Charlotte Lawrence - Joke's On You Lyrics

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[Table] IAmA: I am Tom Maxwell, former Squirrel Nut Zipper and author of their hit "Hell." Ask me anything!

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Date: 2013-10-07
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Questions Answers
I saw the Zippers at Horde Festival in maybe 1995 or 6. Add in Primus, Ben Folds, and Neil Young all in the same day... was it awesome? It was awesome. Anyway... There have been a handful of rumors of a reunion of SNZ. Never does the story get enough momentum to get past the rumor phase, though. It seemed like there were some pretty serious differences between you and James (and maybe Katharine). For you, is a reunion possible, or is it better not to zombify the band at this point? What's new on the horizon for you? Something still gonna happen soon? The HORDE was such a blast. Also, a little like prison camp. I got to stand at the back of the stage and watch Neil Young play the last chord of the last Ben Folds Five song (at an adjacent stage), making his guitar feed back. Oh, and the sun was setting. And it was fucking amazing. I'm not much for reunions but wouldn't rule anything out. I have a new album coming out early next year, made with Zips producer Mike Napolitano and featuring a couple duets/co-writes with one Ani DiFranco. Duke Heitger, who played trumpet on the HOT record, is on it too. It's a very good time!
Sweet. I'll look forward to the new album... and maybe a tour also... and maybe an exclusive preview for your devoted Reddit fans... Seriously though, good luck to you! Xoxoxo.
I saw Squirrel Nut Zippers at the Cat's Cradle; that show is still my definition for the words "blistering performance." How do 10 musicians stay so mercilessly tight without a conductor? The only ways I can think of are (1) a metronome somewhere that the audience can't see it and (2) rehearsals of a Steely-Dan-like level of intensity. What gives? Big ears. We were all head players, so nothing was written down. We listened. In the early days, we also practiced two or three times a week. Thanks for thinking it was 10 people - there were only 7 of us!
What was it like opening for Neil Young? Neil floored me. His sloppy leads, incredible tone...Crazy Horse was in fine form. The first show we played on HORDE I looked behind me and he was standing at the back of the stage! I almost passed out! Later, after I got the courage to talk to him, he said "that damnation record, that's a good record." Wow.
Hope your son is doing well. Hated to hear that the marriage broke up. That sucks. My son is doing great - thank you for asking. He successfully completed treatment three and a half years ago. And yes, divorce sucks.
Do you still play with Ken Mosher? I don't play music with Ken (he's in Baltimore now), but talking on the phone with him is like playing music.
What kind of archtop are you playing these days? Live, I'm still playing Blondie, my modified Epiphone Emperor Regent. It's a big fat jazz box with a 50s P90 pickup I had 'em drop in there. Got her in the late Zippers days and she's my gal. At home I write on a 1928 Gibson L-4, the kind with the oval sound hole.
Always wondered why that tune was panned hard like that! Sounded cool coming out of speakers, but on headphones it makes me walk in circles. Thanks! I like how you use words. You must be a writer.
You'll be gratified to know that I worked like hell trying to get that tenor sax solo on Lafitte's to sound as relaxed and melodic as Stan Getz. Don't think I even got close. :)
Do you feel as though the band would have gone further if Mammoth Records hadn't sold out to Disney? I know that Jimbo was being a putz, about cash and credits too. I just hate that the magic disappeared so quickly. Honestly, we were breaking up when we were recording Perennial Favorites, just as Hell took off. Our life was prolonged, I think. The Disney thing sucked, but so did the whole smash and grab feel to the whole thing. If we, as a band, had been able to row in the same direction we might have stuck it out. That's what you do in a lifeboat. That and assume that the water is full of sharks, which it was.
Oooo...what made you leave the Zippers? It seems like the most fun you can having hanging with someone. It was, for a long time. We were basically shot out of a cannon once "Hell" hit, and couldn't stand the pressure really. I left because all the stuff I thought made us great musically was gone.
It's been a few years since I've listened. I'm sad to hear it lost the magic. Are you doing anything new? Yes! Went back to New Orleans and made a record with Zips producer Mike Napolitano. Ani DiFranco is on it! Duke Heitger, who played trumpet on HOT, is too! Coming out early next year.
If you could see any musician (dead or alive) from present or past, at any venue, who, where and when would it be? God, so many. Cab Calloway in 1932 and Duke Ellington in 1940. Fats Waller and Ray Charles ANYTIME. Lord Executor and The Growler and King Radio and Lord Invader in Trinidad in the late 1930s. Django Reinhardt in Paris in 1937. Mercy me. There are 100 others.
I said in your comments before that seeing you all at Bailey Hall at Cornell in 1997 was such a fabulous time. Did you all have as much fun playing live as we did seeing you? I can honestly say we did, although people like you having that much fun was a big help. No matter how stressed we were, we always had a complete ball on stage.
I'd like to say I remember the Cornell show but no luck! I'm so glad it rocked you.
Speaking of remembering the shows, were there ever any "substances" that went along with performing? Always seemed like such a party on stage. I was stoned every day my dear. Some of us were. We all enjoyed the occasional drink, but I was seldom too drunk to play. There was too much to do.
I can't speak for anybody else, but besides tobacco that was all I did. We kicked our first trumpet player out for using heroin, and it ended up killing him.
Oh my God I love you. I wish I could think of a good question... Um... Who's Stephen Foster? Stephen Foster was America's first great songwriter. He cranked out a bunch of good tunes in, like, the 1840s, including "Camptown Races."
What is the meaning of this song? Which song? "Hell"? I'm not sure it has a meaning. It's either about eternal damnation or being hungover. Or the intersection of the two. The concept of hell scared me when I was a kid, so I guess I was trying to get control over it.
Now that I think about it, the song is about justice, or karma, or balance. It can't be that people can get away with doing bad things, or just get by on their looks. "All the things you try to hide / Will be revealed on the other side" is like that old gospel song that says "What you do in the dark will be brought to the light."
Hey Tom, I saw you perform at Bynum Front Porch a few weeks back. Heck of a show. What kind of music are you listening to these days? Thanks! I really enjoyed that show. Lately I've been listening to Jan Johansson - because it's Fall. His album Jazz Pa Svenska is a masterpiece. Also love that new song "Royal." My daughter turned me onto that.
Hello Tom, Thanks for doing the AMA! I saw the "Hell" thread at work and was looking forward to indulging once home... only to find YOU online! The chandelier was an accident. I bumped it, doing the vocal for Hell. Ken said it sounded good, and that I should shake it. One of the glass arms broke off in my hand! If you turn up the volume at the end of Hell, you can hear me say "I broke the chandelier." I was mortified. The label paid for the damage.
Do I recall wrong that for a while the Zippers were friends with / working with the Ben Folds camp? I have vivid memories of that era and loved the music that came from it. I remember one of the band members selling a $10,000 bass sax on your website a long time ago too lol. Kenny and I played horns on BFF's last record. That's me, laughing during Army, when Ben is talking about his redneck past. Robert Sledge was in the first incarnation of The Minor Drag, and I co-wrote a song or two with Darren Jesse, one of which I think is going to be released, or has been.
You've been on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years; Played the HORDE festival; appeared on shows from the sublime to the ridiculous - Prairie Home Companion and Viva Variety. Looking back, what would you say has been the highlight of your career so far? It will always be performing Pallin' With Al with the song's inspiration Al Casey, Fats Waller's former guitarist. I tried to tell him the changes, but he said "play it through one time, I'll latch on." He took two solos and the tears just streamed down my face. It will never get better than that.
Are there any unreleased SNZ songs hidden away in some vault somewhere? Not really. There is the version of The Interlocutor that we recorded down in Kingsway with the rest of the HOT record, but is missing two seconds, mysteriously erased, possibly by the house ghost. Not a joke. I've always wanted to put up those reels and listen, maybe mix and release it as-is.
The Zippers were my first show in 2001; sadly you had left by then. Did you listen to the band after you left and what is your upcoming book going to cover? I heard Bedlam Ballroom and thought it sounded like a Zippers record without me and Ken Mosher. Jimbo is a hell of a writer, but he couldn't cover the spread.
My book is going to be about the Zippers, right up until we got famous. Then it ends. I want to try and describe just what odd little iconoclasts we were, and how deeply weird it was to go mainstream.
Have you ever checked out some of the music from your former bandmates from their solo careers? If so, was there anything you might listen to, or is it too painful to listen to that stuff? I really dig what Katharine is doing now. She only wrote on song during the Zippers, Sub Unus Rex, which we never recorded. She's a fine writer now.
What was it like playing with Andrew Bird? Bird's a genius. He picked up on stuff so fast; had such good technique. He's also an odd...bird. While overdubbing his part on one song a door that had been propped up fell over, making a tremendous crash. Bird didn't stop playing because he said it was a good take! His drummer Kevin O'Donnell and I did impressions of him until we almost peed ourselves.
Which character appeared on both the original series and The Next Generation and is rumored to have filled an ocean with his tears? Google is cheating. Good lord I have no idea. Google IS cheating, though. I agree.
Do you believe in Hell, and where did the idea 'Teeth are extruded and bones are ground Then baked into cakes which are passed around' come from? No, I think hell is a preposterous idea. Karma feels better to me, cos we all want to see assholes get their due.
The original line was "rolled into joints which are passed around," but I didn't think the 'rents would understand. I remembered a Warner Bros. Jack and the Beanstalk cartoon where Elmer Fudd is playing the giant. He says "I'll grind your bones to make my bread!" Then, picking up a little coffee mill, he says "this should grind their bones very nicely!" in such a sweet voice. I still think it's hilarious.
Wow, I can't believe all these years after loving that song in high school I got these answers from you, yourself. I've always loved that passing cakes around line, it's just so strange. And I'm glad you don't believe in hell. This is so fun. it's like friendly twitter.
I was really proud of using the word "extruded." :)
So... Where's Bee? :-) (<3 from the west coast, darlin.) scramble scramble8 BOING BOING BOING (much love from back home sweetie)
Where are you guys from originally? I heard somewhere in Oregon... We formed in and around Chapel Hill.
Ah ha... I have family in the Raleigh/Durham area, and am originally from Southern Oregon. I seem to remember some friends of mine saying they saw you guys playing a show in Grants Pass, OR (circa ~2000), and that you did not seem happy about it. Maybe they were unhappy that I had already quit the band by that time... :)
Here is Tom breaking the chandelier! I pulled out my CD and grabbed this section ;) Link to HAHAHAHA! Halloween night, 1995. I was wearing that blue Chinese gown you see on the back of the record.
Hello Tom, What aspects of the song did you write- the progression, lyrics, etc? Or maybe both. Also, did you write any other SNZ tunes? My band is currently covering Wash Jones, which is a personal favorite of mine :) I wrote everything for Hell - the progression, the melody, the lyric and the riff. Bear in mind that it is a single-tone calypso, and adheres to the form. Kind of like blues.
I wrote about a third of the band's catalog, including Put A Lid On It and Meant To Be.
I cover Wash Jones myself! My favorite Zippers song.
Wash Jones! I managed to figure out the roots but what the hell is the guitar playing there exactly?! Haha! You're on your own!
Tom Maxwell! Holy shit! I love SNZ. What do you think about how the swing revival went and how big of a part do you think SNZ played in it? I didn't really like the swing revival. I like that people dressed up; I like that people danced. But in terms of a fad or whatever, it put a shelf date on us. It was limiting. A lot of the other stuff that was called swing music was boring to me, and as the thing went on a lot of people we called "swing nazis" would show up to dance. They pushed with other fans out of the way to dance down front and complain about how fast our tempos were. I liked it better when no one knew how to categorize us. We were credited with starting it, but I don't think that's true. I guess we had the first hit, but it was calypso, not swing.
So excited to see this on here. I'm a huge Zippers fan. Your music was such a HUGE part of my adolescence. Loved to find out you were still making music! Can't wait for the new stuff! I actually recognized Ken at a restaurant in Baltimore about a month ago. We spoke for a few - when I mentioned I was from Pennsylvania he talked about a crazy night you all had when playing at the Electric Factory in Philly. What were your favorite cities/clubs to play? Atlanta was always a blast. I loved playing Chicago, especially Tschuba's (sp?). The critics HATED us and we sold out every time. Our first show in San Francisco, at Cafe Du Nord, was also mind-blowing. Everyone knew all the lyrics to our first record and we'd never been out there before.
Link to Additional question; Pallin' With Al, did you write all the guitar parts? That's some beautiful playing if so! I did the rhythm and Jimbo played the lead. That little figure in the beginning of Pallin' With Al was what Al Casey played on his signature song Buck Jumpin'. Al was Fats Waller guitar player, my idol and later friend. When I told him I lifted his lick, he said "steal from the best, that's my motto!"
A show somewhere in the Charlotte area on the week of the 21st-25th would be super duper. Just sayin. Has nothing to do with me being in the area from Dallas, TX that week :P. Damn it! I'm playing solo in Charlotte on Monday.
Origin of the name Squirrel Nut Zippers? We got it from a candy, made at the time by the Squirrel Brand Company in Cambridge, MA. They got it from a police blotter. In the 20s, they invented a chewy peanut candy and were searching for a name. They read a piece about a drunk dude stuck in a tree (this was during prohibition). When the cops asked him what got him up there, he said "must have been the Nut Zipper," which I guess was some raggedy-ass alcoholic concoction.
Some good music came out of the 90s, but damn there was also a lot of crappy so-called "alternative" music. Did you and your bandmates see yourselves as a conscious reaction to that? A return to American music roots? Because I kind of saw it that way, and it was awesome. Absolutely, although we didn't consider ourselves standard bearers. The flannel shirt/jeans with one ripped knee/black Converse high top uniform was a little limiting, as was the "everything sucks whatever" theme. Not that some of those bands didn't kicks serious ass. We wanted to rock acoustically, and dug a lot of the old school.
How did you feel about the use of "Hell" in "Dead Like Me"? Did you feel like it fit well or was it too obvious? I dug it.
Do you still hear the old man stamping his feet? Louder now.
Can I have a sip of that, Monk? What's mine is yours, Monk.
Holy shit. I remember my dad coming home from a trip to see family in New Jersey with this 'amazing record you gotta hear'. I seem to recall that the swing revival stuff was underway, so that puts it at the mid 90s. Then there was the KROQ Weenie Roast... My teenager mind was blown completely. Well, fuck yeah to all of that.
No question, just a thanks for the music and memories. During one of those radio festivals, an older lady in her 60s said she liked our stuff. Then she pointed to a 90-something year-old behind her and said "My mom likes it too!" I was so proud.
I just googled you and thought, "well, that look's a little different from the SNZ days". HA! That's the other guy. Leather cowboy hats are not my thing. Neither were zoot suits, for that matter.
You were my first concert! Thanks for putting out good stuff that still holds up today. Also Goddamn if the art direction/vibe on the Hell video wasnt amazing. Thanks! I wanted the Hell video to look like a demented Lawrence Welk show.
I forgot all about 'get fitted for a suit of flames'. You really have a way with words. Xoxo.
So very late to the game, but, "Meant To Be" was my wedding song and we're still going strong after 16 years! That's just the coolest thing. It's so fantastic to be able to affect people you don't even know. Good for y'all.
Last updated: 2013-10-12 09:03 UTC
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jokes on you lyrics meaning charlotte lawrence video

It was released on November 13, 2017, as the lead single off By the Way, I Forgive You, Carlile's sixth album. Year: 2017 8,911 Views Playlists: #151. Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer You're feeling nervous, aren't you, boy? With your quiet voice and impeccable style Don't ever let them steal your joy And your gentle ways, to keep 'em from running wild They can ... Joke's on You Lyrics: Drag me to death like a lit cigarette / Took my last breath like the smoke from my lips / I've lied for you and I liked it too / But my knees are bruised from kneeling to you ... Charlotte Lawrence "Why Do You Love Me": Hate your friends I hate your mom and dad I hope they hate me back I guess for once, I'm being hones... Everybody Loves You Lyrics: I am so tired, I have to tame my mind before I get too frustrated / Can't go back in time to change in someone's eyes / That I was not something to play with / Try not ... Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Charlotte Lawrence Lyrics "Joke's On You" (from "Birds Of Prey" soundtrack) Drag me to death, like a lit cigarette Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips I've lied for you, and I liked it too But my knees are bruised, from kneelin' to you I've had enough, but you're too hard to quit We had our fun, now your sugar makes me sick I've lied for you, and I liked it too But my makeup's ... Find more of Charlotte Lawrence lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics. No new notifications View all notifications Hey, click the icon to check the status of your contributions. Log in or Sign up. Home; Charts; Top new; Updates; Add new lyrics Feedback. Charlotte Lawrence – Joke's On You lyrics Post my meaning ; 13 explanations ... the joke is on sb definition: 1. If you say that the joke is on a particular person, you mean that that person has tried to make…. Learn more. Charlotte Lawrence - Joke's On You Lyrics & Traduction. La traduction de Joke's On You de Charlotte Lawrence est disponible en bas de page juste après les paroles originales. Drag me to death, like a lit cigarette Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips I've lied for you and I liked it too But my knees are bruised from kneeling to you I've had enough, but you're too hard to quit We ... Charlotte Lawrence has been building steam since her first EP 'Young' came out in 2017 and was streamed in the millions, but over the course of 2020 the 20-year-old musician has slowed down, consolidated and spent the time discovering her voice, her style, her story. Over FaceTime from the floor of her bedroom in Los Angeles, she talks with unbridled enthusiasm at a hundred miles an hour about ...

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