Bibliography In Project Proposal

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Domestic violence is not gendered

It's a well-established fact that men are just as likely to be the victims of domestic violence as women are:
Now, the question remains does this remained true for most severities?
And while a cursory glance of spousal homicides seems to back this up, the story doesn't stop there. And straight away you can tell that, even when it comes to homicide, the differences aren't that large.
Intimate Partner Homicide
Roughly 68% of intimate partner homicide victims are women. You can see a graph here:
One thing to consider is that many people who murder their spouses are often trapped in abusive relationships themselves. Their murder is usually seen as being either retaliatory or in self-defense. This theory is known as the "battered partner syndrome", and it applies to both men and women (although there is something of a double standard when this explanation is applied to men).
One researcher noted that according to several key criteria of the so-called "battered woman syndrome", abused men fit the profile better than abused women do.
All of the evidence indicates that abused men fit the theory of the “battered woman” better than abused women do.
Brown, G. A. (2004). Gender as a factor in the response of the law-enforcement system to violence against partners. Sexuality and Culture, 8(3-4), 3-139.
Another thing to notice is that the rate of men who are murdered by intimate partners has decreased over the years in comparison to women. In fact, some 40 years ago, women murdered their male partners at roughly the same rate as the reverse. Research suggests that this change in prevalence is because domestic violence shelters for women were opened during the same time period (source here). Instead of resorting to murder, many women can now escape their abuse through other means that are not available to men.
Speculation is that if domestic violence against men was taken as seriously as domestic violence against women, the rate of murdered women would go down as well. Since abused men are left with fewer non-violent options compared to abused women, they often end up resorting to suicide or murder in order to escape their abuse.
Of course, none of this is meant to downplay the problem of murdered spouses. Instead, I want to provide context, and propose a solution: If men were given better options to escape from abusive relationships (including better divorce options that don't ruin them financially or cost them access to their children), then there would be fewer women murdered by their partners. Better domestic violence resources for men wouldn't just help men, but would also help women.
And despite all of this, 68% doesn't represent some kind of huge majority where male victims are a simple side note in the discussion. It also happens to be the only data point that skews towards women on this topic. And it represents the smallest number of victims overall, even compared to other forms of serious abuse. Put simply, spousal murder is incredibly rare, regardless of gender.
Rates of serious injury and hospitalization
It's probably best to describe research in this category as "mixed". But that is because most studies find rates that are fairly close to being the same for men and women, with only small deviations away from the middle. For example, a 2008 study conducted on college campuses (in 32 different countries) found that "severe assault" affected men 42% of the time, and women 58% of the time (Table 1, page 258). Another study found that 62% of people injured by intimate partners in heterosexual relationships were women. These are the types of studies people quote when they talk about domestic violence against women being worse than it is against men. And as you can see, that kind of conclusion is tempered by findings that aren't as dramatic as they're often implied to be.
There are also quite a few studies that show rates that are higher for men than they are for women. For example, the 1975 US National Family Violence Survey found that 4.6% of men and 3.8% of women had experienced "severe" forms of domestic violence (among all forms of domestic violence, the rate was 12% for men and 11.6% for women) (source). Several other national surveys have found that "serious" cases of domestic violence tend to involve women as abusers, and men as victims, more often than the reverse. This is true even in years where the overall rate of male perpetration was higher than it was for female perpetration (like in the 2001 National Violence Against Women Survey, cited below). And when looking only at cases that require professional medical attention, 58% of victims are men (source also cited below).
Still, myths about this continue to persist and are taken as fact, despite the data clearly indicating something very different.
16% of men and 14% of women report being seriously injured by their partner.
Straus, M. A., Hamby, S. L., Boney-McCoy, S., & Sugarman, D. B. (1996). The revised conflict tactics scales (CTS2) development and preliminary psychometric data. Journal of family issues, 17(3), 283-316.
Assaulted men are more likely than assaulted women to experience serious attacks by being hit with an object, beat up, threatened with a knife or being knifed.
Hoff, B. H. (2001). The risk of serious physical injury from assault by a woman intimate: A re-examination of national violence against women survey data on type of assault by an intimate. MenWeb on-line Journal (ISSN: 1095-5240 Retrieved from Web on Jan, 18, 2011.
1.8% of men and 1.2% of women reported that their injuries required first aid, while 1.5% of men and 1.1% of women reported that their injuries needed treated by a doctor or nurse.
Headey, B., Scott, D., & De Vaus, D. (1999). Domestic violence in Australia: are women and men equally violent?. Australian Social Monitor, 2(3), 57.;dn=759479315231736;res=IELAPA
The least commonly reported violence was severe perpetration (<1.0% of total sample or 5% of violent relationships, n = 32), where it appears more women (1.6%; n = 29) than men (.9%; n = 2) reported performing such violence...Other findings showed that men reported being the victim of severe violence (3.%; n = 51) more frequently than women (1.9%; n = 35); but, this differences was only marginally significant.
Williams, S. L., & Frieze, I. H. (2005). Patterns of violent relationships, psychological distress, and marital satisfaction in a national sample of men and women. Sex Roles, 52(11-12), 771-784.
Studies of undergraduate college students found that men sustained higher levels of moderate violence than women with severe violence being rare for both women and men (Katz, Kuffel, & Coblentz, 2002) and 29% of males and 35% of females reported perpetrating physical aggression; 12.5% of the males and 4.5% of the females reported receiving severe physical aggression; 14% of females reported that they were the sole perpetrators of aggression — injuries were sustained by 8.4% of males and 5% of females (Hines & Saudino, 2002). These rates, which suggest gender symmetry in the perpetration of relationship violence, are not unique and Fiebert (2004) has amassed a bibliography of 159 peer-reviewed publications finding equal or greater aggression by females than males. The total collected sample is greater than 109,000. An earlier version was published in 1997 (Fiebert, 1997).
Carney, M., Buttell, F., & Dutton, D. (2007). Women who perpetrate intimate partner violence: A review of the literature with recommendations for treatment. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12(1), 108-115.
Psychological Abuse and Suicide
Focusing just on rates of physical violence discounts several other forms of domestic abuse, including psychological abuse, which often results in the victim committing suicide. And in terms of total deaths, this is actually a bigger killer than homicide. As many as 17% to 26% of all suicide deaths may be the result of intimate partner abuse.
In particular,
When domestic violence related suicides are combined with domestic violence homicides, the total numbers of domestic violence related deaths are higher for males than females.
Davis, R. L. (2010). Domestic violence-related deaths. Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research, 2(2), 44.
Abuse through the legal system, social manipulation, and false allegations
Women have been shown to engage in higher rates of coercive control and to use the threat of false allegations of domestic abuse and sexual assault to control their victims. As such, this represents a rather unique form of abuse primarily limited to female-on-male domestic violence.
‘She said “what are you gonna do? I’ll start screaming rape and you’re up in court tomorrow, do you think they’ll believe anything you’ve got to say?’’'
The legal system itself commonly gets abused, especially when children are involved. The so-called "silver bullet" refers to the fact that judges believe women by default, and will remove a child from the father's care if the mother lies about abuse. Up to 50% of child abuse cases, 70% of domestic violence cases, and 90% of restraining orders are estimated to be either false or baseless (which basically means "frivolous" in a legal context).
Not only are children wielded by abusers against their victims, but financial assets are also commonly held over their heads as well. The fact that family court is incredibly biased against fathers gets exploited and used as a form of abuse in its own right.
While these cases are not physically violent, I think it is important to realize that they have the potential to ruin lives, and can even lead to suicide. "I never put my hands on you" is not an excuse. This type of abuse is just as harmful and can be just as deadly, as physical abuse.
Unreported Cases
Research indicates that men have a tendency to underreport their abuse. It is estimated that men are 3 to 6 times less likely to report their abuse compared to women (source 1, source 2). Men are also less likely to press charges and are more likely to be intimidated against standing trial. And to make matters worse, the police are less likely to take male victims seriously compared to female victims, sometimes even arresting the man instead of the woman (source 1, source 2, source 3, source 4).
This pattern is so pronounced that when laws were passed requiring the police to automatically press charges when called for domestic disturbances, the number of women arrested on domestic violence charges increased dramatically. This has been referred to as an "unintended consequence" by the proponents of these bills, who thought that they would see an increase in the number of arrests for men instead (source).
Anyways, thanks for reading! And credit to u/Oncefa2 for some of this.
submitted by gregathon_1 to UnpopularFacts [link] [comments]

American Tribalism: How the Fringes Control Our Democracy

“Domestic divisions are the greatest threat to our national security.” -Susan Rice.
Note: My apologies if I at times engage in “both-sides-ism” in this post, it was meant for a more general audience than NeoLiberal and often times that is the best way to make a point about tribalism to mixed (and tribal) audience. Additionally, I am not highly familiar with Reddit formatting and as such some things might look peculiar. Thank you for reading.
Identity with a political tribe has taken supreme precedence over matters such as ideology. Blind allegiance is rewarded, not independence, thoughtful consideration, or compromise. Dissent has lost much of its political prestige, the respect, if begrudging, for those “profiles in courage” has largely evaporated. Courageous senators of a time not long past were once applauded for their courage, if not their action (Wayne Morse on the Gulf of Tonkin, James Buckley on Watergate, Charles Goodell on Vietnam, or Howard Baker on the Panama Canal)a When we do see courageous political dissent (e.g from John McCain on the Affordable Care Act or Joe Manchin on the nomination of Justice Kavanaugh), its emissaries are greeted with only contempt. The descent of politics into a conflict between groups held in near religious reverence by their followers is antithetical to democracy itself and seems to absolve its participants from the basic rigors of civility. Civil disagreement is trumped by a hatred reminiscent of that between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. From Jesse Helms, Newt Gingrich, or the “Tea Party” on the right to Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the “Justice Democrats” of the left, polarization has grown steadily worse.
These partisan tribes develop norms that are then used as the standards for partisan to be conforming group members. As people identify with a group more strongly, they conform to these tribal norms to appear as “good” members of their tribe, and those who do not conform to the tribal norms are targeted by the extremists within the tribe through systems such as primaries. For instance, Republican Representative Bob Inglis of South Carolina lost a 2010 primary to Trey Gowdy by 40 points despite having a 93% rating from the American Conservative Union due to Inglis’s support of climate legislation, a post recession bailout, and his opposition to the 2007 troop surge in Iraq. Even dissent as minor as Representative Inglis’s can trigger a tribal reaction from the group. Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler campaigns extensively on her voting record of siding with President Trump on 100% of votes, in my view it is a sad reflection on the state of our political process if an absolute lack of dissent is applauded by one’s supporters.
In 2016 researchers assembled 1,178 Washingtonians for a study on how partisanship affected their perception of a ballot measure that would institute a carbon tax. The group was divided evenly between Republicans and Democrats; those groups were further divided into a groups viewing Republican endorsements of the policy and Democratic opposition, and a group viewing Republican opposers to the policy and Democratic endorsers. While Republicans continually opposed the policy, they were much more prone to supporting it when told that famous Republicans such as George Shultz (An advisor to the Eisenhower Administration, Nixon’s Secretary of Labor and the Treasury, and finally Reagan’s Secretary of State) had endorsed the policy. This gap was only more pronounced among the well educated in these groups. Global warming is an existential threat to humanity itself, yet our views on it are largely informed due to partisan biases as opposed to scientific fact.
The Media’s Role:
The Soviet Union’s propaganda newspaper was entitled Pravda, Russian for truth, so too does Fox News’ motto of “Fair and Balanced” disguise propaganda and an impartiality taken seriously by few. Politics is not a sport, to create policy and build a united nation compromise is second only to the understanding of other’s beliefs. Media-be it from the right or left-portrays political happenings as a conflict between two teams, with a “win” being valued over the nation’s wellbeing, and, as the saying goes, perception often becomes reality. The facile portrayal of politics as a sport in news has led political discourse to increasingly adopt these characteristics. Media gains views through sensationalism and the portrayal of politics as a horse race, but in doing so it preys on our divisions and often provides a platform to those such as climate change deniers or other conspiracy theorists who normally would be shut from the arena of mainstream political belief. As Carlton University professor Jim Davies explains, “everything about the news—from the dramatic headlines to the riveting background music to the colors on the screen (lots of red, which experts agree is one of, if not the most, emotionally charged color)—is engineered to prey on our hardwired impulses to pay attention to what seems exciting and important. The manner in which the news is presented—be it on television or the social feeds on our phone—often triggers the release of dopamine, a powerful neurochemical that tags experiences as meaningful and makes us want to seek them over and over again.”
The national motto of the United States is “E Pluribus Unum” or “Out of Many, One”. Humans are naturally tribal creatures, but our founders understood that democracy requires us to embrace pluralism and unite our many tribes into one united nation. Social media is in diametric opposition to these principles, sorting us into tribal echo chambers by way of clandestine algorithms that dehumanize our opposition and do no more than confirm our biases. Social media has also opened the door to foreign interference in our elections and the inflammation of our tribal instincts by way of Russian, Chinese, or Iranian propaganda. Foreign disinformation now colors our view of our fellow Americans and of our democratic processes themselves. Anti-democratic actors such as Father Coughlinb harnessed the new technology of radio to fan the flames of fascism, but today we are faced with thousands of Fathers Coughlin spreading disinformation not in weekly radio broadcasts, but in a never-ending firehose of social media extremism that pushes our society deeper into division. Tom Wheeler of the Brooking’s Institution put it well; “digital technology is gnawing at the core of democracy by dividing us into tribes and devaluing truth.”
The Importance of Interaction:
I would argue that the best way to stymie hateful tribalism in the media is not to legislation, but often very minor actions taken by us. I would argue two primary actions should be taken; firstly, one should view media from across the political spectrum; secondly, one should engage in discussion with those you disagree with. As Zachary Wood explained in a “Ted Talk”, “tuning out opposing viewpoints doesn't make them go away, because millions of people agree with them. In order to understand the potential of society to progress forward, we need to understand the counterforces.” People increasingly do not interact with ideas they oppose, and in doing so they lose an understanding of those ideas and come to regard their opponents as what is known as “strawmen”, as Krysta Scripter explains “Especially when we hold a strong opinion, it's increasingly less likely that we're talking [..] with anyone who disagrees.” Interaction with those we disagree with also fosters intellectual humility, defined by the Journal of Positive Psychology as “the ability to have an accurate view of one’s intellectual strengths and limitations and the ability to negotiate ideas in a fair and inoffensive manner. “ It has been shown that this intellectual humility can not only improve one’s learning abilities, but their social skills as well.
The engagement with other’s ideas also reinforces the ideal of pluralism, which is often considering an underpinning of democracy. Pluralism, defined by Oxford as “a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist.”, allows for a democracy in which diverse ideas are expected to compete, if we cannot coexist with others, we cannot properly function as a democracy. For instance, Marwan Muasher, a Middle Eastern policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, argues that a lack of pluralism has been a defining factor in the destabilization of many areas in the Middle East. By interacting with others, we are learning for ourselves while helping support the foundations of democracy.
System of the Fringes:
The factors contributing to partisanship can be traced to the very roots of our electoral systems themselves. Closed partisan primaries, gerrymandering, and our first past the post voting system collaborate to enable a vocal minority of extremists to hold final sway over our electoral process. Only a small percentage of eligible voters even bother to vote in primaries, and these are commonly the most extreme of the electorate. As former U.S Representative Mickey Edwards(R-OK) notes, only 8% of the total Alabama electorate voted for far-right Judge Roy Moore over incumbent Senator Luther Stranged in the 2017 Republican special election primary, and Strange was by all means more popular among the general electorate than Moore, yet it was Moore who advanced to the general election. In Nebraska’s Second Congressional District progressive Democrat Kara Eastman lost to Republican Don Bacon by 4.8% even as Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden carried the district by nearly 6 points; Eastman’s moderate Democratic primary opponent Ann Ashford would have been very likely to win the seat. Candidates such as Moore or Eastman are able to win primaries, and thus advance to be one of two, or even the only, competitive candidate in a general election by appealing to small yet vocal aspects of the electorate. This issue goes all the way to the top; the mostly closed, low turnout 2016 Republican primary led to the rise of the unpopular Donald Trump. The Republican Party was moved into the position to facilitate the rise of Trump by its fringes controlling primaries for years beforehand. The bottom line is clear: primaries do not represent the electorate.
The second issue I would cite is gerrymandering, which is closely connected to the first. Gerrymandering, named for Vice President Elbridge Gerrye, is a practice in which legislatures draw legislative districts in such a way as to maximize the benefits of one political party; Gerrymandering has been a persistent issue throughout American history, but it has become more significant than ever as of late. Competitive elections are a cornerstone of democracy yet Gerrymandering reduces the value of elections while removing competition, allowing politicians to become increasingly radical without facing serious electoral hurdles. A study by Antoine Yoshinaka and Chad Murphy found that “members of the out-of-power party tended to have more drastic changes made to their districts as a way for the in-power party to insulate its members”. For instance, as the Brenna Center for Justices notes that gerrymandering in Maryland removed Republican Roscoe Bartlett in 2012. Maryland’s gerrymandering also means that (relatively) far left Representatives such as Kweisi Mfume and (relatively) far right Representative Andy Harris are both consistently re-elected by large margins; ideally both districts would overlap with more significant support for the other party and ensure competitive elections. Furthermore, if congressional districts were drawn to ensure and encourage competition, the congressional balance would be taken out of the hands of a small number of voters in swing districts. Some would argue that this would allow parties to seize supermajorities, I would disagree as in a congressional map drawn to be as competitive as possible it is unlikely that any party would be able to win all of the competitive seats, and if this were to happen the party would have to have moved to the center enough that it would represent the majority will.
Thirdly, our “first past the post” voting system is flawed. The system allows for phenomena such as “vote splitting” and allows candidates to win with small shares of the vote, as low as under 30% in some primaries or 35% in general elections. This system allows candidates to succeed with wedges of the public and disempowers third parties. For instance, in 1974 former U.S Representative Ray Blanton won the Democratic primary with 22.7% of the vote, Blanton would defeat Republican Lamar Alexander in the general election but his single term as Governor would be marred by scandal and RealClearPolitics would name him one of the “Ten Most Corrupt Politicians” in American history, in the final days of his governorship, he would infamously pardon two dozen convicted murderers and 28 others in exchange for money. More recently, Donald Trump won the 2016 Republican Primary while regularly winning under 40% of the vote due to his divided opposition.
Great political leaders of the past-LBJ, Sam Rayburn, Howard Baker, Bob Dolef-understood the importance of compromise, and only through that understanding were they able to achieve the legislative reforms they did, yet legislative leaders today stifle the legislative process and focus instead on their own interests, putting party above democracy. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-KY) has long been known as a master of legislative obstruction not seen since the days of James Allen, while Representative Justin Amash has said of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (and every Speaker he has experienced-this is not unique to her) tactics “We have not been allowed to offer amendments on the House floor in more than four years. In effect, every bill we vote on is take it or leave it.”. That being said, there are still those who value compromise, such as Senator Diane Feinstein(D-CA) or retiring Senator Lamar Alexander(R-TN), but our legislative leaders, enabled by primaries and our voting system, largely stymie attempts at compromise.
A Framework for Unity:
The majority of Americans are exhausted with partisan tribalism. Most Americans are not far right or far left, yet both sides maintain caricatures of one another, and an increasing number of Americans confine themselves to partisan-not necessarily ideological-echo chambers that fail to provide them with the support for pluralism and understanding of opposing views that is critical to democracy. I argue that three crucial electoral reforms should be instituted, a commission to end gerrymandering, a blanket primary, and ranked choice voting. States have consistently altered their primary systems since Robert La Follette popularized the idea in the early 1900s, one, Indiana, went farther. Indiana was a hotbed of the Klux Klan during the organization’s second wave and officials as influential as the state’s Governor were members of the terrorist group. Members of the Klan were significantly more likely to vote in primaries than any other group and could seize control of the political system due to their high turnout rates in these primaries, this led Indiana to largely do away with the primary system for local elections in 1928; they would not be restored until the mid 1970s. That being noted, I would not advocate for the abolition of primaries, instead I would argue for abolishing the partisan requirements tied to primaries. States such as Vermont allow one to choose whether to vote in the Republican or Democratic primaries in the state regardless of party affiliation, allowing independents and others into the fold and enabling the primary to be more representative.
That being said, some have gone farther and instituted the now largely forgotten “blanket primary”, which I would argue would be the best alternative. A blanket primary system allows voters to vote in any party’s primary for different offices, with the candidate with the best showing from each party advancing to the general election, : this system commonly produced consensus candidates. Washington and Alaska long maintained a “blanket primary” system, which contributed to both states being quite competitive, as liberal Republicans such as Daniel Evans won in the generally Democratic state of Washington. A blanket primary was adopted by California in the 1996, but the Supreme Court overruled decades of precedent in the 2001 decision California Democratic Party v. Jones and deemed the blanket primary unconstitutional. The reasoning in this decision, put forth by Justice Scalia in a 7-2 decisionh, was that parties can govern their own affairs; I would disagree and argue that this falls out of the scope of a “party affair” and would posit that it is an affair of the people and furthermore argue the decision was a violation of states’ rights. As Justice Stevens puts it in his dissent “A State's power to determine how its officials are to be elected is a quintessential attribute of sovereignty.”
Secondly how can gerrymandering be stymied, and how should we redraw the maps? I would suggest one of two solutions, either an algorithm or a nonpartisan committee to redistrict. I would argue congressional maps are best drawn in a manner that would ensure the highest number of competitive districts. FiveThirtyEight, a polling and analysis website ran by Nate Silver, recently released a series of 8 congressional maps gerrymandered in various ways, one of these is drawn to maximize competition. The maximized competition map includes 242 highly competitive districts, this ensures that one’s vote is likely to have a significant impact while ensuring that elections are not confined to several dozen congressional districts, practically disenfranchising large portions of the electorate. As David Daley of the electoral reform organization FairVote notes “If your goal is to reduce polarization, this system would reduce the oversized influence of partisan voters in low-turnout primaries, give moderate and independent voters more choices, and empower the broader electorate that turns out in November general elections”.
Finally, how we can reform our voting system itself. Several ideas have gained popularity, including approval voting (utilized in Bismarck, North Dakota), but by and large the most popular is ranked choice voting, Maine uses ranked choice voting in its elections, and Alaska recently approved a referendum to do so as well. Ranked choice voting would allow people to rank every candidate for an office in order of preference, candidates are eliminated in each round and their votes redistributed to their second choice until a candidate possesses a majority vote. The majority requirement ensures that candidates possess a true mandate for their policies: other effects of ranked choice voting include more moderate candidates as candidates are required to appeal to a larger segment of the electorate, less tribalism and a more civil political culture as candidates are competing for the second or third choice votes of those who may support another candidate as their first-choice vote, and the negation of the “spoiler effect”.
Opponents of ranked-choice voting make several arguments, well summarized in the Heritage Foundation piece “Ranked Choice Voting Is A Bad Choice” but the primary argument is the claim that in a ranked-choice system, one could vote for a candidate they greatly dislike, whom they ranked quite low. I would object vehemently to this argument. Firstly, one would never vote for the candidate they ranked last, and if one were not comfortable voting for multiple candidates they could leave them out of their rankings. Secondly, one will only vote for a candidate ranked low on their ballot if the election is down to that candidate and the candidate or candidates one has ranked lower. For example, if one were to have ranked every third-party presidential candidate above Joe Biden and Donald Trump in this election but still ranked Biden above Trump, their vote would have gone to their second least favored candidate, but only because the alternative was a candidate they favored even less. Our political system is in chaos, and technologies such as social media exacerbate these issues. Electoral reform and reforms to our manner of politics are, frankly, the only way we can escape this political quagmire for brighter pastures.
a.. The four acts of “political courage” I reference here are as follows; Wayne Morse(D-OR) being one of two Senators to oppose the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; James Buckley(C-NY) being the first conservative Senator to call for the resignation of President Nixon; Appointed Senator Charles Goodell(R-NY) opposing the Vietnam War, an action which led to his defeat in the 1970 election, losing the support even of the Nixon White House; and Republican Senate Leader Howard Baker(R-TN) aiding President Carter with negotiations surrounding the Panama Canal, which may have cost him the 1980 Republican presidential nomination.
b. Father Charles Coughlin was a radio priest from the late 1930s and early 1940s infamous for his advocacy for, arguably, fascist policies and for sympathizing with the enemy during WWII, his weekly broadcasts attracted millions of listeners until he was removed from air early in WWII, although he continued to preside over his church until his death in the late 1970s.
c. The strawman fallacy is defined by Wikipedia as “a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.”
d. I would note that Senator Strange was an appointed incumbent, but an incumbent nonetheless, and one who had demonstrated relative popularity with the general electorate in the past in other races.
e. Gerry was Governor of Massachusetts at the time of the redistricting, and in fairness to him, he was reluctant to support the redistricting bill. The term “gerrymander” comes from a political cartoon soon after the bill was passed.
f. LBJ refers to Lyndon Baines Johnson, I refer more so to his work as Senate Majority Leader from 1953-1960 than to his work in the Presidency. Sam Rayburn, the longest serving Speaker of the House in American history, was LBJ’s counterpart from 1953-1960 and served as Speaker until his death in 1961, both Texans, Rayburn was a significant influence on LBJ and in some ways served as a father figure. Howard Baker served as Republican Senate Leader from 1977-`985, the last four of those years at Majority Leader. Bob Dole served as Baker’s successor, both were influential legislators who valued bipartisanship. Dole himself would cite his work for progressive 1972 Democratic Presidential nominee George McGovern to end hunger as the work he is most proud of.
g. James “Jim” Allen served as a Senator from Alabama from 1969-1977 and was an infamous master of senate rules. Allen’s behavior almost single handedly led to the lowering of the filibuster threshold from 67 votes to 60, I would recommend Walter Mondales’s account of the matter, which may be found in his memoir, “The Good Fight”.
h. Justices Ginsburg and Stevens dissented.
Daley, David. “This Is How We End Gerryamandering.” FairVote, 26 Jan. 2018,
Ehret, Phillip J., et al. “Partisan Barriers to Bipartisanship.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, vol. 9, no. 3, 2018, pp. 308–318., doi:10.1177/1948550618758709.
ACU Ratings of Congress: 111th Congress, Second Session (40th Edition). American Conservative Union, 2010. p. 32
Cillizza, Chris. “Analysis: This Republican Senator Is Taking Being pro-Trump to a Whole Other Level.” CNN, Cable News Network, 29 Oct. 2020,
Packer, George, et al. “A New Report Offers Insights Into Tribalism in the Age of Trump.” The New Yorker,
Farrell, William E. “2 In Indiana Face Stiff Primary Tests.” New York Times, 4 May 1976.
Kraushaar, Josh (April 7, 2009). "Inglis faces fight from the right".
Edwards, Mickey, and Jason Davis. GovLove - A Podcast About Local Government - #187 The Parties vs. the People with Mickey Edwards, Former Congressman.
“Nebraska Election Results: Second Congressional District.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 Nov. 2020,
“ NE District 02 - D Primary Race - May 12, 2020.” Our Campaigns ,
“2018 United States House of Representatives Elections in Maryland.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 June 2020,
Heaton, Andrew, et al. “America Had a Coup in 2010.” The Political Orphanage, 2020,
Wheeler, Tom. “Technology, Tribalism, and Truth.”
Brookings, Brookings, 7 Feb. 2020,
Glynn, Anisha Singh and Nathaniel. “Mitch McConnell: A Legacy of Obstruction.” Center for American Progress, 15 July 2016,
Amash, Justin. “We Have Not Been Allowed to Offer Amendments on the House Floor in More than Four Years. In Effect, Every Bill We Vote on Is Take It or Leave It.This Is Not Legislating.” Twitter, Twitter, 14 Oct. 2020,
Stulberg, Brad. “Step Away from the 24-Hour News Cycle.”
Outside Online, Outside Magazine, 1 Dec. 2018,
Fish, Greg. “How The Media Fuels Hyper-Partisanship By Treating Politics Like A Sport.” Rantt Media, Rantt Media, 29 June 2018,
Wood, Zachary R. “Why It's Worth Listening to People You Disagree With.” Why It's Worth Listening to People You Disagree With, by Unknown Yet,
Muasher, Marwan. “Pluralism Is Necessary for Democracy.” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
“History of the Blanket Primary in Washington.” Elections & Voting - WA Secretary of State,
“California Democratic Party v. Jones.” Casebriefs,
Miller, Peter. “Maryland's Extreme Gerrymander.” Brennan Center for Justice, 7 Mar. 2019,
Borger, Julian. “Susan Rice: 'Domestic Divisions Are the Greatest Threat to Our National Security'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 23 Nov. 2019,
Phillip Langsdon, Tennessee: A Political History (Franklin, Tenn.: Hillsboro Press, 2000), pp. 375-387.
Ten Most Corrupt Politicians, RealClearPolitics, 22 May 2012
“The Atlas Of Redistricting.” FiveThirtyEight, 25 Jan. 2018,
Livni, Ephrat “Ranked choice voting and the quest to save democracy in the U.S’, Quartz, 31 July 2019
“Benefits of Ranked Choice Voting.” FairVote,
von Spakovsky, Hans. “Ranked Choice Voting Is a Bad Choice.” The Heritage Foundation, 23 Aug. 2019,
submitted by Peacock-Shah to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Can we finally put the "Joseph Smith was a pedophile" to bed now.....Post from Ask Historians

Sorry I am not quite sure how to cross-post or if it is allowed. A user here u/Dwood15 Submitted a question to the Ask Historians Reddit and received a really a great answer from what I presume is a Non-Mormon.
Here is the question then followed by the detailed reply. From what I gather from a non-mormon historian looking at the evidence, he concludes Joseph's Marriage to Helen Mar Kimball is not as scandalous given the historical evidence when it concerns her age..... Warning it is a very long and detailed answer.

Title of Question...From the late 18th to early 19th centuries, how did people of that era look at men who married girls significantly younger than them?

The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, in his later life, married girls much younger than him.
Were there people from that era who called him out for it?
Was it common for older men to get called out or stigmatized for marrying girls in that 12-17 year age range?
u/sowser answer
It was normal in the 19th century for men to be older than the women that they married, but it was still the case that women tended not to marry until they were into their 20s; it was only in the mid-20th century that it became the case that the average woman could expect to marry before her 20th birthday. Men would generally be older on the expectation that they were meant to be providers and heads of household for their spouses and so, accordingly, would need time to establish themselves financially or at least in the security of stable work before they were in a position to take a bride. For the vast majority of people marriage was something that came in their 20s when they had already attained the legal age of adulthood and not before, although some of the age gaps that were socially acceptable might arouse concern in us today - there's an average age gap of around 4 or 5 years between men and women, but 7 or 8 would not have been too odd.
However, there were a significant minority of American men who married women who were below the age of majority - and this was not necessarily the taboo practice we now rightly recognise it to be. The concept of "child marriage" doesn't seem to appear anywhere in American public discourse until the mid to late 1800s - there was no cultural understanding that it represented a distinct phenomenon different to regular marriage. In the 19th century age was something of a ephemeral thing. Many ordinary people may not have known their exact age; whilst people understood there was such a thing as 'childhood' and that children were more vulnerable than adults physically and emotionally, they also understood childhood and adolescence beyond the earliest years of life to be a state of mind or state of being more than a stage of life, and different individuals could mature into adulthood at different times. Additionally, marriage in the 1800s was understood to be an unequal institution in which there was supposed to be a power imbalance heavily skewed in favour of the male partner; the idea of the female partner being younger and more impressionable was not the inherent negative we recognise it to be in our modern gender equal societies today, and a young woman's freedom to choose a marriage partner was largely dependent on the extent to which her parents and any prospective partner cared about her feelings in the matter. Many women had little to no choice, or only a very limited choice, in who they were married to. In the gender unequal world of the 19th century some parents saw arranging marriages for daughters at a young age as a means to 'set them up' for the best possible life in terms of security and stability. Marriage itself was thought to have a morally sanctifying and uplifting impact on the people marrying each other also, which served to alleviate anxieties about one partner being young - the spiritually transformative impact of marriage would strengthen the virtue of the man and 'mature' the woman.
The law in these cases could be ambiguous but generally speaking, set a low age of consent. A major test case in the Massachusetts Supreme Court in 1854 (Parton vs Hervey) ruled that the marriage of a 13 year old girl and a 19 year old man was valid despite the objection of the 13 year old's mother that she did not consent to the ceremony, arguing that legal tradition treated girls as being able to consent to marriage from the age of 12 onwards and boys from the age of 14 onwards. The state court did affirm that it was only legal to marry people without parental consent if they had attained the age of majority but did not invalidate the actual marriage. Tellingly, the concern of the parents in Parton vs Hervey was not that the girl was too young for her own good to be married but that by leaving the parental home early her family were deprived of the benefit to having her work in the household several years earlier than they expected; their concern was economic and social, not moral or sexual. The courts in contrast usually upheld child marriages in these cases for moral reasons - fearful that if they were dissolved, there would be a sudden influx in a number of young women forced to become single mothers, or that it would set a precedent for encouraging men to find ways to escape their marital obligations. For some girls marriage at an early age could also represent an age of agency and resistance to parental control by choosing to elope or secretly marry a partner old enough to provide in them but closer to their age or character compared to someone their parents might intend to pressure them into marrying, or to escape from abusive family. It was only really from the late 1800s onwards, and especially the early 20th century, that marrying a minor began to become something sharply taboo in American culture on the grounds that grown men should not be having sex with teenage girls.
Extreme age gaps were rarer but likewise not unheard of - in the 1760s, the 73 year old Governor of Virginia had married a 15 year old girl. Although he was ridiculed by his critics for doing so the criticism was not that the girl he married was too young but rather that the Governor was too old and behaving inappropriately. This was still generally speaking the attitude of the average American in the 1830s: whilst there was discomfort with marriages in which a teenage girl was wed to a significantly older man, the discomfort lay more in what that said about the man's character rather than in his sexual desires or the worry about how young she was. It was unusual, sometimes uncomfortable or frowned upon, but it was not seen as being fundamentally immoral or evident of deviant sexuality. Hangovers of this persist in our popular culture and laws today - in many parts of the United States it remains possible that teenage girls can marry older boys or men with parental consent, and this continues to happen to this day. Likewise in many places the age of sexual consent is set at an age lower than the age of majority for other activities and at a level most of us would be uncomfortable with if a 40 year old were partnered with someone at the age of consent. Consider the UK for example, where a 16 year old can sleep with a 50 year old Member of Parliament legally, but not vote for that MP in a general election for another two years. Moral and cultural attitudes to both the nature of childhood and sexuality have changed radically from the early 1800s.
In Joseph Smith Jr's case the objections to the philosophy of marriage that he developed later in his preaching rarely focused on the age of the women involved but rather that there were women involved, plural. For one, polygamy was only ever practised in secret during Joseph's life-time and although rumours of it did escape Illinois and made it as far afield as European newspapers, the exact details of who was involved were not known and the vast majority of rank-and-file Latter Day Saints were able to comfortably reject the idea (the public announcement of polygamy as doctrine under Brigham Young seems to have played a major role in almost destroying the Latter Day Saint movement outside of the United States by disillusioning members; the number of British followers collapses in the 1850s). It was the fact that Joseph and his close associates were marrying multiple women, not that some of them were of quite a young age, that was deeply scandalising to both civil society and internal dissenters within the Mormon church. The way in which Joseph was most remarkable for his time in terms of the age of his partners was the fact he married a number of women older than him, including his first and 'primary' wife, Emma, who was about a year older at the time of their wedding.
Perhaps the most telling evidence of contemporary attitudes comes from the Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the RLDS Church, which was organised by Joseph Smith III, Joseph Jr and Emma's son. Joseph III and Emma both staunchly denied that the founding Prophet of Latter Day Saintism has ever practised polygamy and insisted it was an innovation of Brigham Young that distorted Joseph Jr's teachings (RLDS historians now overwhelmingly agree Joseph Jr did practice polygamy). The early RLDS Church made rejecting what they perceived as the sexual deviancy and immorality of Brigham Young's theology a core part of how they distinguished themselves from the LDS Church in Utah, along with innovations like the idea of Eternal Progression and the Godhead (the RLDS Church retained a pre-Nauvoo, Trinitarian theology). Despite the fact Brigham Young and others also married teenage girls many years younger than them, this point of critique is absent from Address to the Saints in Utah and California, an 1864 missionary text by the RLDS Church aimed at proving polygamy is morally wrong and that Young cannot be Joseph Jr's successor; Joseph III did not add it in when he revised the text in 1869, and it is absent from other criticisms of plural marriage by Saints who did not follow Brigham Young to Utah.
It is worth contextualising all of this within the innovations of early Mormon theology. Latter Day Saintism history of gender roles is complicated: whilst in some ways early Mormons were fiercely patriarchal and had a very strict idea of sex roles between men and women, in other ways they were also much more equal than in many contemporary social groups and organisations. Emma and Joseph married for love in defiance of family protests and Emma had a disproportionately large impact on the development of the Latter Day Saint movement; most famously, the Word of Wisdom (LDS D&C 89 / RLDS D&C 86) that many Mormons live by in some way today came about from Emma's petitioning of Joseph to come up with standards of behaviour for the him and his male friends when they were socialising together. But she also played a major role in helping

Joseph at every stage of his life's work, both as an adviser and in practice, and she was subject to her own personal revelation in 1830 that lead to her creating the first Church Hymnal and establishing the importance of music and singing as a form of worship in its own right in Mormon religious culture (LDS D&C 25 / RLDS D&C 24). At Nauvoo, women established the original LDS Relief Society in which women - though limited in where they could formally reach - were organised into a genuinely autonomous and vibrant organisation intended to parallel the male priesthood, with Emma Smith at the head. Over one thousand women took up roles of community leadership and organising through the Relief Society. Emma Smith used her position in the Relief Society to preach against polygamy - which many historians believe was because she was fully aware of the practice and trying to put pressure on Joseph to end it - but focused always on the immorality of what she saw as effective adultery, rather than concern over the exploitation of younger women or anything like that. The greater support network and in some areas of life greater autonomy for Latter Day Saint women in the highly communal early Mormon cities in Ohio and Illinois may have helped to quell nascent concerns about the implication of age gaps.
Second, it's worth keeping in mind that Latter Day Saint theology establishes a distinct period of 'spiritual' childhood that distinguishes adults from children in terms of their ability to take moral responsibility for their actions and choices. The Book of Mormon establishes that young children are incapable of true sin - transgression against God's will - and automatically enjoy eternal salvation; the baptism of babies or young children is very strongly condemned as immoral and regressive in the BoM (e.g. LDS Moroni 8:8 / RLDS Moroni 8:9). In 1831, revelation established this as the age of eight (D&C 68) and this has accordingly been Mormon practice ever since in all Latter Day Saint denominations. This is not to say that the Latter Day Saints in the 1830s became adults suddenly at the age of eight - children over eight are still considered children in Mormon scripture (e.g. LDS D&C 20 / RLDS D&C 17). Likewise, this was explicitly framed in rejection of the mainstream Christian idea that children were born inherently sinful and needing forgiveness and so were capable of sin at a young age, too; certainly for some early converts the promise of eternal salvation for children who died in infancy was appealing in a world where many parents lost children at a young age. This view of childhood as a time of pure and genuine innocence, with a fixed age of 'graduation' from that phase of childhood, is much more in keeping with our modern ideas about age. But at a time when ideas about age were much more fluid and varied and marriage was held to have a maturing, transformative effect on the individual, the idea of a 14 or 15 year old being close to twice the age of accountability may have also played a role in explaining why Latter Day Saints did not question the acceptability of child marriage as we now call it. Certainly there were individuals in Joseph Smith's lifetime starting to do so on the grounds that it was harmful to the development of young girls although, again, it would be close to a century before society began to seriously become concerned about grown men being attracted to younger girls.
In terms of actual sexual practices, the evidence for the extent to which Joseph Smith Jr had sexual relationships with all of the women he married is mixed - whilst he certainly did with some, it appears with others the marriage was motivated primarily by other factors, and it is not always to tell which spouses he did or did not. It seems unlikely that he ever had sexual relations with his youngest known spouse Helen Mar Kimball, who was 14 at the time of wedding. The marriage was most likely organised by her father, senior LDS leader Heber C Kimball, to connect the Kimball and Smith families in what he understood to be a profound and spiritual way. Although she was publicly known to have been married to Smith and was a vocal defender of the institution of polygamy when an 1892 trial between three different Mormon denominations saw the LDS Church in Utah nominate multiple of Smith's wives to testify that he had practised polygamy, with the goal of disproving the RLDS' claims about Joseph Jr, Kimball was not called even though a decade earlier she had written a tract directly attacking the RLDS philosophy of monogamous marriage. The three women who were called were all aged 17 - 19 at time of marriage to Smith, whilst the youngest person we have probable evidence of a sexual relationship with is Fanny Alger, who some think may have been his first 'plural wife' (although there is debate if it was a 'simple' affair), who was aged 16 when Joseph was 31. But the vast majority of Joseph's reported wives were older than this - Kimball is the only one known to be under the age of 16 and it was almost certainly a functional marriage. In addition, Illinois had an age of consent of just 10 years old by the tail end of the 19th century; if Smith had been so inclined, given he was already practising polygamy illegally and against the cultural norms of the day, he would have absolutely felt even more at liberty to exploit younger girls.
Finally, it might be useful to think of other contemporary examples to illustrate that whilst Smith's behaviour was unusual it was not unthinkable. Edgar Allen Poe famously married his 13-year old cousin when he was 27 years old in 1835, whilst the royal families of Europe could testify to an abundance of what would now be considered arranged child marriages in the 19th century, some involving pairings with similar ages and age gaps to the ones that frequently scandalise people reading about Joseph Smith. The future German Emperor, Wilhelm I, was married aged 32 to the 17 year old Augusta the year before the publishing of the Book of Mormon. Whilst these kind of unions were absolutely abnormal, and laws in the 19th century increasingly sought to restrict them and encourage marriage over the age of majority, there was simply not the same understanding of age and consent that we have in our modern world. It is Joseph Smith Jr's practice of polygamy that makes him stand out sharply from his contemporaries rather than the people who he was saying he was marrying.
There are absolutely many valid criticisms we can make of how Joseph Smith Jr and others appear to have practised the system of plural marriage as a coercive, patriarchal institution. Where age is concerned however, neither Smith nor his contemporaries were exceptional for the cultural norms of the time - age gaps between men and women were the norm rather than the exception and although most people did wait until full adulthood to marry, by no means would the idea of marrying a 15 or 16 year old have aroused the same feelings of outrage and alarm that they do today, and early Latter Day Saint thinking on the nature of adulthood vs childhood probably played a role, too. What made Smith and the Mormon polygamists exceptional was their practice of non-monogamy and extreme, church-sanctioned non-monogamy at that rather than the age dynamics or coercive nature of the relationships. Today, the lack of monogamy is probably the thing the average American would find least offensive in a culture with a much greater acceptance of sexual promiscuity, whilst the unequal treatment of women (even if the movement was in other ways progressive for its time) and acceptance of age gaps much more disturbing to our sensibilities. Whilst we can be rightly critical of these things in considering what lessons we want to take from our past to inform the shape and direction of our lives and societies today, we must be mindful that we do not project our modern sensibilities and perspectives onto the people of the past and try to understand their actions within the moral and social contexts of the societies they lived in. Understanding them as they understood themselves allows us to appreciate the pressures and influences they were acting and thinking upon, which enhances our ability to see the similarities and differences between yesterday and today when thinking about what yesterday means for tomorrow.
Selected Bibliography

Edit* to update the Historian /sowser has posted a 2nd write up responding to a user here contentions. I also think it is a great read.
submitted by mwjace to mormon [link] [comments]

Navy-isms Part 2


To piggyback off my last post, I took a round turn on the Navy jargon with all the gouge provided. Thanks to all who participated in the first round. I also learned that apparently almost everyone in /navy is a damn bubblehead.
There were a lot of moving parts, and this project was like drinking out of a fire hose. But once I doubled down and got to making the sausage, I learned that similar efforts have been made from enterprising sailors since at least the 1780s, and probably even before that. It seems our efforts continue a hallowed tradition. During my research, I skimmed current initiatives and many of those in the past. I included a bibliography of my resources in addition to using the definitions provided by the commenters who were kind enough to provide them, but all definitions are by no means definitive. Please correct my incorrect terms as well as supply them for the ones I have labeled "Need definition." You are also welcome to provide new Navy-isms (with definitions please!) Even though this has been done before, not all of the lists are up-to-date or cover all the terms listed below, and our modern subreddit is a great way to crowd source this project.
I hereby submit this list and call upon the great mods of navy to allow the results of OUR collective sweat equity to dwell in the sidebar for future sailors reference. It can be a living document for all that have served, are currently serving, and those that will join long after we've all gotten the fuck out.
Fair winds and following seas, shipmates...
DEFINITIONS AS OF 22 JAN 2021 Definitions
1 man ballast party Extremely fat shipmate
24WWGHE “24 weeks wasted. Go home, Ensign!”
45/45 45 days restriction, 45 days busted down in rank
6 and 6 Full workday = working from midnight to 6 pm
72 3 day weekend
96 4 day weekend
99 Everyone; see ALCON
ACK Acknowledge; typically used in chat
A-gang Auxiliary division of Engineering department
Airframer Someone who works on or with the planes/helos
ALCON All concerned
All conditions normal A report made from a watch stander declaring there’s nothing wrong, or at least you’ll just have to take their word for it
All elbows and assholes Everyone
A lot of moving parts There’s a lot of stuff happening at the same time (implication is to not fuck it up)
Angle-irons A construction material consisting of pieces of steel with an L-shaped cross-section, able to be bolted together.
As Fragged As planned
Ass hat An idiot
ATFQ Answer the Fucking Question (or Full Question if someone in authority asks
AUX Tank Auxiliary tank
Bagged nasty Disgusting bags lunches
Bag the watch Relieve some late or screw them somehow.
BallGazer The taunting moniker given to one who has recently gazed upon balls, usually when the owner of the balls displays his thumb and index finger forming a circle over the balls.
Balls Midnight (0000 looks like balls)
Balls to X watch Midnight to x watch
Battle Buddy Person you stay with; often appointed or mandated
Battle rhythm Daily routine
Beat a dead horse Drive the point home
Beef Stroke-me-off Beef stroganoff
Been in since breakfast /newtothenavy
Behoove It is in your best interest of not getting yelled at
Belay my last Said over the net, especially 1MC when you fuck up an announcement
Belt-fed cock: A shitty situation that just keeps going
Beno-be Need definition
Bent shit can As a replacement for someone incapable
Binder warfare Coming to the realization that your main job in the navy is building and maintaining binders and admin; see CYA
Birds Aircraft, usually helicopters
Blue falcon Buddy fucker / throwing someone under the bus
Blue nose Sailor that has crossed the Arctic Circle and participated in ceremony
BLUF Basic line up front; usually at the top of emails, often is not basic
Boat Boo A sailor’s girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors.
Boat chucks Need definition
Boat hot/ Ship 9/ Deployment 8, etc Rating attractiveness with a caveat
Boats A term usually given to the senior Boatswain Mate on ship
BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
Boondockers A boot you wear on ship
Boot/Booters New to the Navy
Boots on the ground People out there doing things
Bremerlo A certain female dwelling in vicinity of Bremerton; see Grotopotmous
Brick Old fashioned communications device
Broom Closet Where you store all the cleaning supplies, usually small.
Brownies Brown short shorts
Bubblehead Submariner
Bug Juice Sugary kool-aid type drink served in mess
Bull Senior Ensign in Wardroom
Bunkie Monkey Need definition
Burn a flick Watch a movie
Burning holes in the sky Wasting gas flying around
Bust me on the surface “Sir, i am disregarding your stupid orders for crew/my safety and when we survive despite your efforts you can take me to mast.”
Butter bar Ensign
Butt shark Brown noser, suck-up
Cage Keep under wraps, or decrease visibility of something; “We have to cage expectations”
Can’t swing a dead cat without hitting x There is a lot of something and it’s pretty easy to find
Capture it in a slide Stop talking or writing and put it in a powerpoint slide so we can "understand" it or at least make it look like we are doing something.
Checks with charted water Need definition
Check valve A shipmate who makes a food or drink run and doesn't ask anyone else if they want anything. This is especially true if they're getting a delivery order and it would have been easy to just order more food. Fucking check valve.
Cheese dicking In a sentence: “If you’re cheese dicking it stop, get help from someone who knows"
Chicken wheels Chicken-like substance served on mess deck
Chief of the Broach Chief of the watch controls ballast and trim when at sea, a poor or inexperienced one will cause us to Broach when approaching the surface for comms or something, so he is known as Chief of the Broach.
Chit A form usually submitted up through the chain of command allowing you to do something
Chocks out Ready to go; see pull/pulling chocks
Cinderella Liberty Liberty expires as midnight
CIP / cip Come in please
Civvies Civilian clothes
Clamp down Tighten or get ahold of typically an out of hand situation
Cleaning party Group put together to clean something
Clear as mud? “Is it clear?” Usually said after confusing explanation but implying that there should not be any more questions and that you should just shut up and go do what you’re told
Clear your Baffles Also Sweep your baffles: Term used to describe the turning of the sub to allow sonar to look at the area behind boat that would be shielded by the sub itself. We would normally give nubs on the boat a broom and ask them to sweep the baffles.
COB Chief of the Boat, aka CMC
COBRA Chief of the Boat, Reactor Aft. Senior enlisted Nuke on a sub, aka EDMC
Cock and cake “They’re serving cock and cake on the mess decks and are fresh out of cake”
Cock holster Mouth
Code Brown Need definition
Coner (Submarine Service) A submarine crewman who is not part of the engineering department (slang for Nuke below), especially Torpedomen
Cover down Fill in; we need someone to cover down since SN Timmy has COVID
Cowlings The removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.
Crayon eaters Marines
Crocodile closest to the canoe The most relevant near-term problem related to a situation
Crutch gear Need definition
Cupcaking To flirt with or get together with someone else at the command
CYA Cover your ass
Dan Dinq Ass Nub. Someone who is not qualified. Dept. Skittle is a disparaging term for anyone who wears a flight deck jersey.
Death Pillows Ravioli
Deckplate leadership Talking to sailors, making oneself be seen; typically Chiefs brag about it
Deep Six Get rid of something
Dependa A dependent, typically implying a lazy, overweight spouse who does not work
Dick broom Mustache
Dick skinners Hands
Diggit As in that diggit is at it again, doing preemptive maintenance. Or a diggit tool being a multi tool.
DINQ (Pronounced "Dink") Acronym for Delinquent In Qualifications. Ex: "That shitbird is dinq on ship's quals!"
Dirtbag A lazy and almost useless sailor. Produces substandard work-usually creating extra work for his shipmates. Accompanied by a bad attitude and desire to leave service ASAP.
Divers working aloft Something ridiculous happening
Divisional / Wardroom gentleman At the end of someone’s tour when they start shedding duties like a snake shedding its skin and begins to no longer have a job at the command
Dog and pony show All of the ridiculous things a command usually does to impress a visiting dignitary or put on some ceremony
Doghouse In trouble
Donkey Dick Term used for many nozzle shaped implements
Don’t give up the ship Phrase said by John Paul Jones, to not give up the ship
DOTM Destroyer of all things mechanical
Double down Work harder at a task; usually implying there is a time crunch
Double headed dragon Whenever you get so fucked up you throw up on your dick while your taking a shit
Drinking out of a fire hose Lots of information presented, usually via PowerPoint by unenthusiastic school
Drive-by Un-announced check in from leadership; usually with negative or frustrating timing and/or consequences.
Drop your cocks and grab your socks Get ready to do something
Dunnage Anything used in the shipping industry to brace and protect the freight being transported. Dunnage includes, but is not limited to, empty cardboard boxes, inflated shipping pillows, lengths of wood, pallets, styrofoam, bubble wrap, etc.
Duty Head Roll the Dice Returning from liberty in a foreign port)
Easy day Some task will be simple to carry out
ECF Error Carried Forward
Every swinging dick Every person
Fan room counseling Counseling in a hidden place, implying that there was some physical aspect to rectify a sailor who has been bad
FCF Need definition
FIGMO Fuck it, got my orders
Fish Submarine warfare insignia / Also a torpedo
Fishbowling To put alcohol into a fishbowl, color it with food coloring, and drink it with bendy straws
FOD God Foreign object damage god
Food for freedom Getting kicked out for being out of body standards
Food run Go off the ship or command to grab food for yourself or a group, sometimes the duty section
Force Multiplier Be the person that
Four Meal Fatty fr when we did 18 hr days)
Fried fish shoes Need definition
Fru-fru coffee Nice coffee; some of that gourmet shit
FUBAR Fucked up beyond all recognition
FUBIJAR Fuck U buddy I’m just a reservist.
Fuck A word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun, often simultaneously. Indeed it can be its own sentence to a properly motivated sailor.
Fucked up as a football bat You don’t use a bat for football, so that means something or someone is fucked up AND useless
Fuck fuck games Stupid games that are not contributing to getting the job done so you can go home
Fucktard An idiot
Full speed ahead Did something without thinking; throwing caution to the wind
FYSA For your situational awareness
GA Go ahead ; used in short hand in chat
Gaggle/gigglefuck Unformed group going from place to place Struggle Snuggle-sleeping where you can between endless drill sets, usually in a pile.
Galley Cafeteria
Gear adrift Loose or unsecured gear or equipment. Also a less-than-flattering assessment of a sailor "Seaman Jones is gear adrift!"
Geedunk Candy, snacks, or a place that sells either
Get Hot To do hard work or exercise.
Get your knee pads ready You messed up or did something stupid, prepare to have to do ridiculous things to get out the bind you are in.
Goat locker Lounge or galley for the exclusive use of Chiefs
Goat Locker Working Party A group working that's not actually achieving anything
Go Fasters Tennis or running shoes meant for working out
Go get me a BT punch Need definition
Going sad Claiming or actually having depression or suicidal ideation and thereby leaving duty station
Gonna be a bad day If you do something stupid “It’s gonna be a bad day for everyone.”
Good deal Falling down those stairs will hurt but you might break your leg and skip a deployment, that's a good deal
Good idea fairy Those wonderful folks filled with ideas, creating work for the rest of us
Good to go Ready
Go to GQ Go to general quarters; all hands on deck
Greenies Little green shorts
Greenside Marine corps
Grey space Period of time between evolutions where nothing is planned
Gronk it Down Need definition
Grotopotamus The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Similar to a Bremerloe
Guacaflauge Term fo the current Green Type III Camouflage uniforms
Gundeck /Gundecking To fudge maintenance or qualifications
Hamster Chicken Cordon Bleu - A baked breaded piece of chicken with ham and cheese in the middle
Hardpack The coveted ice cream that is scooped out of its container, I.e. not soft serve
Hatch Door on ship
Haze gray and underway Navy ship going out to sea
Head Restroom
Heave out and trice up Wake up
Helmet fire When a pilot becomes so task saturated in the cockpit that he loses the big picture and situational awareness (SA). Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results.
Hhotter than two squirrels fuckin in a wool sock! It is very hot outside
High and to the right Over-react
High Speed High performing
High speed low drag High performing and efficient
Hinge O-4 / LCDR
Hip pocket class Need definition
Hit the deckplates Walking around and getting to know sailors; preached by chiefs mess
Hollywood shower Long shower
Hookin and jabbin Fighting
HOOYAH Navy’s take on Oorah / Hoo-ah;
Horizontal time machine Bed / rack
Hot-ass - (noun for anything and everything) Some (noun) is great
Hot racking Multiple people sharing
Hot Runner When you're two weeks ahead on your quals
However comma A phrase said by uncreative leaders attempting to emphasize a point while addressing a crowd of disinterested sailors
Hurry up and wait A cross-service saying poking fun at the fact that we are always rushing to then commence a long period of waiting before beginning any evolution
Hydro that blouse when that shirt button is holding on for dear life to stay on due to wearers weight
IAW In accordance with
IBM Instant Bosun Mate
If you’re not early, you’re late Be early, because we start on time and are not going to wait
I had it you got it Said during rushed watch turnover wher
It gets better after ORSE There is always another ORSE (Operational Reactor Safeguard Examination) coming, hence it never gets better.
IYAOYAS If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit
Jam Dive Buddy That special friend you designate as "emotional" support when your submarine is headed the way of the Thresher. Also just an acronym for shorthand.
J-dial Internal communication system identifier on ships
Jesus Nut Slang term for the main rotor retaining nut or mast nut, which holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters. The related slang term Jesus pin refers to the lock pin used to secure the retaining nut.
Joe / Joe Navy A highly motivated member of the service who has “drank the kool aid”
Joe Schmuckatelli a reference to any person from Chief
Joker Idiot, someone who doesn’t take things seriously
JORG Junior officer requiring guidance: Ensign designated by wardroom as the bottom of the ensigns. JORG is in charge of events and wardroom shenanigans and carrying on “tradition”
Keelhaul A punishment inflicted for various offences in the Dutch Navy. It is performed by plunging the delinquent repeatedly under the ship's bottom on one side, and hoisting him up on the other, after having passed under the keel. Not currently in practice, hopefully.
Keep steady strain Keep up the hard work
Keep the plates spinning Keep juggling a lot of different projects and things that are going on
Khaki Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them.
Khaki Fucker Someone who sucks up to khaki leadership
Knee-knockers A knee-knocker refers to the bottom portion of a watertight door’s frame. They are notorious for causing shin injuries. The drunken sailor’s worst enemy.
Knife hands A term to describe a flattened hand pointed at someone, either done seriously or ironically
Knock the high dust off Pay special attention to something, dig deep
Knock the rust off Get back to doing something after not doing it for a while
Knuckle-dragger Mechanic
LDI Liberty dependant item
Leaders Typically addressed to a group of sailors or khaki in an email; see 99 or ALCON.
Level cake When the cooks make a sheet cake that's 1/2" thick on one side and 4" on the other, and try to level it out with frosting Hollywood shower: shower that lasts longer than necessary, usually not done by the people that desperately need them
Liberty call, Liberty call The most sweet words you’ll ever hear after pulling into port; If you aren’t on duty, you can leave the ship
Like a monkey fuckin a coconut! Someone is messing something up
Line Flight Line
Line Rats Sailors who get around the flight line
Living document A document that is in draft and is expected to continue requiring updates
Living the dream A phrase said when asked how you are doing. Response following usually is: “Nightmares are dreams too” then everyone reflects on how deeply they are indoctrinated
Long pole in the tent The person doing all the work for everyone; also implying that you are not sharing the workload well enough
Maintenance Bible COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2
Maintenance by the book, with the book open Don’t fuck up this maintenance
Make a hole Move out of the way
Making sausage The arduous small steps in a larger process to actually accomplish a bigger project
Manned up/manned and ready Everyone is ready at where they are supposed to be to begin some evolution
MARF Make A Rove, Fucktard. What the duty chief tells the rover when he comes up for tour or smoke and the rover "just" came back from a rove and is hanging out in the pood shack every damn time
Marking turns for nowhere Not pulling into port anytime
Max blast Full capacity
Mech A mechanic
Mechanical agitation Smack the shit out of something with a hammer, mallet, or wrench until you get it loose, free, or make it work. You can't say, "Oh yeah, I just walloped it with a big-ass hammer." But you can say, "Liberally applied mechanical agitation to free the stuck valve." See percussive maintenance.
Melting kids to the sidewalk Blowing stuff up / dropping bombs; see warheads on foreheads
Mid-Rats Food served out at sea at midnight for the off-going watch team
Milk truck Someone who made/makes a bunch of noise on a submarine, threatening stealth
Missing gear Missing something, may have been stolen
MITRN Maybe in the Russian Navy
Monkey's Paw/fist A type of knot, so named because it looks somewhat like a small bunched fist/paw.
Monkey dick An idiot or dumbass
Monkey Shit Thick, white packing material used in a feeble attempt to seal openings between bulkheads where cables run through.
MOTO Master of the Obvious, Moto could also be short for motivated
ABA Answer by accident
Muscle fucked Need definition (FOR the record, I searched this one on google. I don’t think the videos that came up were what this phrase is referring to…
NAMP Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
Nastygram A email sent from your higher headquarters or other command telling you that you messed up
NAVY Never again volunteer yourself = lessons for life
Navy Gravy Navy coffee
Next time check the pub instead of your rectal database, shipmate! Someone gave you bad gouge
Night ops Operations at night; doing something in a clandestine way
NNMBM Navy Needs More Bosun's Mates (ie, you're a fucking idiot)
No liberty Can’t go out in town
NonQual Also known as a Dinq Ass bitch
Nooner A nap taken during lunch
NUB Non Useful Body
Nug it out Spend the time to do something that is time consuming
Nuke it To overthink an easy task
Nut to butt Get a close as possible; usually in marching formation
OBNOB Only black nuke onboard
Offline / talk offline Said during meetings to have a separate discussion outside the current situation. Said by either those who do not want their idiocy observed by others, OR they are considerate enough to not subject everyone else to the pointless conversation
Old dirt Unique and different from “new dirt”
Once over dust, twice over rust Said when painting; implying that sometimes its best to just paint over stuff
One is NONE You can’t do something alone
Out-fucking-standing Great, but usually said with heavy sarcasm
Outlook leadership Leading from the front, utilizing the finest Microsoft Office tech
Outside your Swim lane / wheelhouse An area that is not in your job description; “this task is outside your swimlane, BMC”
Oxygen Thief An idiot, literally stealing oxygen
Paper chiefs/ensigns/assholes Gummed Reinforcements (office supplies)
Part-time sailor SSBN sailors
Peanut butter shot A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus.
Pecker Checker Corpsman
Percussive maintenance Conduct maintenance by hitting something
PERGA PERGA / Permission Granted
Phantom shitter An unidentified fugitive who shits in places they should not
Phone Bitch Someone whose sole job it is to carry or talk on the phone
Piggyback To add to what someone else said. “To piggyback off of what the Captain said….”
Playing switchem with donuts See Switchem: Where one would stack donuts on the soiled thumb to chew on.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes You get hurt or get in trouble doing something that was dumb and people told you not to do
Point of Fuck UpPOFU "Sir, as depicted in this image is the battle groups POFU."
Pollywog / Wog Someone who has not yet participated in a “Crossing of the line” ceremony
Poopy Suit Coveralls
Pop smoke Make people aware of a bad situation / call for help
Port and starboard watch bill 6 hours on 6 hours off work indefinitely
Pot of money Where something is funded from
Problem with a capital P Big problem
Promulgate Put out information
Provide bodies Offer up a group of sailors who work for you to do a task
Pubs As in publications
Pukes Any group you have to deal with who isn't crew. i.e. Squadron pukes.
Pulling chocks Get ready to leave or leave
PUMA Possibly the ugliest man aboard
Push these racks outboard Boot camp reference prior to exercising the living crap out of your group
Putting out fires The act of taking care of problems
Rack back Go to bed
Rack city Beds / go to bed
Rack out Go to sleep
Rack to the future Go to bed to pass the time
Rattles like two skeletons fucking in a garbage can Something is loud
Read means dead If you see red, that is bad
Redline You cannot cross this line, or you are prohibited from doing something
Refreshment Technician Engine room watchstander. Sometimes called reactor technician
Rhinos Jets
Riders / Fucking Riders People who are TAD to a ship or aircraft and do absolutely nothing useful except take up space and get in line first
Ring knocker One of our illustrious Academy Graduates
Roach Coach The snack or lunch truck that stops by the pier.
ROAD Program Retired on Active Duty
Roast beast Pejorative term for the roast beef served
Rock fight “Navy cooks could fuck up a rock fight.”
Roger up Provide a response/provide a response that you are going to do something
Rolling out Leaving
RTFM Read the Fucking/Full Manual
Sailor-proof or Sailor-proofing Make something so hard to fuck up that even sailors cant fuck it up
Same shit, different day Phrase said by those who have long since lost their sense of self on their way to reaching that 20 year mark
SAT and UNSAT Satisfactory and unsatisfactory; terms to des
Saved rounds Additional comments; said at the end of a meeting “any saved rounds?”
Say again Please repeat what you just said
Schoolhouse The place where you go to “learn” skills from powerpoint and a bored instructor
Scooby snacks Snacks
Scuttlebutt A water fountain on a ship; also means gossip
Sea and Anchor Detail The all hands evolution required to get underway and go out to sea (as well as anchor.
Sea Dad/Daddy/mom/Pup A mentomentee
Sea lawyer Someone who cites, recites and interprets manuals, regulations and rule, usually to their own benefit or to prove someone wrong
Seaman/Fireman/_man Schmuckatelli /Timmy A random or average sailor (implication is that they’re new to the navy and kind of an idiot)
Sea Pussy A yeoman or personnelman - akin to a secretary - does clerical work
Sea sniffer Need definition
Secure for sea /but ironically and unironically) Make sure stuff is tied down so that it doesn’t move when the ship is bouncing around at sea
Semper gumby Remain flexible
Send it Do it
Send up to the old man Send something up to the Captain
Set Yoke on her To set Yoke
Shady Shit Stuff that is probably not legal
Shaft alley dive team People who do the work in the bilges
Shaft to aft The engineering spaces
Shellback The salty sailor who has crossed the line and is no longer a slimy polywog
Shillelagh Make fast Skivey waver Signalman
Shipmate / Shipmaaaaate A term to describe all fellow sailors: Said both ironically and un-ironically. Ship, shipmate, self!
Shitbag AKA Sierra Bravo; Usually not put together shipmate, or one who does stuff that constantly screws over others and doesn’t care about their own actions
Shitmate Shipmate + Shit
Shit on a shingle Darnit
Shitrats Pejorative term for midrats
Shitshow Describing something that was messed up
Shitwhack/Fuckwhack Same as shitload/fuckload
Shoot a red star cluster Let people know you need help
Shooting from the hip Guessing
Short As in short timer
Shotgun blast Send out information or an email to a lot of people unexpectedly
Sick call commando Someone who “gets sick” a lot
Sick call warrior Same as sick call commando
Sidebar A legal term used to describe the need to not subject everyone else to a conversation that is happening that does not concern the wider group
Silence on the net Shut up and stop talking on the radios; Also used as “I’m hearing silence on the net” as in no one is responding
Skate / skater Someone who’s trying to avoid work
Skim the wave tops Only talk about the important points
Slobbering geek IT, or anyone trying to be an IT
Sloppy Hoes Pejorative name for sloppy joes
SMAG Simple minded ass grabber. Superior mechanic, almost Godlike. And another that’s probably not allowed here. Certain type of Nuke (Engineering Lab Tech).
Smokin and jokin/ coking and joking Joking around; typically used in reference of a bunch of people who are not working when they should be
Smoking lamp Where you can smoke onboard the ship. When the smoking lamp is lit, you are allowed to smoke.
Smoothie Nuke ET. Short for smooth crotch. Refers to the lack of any defined features in the “crotchal region”
SNAFU Situation Normal All Fucked Up
SNOB Shortest (least time left) nuke on board)
Sound the alarm Make others aware of a situation
Soup sandwich Someone or something that is a complete mess/completely fucked up
Soup to nuts Beginning to end
Spearhead Initiate, lead
Standby to standby / Stand the fuck by Standby because you’re in trouble and whatever leader just said this is so angry they can’t think of a punishment just yet
Struggle snuggle Sleeping where you can between endless drillsets, usually in a pile.
Strut Gear Landing gear
Stump the chump Asking questions that are so specific and ridiculous, you’re not even sure if the person asking them knows; tactic employed by assholes sitting on qualifications boards
Sucked their way to the top/ EP Did or is perceived as having done special things to make rank or qualifications / eval
Sucking Ghost Dick Vaping
Suck start a mossberg Kill oneself
Sun of a gun Damnit
Super Secret squirrel The weirdos who do anything Information warfare related
Swabs Mops
Sweat equity The value of hard work
Sweepers Daily required cleaning of the ship
Switchem When you are sucking one thumb, and the other is up your ass. Then someone yells SWITCHEM and you switch the thumbs
Tacticool Term used for someone who is decked out in gear but kind of looks like a dweeb
Take a round turn Double check and work harder at something
TBI True but irrelevant
THE Academy THE United States Naval Academy
The balls Any watch that goes through midnight (0000)
The love shack Whichever room on the ship that has the most people shacking up caught in it)
The pit The engine room
The rev The watch in which reveille is called
The Sandbox What happens in the sandbox, stays in the sandbox)
The squeaky wheel gets the grease The most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention.
Throat End/Beginning of the taxiway
Tie up loose ends Take care of the little unfinished tasks
Time in the rack is time off the boat Sleeping allows you to forget you’re on deployment
Toilet lasagna When a toilet doesn’t flush and someone shits in it, then someone lays a layer of TP to not look at it, the some shots on the TP. Repeat.
Too easy / Easy day The task ahead will be not difficult
Tool Bitch Someone who can't really help you fix something you are working on or anything else for that matter. So to make them feel like they are worth anything at all you allow them to get you the tools you need for the job.
Topsider Those fortunate souls who do not work in Engineering
Tracking Are you following? Often said by leadership needing while giving speeches to gauge or increase engagement of those poor souls that have to listen to their incessant blabbering
Triangle fish Fish served in galley
Tricare-atops People who marry servicemembers for the “amazing” healthcare; see Dependa
Trip to the fanroom Take care of something by physical means
Trust yet verify Trust that someone is doing something you asked them to do, but it’s best to double check and ensure they actually did it
Turning dead dinosaurs into noise Burning gas
Turnover (for watch) To leave your post only when properly relieved
Twidget Nuke ET
Two Five Stay Alive 2.5 GPA average often required to graduate certain school houses
Up on the governor Need definition
Ustafish The name for any submarine in your past "back on ustafish we would..."
Very well An official response to being informed of something
Vitamin M Motrin
Voluntold You were volunteetold to do something
Vulcan death watch Some brutal combination of six and four hour watches. These tend to be very grueling periods, hence the “death watches” part of the name
Waffle stomp Take a shit in the shower and then attempt to stomp it down the drain to cover your tracks.
Walking Aux tank Need definition
Walking on cans Need Definition
Warheads on foreheads The act of bombing something, or anything involved in the process
Wash Rack Need definition
Wattages on cottages Same meaning as Warheads on Foreheads
Weekend warrior Reservist
Wheels Nickname for a Quartermaster, usually given to senior QM onboard
Who’s who in the zoo A description of who people are
Wilco Will comply
Wire-biter Electricians
Word on the deckplates Gossip
Working party A group of sailors assigned to carry out a large task
Written in blood The rules to do or not do something are because somebody got hurt or died doing what you are not supposed to do
Your shit better be in one sock and not dripping Something chief says about your accuracy with things
Zarf A cup holder
Zoomies Radiation / also a term for members of the Air Force


In addition to the definitions provided from comments, I used Wikipedia, regular google searches, and Urban Dictionary. Also referred to the below resources that I recommend checking out if you are looking for a definition not covered in this /navy post.
Source Information
Goat Locker Navy Slang General Navy slang terms; pretty thorough resource. Check this one out before you go to the others.
Quarterdeck If you’re looking for more standardized definitions like, ‘bow’ or what a ‘keel’
Wiktionary Glossary of Military Slang General Military Slang from all over the world and different services
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Slang Pretty definitive comprehensive list of internet-compiled Navy slang
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Unit Nicknames Navy unit nicknames; this page is not well loved, but there are still some good definitions in here
2015 Business Insider article on Navy terms Pretty generic article regarding Navy terms, like 'Muster'
Jalopnik article on USN Submarine Article with a few good terms from the sub community
Dictionary of Naval Abbreviations (DICNAVAB) by Bill Wedertz (Apparently the writer of The Bluejackets’ Manual) I didn't actually get my hands on a copy, but it is a printed hardcopy version of this from years past.
submitted by HOOYAH_SHIPMATE to navy [link] [comments]

Review of wearable light therapy glasses (November 2020)

The following is a review of the technical specs of light therapy glasses available or advertised as of November 2020. Since the author does not have the possibility to test every devices, the review focuses on whether the devices technically fits the criteria for an effective light therapy to manipulate the circadian rhythm.
The goal of all light therapy devices to be effective is to maximally stimulate the ipRGC cells in the eyes. Hence the crucial parameters for an effective light therapy device are:
Furthermore, efficacy of light therapy is affected by the duration of exposure, hence a long battery is beneficial to better manipulate the circadian rhythm, as it seems that circadian rhythm disorders need much longer daily light therapy sessions (1-4h) compared to seasonal affective disorder (30-60min).
Hence, this review will focus on the following technical specs:
Blue light emitting glasses
These glasses allow to provide the full spectrum of blue light therapy effects, such as maximal circadian rhythm manipulation (185x more compared to other colors), mood improvement and depression treatment, energy boost (cortisol release).
Green light emitting glasses
Although green light has shown some efficacy to shift the circadian rhythm, it has shown less effectiveness than blue light for both circadian rhythm shifting and cognitive effects (mood and energy), both in terms of magnitude and duration (the effect of green light on melatonin suppression is limited in duration to 90min as continuous exposure will see reduced effect, whereas this does not happen with blue light). Green light is currently investigated to reduce pain.
Final word
Although the author did not test other glasses than the Luminette, competition in this field is highly welcome and hence if you would like to try one of the promising blue light therapy glasses, this will allow not only to test alternatives but also support the development of these alternatives.
Light therapy is certainly a therapy worth trying if no contra-indications (epilepsy, retina diseases, photosensitivity).
/UPDATE 2020-11-06: a user reported that the Re-Timer glasses last in fact much longer (14h) than what is reported on the website (6h).
/UPDATE 2020-11-12: added the Pegasi 2 Dream Glasses (green light).
submitted by lrq3000 to DSPD [link] [comments]

Review of wearable light therapy glasses (November 2020)

The following is a review of the technical specs of light therapy glasses available or advertised as of November 2020. Since the author does not have the possibility to test every devices, the review focuses on whether the devices technically fits the criteria for an effective light therapy to manipulate the circadian rhythm.
The goal of all light therapy devices to be effective is to maximally stimulate the ipRGC cells in the eyes. Hence the crucial parameters for an effective light therapy device are:
Furthermore, efficacy of light therapy is affected by the duration of exposure, hence a long battery is beneficial to better manipulate the circadian rhythm, as it seems that circadian rhythm disorders need much longer daily light therapy sessions (1-4h) compared to seasonal affective disorder (30-60min).
Hence, this review will focus on the following technical specs:
Blue light emitting glasses
These glasses allow to provide the full spectrum of blue light therapy effects, such as maximal circadian rhythm manipulation (185x more compared to other colors), mood improvement and depression treatment, energy boost (cortisol release).
Green light emitting glasses
Although green light has shown some efficacy to shift the circadian rhythm, it has shown less effectiveness than blue light for both circadian rhythm shifting and cognitive effects (mood and energy), both in terms of magnitude and duration (the effect of green light on melatonin suppression is limited in duration to 90min as continuous exposure will see reduced effect, whereas this does not happen with blue light). Green light is currently investigated to reduce pain.
Final word
Although the author did not test other glasses than the Luminette, competition in this field is highly welcome and hence if you would like to try one of the promising blue light therapy glasses, this will allow not only to test alternatives but also support the development of these alternatives.
Light therapy is certainly a therapy worth trying if no contra-indications (epilepsy, retina diseases, photosensitivity).
/UPDATE 2020-11-06: a user reported that the Re-Timer glasses last in fact much longer (14h) than what is reported on the website (6h).
/UPDATE 2020-11-12: added the Pegasi 2 Dream Glasses (green light).
submitted by lrq3000 to N24 [link] [comments]

Today I [21F] just had the revelation that I might be on the autism spectrum

I would love some insight on this, because this revelation just hit me like a train and I want to know if I might finally have the answer after all these years.
This revelation came to me because I’m working on a group project in one of my university courses, and I was scolded by my group members for the parts I failed to complete. I simply added my main section, but I was also meant to contribute to the executive summary and the appendix. It never occurred to me that I would have to put anything in these sections, and I started reflecting on why I’ve historically had trouble with interpreting my role.
I always do exactly what I’m told to do - nothing more and nothing less. I have trouble interpreting things, or understanding what seems to come naturally to everyone else. I always chalked this up to being a late bloomer, or a gradual learner.
In Grade 12, we were meant to choose a meaningful song and present it along with visuals. While everyone else played the entire song, I cut mine off halfway because I didn’t see the point of repeating the chorus if it had already been played. I was so confused as to why everyone just knew they were meant to play the entire song.
In my second year of university, everyone in the lecture submitted their essays with a cover page and a bibliography. I was the only one who didn’t. Once again, I was confused as to why everyone was in on this common knowledge and I wasn’t.
I’m really good at learning from these things. Ever since I learned about formal essay expectations, I submit my papers in the perfect format and usually get a 90-95%. I just feel like I need the information to be told directly to me first.
Aside from this, I also have motor tics. I always thought they were due to anxiety but now I’m wondering if they’re stims. I roll my eyes and stretch my neck repeatedly day in and day out.
Social situations are a jungle to me. I have no idea what to say to people outside of rehearsed lines such as “how are you?” “How’s work?” Etc. I either go silent or overshare. I carry a lot of guilt in my social interactions, because I’m not as eloquent as everyone else.
I’m sorry if I’m generalizing at all. I’m just piecing everything together and I feel like I’ve figured myself out. I know that girls tend to get diagnosed much later than guys, which is why this suddenly makes sense to me. Any insight?
submitted by tropicalsadness to autism [link] [comments]

Practicing SR since July 2017; currently have a 3+ month streak

2 accounts got shadowbanned for uploading this post. Spam filter kept on removing it this post. Messaged the moderators, but received no answer. Removed many links, so check post history for full version.

First time making a Reddit post. Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes
Brief summary of post:
  1. History of Journey
  2. Using Subliminals (affirmations converted into audio) to reprogram the subconscious, overcome nocturnal emissions, and turbo-charge the Law of Attraction
  3. Experience from meditation retreats
  4. Massive booklist covering psychotherapy, spirituality, and general books such as negotiating and advanced social skills
  5. Fundamental shifts that occurred
  6. Experiences with semen-retention benefits
  7. How I overcame and conquered negative entities
  8. Tantric meditation method that actually works with zero side effects
  9. Experience on speaking Japanese for 1 full hour with native speakers without notes after 3 months of learning

Wet dream/WD – sexual dream causing semen emission while sleeping
Nocturnal Emission/NE – semen emission occurring while sleeping even without dreaming
Semen-retention/SR streak – avoiding porn, masturbation, and ejaculation whether conscious or unconscious
Nofap Hardmode – avoiding porn, masturbation, and conscious ejaculation. Unconscious ejaculation/WD is considered fine.

As the title suggests, my current streak started in the middle of June 2017. Haven’t watched any porn or masturbated in 3 years. Experienced almost all the benefits such as massive attraction (men, women, children), an aura/energy surrounding me, enhanced charisma, less need for sleep, insane levels of energy, drive, and motivation, zero anxiety or fear, massive confidence occasionally bordering on arrogance, increased manifestation/LOA, people admiring/respecting me for no reason, online attraction, less procrastination, better athletic performance, greater creativity/intelligence, the desire to live a purposeful life, greater emphasis on spirituality, and much much more. Could probably write several posts just on the benefits themselves. Only thing that didn’t improve was my skin, which was later fixed using subliminals.
It’s been a long journey, so I’ll start with background information, and later elaborate on how I managed to go from nocturnal emissions every 5 days (avg) to having a perfect SR streak for 3 months.
Used to watch anime which led to hentai (2013), and eventually western/japanese porn. Don’t even bother to search these terms on Google. It’s not worth it. Thankfully, those days are long behind me. As a side-note, I discovered the nofap/semen-retention subreddit in November 2017. Didn’t even know about SR before that.
I was raised a Catholic in a fairly religious family. Always started various streaks, and eventually broke them due to boredom/emotional coping/curiosity about new videos. Thankfully, I got good grades, read books, and was interested in self-development, but all that time spent on porn was a complete waste. Assuming I spent at least 2 hours everyday for 4 years (1460 days), it amounts to 122 complete days or around 4 months in total. It’s pretty sad on reflection, but at least the experience is now absorbed, and I can write this post.
On June 2017, after summer break started and final exams were over, I decided to permanently quit this habit. Downloaded an application called Cold Turkey and completely blocked all websites I used to visit. Now use Leechblock, which is available on most browsers (also use it to block/restrict access to non-NSFW websites which impair productivity like ESPN). Started 30 minutes of daily meditation (mindfulness + metta). Still continue the habits to this day, although the length is increased to 1 hour. Read Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana and Lovingkindness by Sharon Salzberg for instructions. Have re-read these books multiple times.
Mindfulness will allow you to be self-aware of your mental conditioning, while metta (feeling compassion for yourself, a friend, neutral person, and enemy) can remove thoughts of lust and fundamentally alter your mental programming. Compassion is a very powerful exercise. Read “The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion by Christopher Germer” while you’re at it and learn tonglen. All of these books contain zero fluff, and are invaluable reads.
Started drinking 16 glasses of water (thought it would help skin, but helped in other ways), and doing 100 pushups + 100 sit-ups everyday. Increased it to 200 pushups + 200 sit-ups after 1 month. After 2 months, I made a decent amount of gains (SR helps), and people started asking me workout tips and what gym I go to. Had a Kindle Paperwhite, which is frankly one of my most valued possessions. Still works perfectly fine after 5 years, and costs only $130. Buy one now. Read a lot of books mostly consisting of biographies/spirituality/practical social skills/800+ page novels for around 6 hours per day. Still try to read for at least 15 minutes/1 chapter even when extremely busy. Will post a small booklist at the end of this post.
You can upload books to it for free if you lack money. Visit (, download the ebook in epub/mobi format, open it with Calibre (, and send it to Kindle using USB. Knowledge is an investment that produces continuous returns. Warren Buffett spends 80% of his time just reading! and takes action based on that knowledge.
Even managed to have the motivation to learn Japanese by joining a foreign language exchange website. People, especially women, accepted and sent a lot of invitations to have a conversation; didn’t realize online attraction was due to SR back then. None of us showed our faces, so my physical appearance had nothing to do with it. From experience, the best way to learn a language was to make a phrase sheet with the most common phrases/questions, such as “okay”, “that’s awesome”, “what is that word in English/Japanese?” Basically a human AI bot. Don’t waste time trying to learn how to write the alphabet, although my primary purpose was to learn how to speak. Google Translate is good enough to understand the pronunciation.
I learned Japanese primarily by watching Terrace House. First watched the episode with subtitles, then re-watched it without, while simultaneously writing all the connectives/conversational phrases. You can try unique methods to remember, but brute-force memorization/review worked the best. Never tried Anki since it was cumbersome to use.
For the accent, the best way is to watch Japanese people trying to speak English, and try to mirror their accent as much as possible. It honestly helps. After 3 months, I could have a full 1 hour conversation in Japanese with a native speaker without looking at any notes. I wasn’t “fluent” (still stuttered and made mistakes), but it was a huge amount of progress for starting from scratch. Eventually after 6 months, I gave up practicing/speaking the language. I was mainly trying to fulfill a childhood fantasy, and I’m glad I tried since I learned a lot from it and got to talk with interesting people. But in reality, I stopped watching anime, and honestly never needed to speak Japanese in real-life. Now I barely remember any of the words, except a few basic phrases. Could probably last 30 seconds of full conversation at best.
So, everything was going great until December 2017. During this time period, I probably had wet dreams/nocturnal emissions every 1 – 2 months. Barely felt much difference since there was a decent time interval between emissions. Drank 2 glasses of water everyday before bed, slept on my stomach, and ate spicy food (practices that cause nocturnal emissions), but was perfectly fine. However in December I started having emissions every 2 weeks. Initially didn’t care about it. In January it started happening every 1 week. Nothing really changed in my life during this time to cause emissions to increase. Then it started happening every 5 days, every 3 days, sometimes even 2 days in a row!
Most of you will have no idea how terrible it feels to be on top of the world, and then suddenly crash down. The difference between living life with/without SR benefits is night and day. Even after sleeping 10 hours, I used to feel completely exhausted. People ignored me, or worse started “joking” around me. Complete disrespect by friends, family, and acquaintances. No energy/motivation to do anything. Constant brain fog, could barely concentrate. Felt even worse than my porn days when I ejaculated everyday. Voice completely shot, started feeling anxious about oral presentations for no reason, when I always excelled. Felt like my soul was dying. Those were really dark times. People started saying I “changed”, and started pointing out and constantly magnifying my flaws. It’s strange how people exaggerate our skills/talents on SR, while they completely ignore them post WD/ejaculation, and focus only on your flaws/mistakes. It makes you lose trust in everyone around you, as if all of them are energy vampires who only like you due to SR.
I grew desperate. During this whole time I meditated, practiced no lust/no arousal as best as possible since July 2017, yet emissions increased massively in frequency. Some occurred due to sexual dreams, but most were nocturnal emissions. Thought I had a UTI at first, and went to a general practitioner. He didn’t seem very reliable, so I went to a prominent urologist. Did all sorts of tests, paid a good amount of money, and the doctor said everything was fine. Having nocturnal emissions every 5 days was perfectly normal at my age. Encouraged me to masturbate regularly if it became an inconvenience :)
So medical science obviously failed. Started following all the tips/methods in this subreddit, and believe me I tried almost everything no matter how uncomfortable or time-consuming. Omad, avoid food/water before bed, vegetarianism, tantric meditation, different diets, various sleeping positions, no/increased meditation before bed, no/more exercise, yogic exercises, qigong, some tips mentioned by Soaring Eagle, prayed to God. None of them worked. The only method I didn’t try extensively were kegels. Initially tried a normal + reverse kegel routine, then found an article by coincidence on this subreddit about someone who permanently damaged their penis from doing kegels. Immediately stopped, thank you to that person for sharing your experience. It’s as if the universe was looking out for me. Best to avoid such risky methods even if you’re desperate. Currently sleep on my back since it avoids any "accidental physical stimulation" from occurring.
So this nocturnal emission phenomena continued for over a year. Some methods worked better than others, while for some, I wasn’t sure if it was merely the placebo effect. In mid-2019 I came across subliminal videos (finally the good part!) on YouTube. ( This video explains it more thoroughly, but basically you convert affirmations (sentences like “I am happy/smart/handsome”) into audio using text-to-speech software and reprogram your subconscious mind. Tried a beauty subliminal ( as a joke, but the next day I noticed changes in my facial structure. Listened for an hour the first day, which was easy given the music. You have no idea how amazing it feels to know that you can control your reality just by using your mind. Completely magical. Supposedly it works due to the Law of Attraction; you can find out more by reading/watching “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, and later reading all the books by Neville Goddard. Started using a skin subliminal as well ( and later moved onto ), and now my skin is completely normal. Visited prominent US dermatologists, tried all sorts of acne medicine including Accutane, and even did SR, yet none of them worked. Skin was pretty terrible, and I was glad it got fixed. Took around 4 months of daily listening although it can be shortelonger depending on your belief, blockages, and levels of positivity. There’s a CIA document on holographic universes, astral projection, time travel, and psychic powers if you need scientific validation:
Disclaimer: Although there can be bad subliminal makers, they are very rare, and there has been only 2 of them in the history of the community. Someone named MindPower and Rose subliminals. The vast majority (99%) put positive affirmations. It’s best that you verify by checking all the comments, seeing their subscriber count, general personality, etc, but ultimately there’s no guarantee. The only way to make sure the affirmations are 100% positive and safe are to make them yourself or use a subliminal that blocks negative affirmations.
One thing to note is that physical change (biokinesis; search that term)/spiritual subliminals utilize the prana in your body to a certain extent to make changes. It makes sense since physical change is essentially a psychic poweenergy work. So your SR benefits/aura might temporarily decrease. Hydration is also recommended, and you will notice feeling thirsty. Personally drink 20 glasses of water everyday.
Obviously, my interest now turned towards using subliminals to cure nocturnal emissions. Unfortunately there’s a huge lack of subliminals regarding semen-retention or those targeted towards nocturnal emissions. Initially bought a subliminal using a paid request (you pay a subliminal maker for a specialized subliminal), but it didn’t work that well. Desired to be permanently free of nocturnal emissions, or at least reduce the frequency to once a month. So I decided to make my own subliminal. The affirmations will be posted below, and this is how I eventually cured my nocturnal emissions.
Steps on how to make your own subliminal:
  1. Write all the affirmations in a word document and save it.
  2. Download text-to-speech software like Balabolka and output the audio file in wav format (you want both uncompressed + lossless)
  3. Optional but recommended; download an audio editor like Audacity, and fast-forward the audio as much as possible using the “Change Tempo” effect. Personally I speed the audio to one second and then loop it 1000x. Continue the process as much as possible, but never make the audio length less than 1 second. Some subliminal makers make their subliminals even more powerful by creating multiple audio streams of their affirmations using different voices, merging all the voices together, and speeding them up. It’s called layering. Why super-sped affirmations work better can be somewhat explained by this article (, but science still doesn’t have all the answers. Will take time.
  4. Converting the affirmations to binary code ( is a technique some subliminal makers use. Supposedly it penetrates the subconscious faster.
Affirmations Link: (same content; scroll down to the subliminal section and download the affirmations file from the mega link)
Listened to this personal subliminal for 1 hour everyday for an entire month. Still listen just to be safe. Took months of testing and editing affirmations to make it perfect. Experienced massive sexual dreams on certain days, more than normal, and found out that entities could be responsible. Try to avoid this subreddit as well, since reading the posts can trigger memories. More energetically sensitive now, and sometimes there’s a lot of low-vibrational energy. On a side-note, porn cripples your aura and invites negative entities (
Non-subliminal solutions:
  1. (morphic field)
  2. (powerful aura cleanse; Tibetan bowl sounds)
  3. (reiki)
Subliminal solutions (ordered in terms of effectiveness):
  3. (for spells, curses, black magic, etc)
  4. (last resort)
The entire channel is a gem; these were some of the best. Have used them for a few months and feel much lighter and peaceful; experienced only headaches due to subconscious absorbing the affirmations, but zero negative effects.
Advice: Remember to immediately download any subliminal video you find that is useful in wav format ( Subliminal channels are sometimes deleted by YouTube (spam filter) or the creators themselves.
Waited 3 whole months before deciding to make a Reddit post to make sure the method was 100% foolproof. Remember many people offering solutions in the past, yet 1 month later they would have another wd/nocturnal emission.
The first month there was a lot of fear. Will I have a wet dream/nocturnal emission tonight? Was so traumatized it was difficult getting to sleep every night. After the 2nd month, I experimented with sleeping on my stomach and eating/drinking before bed. Nothing happened. Stopped recently to stay careful.
After 2 years of suffering, this is a method that has worked. Try and see for yourself.
Present day:
How do you feel now? Some days it’s meh (due to flatline) like today; on other days I feel divine. No idea why flatline still occurs. Have regained all the benefits, feel love and happiness all the time. Experience intense states of bliss in meditation more frequently, although it’s just a distraction.
Religiously/Spiritually I’ve moved from Christianity to Buddhism/Advaita Vedanta/parts of New Age. Found them more practical and useful in life. Was inspired to aim for spiritual enlightenment after reading “The 3 pillars of Zen” by Philip Kapleau. Read it, it might change your life.
Have attended a number of meditation retreats now, along with 10-day ones. Everyone reading this post should try it. Understood how much our mental programming defined us, and that we aren’t are thoughts. Our childhood traumas define so much of our habitual reactions. Realized its okay to feel bored rather than chasing after constant stimulation.
Even attended a Jhana retreat, which is exclusive for people who have attended prior retreats. Entered intense states of meditative absorption, understood the permeability/impermanence of reality, and had all sorts of mystical experiences. Experienced past lives; can confirm my mind did not make it up, since it’s an experience you can constantly replicate using the same methods. Before attempting such methods, you need to have the ability to sit down and meditate continuously for at least 3 hours. If you live in the US, attend IMS (Insight Meditation Society) or any prominent Vipassana/Theravada related retreat. Zen is a valid form of enlightenment, but it personally felt unstructured.
Gave up music, took time since I was convinced it was needed for creativity. Instead, it was just a substitute source of dopamine and a way to avoid my emotions. Have much less brain fog after quitting. Only communicate using regular phone calls these days, which no one uses, and Snapchat/WhatsApp for texting. Avoid stories, waste of time. Instagram/TwitteFacebook are a waste of time unless you are using it for business purposes. The only social media you really need is LinkedIn.
Women: You’ll learn more about them by reading romantic novels, Korean mangas, and watching Kdramas then reading all that seduction/red pill stuff. Focus on general charisma (men and women) instead of a specific gender. Read “The Charisma Myth” by Olivia Fox Cabane; it’s the most practical book on social skills I have ever read, and possibly the most life-changing as well. Teaches you self-awareness, applies Buddhist psychology to social interaction. Used to train executives in Google, read it now (and do all the exercises). The bibliography sent me on a rabbit hole that made me read ton of books on psychotherapy, meditation, mindfulness, and Buddhism; this was before SR. Inspired me to practice meditation, although the habit only became regular after SR.
Read books such as Crucial Conversations by Al Switzer, Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, How to Talk so Kids will Listen by Adele Faber (works very well in general since even adults have childhood programming, and can act like children), Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss (FBI's chief international hostage and kidnapping negotiator from 2003 to 2007), Getting More by Stuart Diamond (trains negotiators at Google), and Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff (more theoretical but useful). Also read The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan Pease and What Every Body is Saying by Joe Navarro. These are all books that will greatly improve your human interactions and contain limited fluff. Have re-read all of these books in difficult times, and they have never let me down. You should read it as well. Even if you become a monk, there’s lots of social infighting even in monasteries. Highly-developed social skills are invaluable whenever you are dealing with individuals. Read “How to make friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie once in a while, since most forget to apply his “basic” advice. Learned a lot about oral presentations by watching Alan Shore on Boston Legal (TV show).
Current position in life? Studying for a bachelor’s degree. My family is financially well-off, and my father is paying for my college tuition and dorm. Scholarships aren’t available for all income levels. Although I come from “privilege”, the above information can help anyone regardless of their financial position. We live in an era where information is accessible to all social classes, so excuses aren’t that relevant. If you’re practicing SR, you are already 20 steps closer to success. The tips above can be applied for free as long as you have a computesmartphone. Read books starting from today, knowledge is a source of power. People spend so much time reading the news, scrolling social media feeds, reacting to comments, chatting about useless things with friends, binging shows on Netflix, browsing YouTube/Reddit, that time quietly passes by. Time is the most valuable commodity you have; don’t waste such a limited resource on things that will contribute nothing towards your purpose in life. Once it’s spent, you can never get it back.
Personally, I schedule the next day before going to bed. Leisure, Reading, Schoolwork, Meditation, everything is mapped out perfectly. Try to eliminate habits that just waste time and stick to your schedule perfectly (working on it myself). If you feel tired after work/studying, take a nap or meditate instead of receiving even more stimulation from videogames, YouTube, or other artificial dopamine sources. Try NoSurf.

Basic Booklist:

  1. The End of Your World by Adyashanti (fantastic writer; must-read if you have had an awakening experience or believe you are "enlightened")
  2. How to Attain Enlightenment -> The Essence of Enlightenment by James Swartz (best introduction to Advaita Vedanta I have read so far)
  3. I am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  4. In the Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi (best introduction to Buddhist scripture)
  5. Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright (secular perspective but informative; his previous book The Moral Animal is a good introduction to evolutionary psychology. Read this first if you are non-spiritual)
  6. Wisdom Wise and Deep by Shaila Catherine (comprehensive introduction by one of the best Jhana teachers in the US)
  7. Manual of Insight by Mahasi Sayadaw
  8. Emptiness: A Practical Guide by Guy Armstrong (good introduction to the Buddhist version of reality)
  9. Books by Loch Kelly (practical guide to non-dual meditation practices within Buddhism; The Little Book of Being by Diana Winston may be a better introduction. Also read Thrangu Rinpoche)
  10. Seeing that Frees by Rob Burbea (really advanced but profound)
  11. (Buddhism > Advaita)
  12. Books by Robert Bruce such as Psychic Self-Defence and Energy Work
  13. Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
  14. Dream Yoga by Andrew Holecek (amazing/practical book on lucid dreaming -> dream yoga)
  15. Autobiography of a Yogi
  16. The Practice of Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda and Soaring Eagle ( if you haven’t read already
Novels (use translators mentioned): for foreign literature
  1. Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa (Taiko is decent as well, but this one was a masterpiece)
  2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms trans. Moss Roberts
  3. The Dream of the Red Chamber trans. David Hawkes (read it in the summer of 2017, profound but not all may see the deeper meaning)
  4. The Nine Cloud Dream trans. Heinz Insu Fenkl
  5. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (Inspirational for Entrepreneurs, however don’t start adopting this book as economic philosophy. It’s just a novel!)
  6. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (read now if you are experiencing an existential crisis)
  7. Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment + The Brothers Karamazov (optional reading; prefer Pevear translation)
  8. Perry Mason and Sherlock Holmes Series (pleasure reading but not useless)
Psychotherapy (never visited a therapist, but found these useful):
  1. Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro (by the founder of EMDR, best practical book on trauma and exercises to resolve it)
  2. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving (another immensely practical book on recovering from trauma)
  3. Breaking the Cycle by George Collins (best practical workbook on sexual addiction I have read; all should read)
  4. Get out of your mind and into your life by Steven Hayes (Was mentioned in the charisma myth booklist; take control of your thoughts and mind by the founder of ACT)
  5. Mindful Compassion by Paul Gilbert and Choden (prominent researcher on compassion applied to therapy; part one can be boring, but part two on practical exercises is invaluable)
  6. Feeling Book by David Burns (rightfully a classic book on therapy and CBT; read if you are suffering from depression)
  7. Healing Development Trauma by Laurence Heller (best book on the impact of childhood/development trauma but meant for therapists, might explain why we use addiction to cope from childhood memories; google ACE study as well)
  8. The Boy who was raised as a Dog by Bruce Perry (stories about children experiencing trauma. Increases empathy for yourself and others; you realize how childhood trauma affects how a lot of people think and behave)
  9. Whole Again: Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse by Jackson MacKenzie (fantastic book on recovering from relationship abuse. Many of us have emotional baggage that fuels coping and addiction loops. Read Healing from Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas as well.)
  10. Self-Compassion by Kristen Neff (optional reading, but complimentary)
For biographies, read those of presidents and important leaders. Also about famous/successful individuals. Read all of Ron Chernow’s books. Abuse the Amazon Search Engine and look through their categories. Reading biographies can fundamentally enhance your worldview so you realize that real-life issues are much more nuanced and gray rather than black and white. Also shows how successful people deal with difficult crises and their perspective on life. Especially for public policy. If a President implements an economic policy that has short-term gains, but long-term loss, he has a greater chance of being re-elected. However, short-term loss in favor of long-term gain is the correct policy. Employ critical-thinking! Avoid cable news even if you need to stay informed. Don’t even have a television in my house. Unnecessary. Just read 2 – 3 reputable news sources for 20 minutes max. Sometimes I even avoid the news since there’s too much negativity. (tantric meditation technique that actually works; you are supposed to do it for 1 hour. Optional.) (energetic protection + grounding method after doing the tantric meditation)
Avoid learning Mantak Chia’s techniques from a book, since some have suffered side-effects to their energetic/biological body. For NEO, Tibetan buddhists practice meditation for 13 years before attempting it ( Not easy. Not sure about women, since SR streak is more important. Don’t pick a partner to fulfill some kind of emotional void, or due to societal programming where women are held to be the ultimate goal. Spiritual Enlightenment is the ultimate goal now, but even enlightened people need money for food and shelter.
Youtubers I follow are Graham Stephan, Ryan Serhant, Rupert Spira, and (cured women objectification for me; wholesome content) although mostly I avoid the website. Easy to loose track of time.
Avoid smoking, alcohol, recreational drug use (, casual sex (; sensitive images but useful), and fast food. Budget your money, and learn how to save as much as possible.
Hope everyone reading this post experiences their definition of success and leads a purposeful life. Will end it by stating two quotes that have inspired and guided me:
“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
― Hideaki Sorachi
“It is not important to be better than someone else, but to be better than you were yesterday.”
― Jigoro Kano (Founder of Judo)
Update 1, 2, 3: Added a post summary and the audio as well in the affirmations link
Update 4: (basic article on entities)
Some solutions are posted above. Updated* daily routine:
  1. (basic psychic self-defence)
  2. (at least once everyday; cures sexual dreams and flushes all entities)
  3. + (best shielding combination so far; general spiritual protection)
Note: Will continuously update this post based on further clarification. Close to 40,000 character word limit.
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what is meant by bibliography in project video

A bibliography is a list of works (such as books and articles) written on a particular subject or by a particular author. Adjective : bibliographic. Also known as a list of works cited , a bibliography may appear at the end of a book, report , online presentation, or research paper . An annotated bibliography is the full APA reference of a source followed by notes and commentary about a source. The word “annotate” means “critical or explanatory notes” and the word “bibliography” means “a list of sources”. Annotations are meant to be critical in addition to being descriptive. Bibliography Project Bringing together scholars of Islam(s) and Muslims in Canada for our workshop meant a unique opportunity to consider and compile the scholarly work to date. This bibliography (see hyperlink) includes work related to the topic of Islam(s) and Muslims in Canada from a number of academic fields. How to Write a Bibliography For a Science Fair Project . When conducting a science fair project, it is important that you keep track of all the sources you use in your research.This includes books, magazines, journals, and Web sites. You will need to list these source materials in a bibliography.Bibliographic information is typically written in either Modern Language Association or American Definition of bibliography in the dictionary. Meaning of bibliography. What does bibliography mean? Information and translations of bibliography in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Bibliography definition, a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer. See more. You should compile a bibliography for project work when writing an essay, article, or research paper that relies heavily on source material.A bibliography is an alphabetized list of all the sources used in the paper. This list is found at the end of the work and allows the reader to verify the veracity of the statements and/or figures presented in the essay. Possible Topics for Bibliography Project . Please look carefully at the list of topics below and choose two or three that you would be interested in pursuing for this project. You may want to do some preliminary reading and digging on them before you decide. On October 5, I will ask you to present me with your top three topic choices. (I want Bibliography In Project Proposal. 0 Comments 0. proposal in project bibliography While planning a project, it is essential to take notes of sources/references, so that it will be easy to mention when preparing a project guide. It facilitates the reader to utilize your sources so it should be precise and in the standard format. The following mentioned is a complete bibliography guide on how to write a bibliography for the

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