), bankroll management will only make you lose at a faster or slower rate. Specifically positive progression will make you lose faster, and negative progression makes your bankroll last longer (because your bets get smaller). Progressive Bet Strategy; Basics of the Constant Bet roulette strategy. The Constant Bet roulette strategy is not very advanced. This is the "strategy" used by a majority of roulette players, often without even realizing it. As its name suggests, this strategy is about constantly placing the same bet. It also involves continuously betting a constant amount of money. Hence its name... It’s fitting that the most successful roulette strategy for beginners was The James Bond Strategy. To follow the James Bond roulette strategy, you need to place the following bet on the same spin: €10 on the zero; €140 on the 19-36 box; €50 on the 13-18 box; What makes this strategy so popular and, in fact, the best roulette strategy? The thing is that following this roulette strategy you will only lose if the roulette wheel ball stops at a number between 1 and 12. Best Roulette Strategy. Roulette is so difficult to win at that people look for a Roulette strategy such as a Most successful roulette strategy, or the best roulette strategy. The earliest recorded game of Roulette was in 1793 in France. It hasn’t changed significantly since then. It consists of a bowl with divisions from 0 or 00 to 39 in slots and on which a small ball spins near the top ... A roulette strategy has one aim and one aim only: to win. Most roulette strategies are based around telling players how they should bet and when to bet it. The game of roulette has more potential strategies than any other casino game. Columns roulette strategy. The Columns Roulette strategy is rather straightforward: it’s a not all too difficult system to use while playing roulette. As the name already suggests, you will be betting per column during the rounds. You start by betting a small amount on the first column. Every time you lose this bet, you double the last bet amount and add it to the next column (the second column in this case). Every time you win this bet, you use the starting amount again, on the next ... The James Bond betting strategy is one of the best known roulette non-progressive betting schemes. It was created by the infamous Ian Fleming who as many of you know is the author of the James Bond series of books. In its foundations, it is a simple flat betting system that tries to cover the majority of the roulette table. How to win at roulette?

what is the best strategy for roulette top

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what is the best strategy for roulette

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