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Woke up Kidnapped 33 (Ship inspection)

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The movie planned the previous night turned into a short marathon. So when Gabriel blearily opened his eyes because his pcu beeped, it was almost noon. He yawned, sat up, and rubbed at his face before grabbing the pcu.
Madeline stirred and stretched beside him. “What time is it?” she asked.
“Late,” Gabriel said. “Hour and a half until lunch.”
“We’ve been in bed for over 14 hours then,” Madeline said with a sleepy smile.
“Time well spent,” Gabriel pointed out and read the message. “Oh, it’s from Krihana. We can take a look at the ship today.”
“What time?”
“Working hours,” Gabriel stood and stretched his back. Slouching in bed watching movies was nice, but his back had some complaints. Or maybe that was from the training and improv self-defense course yesterday.
“Send a message and ask if we can see it after lunch, but now, I need a shower,” Madeline said and sat up as well.
“Same, want to save water and take one together?” Gabriel asked as he typed out the message.
“Like saving water is why,” Madeline teased and headed for the bathroom. “You coming?”
Gabriel stopped a pun from escaping his lips, “I’ll have you know I care for the environment,” He said and followed happily along.
They spent some time relaxing, letting Madeline’s fur dry before heading out and collecting some lunch to go on the way. It was a bit after lunch by the time they walked through the park, many citizens were hurrying back to their jobs. By the time they reached the second park rain began to fall again. Luckily this time they had umbrellas and the rain was light as usual so they didn’t have much trouble and managed to get to the Union tower with dry socks. Not that Madeline wore socks but Gabriel considered it a win.
Inside they received the same treatment as before. The receptionist recognized them and they were sent to wait. This time, however, they were guided by an attendant to the security section. Inside, Zura and Rik’Tensel waited for them.
“Hey, any reason we’re in security?” Gabriel said to the two Justicars.
“Not really, there’s just no landing pad on the tower,” Zura said.
“And we have more pull over security so it’s easier to free up a slot,” Rik’Tensel said and led them to an elevator. It was a quick ride to the top where a shuttle waited. It looked about the same as the one Gabriel had already ridden on but this one was slightly larger and had markings that showed it belonged to Union security. Everyone got in and they took off, heading towards the docks.
“Excited?” Madeline asked and grabbed Gabriel’s hand. He only then realized he had been fidgeting.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s a spaceship. I might have flown in a few already but still,” He said.
Madeline chirped and nodded. “I know how you feel, It’s different to see them flying around and going inside.” She turned to Zura and Rik’Tensel, “But I suppose you get used to it?”
“If you work as a crewmember I guess you do. But most only take a trip or two a year so it’s somewhat of a special occasion for most,” Zura said and nodded to Rik’Tensel. “We have of course been on more trips than that, but I have never worked onboard.”
Rik’Tensel nodded, “And I have. I worked on a ship for just over a year, about the same size class as the one we will go see.”
“What position?” Gabriel asked.
“Classified,” Rik’Tensel said.
“I see,” Gabriel said. “What was that about size class?”
“It’s a general measure of size,” Rik’Tensel said and launched into an explanation. “A class 1 ship is a one-manned fighter or personal racing vessel or similar. A class 2 would be what your pilot friend has, Cani was it?” Gabriel nodded. “A ship with one pilot but with space for two or three passengers and some storage or with a very small cargo bay. A class 3 is usually crewed by two or three and can haul cargo or at times passengers.”
Gabriel turned to Madeline, “Like Captain Scarrask's ship?”
“Yeah, I think so,” she said. “Two crewmembers, pulling large modular containers?” she asked Rik’Tensel.
“Precisely. A size 4 ship is a smaller leisure ship or passenger transport. Typically five to eight ship crew but that can vary depending on its purpose. It’s the largest ship that is still too small for an FTL drive. A size 5 is what we will be looking at and travel in. This particular one has 14 crewmembers and six additional security personnel. It has two cargo bays and seven passengers cabins with double beds.” Rik’Tensel said and brought up his pcu. “I can send you the floorplan, a simplified version that is.”
“Yes, please,” Gabriel said and they exchanged numbers. A minute later his pcu beeped and he brought up a picture of a large ship with numbered rooms. He had trouble reading the descriptions though as he was less than proficient in Station standard still. “And the rest of the sizes?” Gabriel asked Rik’Tensel.
“Here, I’ll translate,” Madeline said and they got to work changing the numbered list on the side.
“Right, size 5 ships have 10 to about 20 crew, again depending on the purpose. A Cargo hauler has less and a cruise ship more. Size 6 is up to twice the size of the one we are looking at and the largest that can easily land on planets. We have specialized landing strips for class 7 as well.”
“And they are much larger?”
“Yes, I think Mr. Nionis ship is a class 6, though on the smaller side. A class 7 is twice that size. They often have their own docks for small ships and few are built to land, most stay in orbit.”
“Would a large mining ship be a class 7?” Gabriel asked.
“If you are referencing a certain rebuild mining ship then no, that one was class 8,” Rik’Tensel said.
“And finally class 9. Very few exist, and they are more or less mobile space stations. Some were actually built into stations back in the day.”
“And how large are they, compared to a size 5?” Gabriel asked now that he had the floorplans.
“Very much depends, a size 8—as you have seen—can be more than twenty times larger than a size 5. Size 9 are maybe five to ten times larger than them.”
“Oh, so at least a hundred times larger?”
“Very much depends, if you see one, you won't have to guess what size class it is.”
Gabriel nodded and turned his attention back to his pcu. “This is quite a big ship,” Gabriel said, looking over the floorplan. “And the blue lines are doors I imagine. Can the corridors close?”
“Yes in case of an emergency. And regarding the size, I would have opted for one without such large cargo bays but this is what was available,” Zura said and leaned over so she could point at the plans. “This is your room, the largest one on the upper floor. The captain's room is the one opposite. We will take rooms meant for guests if you don’t mind,” she said and leaned back.
“Not at all,” Gabriel said and shrugged. “Not like I have that many guests.”
“One of your two doctor friends might have to take one as well, this layout only has one doctor in mind,” Rik’Tensel said. “Honestly it’s a bit messy, this ship has had its insides refitted a few times.”
“As long as it flies I’m happy,” Gabriel said.
“I’m told it will,” Rik’Tensel said and glanced over his shoulder as he was facing the back. “After we pass this building you should be able to see it.”
Gabriel craned his neck and looked out the window. The ship that came into view was—like the floorplan suggested—arrow-shaped. It had a large engine in the back, two wings on the lower third with two additional pivoting engines in the middle. The upper two-thirds tapered into a blunted tip with two more engines on each side.
“It looked front-heavy,” he remarked.
“Yes, but the front had a few thrusters underneath to balance it out. And the heavy stuff is in the back. Water supply, generator, and cargo bays. You can see the doors where the wings meet.” Zura pointed and Gabriel saw a large closed door.
As they moved over to the left side of the ship to land, Gabriel saw that the other door was open, a ramp stretching down to the ground. In the front, a door was open and a ramp stretched down from near the bridge.
Gabriel took one last look at the floorplan before they landed. “There are three unmarked rooms, what are they for?”
“The one opposite the airlock is for spacesuit storage, the two above are not finished but I think one will be used for environmental, the other might remain empty,” Rik’Tensel said.
They finally landed and Gabriel got out to get a proper look at the ship. It was big, his best estimate was close to 100 meters but it was hard to see from down here.
“This feels like a very big ship, almost too big,” Gabriel said.
“It is on the larger side, but considering we are going after the syndicate, I wouldn’t mind an even larger one. Still, an Ambassador can get away with something like this,” Zura said and led them towards the ship. “Usually though, you would travel with a handful or more personnel from your government.”
“That will be difficult to arrange,” Gabriel said, looking up at the ship as they approached. “Only two stories though, it looks like it can handle three.”
“There are maintenance tunnels under the floor,” Zura explained. “I think the water and fuel tanks are down there as well.”
“Right,” Gabriel said. It had somehow slipped his mind that that needed a large spot.
Zura walked in front and guided them over to the airlock in the front, over by the bridge. “Let’s get this tour underway,” she said and walked up the extendable stairs that were extending from the hull.
Despite having spent more time in spaceships than outside, or maybe it was beginning to switch, he had honestly lost count of the days. Regardless, he was still excited to see the insides. The roof was quite low, but not to the point that he or Rik’Tensel had to duck, though the tall Igris did bob his head when going through doorways. First, they checked out the bridge. It had two seats with controls and screens located right ahead once they crossed the threshold. To the left were stairs going up to a balcony of sorts. To the right were two more stations and stairs down to a seating area of all things.
“Remains from when this was a pleasure craft,” Zura explained and swept a hand around the room. “The owner and his guests would sit and drink while looking out the windows.”
“I see,” Gabriel said and looked the bridge over. “And the stations?”
“Pilot, Captain, Communications, and FTL.”
“And the rest of the crew is backup?” Gabriel guessed.
“That’s right, shipmaster, copilot, second communications officer—which I will fulfill the role of—and second FTL officer,” Zura explained. “And of course someone has to cook and take care of the ship, two mess officers and two each engineering and environmental.”
“Why do you need someone on FTL if the trip takes days or weeks?”
“They do more, it’s called FTL because that’s their main task. Jumping unanchored to FTL gates takes a lot of work and planning. But they also are in charge of delivering information about the ship to the rest of the crew. Engine status, hull breaches, and that kind of stuff,” Zura said.
“Alright,” Gabriel said and nodded.
“Let’s move on,” Zura said and gestured toward the back of the ship. They first passed the crew quarters, galley, and medbay, then they passed the two cargo holds that were mostly empty. Some boxes, parts, and other various equipment laid about but Zura said that most would be gone in a few days and be replaced by food, spare parts, and other necessities needed on the trip.
After a brief peek into a crowded engineering section they took the elevators up a level. The gym was not yet stocked with machines and more than half was empty, the leisure area next to it had a large screen for movies and even a wall bar, though that was empty as well. It was half movie theatre and half pub. Gabriel approved of whoever designed it.
Toward the front were the guest rooms and another galley, this was unnecessarily big. The entire crew could easily fit inside. Two meeting rooms were attached, one with a table and chairs and the other with couches and screens on the walls. And finally beyond that was the ambassador suite and captain’s quarters.
“It’s a very nice ship, though like you said, the interior is a little strange,” Gabriel said and gestured to the galley.
“I believe it was the only one when the ship was built,” Rik’Tensel said, looking back at the galley. “The lower one was added later and this one remained unchanged.”
“With the room at the back, this ship could serve a crew of like five times this size,” Madeline mused.
“Yes, I think that was the idea, I cannot remember who built the seating area in the bridge but he often threw parties on the ship from what I recall,” Rik’Tensel said.
“I see,” Gabriel said. “In that case, I suppose it makes more sense. And we can’t make any changes to—” Gabriel began before his pcu began ringing. He picked it up but only got a number he didn’t recognize on the display. “Hello?”
“Gabriel? This is Sen’Chakar,” He heard from the other end.
“Hey! how are you?”
“Well, considering, I am at the station where Deana is jailed, she wants to talk to you.”
“Alright, sure,” Gabriel said. He heard some rustling as the pcu was shifted around.
“Hey, Deana, how are you?” He asked.
“Well, but confused.” Deana paused for a second. “I was planning to spend a few years in prison for… you know… but I was offered a very strange deal...”
“Alright,” Gabriel said as Deana paused.
“Yeah, I can work as an indentured servant for a time equal to the same amount of my original sentence, but without any possibility of getting released early.”
“And what does that mean in detail?”
“It means that I work for as little as possible while still affording food, clothes, and stuff… you know, more or less for free, but as long as I work, I’m more or less free. Well bound to my workplace but you know, the next best thing. I think it sounds great... There’s only one issue”
“Which is?”
“... I need to be hired by someone high ranking in the Union, the woman who contacted me suggested a factory owner, franchise owner of… maybe an emissary of some kind,” Deana finished sheepishly.
“You’re hired,” Gabriel said.
“I can clean the floors and… what?”
“You’re hired,” Gabriel said. “Oh, and if Cani is there, tell her that she has a job as copilot waiting if she wants it. And we can hire Sen’Chakar as well if he wants to go.”
“Wha… really?”
“Yes, really,” Gabriel said grinning into the phone. “I don’t exactly know what the future might hold but I’ll hire you as long as I’m able to.”
“I… thank you, Gabriel. That means a lot that you trust me this much.”
“I’ll contact the owner and see about getting you onto the ship, can you contact Cani?” Gabriel asked, still smiling.
“Yes, she’s here,” Deana said.
“Great, give me a call and I’ll set it up,” Gabriel and Deana said goodbye and he hung up before explaining the situation to Madeline.
“So that’s what Krihana meant about changing the sentence,” Madeline said.
“I guess so,” Gabriel said and called Krihana to explain the situation.
“I assumed as much,” Krihana said after he was finished, “You pilot friend will have to act as third pilot, however, but we can certainly use a security officer with some knowledge about the syndicate, Sen’Chakar was it?”
“Yes,” Gabriel confirmed.
“I’ll make the arrangements if they sign on, miss Deana will join you the day you leave.”
“Thank you for fixing this,” Gabriel said.
“No problem, now, was there anything else?”
“No, I don’t think so. Thank you again, bye.” Gabriel hung up. “Well, that was fortunate.”
“I agree,” Madeline said and grabbed his arm, “So, what now?”
“I don’t know.” Gabriel turned to Zura and Rik’Tensel, “Anything else to show us?”
“No, you can walk around if you want, but I think you have seen it all. The only thing left for you to do is name the ship.”
“...I get to name the ship?” Gabriel said, a smile beginning to spread on his face.
“Yes, Krihana thought it a good idea,” Rik’Tensel said. “Though she might object if you call it anything tasteless.”
Gabriel nodded slowly, racking his brain for a good name. “This will require some serious thinking. Not my strong suit I might add.”
“You have three days if you want it painted on the hull,” Zura said as Madeline tried to keep from chirping in laughter.
“Let’s go, Madeline. I’m giving you a crash course in human sci-fi,” Gabriel grinned and began pulling Madeline along towards the docks.

A/N: Ship floor plan (a bit messy :D)

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submitted by FatedApollo to HFY [link] [comments]

Australian Gambler, my story

My name is Zach 28 years old, I am a compulsive gambler from the Gold Coast, Australia. I have been gambling for close to 10 years now. My losses would be somewhere in the hundreds of thousands now without a doubt. I live a good life, I live close to the beach, have a fantastic border collie called Switch, and I have my dream job for where I am at in my career at the moment that pays me six figures. I also have a fantastic family, that are somewhat aware of the gambling problem, but definitely have no idea as to how bad it truly is.
But due to gambling, I have basically not a cent to my name, and I have lost a lot of good friends, especially over the last 3-4 months. So a lot of the above has been what has been able to keep me going in life, and not look to drastic measures.
I have been trying to stop gambling for the better part of three years now.
Where it began
Gambling started for me back when I was about 18. I had some mates that I would go down to the pub with and we would have some beers together and then go to the pokies(slot machines) and put maybe $20 through, and it seemed fun and innocent at the time. Little did I know that my addictive personality would take a hold of this and drive my life to where it currently is.
My biggest weakness would be the pokies, especially once I discovered online casinos.
But it was never really an issue through my early 20’s, as I usually only gambled what I could afford to lose and it never affected my day to day life such as paying bills or anti social behaviour. It was just a “casual” gamble at the time.
Where it got bad
It was probably around the age of 24-25 where it got really bad. I was dating a girl at the time, where from the early stages I would manage to weasal money out of her to feed my addiction of the pokies. She would lend me money or give me money not realising what the problem was. I truly took advantage of her in this situation. There were even a couple of nights where we had been drinking with friends, and she passed out to go to sleep and I would take her bank card and go withdraw $1000 or so, just so I could go play the pokies.
She forced me to go to GA at one stage, I went once, but I was no where near ready to give it up. I mean why would I when I could keep syphoning money out of her?
After that relationship ended, things calmed down a little bit. I was still gambling in a bad way, but I wasn’t stealing money to feed the addiction. I did it through my own means. From time to time I would need to borrow money from friends or family to keep my head afloat, but I always paid it back to them.
In the last 2-3 months is where the addiction has got me real bad. I was living a bad living situation with a housemate that basically forced me to keep to myself in my room or the study. This is where I really discovered online pokies.
I put $300 in, over the course of about 3-4 days I managed to get that up to around $80k. I said alright I am gonna withdrawal at least 60k of this, but going to see if I can use the other 20k to see if I can turn it into more.
As online pokies have it, they really draw out the verification process. They do not make it easy to get your money. It goes without saying that within 3 days I managed to take that $80k and turn it into $0. Because I am a compulsive gambler and self control around gambling is not something that I have.
The follow on effect
Having gotten up to $80k, I was convinced that I could easily get up to like $10k or something. This resulted in me using money I didn’t have and borrowing money, and lying to borrow money in order to gamble.
As I sit here now and write this up. I went from having no debt, to now about $5k in debt and having blown around $15-20k over the last 1-2 months.
Going forward
Now I sit here contemplating the road ahead of me. Here is what I have done so far
- Called my bank and banned any form of gambling transactions
- Installed Gameban on my phone and computer
- Told a friend about my gambling and the true extent of it.
- Looking into counselling and GA meetings around me.
It’s a long road ahead, but I have to start somewhere.
submitted by pokie_problems to problemgambling [link] [comments]


  • Terms (and conditions): GC=golden cookie, WC=wrath cookie, DF=dragonflight, DH=dragon harvest, CF=click frenzy, EF=elder frenzy, F=frenzy, BS=building special, FTHOF=Force the Hand of Fate, spell from grimoire that spawns a GC, CPS=cookies per second, nat/natural GCs=GCs gotten by naturally spawning, not FTHOF GCs or anything like that, planner=thing that predicts FTHOF outcomes, instantly beats game

  • Scrying is a trick that can be done 100% in game without any savescumming or external tools. It predicts the next spell (usually FTHOF), and so it is very useful for combos, especially if you don't like savescumming or planner. for a guide (beware, made by me, very bad).

  • Dualcasting FTHOF can be done by casting FTHOF, and then selling wizard towers to lower the price of FTHOF until you can cast it again. Quadcasting FTHOF can be done by dualcasting, then buying back your wizard towers, then repeating. Sexcasting FTHOF can be done by doing the above, and then harvesting a caramelized sugar lump, which will reset the 15 minute cooldown on magic refills, and then refilling and dualcasting once more. If you use planner, multicasting FTHOF is essential to getting more GCs and buffs in your combo. If you don't, it's probably not worth clicking multicasted GCs as you can only guarantee 1 GC from scrying (unless you scryed an EF and want to try the 25% chance of CF or something like that). Of course, you don't have to click the GCs from FTHOF at all, and at the very least you can get a nice multiplier from Dragon's Fortune.

  • Having the three main GC upgrades (Lucky Day, Serendipity, and Get Lucky) allows you to stack frenzy + another buff, usually building special, so it's very nice to have and essential for getting some bigger combos.

  • Having a small pre-combo before doing any other combos is useful, as it allows you to plant Golden Clovers, get some more buildings, etc.

  • How to get some of the things for combos:
    • Golden switch: heavenly upgrade, requires 999 HC to unlock
    • Sugar frenzy: another heavenly upgrade, requires 400 million HC to unlock
    • Loans: requires upgrading stock market offices, you get one at the upgrade for level 4 Cursors (modest loan), level 10 Cursors (pawnshop loan), and level 12 Cursors (retirement loan)
    • Krumblor auras: to unlock Krumblor you must pay 9 HC for a heavenly upgrade, then sacrifice cookies and buildings for auras. Breath of Milk requires you to sacrifice 16 million cookies, Elder Battalion requires 100 grandmas, Reaper of Fields (dragon harvest) requires 100 farms, Radiant Appetite requires 100 prisms, Dragon's Fortune requires 100 chancemakers, and Dragon Orbs requires 100 idleverses
    • Golden Clovers: you can breed it from wheat+gildmillet (make sure to harvest the regular clovers) or 4x regular clovers
    • Shimmering Veil: guess what it's a heavenly upgrade, requires 999,999,999 HC to unlock
    • Dualcasting (ripped off from u/Lookas123):
Level First convenient spot (starting towers->remaining towers) Optimal convenient spot (fastest mana regen in between combos)
1 321->21 537->37
2 314->14 531->31
3 308->8 524->24
4 403->3 413->13
5 401->1 407->7
6 401->1 403->3
7 401->1 610->10
8 501->1 608->8
9 501->1 604->4
10 501->1 601->1
  • Miscellaneous buffs/effects such as Golden Switch, Sugar Frenzy, loans, etc. can (and probably should) be applied for a boost to your main combo.
    • Golden switch: very powerful (+150% CPS), should almost always be included in a combo if possible. Just make sure that you have enough cookies to switch it on (particularly during first combo of ascension), and that you spawn in all natural GCs before toggling.
    • Sugar Frenzy: also very powerful (3x), but it can only be used once per ascension so don't waste it on a small combo like F+CF. Make sure to have a sugar lump at the ready (and more if you plan on quadcasting)
    • Loans: regular loan is okay, pawnshop loan is awesome (but short, so be quick), and retirement loan lasts for a long time but also has a very long payback time, so use it sparingly (it also has the least effect on CPS, so it's arguably the least useful).
    • Shimmering Veil: only usable for garden combos, probably shouldn't be using it on click combos.
    • GC Fortune: you can click it to hope for something good, or just leave it for another multiplier for Dragon's Fortune.

  • Frenzy and building specials should always be included in the combo. Usually, you get a frenzy + 1 building special naturally, and then get more buffs with FTHOF. With golden clovers, you can get extremely long frenzies, then get dragon harvest + building special for three buffs. You can even stack 2 building specials, although you'll only have ~15 seconds left on the first building special so it's usually not worth it. As for FTHOF golden cookies, most of the mentioned buffs will be gotten naturally, so if you don't use planner then your FTHOFs will be directed to other buffs. You can get a BS by scrying, however it's inferior to scrying out an EF, so don't go for it deliberately. If you do use planner, get as much building specials in as possible, as those can easily give 50x production, and are easily stackable.

  • Dragon harvest is a very nice buff, due to it giving 15x production and lasting for a decent amount of time (1 minute base). You should incorporate this if possible, and definitely include it in a big combo, along with frenzy. You usually get F+DH+BS with golden clovers, as described above. You can also get it without golden clovers, however it either requires you to get multiple frenzies in a row, or for you to sell buildings to Krumblor for the Dragon Orbs aura. Dragon harvest alone without frenzy is decent, however it's less common and lasts for a shorter time, so try for F+DH+BS if at all possible.

  • Elder frenzy is a very good buff (666x), however it only lasts for 6 seconds base so you need to time it carefully to overlap with Godzamok. Usually you get this through FTHOF, using planner to predict it ahead of time. However, if you don't use planner, you can still scry it out, however, this means that CF is no longer guaranteed, so it throws a bit of luck into the combo.

  • Click frenzy is a must have, obviously, and you usually get it from FTHOF. You either use planner or scry it out.

  • Dragonflight is a bit of a tricky one. You cannot get it from FTHOF, so the strategy is to wait for a naturally spawning GC, then click it in hopes that it'll give DF. Dragonflight alone is only ~10% better than click frenzy, so using it as a substitute for click frenzy isn't worth it. However, the real strategy lies in stacking CF and DF, which will give massive rewards. This requires Golden Clovers, though, to get it before a building special ends, and for you to remember which FTHOF gives CF so you don't click that one before the DF GC and cancel out CF.

  • Golden Clovers are used to get the aforementioned F+DH+BS, among other things like getting DF during a combo. Obviously, this plant is very useful, but is only needed for getting natural GC spawns. Once that happens, you can swap them out for other plants for CPS/click bonuses, (note that due to the way Golden Clovers work, you can get rid of them after the second to last GC that you need is clicked).

  • Nursetulips take a bit of CPS, but in return boost other plants. It is advised to use them to amplify garden effects (plant them in alternating rows between the plant that you want and nursetulips). Also note that the CPS penalty from nursetulips goes away as soon as they are harvested, but their efficiency bonus doesn't go away until the end of the tick, so when you want to swap out Golden Clovers you can just click harvest all and fill up the garden with the other plant, while still retaining the efficiency bonus.

  • Whiskerblooms can be planted after all naturally spawning GCs come and it's safe to harvest your Golden Clovers, for an extra bit of CPS (thumbcorn also works, albeit a little bit worse). You also want clay for soil, for the extra effects. If you're lazy and don't use Golden Clovers, you can just wait until the whiskerblooms are mature.

  • Pantheon gods: obviously Godzamok should be in diamond for a fat click multiplier, and Mokalsium for the sheer CPS. The other gods to slot in would be Muridal for the click buffs and another CPS god such as Jeremy. One setup would be Godzamok/Mokalsium/Muridal, which is designed to optimize clicks, and another setup would be Godzamok/Muridal/some other CPS god, and then swap Mokalsium into diamond when you're finished selling buildings to Godzamok. You can also use Vomitrax before a combo to get more buff overlap.

  • As for what buildings to sell to Godzamok, sell everything up to time machines (antimatter condensers can be sold too) but not including: Cursors, Grandmas, and Portals because they make a decent chunk of your CPS, and Temples because you need it for the Mokalsium swap and other pantheon buffs.

  • Cursed finger doesn't stack with click frenzy, so don't use cursed finger. You can use it to plant plants cheaply though.

  • You should go to 3rd stage grandmapocalypse and then pledge for all of these combos, so that WCs won't screw you over. If you want, say, nat F+EF for some reason, start with pledge, and then covenant->revoke to maximize your chances.

  • Krumblor has several very powerful auras, and you want to swap them in and out as necessary.
    • Breath of Milk/Radiant Appetite/Elder Battalion straight up just give CPS, so they should always be included in a combo. Note that Elder Battalion becomes useless if you use Godzamok (as half of your buildings will be sold).
    • Arcane Aura/Epoch Manipulator can be used to get more buff overlap
    • Dragon's Fortune gives a 2.23x multiplier per GC on screen. If you have planner, most of the GCs you spawn will give desired buffs such as building special, so it's not worth leaving them on screen. However, if you don't use planner, Dragon's Fortune can be used by quadcasting FTHOF, clicking the (scryed) CF, and then leaving the rest on screen for a nice multiplier.
    • Dragon Orbs can be used to summon a GC on demand for a free buff (like frenzy), which makes it a very convenient aura to use in place of, say, golden clovers. Try to make them overlap with the next GC spawn time, so that you get as much overlap as possible. One thing to note is its anti-synergy with Godzamok, so make sure to unslot it before using (and maybe slot something else like Vomitrax in its place).
  • Start with Reaper of Fields for dragon harvest (you can slot Epoch ManipulatoArcane Aura if you want), then swap to Dragonflight to get that buff, then swap to Radiant Appetite and Dragon's Fortune for CPS (if you use planner, you might want to use Breath of Milk, as you probably won't have useless GCs)

  • A quick, basic combo, would be F+CF. Just wait for a frenzy, then cast FTHOF for a CF (either scry it out, or pray for the ~25% chance that the FTHOF GC is one). No need for garden, no need for quadcasting, just a combo, plain and simple. Heck, you can even get this naturally. Useful for propelling you to the next ascension or to just jumpstart your ascension, but gives low cookies overall and will need to be phased out at some point.

  • F+BS+CF is a step up from F+CF, but it too will need to be improved. Just wait for a natural F+BS, and then get a CF.

  • F+(natural) EF+CF isn't the best combo, as you will get the EF naturally, which makes it rare and short. However, if you can pull it off, you will gain a number of cookies.

  • A 100% consistent combo would be F+DH+BS+CF+3GC (3 unused ones for Dragon's Fortune). Just scry out a CF (quadcast to get the 3 unused GCs), and then get F+DH+BS using Golden Clovers. As always, make sure to do other things like selling to Godzamok, loans, etc. Note that you can tack on another GC by waiting for the next natural GC to spawn, for F+DH+BS+CF+4GC.

  • A combo that involves Dragonflight would be F+DH+BS+CF+DF+3GC. Get F+DH+BS, then quadcast FTHOF, remembering which GC is CF, wait for another natural GC, click it, hope it's dragonflight, and then click your CF GC. As with all Dragonflight combos, this is reliant on luck, as you are dependent on naturally spawning GCs, but if it works then boy will you profit. If it fails, you will get the previous combo which is still decent.

  • A combo that involves both elder frenzy and Dragonflight would be F+DH+BS+EF+DF+CF (plus some amount of unused GCs). In this case, you would actually scry out an elder frenzy, get the usual natural GC effects, quadcast, wait for another natural GC (which is hopefully Dragonflight), click that, and then click your FTHOF GCs one by one until you get a click frenzy. There is a chance you might not get a click frenzy or dragonflight at all, which is bad. The second outcome would be Dragonflight/click frenzy but not the other, which is still a nice combo. However, assuming you hit the jackpot, you can get A LOT of cookies. As in unvigintillions of cookies.

  • Disclaimer: I have never attempted to do a garden combo before, but I know for a fact that it's worse than a click combo

  • Most of the combo part of garden combos is the same as click combos, just subtract the parts about clicks. The best pantheon setup would be CPS oriented, so Mokalsium/Holobore (swap in after all natural GCs)/some other CPS god would work. Shimmering Veil can also be used, and you would scry an EF or BS instead of a CF. An advantage of garden combos is that they are easier to execute, as you don't need to rush selling buildings, replanting garden, etc., and harvesting plants only takes an instant, opposed to the valuable seconds you need to click in a click combo.

  • There are 3 candidates for garden combos: Bakeberries, Queenbeets, and Duketaters. Duketaters might look like the best, however, they have very inconsistent growth rates (50% to grow each tick), and so getting an entire field of them to be mature at once is near impossible. However, if you savescum, then you can get more mature Dukes on the field and they become an option again. Assuming you don't savescum, however, then your options are Bakeberries or Queenbeets. In most cases, you should use Queenbeets, as they give twice as much compared to Bakeberries, and their -2% CPS can be mitigated by freezing the garden. However, Bakeberries can be better than Queenbeets if the combo takes a shorter time to set up.

  • Another option for getting duketater combos to work is offline ticking. Ticks are based off of the actual time, not in-game time, which means that ticks will still tick down when the game is closed, and if the game is closed for more than the length of a tick then the tick will happen immediately once you boot up the game again. This is similar to what happens when you freeze the garden. In this way, by opening the game for a moment, letting a tick pass and then immediately closing the game again, you can get duketaters to mature in less than a minute of in-game time, which allows for buffs to be stretched enough for all duketaters to mature and be harvested within the combo.

  • Executing garden combos is as easy as getting all of your buffs, and then clicking harvest all. Simple.
The ultimate combo would be getting every buff at once. This can be achieved by scumming for caramelized lumps (different harvest times affect lump type, so generally you load saves with different amounts of grandmas), or using the ChooseYourOwnLump planner by u/staticvariablejames. From here, you can just cast Stretch Time to extend buffs, get them long enough for another GC to spawn, get more buffs, and then slowly work your way from there.
If anyone wants to disagree, put it in comments.
submitted by milkcupatstarbucks to CookieClicker [link] [comments]

My goodbye and farewell email to my colleagues after just finding out I'm being made redundant, thanks Covid!

Not going to lie, I was being lazy at first and just googled the generic templates but then I'd just be that guy. So I spent a whole 30 minutes drafting this and have had nothing but great responses so far... apart from HR and the director who hate me:
Dear fellow [redacted]s,
This will possibly be the last email you will receive from me using my [redacted] email address, however, it’s not the last email you will receive from me when I find a new job and remember enough names to add you onto a GDPR friendly mailing list. In true marketing style, I’m going to probably waffle on for a bit so if you get bored just scroll down! I will also still be around up until the 14th February (romantic), if you need any work-related questions etc answering.
I’m taking the plunge and will be spending my newly acquired time job hunting utilising my passion for digital marketing and chasing my dreams of founding a start-up, which many of you will recognise from chats in the office/at lunch/work events. [redacted - i just swapped the letters around in the company name basically], the world’s first Fridge that doubles as a routepowerline adapter, enabling your house to become a (smart) home… without the need of wires or routers, just a fridge. I’m still in the early days of trying to find a fridge that has a slot for a MicroTik board – I don’t think they make fridges for this yet… so I’m going to have to wait until they do. Samsung are also ignoring all my emails, so all I can say is stay tuned really.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the company for their support (especially for putting me through the professional marketing programme with the CIM) over the last few years. I know I pushed my luck sometimes, not going to mention the time when I drank a bit too much at the Christmas party and introduced playing cards into the mix, but someone had to keep you on your toes – I’m just sorry it was so soon into you starting at Bridge, [redacted]. In all seriousness, I have honestly learnt a lot, made some decent friends and feel that I have really developed as a professional since joining. Some might beg to differ though, especially after reading on (ooOOo click bait, but in email form).
Things I won’t forget/will miss:
- Fat Fridays with the gang… someone take my Deliveroo account off me - When people brought their dogs to work and I got no work done because I was too busy giving them treats and rubbing their tummies - The old cat at that pub up the road we went to for lunch a few times - Going to that pub in Milton, not getting served food for over an hour then sweating because we thought we’d get a telling off when we got back - My atrocious Photoshopping of peoples photos for their birthdays/leaving dos – disclaimer: I am actually good at Photoshop I promise - Finding a wicked gaming monitor just chilling in the road with [redacted] and pretending we were going to hook up a PlayStation 2 to it to piss of [redacted] - Beating all the sales team in a 4x4 driving assessment at [redacted] (losers) - Getting taken round the speed circuit at [redacted], which somehow magicked my trousers brown - Playing golf with the sales lads at the range up the road, wondering why swinging a club is making me out of breath then realising I need to start getting fit - Finally convincing admin that we need a purple coat hanger for the office and no one using it - Attending Zoholics in London, getting really excited about CRM and then dreading anyone asking me to make something further down the line - Visiting [redacted] in Wales for a few days, trying to climb the Malvern Hills and again, wondering why I’m out of breath/if an ambulance will be able to drive up such a steep slope to fetch me/if Wales can afford an air ambulance if they spend all their money trying to make their football teams good? - Going for a lunchtime walk and getting lost - Nearly persuading [redacted] to buy a pinball/arcade machine (branded of course) for us to play with at lunch - Crying in the toilets for an hour because [redacted] didn’t get sign off for the pinball machine - Going to that jazz club for cocktails, that was wicked - Convincing [redacted] that the country Turkey was actually called Chicken in the Tudor times, until Queen Victoria demanded it was renamed because she didn’t like chicken - Swapping wireless mice dongles and wetting ourselves when people couldn’t figure out why their mouse was moving on its own - Tricking [redacted] into ringing for a Mr G.Raffe about his telephony order, when the number was just for London Zoo - Becoming the official office banana man - Swapping songs with [redacted] and giving each other the obligatory metal head nod of approval across the office - The memes, enough said - When [redacted] managed to get locked in the toilet, no one answered his calls for a while and the door had to be removed eventually
Things I will forget:
- The mystery fish microwaver - The hex code for the [redacted] purple - The pile of unused (branded) polo shirts - When I got my foot stuck in between the legs of my desk and waited in embarrassment for about 5 hours before accepting defeat and asking [redacted] for help/watefood - That picture of [redacted] with no beard
I know that people usually bounce off from leaving emails after reading the first couple of paragraphs, so if you are still reading – congratulations, you have passed the test of finding my contact details, if you want to stay in touch… no pressure.
All joking (most of the above) aside, I’m going to genuinely miss a lot of people here and wish you all the very best in these trying times, things always get better. I’m only a ping away if you ever want a chinwag, maybe grab a drink or few once this lockdown malarkey is over!
Mobile/WhatsApp: [redacted] Instagram: [redacted] Discord: SirDrPooFingerz#[redacted] (was my gamer-tag that 13 year old me found hilarious and it’s kind of stuck… because I still find it hilarious)
Thanks again and all the best, [redacted]
PS. if you have recently joined the company and someone offers you some [redacted] branded mints, please don’t eat them – they expired in like 2014 so it’s safe to say they have the strength of a thousand prunes. They are only still here because they have been through a lot and are part of the company now. Someone… anyone, please, carry on hiding them, they pretty much have their own rights similar to a listed building now.
[generic email signature]
Soon to be Ex-Marketing Manager and viral sensation on a crowdfunding website with my Fridge, that is in fact a router.
submitted by IUsedToLoveNeopets to funny [link] [comments]

October 5th, 2020: NewToTownJam Interview (Part 1 of 2)

Due to the number of questions NewtotownJAM received from the community, the interview exceeded reddit's character limit, and will be split into two parts! The questions from the NSI team will be in this post, and the community questions will be included in the second. You can read part two here.
Tell us a little about yourself.
Hi, my name is OP and I need some assistance with all these gangrenous slugs. Just kidding, I’m Hannah, I’m 24 and live on the south coast of sunny England. I share a house with my partner, our lovely if not slightly evil cat and over 100 house plants.
I spent most of my working career in mental health, running a charity in a nearby city. I’ve also worked in restaurant management but currently I’m back in the charity sector, providing mental health support remotely.
Over 100 house plants, hmm? Do you ever worry you'll end up with a Little Shop of Horrors situation on your hands?
I hope for that every day! Little shop of horrors was wonderful! Nothing’s come to life yet though, unfortunately.
When did you first become interested in horror?
I don’t know if there was any one pinnacle moment marking the start of my journey into horror. As a very young child I loved the goosebumps books, gravitated to the horror section in the video shop and wanted Living dead dolls instead of barbies. I lived for Halloween.
Well then, you'll be excited to know that there's an island where dead dolls go to live!
This looks amazing! I’m all for a bit of dark tourism.
I also owe some credit to my Nan, who always normalised discussion of ghosts and told me stories about times she’d done ouija boards. Her mother read tea leaves and that whole side of my family are very open minded about death and the supernatural. I’m fairly certain my Nan is a witch.
Was there a specific moment you knew you wanted to write in the horror genre, or did your enchanted Nan guide you there?
I went through a phase as a young teenager where I was determined to find THE most shocking horror film I possibly could. The human centipede was at the height of its popularity and I sought out movies that had been banned in numerous countries for their shocking subject matter. I doubt my nan would’ve approved but I was disappointed with what I found.
The thing that really struck me about all of them, and also a large cohort of the horror genre, was the lack of actual substance to the story and the reliance on body horror to prop up a weak plot. I actually became quite disenfranchised with the genre as a whole. Remakes and sequels flooded the market along with the found footage trend that relied on jump scares over plot.
Then insidious was released. The film scared the shit out of me, but also kept me truly invested in the story. I saw it twice in the cinema and I remember thinking “I want to write something like that.” The Purge was released a couple of years later then built this terrifying dystopian universe so close to our own, it’s like horror had a resurgence and I really wanted in.
Do you feel you actively try to combat that lack of substance in each of your stories? Is it ever difficult in a short story format?
I would love to say yes, all the time, but that’s not realistic. I don’t think I’ve ever written something solely to shock with no plot but I’ve put out some stories I’ve read back and really disliked. I’m getting sick of all these parties. was one of them. It got a good reception and I contemplated turning it into a short series but when I read it back I just didn’t like it very much myself and I lose motivation easily when I’m not invested.
I try my best to make them all quite plot heavy but I also have a penchant for writing entire stories based on puns or word plays; see I’m a fucking machine, blended families and I’m taking a week away from my husband.
Where do you find inspiration? Have real life experiences ever made their way into your work?
I find inspiration in all kinds of places. Sometimes I’ll come across quite fitting references, for example, Every summer my neighbour built a new scarecrow was based on a particularly horrific unsolved murder I had read about. Whereas poop bags won’t help me now was based on a real post made in my local residents facebook group by an expectant mother who’d encountered a lone woman on her late night dog walk.
Sometimes the source of inspiration isn’t creepy in the slightest. My recent story about blended families was inspired by a really terrible Adam Sandler film I watched years ago about step families, in the movie he sung a little song and the day I wrote the story the song was in my head. I suppose the point I’m trying to make with that is that anything can be inspiration if you think about it hard enough.
As for personal experiences certain parts of the previous tenant building were absolutely based on my eccentric house. I have a mysterious damp patch on the ceiling in the living room (it doesn’t turn blood red thankfully, just an unsightly hazard of renting) and there are so many narrow stairs I sometimes feel like I’ve walked one more than I should’ve.
We've been meaning to ask you about the poop bags. Why do dogs frequently meet horrible fates in your stories?
Worst title I ever came up with, haha. Hands down. It’s a shame because I really enjoyed that story but I think the title put people off clicking.
As for the dogs, I feel really terrible about that! I always wanted a dog but wasn’t allowed one growing up; I even campaigned by sticking hundreds of dog photos in strange places around the house in the hope my mum would cave. She didn’t. Then when I moved in with my partner he came with an animal hating cat, who I love dearly, so the dog dream ended. With that in mind I think it might be subconscious jealousy of dog owners; both times cats have met horrible fates in stories they’ve come back mostly unscathed.
I also think that although animal death is a bit of a horror trope it’s effective because of the bond we have with animals. My skin crawls writing it and I hope to ignite the same reaction in my readers - it encourages them to hug their pets and that can only be a good thing.
How did you discover NoSleep in the first place? What prompted you to begin writing for it?
I discovered nosleep when I was running a support group for university students with mental health issues in the evenings. There was a four hour break between my day work and that group and I was a little too far away to go home so I would have to sit in a common room for that time, just waiting.
I used that break to browse and ended up on an askreddit list of the best posts ever made to reddit. Search and Rescue was there and I couldn’t put it down. I read the whole thing in the break and even after my group finished I was back on nosleep on my train ride home. I became totally obsessed. Once I got a feel for the sub it felt like natural progression to give it a try myself.
You've mentioned wishing you had chosen a different username to write under, as yours was created based around a character in your first NoSleep story. If you could go back and change it, do you know what username you'd pick instead?
I think about this all the time, probably unhealthy amounts and I’m still not settled. I like loiterswithintent and thepickledgnome, or maybe horrorbyhannah for a more professional image.
What NoSleep stories and/or authors have had the strongest impact on you?
The toughest question. Nosleep is its community and its creators and I think all of them bring something unique to the table so there’s no way to answer this without missing more than a few. With that said here is a terribly condensed list of authors and stories that have had a big impact on me.
Everyone at thecrypticcompendium - there’s so much talent in that group it’s unreal and they’re awesome people too.
u/theoddcatlady is one of my absolute favourites, I will drop everything I’m doing to read when she posts. The man called daffodil and the criminally underrated haven commune series were standouts for me.
u/TheJesseClark So, Yeah... I Don’t Do Drugs Anymore is incredible. The way he captured a bad trip, the escalation and repetition was so immersive. I felt like I’d taken the drugs myself. This story has really stuck with me.
u/nslewis is also incredible. I can’t think of a single story I haven’t enjoyed of his but to spotlight one my absolute favourite is My neighbour had been mowing his lawn for 12 hours straight.
u/Elias_Witherow and u/iia both cater perfectly to the type of shock horror I adore, while crafting thought provoking and meaningful plots to complement the gross factor. I’ve bought all of Elias Witherow’s books and I’m a huge fan.
So that I don’t go on forever, here is a list of some others I want to give a special shout out to; u/colourblindness, u/tjaylea, u/commongrackle, u/byfelsdisciple, u/neontempo, u/Lillian_Madwhip, u/gasstationjack, u/poloniumpoisoning, u/EaPAtbp, u/SamHaysom, u/SpookyChorror, u/squishycabbage, u/youshallnotpass121 u/kressie1991, u/ourladyofthetree, u/M59Gar, u/verastahl, u/searchandrescuewoods.
There are so many more but I’m going to stop there.
What is the most terrifying thing you have personally experienced?
Probably viewing the house I currently live in. It’s a tall narrow townhouse near the seafront and it’s pretty old. When viewing it I spotted a door in one of the lower rooms and it lead to a basement that wasn’t advertised and that the estate agent knew nothing about.
The basement is huge, dark, creepy and stretches underneath the road, when I saw it I said I wouldn’t live here. Despite the creep factor, the house was the largest and cheapest one that we viewed so we still chose it. The whole design is freaky with doors and rooms placed halfway up stairs but we love it for its quirks.
...So, have you explored the basement yet? 14 million nosleep fans want you to tell us what's down there!
I have! I think it was either an old, retired smugglers tunnel (I’m very close to the clifftop) or a coal bunker due to its size. There’s a dark bricked off section in the corner that’s like a person sized cubbyhole, in front of that were lots of assorted nails which was quite creepy. We don’t store much down there and I avoid it as much as possible.
What are some of your biggest influences from media?
I’m a movie and Tv fanatic so a lot of my influences come from the screen more than the page. For traditional spooks I love American Horror Story, the Haunting of Hill House, the entire Purge franchise - including the parts that were slated - and Insidious.
Stories like Coraline, the corpse bride and the Witcher games also contribute to the more dark fantasy based aspect of my writing. For more literary influences I’m a huge fan of Lemony Snicket and believe every child and adult should read the entirety of A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Also, highly conceptual psychological viewing like The Truman Show, most reality TV in general and the movie The Platform inspire me to look at different facets of human behaviour and our reactions to stressful environments. I find that sort of thing fascinating.
All of those feature characters who are under the control of unseen entities who watch and influence them in ways that the characters don't always comprehend. Did this influence your "survival guide" series, either consciously or unconsciously?
Almost definitely. For that series I wanted my character to enter a pocket of the world that no one gets to see and that she would feel like the intruder in. The main character of the series is terminally stupid and gets herself into situations because she doesn’t comprehend the magnitude of what’s around her. It’s a mixture of childlike curiosity and needing the flat because it’s just so cheap but those unseen forces are what drives her primarily. Anyone with sense would move out but Kat doesn’t, instead she looks for every entity she can find.
Everyone with a creepy basement knows you don’t go exploring.
Your tenant survival guide story is now the fifth-highest upvoted story in NoSleep history, with eight parts in the top 63 stories. Congrats, that's a huge feat! How did it feel to see such a positive reaction?
Thank you! It was a shock and at the time I didn’t really understand just how well it was doing. I’d posted a few stories but I was relatively new to reddit - evidenced by my horrendous link formatting - and didn’t have notifications turned on or anything. I posted the story and went straight to sleep, when I got up and opened the app I was completely overwhelmed by the comments and support it was getting. I’m so grateful for how many people connected with that story and still do. I continue to get a steady trickle of messages about it and it still overwhelms me. I started on nosleep sorting by top so to know that something I wrote sits next to some of the most amazing things I’ve ever read is crazy.
That tale was one of the main inspirations, if not the single most influential story, in the "list of rules" trend that continues to be extremely popular. Did you have any idea that the story would have such an impact on other writers? How do you feel about the dissent over "rules" stories?
I had no idea, I’m not the first and certainly not the last to write a rules story but I do recognise the trend that followed the previous tenant. It’s really flattering to be attributed to such a popular trend but it’s also a little disheartening when I see all the complaints about it, especially when it continues to produce really great quality content.
There are some amazing series that have come about as part of the rules trend that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed, such as u/byfelsdisciple’s hospital series and u/poloniumpoisoning’s demon in the attic tale.
One of the most unique things about your intricate and sprawling series is that various sections of it are told by multiple characters as it branches off into different directions. Did you always intend that to be the storytelling dynamic? How far in advance did you develop the plot when you began?
I get bored very easily so I think I would struggle to write from a single character perspective for too long, but there are some I like to revisit so I suppose that’s why my series are told by different characters. I really enjoy playing with subtle connections that don’t affect each arc; like the twins from the block being patients of the dentist and Mr Prentice frequenting the pickled gnome. They’re fairly inconsequential connections, so readers don’t have to be fully caught up with the whole world but they’re fun if you’ve read them all.
Do you have an idea of how much more in depth the story will go? Is there already a planned ending in mind?
Planning wise there is a three series arc fully planned for the monster dentist but there’s some exciting things I’m working on in the background with that story, so I’m not rushing at all to complete it. My train station tale has a planned end and will probably be finished up the quickest but the gnome and the previous tenant don’t have planned endings at all.
I know what would be a third season of the previous tenant if I chose to write it but I don’t think I could ever fully bury that arc. The gnome I really wanted to be a place that I could pop in and out of like a real pub, so there’s no reason to call last orders yet. I do eventually want to bring the characters together in a more meaningful way but I’m unsure how that would play out.
It’s an ever developing world in progress.
Other than writing, what are some of your hobbies? What other creative mediums do you enjoy?
My biggest other hobby is house plants. My friends and family despair when they spot a new one as I’ve gone a little overboard. I wrote my story I’ve got 99 pot plants but a birch ain’t one. to celebrate reaching number 100. I also paint and love drawing really intricate mandalas, I find the symmetry quite soothing.
Do you ever explore writing other genres besides horror? If so, what other styles of writing? Which do you prefer?
I think quite a bit of my work overlaps with fantasy, which is strange as I’ve never been a typical fantasy lover. There are parts of the genre I appreciate but it certainly isn’t my favourite. Regardless, I would consider a lot of my work, especially in my extended universe, quite fantasy based.
I also really enjoy writing a bit of modern sci fi. I’m a fucking machine. was definitely dancing with the sci fi genre whilst sticking to the guidelines as best I could. Along that same line I wrote Does anyone else hate those snapchat filters? and I wanted my son back but it came at a price. (posted to TheCrypticCompendium) as sci fi horror odes to the darkness in modern technology.
"Snapchat filters" combined the constantly evolving role of technology in our lives with the persistent human tendency to link physical appearance with self-worth. What were you hoping readers would take from the story?
This story was part of my exploration of what scares me. Although all my stories are scary personal experiences for OP they aren’t necessarily things that I find scary. I am, however, a massive technophobe in every sense of the word. Alexa and things like that are totally banned from my house, Siri is switched off, tik tok is not downloaded at all and I write in my phone notes. I see the whole world continuing to move forwards with social media and the technology that surrounds it and I’m terrified.
I wrote this story after realising that a Facebook friend (barely an acquaintance in real life) exclusively used the dog filter for her pictures. I have never seen a photograph of this woman, or even her children, without it and I find that terribly sad. She’s become quite addicted to cosmetic procedures and I wonder if it’s in a quest to resemble her filtered self. I think social media is creating a whole host of mental health problems that the world isn’t equipped to identify and deal with and Snapchat Filters was an expression of that.
You've previously stated that "Fucking Machine" is one of your favorite stories. What makes it stand out in your mind? Did you worry that readers would find the concept too provocative?
That one stands out for me firstly because it’s very rare that I write from a male perspective so it was nice to challenge myself. I wanted men reading to roll their eyes at the stereotypical representation of the bachelor and then realise that it was very intentionally done. I also wrote it a day or so after the rule change to allow stories from AI’s so it was a concept I hadn’t played with before. I had so much fun with the story it took me 40 minutes in total to write, which is a definite record for me. This story was the direct inspiration for Snapchat filters and exploring my fear of technological progress and I think that’s produced some of my strongest writing.
I wasn’t worried about the concept to be honest, with it being flagged NSFW I think that was a decent warning that the subject matter was a little provocative. It was the first time I’ve ever had to use that tag though and I have to shout out the guys at thecrypticcompendium discord chat for helping me work out how to do it because otherwise it would’ve been a worry.
How much time do you spend writing in an average day or week? Do you have any rituals that help you focus?
It really varies. Some days I can write two or three one shots and other days I can barely manage a sentence. My phone is filled with notes saying things like; she always held a hammer? and girl, home alone WITH GILLS.
Sometimes I have no idea what the idea was supposed to be.
I don’t really have a specific ritual, but I’ve written everything I’ve ever done on my phone and I do wonder if I’d struggle to actually type one.
...Is that why you brought a hammer to this interview?
You guys noticed that? Oops.
When crafting a piece of fiction, do you generally start with an outline or simply begin writing?
I just write. Very occasionally I’ll put some planning in, usually for a series, but my plans always crumble as I start writing anyway. My planning document for the previous tenant describes almost a totally different plot line. I am a big fan of discovering the story along with the readers, if done correctly.
Have any of your stories ever involved research? If so, what was involved?
Acquired Savant Syndrome hands down took the most research. With my career I’d always been fascinated by the mind anyway and had a fair bit of knowledge on this subject. The research part with this story came in when doing the calendar calculations. I’m no Savant and I despise numbers so this was really tough, but every date, time or number in this story is accurate.
Has your background in mental health work played a role in any of your other stories? How did it factor into the writing of Acquired Savant Syndrome?
It hasn’t to a huge extent, mostly because I think the fact that representation of mental health in the media is mostly done in horror is incredibly dangerous. It’s all too often that the mentally ill person is the villain but in reality that’s such a minuscule proportion of the mental health community. I think there’s also a danger of leaning on a condition to be the characters primary trait. I would like to write an OP who has a mental health condition but manages it well and it isn’t integral to the story, I think that would be a healthier depiction.
For acquired savant it came into play because of my experience with individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injury similar to the OP. I was in the not for profit sector so my services weren’t specialised to any one condition and we saw people with learning disabilities and brain injury alongside mental health to address the psychological impact of their challenges. Acquired Savant is a very rare phenomenon but the rest of OP’s recovery was based heavily on people I worked with who were injured in similar fashion.
Are there any topics you feel are too controversial for you to address or that you prefer not to explore in your writing?
I don’t think any subject is too controversial to approach if handled with the right care. I enjoy reading works that would be considered controversial and think there’s a lot of space for them. I do tend to stick to a perspective culturally similar to my own though.
What are your feelings toward NoSleep's immersion/plausibility rule? What impact, if any, do you think the suspension of disbelief format may have when transitioning your work toward a mass audience unfamiliar with NoSleep?
Of all the rules this is probably the one I have the least trouble with. I’m very character driven when I write and favour a first person perspective both in and out of nosleep, so writing as if I am my character, who truly believes what they’re experiencing doesn’t feel forced for me.
Plausibility is a very open playing field and I think some of my work does walk a tightrope with it. The extended universe in particular presents monsters as if they’re cold, hard facts and it’s perfectly normal to walk among them. My characters, however, are generally always humans thrown into these situations, showing vaguely plausible human reactions.
When I first read search and rescue, knowing nothing about the sub, I absolutely thought that it was real and I’ve tried to replicate the feelings I got reading that multiple times but I just can’t. I remember where I was, what time it was and every detail of the story; the immersion and belief it was real even for a short time had that big an impact. For that reason alone, if newbies occasionally get to feel that, then I’m all for this rule.
Let’s just hope they don’t stumble on my work first lol.
Do you feel there are particular challenges you face as a woman writing in the horror genre? Are there advantages?
It’s interesting this comes up because it’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot since a discussion with some fellow authors. I don’t know if it’s a challenge but more of an observation; readers tend to default think a lot of us writers are men, even if our OP is female.
This can be advantageous when writing male characters or from any gender perspective that isn’t our own. But it can also be a little insulting. Did you presume because you liked it I was a boy?
I also think the paying narrator market is quite male dominated and they aren’t always as willing to seek out and narrate a story that’s from a female voice because it just doesn’t match up with their own. There are some fantastic exceptions, of course, but I do wonder if we lose a few opportunities to this.
Do you have any favorite reader reactions to your writing?
I have had some fantastically thoughtful, well written and humbling responses to my work. That being said, my absolute favourite was a comment on the first part of the second season of The Previous Tenant. It said;
What story or project are you most proud of?
Definitely the second season of the Previous Tenant. It’s the only story I’ve ever managed to write in full before posting and it was very special to me. I was very new to nosleep and got a little overwhelmed during its first run and felt like I closed a few plot points towards the end to get it finished, so it was nice to be able flesh out the bits I wanted to.
Sequel series, particularly those posted long after the original, tend not to be as successful on NoSleep, but the continuations to "Survival Guide" broke this trend and have all been very popular. What do you think compels readers to keep coming back nearly a year after the original series?
I really don’t know why. I’m really pleased that they do though! I’ve never been as nervous to post as I was when posting the first part of the tenant continuation. My attention span is short so I’m grateful that readers even remembered the tale that far on.
I do think that if you are going to continue a series that you’ve taken a large gap with that you should explain the gap, even if only briefly. I think that’s been of some help in keeping readership when posting sequel parts, certainly with the previous tenant but also with others. I did this recently with my dentist for monsters after a 44 day gap and still managed to retain quite good numbers. That posting slot is so important too, which is something I’ve learned pretty recently. There’s still an element of luck but if the slot is good you can double your odds of reaching top.
What's the most valuable lesson you've learned since you began posting to NoSleep?
That you should pursue doing the things you love, even if they seem like a crazy dream that will never happen. I always enjoyed writing but dismissed it to go into what I thought were more practical careers. I didn’t have faith that my work was good enough to be read and enjoyed by any audience, let alone one as huge as nosleep. Now, I have an established readership and occasionally make some pocket money off something I love. It’s a win win and I’m so glad I took the plunge.
It’s also helped me personally to deal with my difficult relationship with competition. I’m a very, very competitive person. I like to play fair and I like to win. There’s no point pretending that it doesn’t hurt when something you’ve poured hours into flops and it’s taken me a long time to be able to just have that happen and move on. I’ve learned to be able to let it go. It sounds cliche, but if you enjoyed what you wrote then the upvotes genuinely don’t matter.
As a successful author on NoSleep, do you have any advice for new contributors?
Try new things and write something you would want to read. Some of my older concepts, like Acquired Savant Syndrome, are my favourite because I was writing for myself and not what I thought would reach the top spot. I’ve been actively choosing the less usable, stranger ideas to run with recently to avoid this feeling. I think we can all get caught up in upvotes as authors and forget why we started in the first place. That idea you think might totally flop? Write it. Have fun. You never know who might relate to it.
What are your short-term and long-term writing goals?
Short term I want to finish my series, blast through my list of one shot ideas and continue to grow my sub.
Long term I would like to release an anthology and a novella and perhaps even find a way to make writing a primary career.
Due to the number of questions NewtotownJAM received from the community, the interview exceeded reddit's character limit, and will be split into two parts! You can read part two here.
submitted by NSIMods to NoSleepInterviews [link] [comments]

Tug's Roadhouse

A/N: I will post this over on Royal Road too. Thanks for reading guys.


Spacers came, spacers went.
And the swiveling door to Tug's Roadhouse never stopped spinning.
Like so many nights before it, tonight, a boisterous crowd gathered within the airtight walls of the only road stop for twelve parsecs in any direction. Its glowing lights were an alluring beacon to those who found themselves on the edge of the galaxy—roughnecks, miners, freighters, drifters, and ConFed troopers. Even an errant band of hard-eyed pirates could be seen landing on one of the luminous runways that circled the legendary establishment like the glittering spokes of a wheel.
Overhead, in the star-filled blackness, a multitude of ships waited for Tug's automated guidance systems to pilot their vessels to one of its ever-shifting landing berths where they would be whisked to an assigned slot amid an ocean of private flitters and immense mining barges looming in the background—scores of spacecraft gleaming in the starlight.
At the center of Tug's sprawling interior, sat a large round table around which those who were interested in more than just mindless revelry would gather for a drink and to exchange stories. It was a time-honored tradition, dating back to the first spacers who walked through that swiveling door and sat down for a drink. These tales from the inner core were one of the founding ingredients which made Tug's so successful—an intrinsic part of the culture out here on the edge. They were as ingrained within its structure as the countless miles of cables and conduits feeding life into its many parts.
And tonight? Tonight was no different than all of the nights that came before it. Tonight, there was a story to tell.


"Wait, what's a hoo man?" Gorg gurgled curiously. Her sixteen eye stalks all swiveled to focus on the hulking Tollarian seated across from her. "Never heared o' a hoo man before."
Soldarn glanced at her through a haze of smoke, and grinned with all of his formidable teeth, idly scratching at an ugly, jagged scar running the length of his otherwise very impressive mane of golden fur, quaffed one of several drinks laid out before him, then continued, unperturbed by the interruption.
"Well," he said with a low rumble, reaching for another drink. "As I was sayin'. We were stranded on Praeder V, surrounded on three sides by the frackin Muties, no hopes of surviving."
He pinched one of the many glasses of amber-colored liquid between two wicked-looking black claws and slowly lifted it to his snout.
"We were being slaughtered," he said gruffly, tipping the glass as if saluting some unseen specter. "Until they showed up, guns blazing."
"The hoomans?" Adak-Mir rasped through her ancient vocab implant.
Soldarn's glass halted a millimeter from his mouth; then he nodded slowly.
"Yea, the humans."
The bar's live band screeched in the distance, and his ears unconsciously twitched in their direction, his thoughts pierced by the sharp notes resonating from the sound stage.
"The Muties were everywhere!" He shouted over the band, his arms spreading out wide before him. The large oval slits in his four crimson eyes dilated until only solid black pupils remained. "I'm tellin' you... A million Muties! All swarming down on our position. And our weapons were slagged..."
He stared into his drink gravely and again cursed the vile creatures.
"I saw armored ConFed soldiers, good friends o' mine, torn apart like Orellian sun fruit."
Most of his cohort, or what was left of them once the Muties were finished feasting on their flesh, still lay decomposing in that accursed field back on Praeder V. A nightmare of a planet that he longed to forget, but couldn't.
"I lost my brother that night," He said through clenched teeth, staring blankly into his glass's amber depths.
Soldarn shook his head, drained the glass.
"They're all gone."
He came here to drink and listen to stories. Most of which he suspected were ninety-percent fiction, nine-percent embellishment, and one-percent half-truth.
But that didn't matter.
He'd long ago accepted them for what they were—an amusing distraction from an otherwise mundane existence subsisting on the edge. A way for spacers to share the inner systems' happenings with those so far removed from its perpetual turmoil that they were barely considered ConFed citizens.
Besides, lightspeed communication was abysmally slow - laughably slow. Even with automated comm-drone relay networks in place, it still took weeks for news to make its way out to them. And by then, it didn't matter anymore.
Reliable communication had become a problem for the outer territories once their borders stretched beyond the effective range of lightspeed data bursts. ConFed scientists had been working for years to unravel the mysteries of faster than light communication, and for years the answer had eluded them. Their best and brightest were at it right now in a lab somewhere on one of the inner system worlds, peering through their technology at pieces of the puzzle. But the answer was always the same. Transmissions broke down in subspace. Every frackin time, they broke down. Pixelated static, that was all that survived the chaos of that in-between realm.
"To the fallen!" Drak-Kel suddenly wheezed in her harsh, grating voice, startling Soldarn back to the present. She held her glass aloft in one of eight glistening appendages and toasted those who'd perished on Praeder V. "May they never be forgotten!"
Everyone followed suit, including Soldarn, who smiled, raised his glass, repeated her sentiment, then quaffed it in a single greedy gulp that sent beads of amber liquid rolling down his face to settle within his lower mane.
Many years had passed since he began this ritual of drinking and listening. Stumbling, quite accidentally, upon a sanctuary of sorts here at Tug's Roadhouse, where the grizzled old war dog could drown his dark memories for a few short, blissful hours. But not tonight. There wasn't enough drink in Tug's storeroom to help him forget the horrors of Praeder V. They were forever burned into his memory.
Soldarn glanced over his shoulder at a nearby group of spacers who stood with their heads tilted back, gazing up at the holographic shimmer of a holovid, forgotten drinks, and smokes hanging at their sides. The holovid was playing week-old news, they were aware of this, but some spacers still found a measure of comfort in that bluish-white glow.
"Where was I?" He asked his audience, returning his focus to the table.
"You were surround--"
"Oh yea," he cut the speaker off with a sharp wave of his paw. "We were outnumbered a thousand to one!"
The swelling crowd pressed in against those seated at his table nearly to the point of falling over them, they were so enthralled by his words.
"I never saw such numbers," He swore to the crowd, his haunted eyes staring through them at something only he could see. "Endless rows of clacking mandibles and razor-sharp..."
Even old Tug, the Gor proprietor of the Roadhouse, stood motionless behind the bar, dripping glass in one paw, towel in the other, captivated by the story.
"Then what happened?" A synthesized voice asked from somewhere in the crowd.
Soldarn's eyes refocused on the present, yet his face remained haunted by the past.
"We knew we were gonna die," he responded in a voice tight with measured control, unconsciously scraping a claw over the black scabs still present on his scar. "Our bodies would be left to molder in the valley of a mountain on Praeder V—of this, there was little doubt."
A servo-bot arrived just then with another round of drinks, and Soldarn paused long enough for the drone to empty its laden tray.
"We were desperately fighting for our lives," Soldarn cast his eyes down at the table and sighed bitterly. "Dying, retreating, helpless before their crushing advance. Some of the newer troops panicked and broke ranks. We never saw 'em again."
After a long moment, he looked up at his audience, who anxiously waited for him to continue.
"And that's when we heard it," he said cryptically, pointing a claw up at the ceiling. "Dropships."
"ConFed Specs come to rescue you?"
Soldarn shook his head an emphatic no.
"It was the hoomans, stoopid," Gorg snapped at the interruption, leveling a hateful stare in the offender's direction. "Now, shaddup!"
"It was unbelievable - the way the humans fought, it was..." Soldarn shook his head, unable to conjure the words. "I don't think they feel fear..."
"That's not possible," Troz Grplag scoffed. "There isn't a creature alive who doesn't feel fear! It's one of the universal imperatives. Fear is survival."
Soldarn glanced at the shaggy-headed Shol sideways and shrugged.
"Maybe," he conceded. "But it sure didn't look that way to me. The way they..."
Soldarn hesitated, considering the Shol's words.
Perhaps, he was correct, and they did feel fear.
If that were true, it made what they had done all the more impressive. Because until that moment on Praeder V, humans had never even heard of a Mutie, let alone seen one. They were not prepared psychologically for the sight of a three-meter tall, hulking insect, weighing four times that of themselves.
Muties had six massive limbs, four for walking and running, two for work, and fighting. Their upper arms were incredibly powerful, hanging down almost two meters from colossal shoulder joints and ending with razor-sharp, vise-like claws, powerful enough to slice through a foot of toberite plexium. Their skin was thickly armored exoskeleton, gnarled, ridged, dull-sheened, and black-hued.
No, the Muties were a terrible, frightening, and awesome spectacle. Their massive, skeletal visage, huge ridged skulls, and tree trunk legs were enough to break most spacers' courage. And there were a million of'em thundering straight at the humans with a singular thought - Kill.
And the humans turned to face them - that is fearless.
"No," he said at length, casting an unwavering stare straight into Troz Grplag's eyes, or rather, straight at the shaggy, meter-long locks that covered them. "You weren't there. You didn't witness the way they turned and faced those Muties. It was--"
"Fearless," Troz Grplag finished Soldarn's sentence impatiently. Motioning for him to move the story along. "Riveting, now please continue."
Soldarn's eyes flashed with irritation, but the fire was fleeting, and after a moment, he waved the creature's impatience aside. It just wasn't worth it. He knew that Shol's were impatient creatures, everyone did, although most didn't understand why considering their lives spanned centuries.
"We were fighting with our backs against a wall!" Soldarn picked up where he'd left off, slamming a series of three shots in rapid succession before he continued. "I looked back figurin' to see our saviors covering our retreat, but they were gone."
"They runned away?" Gorg gasped in a voice, both outraged and confused.
"No," Soldarn again shook his massive head. "The humans didn't run away. Just the opposite. They shielded us from harm, and advanced."
Everyone at the table fell back in surprise. Advancing? On the Muties? That was beyond belief.
A group of dangerous-looking Mor'ele callously brushed past his table, and Soldarn frowned up at them as they passed.
Pirates, he decided after a moment, swirling the tip of a claw in his drink so that tiny sparkles danced across its surface.
The Mor'ele pirates shot him a menacing scowl and sauntered off toward the pub's rear, where they slipped into a booth's dark embrace.
Perhaps, they weren't pirates after all, but simple freight haulers waiting for their return load to the inner core, he told himself, unconvincingly. There was no reason to suppose that they were pirates simply based on rude behavior.
But that wasn't it, was it? There was something else. Something in the way that they moved, their shifty eyes, even their demeanor screamed predator—it sounded alarms in his head.
Most spacers who ventured out this far from civilization fell into one of three categories:
Miners prospecting for rare Toberite asteroids found only on the edge.
Low-class serfs merely looking to escape the chaos and crushing poverty endemic in the lower castes languishing within the inner system's sub-structures.
And then there were the groups of ruthless pirates, parasites feeding off the hard work of the innocent's who'd traversed half a galaxy hoping for a better life, and the soldiers sent here to stop them.
Soldarn blinked, looked around. And abruptly realized that everyone was staring at him uncertainly.
"Apologies," he muttered sheepishly, his snout blanching in embarrassment. "Dark memories."
Their unsure expressions melted away, and a lilting voice spoke from somewhere in the back.
"No shame in it."
The band's loud music suddenly rose into a discordant crescendo, and Grez-Groz, seated next to Soldarn, cranked her bulbous head around behind her to glare at them through slitted eyes, lit a flikstick, and sighed the smoke from her gill slits in two great roiling streams.
"I shouldn't be here," Soldarn assured them, his voice trembling when he spoke. "None of my company should be."
The crowd leaned in ever so close. Their anticipation heightened to an almost palpable level.
In the background, a giant holovid flashed with scenes of a desperate battle on some distant world, and gambling machines invited patrons to wager their chits on chance.
"Never thought ConFed forces would be the ones needin' rescued," he grumbled angrily, slamming his glass down onto the table with a sharp clack. "We failed that day. But not the humans."
Soldarn glanced at Gorg once more, shrugged, and tossed back another drink.
"I'd never heared of a human before either," he confessed, peering at her over the glass's gold-plated rim. "Not until that day."
She returned his gaze with one of distaste.
"I don't likes the name hooman," she said with disgust. "It sounds gross."
Soldarn blew out a heavy sigh, raked his claws through his mane, scratched absently at his scar, then continued.
"I didn't know they were our allies at first," he admitted, gesturing over his shoulder at a large swathe of stars marked off as a contested territory on a wall-mounted holographic map of the galaxy. "They're from a small system called Sail somewhere in that cluster."
"Sail..." The crowd echoed, following his gaze up to the map.
"ConFed ambassadors had just signed an alliance with them shortly before they intercepted our distress beacon," he went on, his eyes growing misty. "The seal of friendship was still drying on their armor."
He nodded slowly, more to himself than anyone at the table.
"Truly courageous warriors."
"They sound fearsome," Adak-Mir rasped, signaling for a servo-bot to bring another round of drinks. "We could use a few of them out here on the edge to help with the pirate situation."
Soldarn agreed with her wholeheartedly.
It seemed like for every group of the marauders they dealt with, two more sprang out of the shadows to take their place.
If there were humans out here, they wouldn't be nearly so lenient as the gutless ConFed courts and overcrowded prison systems.
"Tiny little things, the humans," Soldarn explained, holding up two claws less than a millimeter apart. "Don't look like much to give you trouble."
He scanned the darkness, his eyes searching.
"Kinda like those Ostorites over there," he offered to the crowd, pointing a claw to where a group of the tiny creatures hunkered over a table in the distance. "But if you ever chance to meet one, don't let those soft, cuddly features fool you. They're a hunnerd times meaner than a hunchback Trell!"
The crowd stared at him incredulously.
Hunchback Trell's were widely regarded as the meanest, nastiest creatures ever to inhabit the galaxy. With a volatile temperament, not unlike an active volcano and twice the size of an Avinge armored viper, they were lethal, monstrous creatures notorious for devouring friends and family purely for the pleasure of hearing them scream.
"Brishh," someone scoffed in the crowd. "I thought you said they was our friends?"
"Indeed," Soldarn replied, nodding his head slowly. "Fiercely loyal friends, too. Just take care, and remember what I said."
Troz Grplag had heard enough. He grunted loudly, scraped back his chair, and made a big show of standing up on all four segmented legs, before lumbering off toward where the band was just beginning another set of thresher, shaking his shaggy head the entire time.
Soldarn's four crimson eyes followed him for a moment before they returned to the table.
"What?" He spat into his drink, spraying amber drops in the face of a Bull Maz sitting across from him. "You guys don't believe me?"
The Bull Maz blinked in surprise, growled, and stood up, his armored back glowing red-hot with anger.
The crowd fell silent and took an involuntary step back.
Soldarn ignored the Bull Maz's searing gaze, sweeping his own over those still seated.
"Well?" He feigned outrage.
An awkward silence was his only response.
In truth, Soldarn didn't blame them. He was on Praeder V when the humans unexpectedly came to their rescue. He'd witnessed them in combat, and still barely believed what he saw.
"Fine!" He shouted, lifting a massive paw in defeat. "Fine, I can prove it."
Everyone stopped moving and leaned back in, their eyes shining with curiosity. Even the mysterious methane breathers watched from behind their peculiar helmets, and the Vengean Hunters sitting at the bar swiveled back in wonder.
Soldarn reached into one of the many cases adorning his battle armor and retrieved a tiny metal cylinder that he gently placed on the table. All eyes followed its metallic glint—the silvery flash of a ConFed issued armor memory core—a soldier's black box.
"Well, go on then," Gissom, the two-headed Yol, barked impatiently, drool leaking from all four corners of her two mouths. "We ain't got all night, show us--"
"--whatchu been yappin about." Her second head finished the sentence for the first, turning a hideous grin on her twin. "We needs to see these Hoomans."
Soldarn allowed himself a near-invisible smile.
"Yea?" His snout twitched greedily. A soldier's pay was borderline poverty level, and he had eighty-five children to feed. Perhaps, he could coax a little coin from their purses in exchange for the holo. "What's it worth to ya?"
Their faces darkened.
"We already paid for a hunnerd rounds, ye greedy Tollarian!" They all shouted at once, their curious expressions twisting into angry scowls. "Your turn now, play--"
"How about yer stinkin life!" the Bull Maz shouted over them, his armored hide still glowing with fury. "Show us the frackin Hoomans, now."
Soldarn's four crimson eyes narrowed dangerously. That almost sounded like a threat. And he wasn't one to back down from a challenge. His claws instinctively twitched deep furrow lines into the tabletop.
"I'll show you," he snarled threateningly, picking at his large canines with a deadly claw. "But only cause I keep my word."
Soldarn considered a quick rush across the table to tear out the Bull Maz's throat but quickly dismissed it.
Tug's Roadhouse frowned upon those who killed their customers. Besides, he was a well known ConFed soldier—a regular here. The unjustified slaying of a civvy would be a guaranteed death sentence if found guilty by court-martial, which would almost certainly be the case. No, he would let the insolent Grraska live, for now.
Soldarn bit back his anger and leveled a hard stare at the Bull Maz, before sweeping up the metal cylinder and slotting it into the table's data port.
"I'll show you," he repeated, this time, his voice was barely a whisper. Then he swiped the holovid to life.
The battle of Praeder V materialized in a miniaturized, holographic depiction projected a few inches above the table. Its soft blue glow washed over them and reflected its horrors in their eyes.
Soldarn folded his claws behind him, reclined back in his chair, and gazed up at wisps of smoke curling toward the ceiling. He didn't need to watch it. He'd lived it. And every moment of that terrible night haunted him when he closed his eyes.
He sighed softly, sadly, and dared to shut them once more. It had been so long since he slept...


Outside, in the icy vacuum of space. The soft glow of Tug's Roadhouse, a sprawling pub built on a five-kilometer wide asteroid tidally locked to a gas giant, hurtled off into the darkness.
Act Two
submitted by Glacialfury to HFY [link] [comments]

[OG+REMAKE SPOILERS] A comprehensive list of every single easter egg in the Remake

As you've likely already noticed, the FFVII Remake is filled to the brim with small details, references and easter eggs, so as someone who usually hunts down details as a job, I wanted to see how many references I could spot across my multiple playthroughs, so I've been keeping track of all of this in a notepad as I've been playing. This is definitely not all the details, but it should hopefully cover most of them. I hope this can give you more appreciation for all the effort the developers poured into this game.
That said, the definition of a detail/easter egg can vary a lot, so I want to establish some rules:
With that said, let's get started! Here are all the details I could find, classified by chapters:
CHAPTER 9: (whoo boy, strap in because there's a billion references here)
And that's most of them! Again, chapter 18 has a bunch of symbolism and foreshadowing too, but that's its own beast which I won't tackle here. Any other details I might have missed? Share them below so we can have a truly complete easter egg thread!
submitted by OharaLibrarianArtur to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

All Killer Add-ons Discussion and Suggestions Thread

!! Warning !! Long Killer Addon discussion post with no potato at the end.
Part 1 of 4
I typed up while “working from home” after seeing Developer Almo reply on these forums that he might be adding Rat Liver to Demogorgon’s basekit much like Pig’s crouching addon so uh... enjoy and discuss. I’ll take suggestions and such and update the thread before moving it to the suggestion box for the Devs. A lot of this stemming from things just feel clunky on killers and something else could be slightly tweaked to make up for them getting these “brown addon to basekit” buffs. This is pre-Blight killer (who is currently on the PTB) so that will be looked at once Blight is Live.
Here are some balance suggestions for discussion from someone who plays roughly 60% survivor 40% killer at the moment (Due to queue times on killer being longer for me when I queue red ranks) with over 1000 hours over 3~+ years.
In my opinion, Pink Addons should in theory change something on the killer to warrant the rarity of the addon, I also believe that they should have a downside to make up for it. Whether this is more interesting for the killesurvivors by varying the counterplay or gameplay. There are also things on killers that just feel clunky and designed especially brown ones that should have base-kits.
Table of Contents
I. Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer Leatherface)
II. Clown
III. Deathslinger
IV. Demogorgon (Upside Down Creature)
V. Doctor
VI. Hag
VII. Hillbilly
VIII. Huntress
IX. Legion
X. Ghost Face (Scream Mask)
XI. Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
XII. Nurse
XIV. Pig (Jigsaw Killer)
XV. Plague
XVI. Shape (Michael Meyers)
XVII. Spirit
XVIII. Trapper
XIX. Wraith
I. Cannibal (Bubba Sawyer Leatherface)
A. Doing this alphabetically so weird to start on Cannibal but his basekit feels pretty fresh and good for me at the moment so I wouldn’t change anything for him currently after his rework (You can disagree with me here). His old Hillbilly knockoff addons got changed, they gave him 2 iridescent addons (before he had none) and thank god they removed the old Primer Bulbs or Old Tuning Guides (Used to reduce charge time) which makes him more fun for survivors and killer alike (Old Bubba was strong just boring) even though these new Knife Scratches or Beast Mark’s movement speed thing makes Bubba when you’re transitioning between tilesets but that’s definitely a terror element there trying to run from an angry Bubba to the closest window or locker.
If I was pulling hairs I would further embrace his identity and give him the old Chili addon chainsaw acceleration and turning ability in his basekit but maybe make his charge time like .25 slower (the proximity of tilesets really makes his chainsaw painful to use anyway especially with windows and lockers).
B. Cannibal’s Pink Addons:
Maybe going even further with his Iridescent Flesh giving him reduced turning radius in exchange for even more movement speed (I saw Flesh because it doesn’t do enough atm while the new pink Carburettor Tuning Guide has that consume all charges downside anyway ie no control). Either way make him a drifting race car that is harder to control with the pinks that allows him to keep going if he gets downs for longer tantrums.
II. Clown
A. Clowns most ridiculous mechanic that feels terrible is having to stir his reload while virtuely standing still (it’s like 40% or close to that for 5seconds). Yes it’s supposed to be the counterplay that he gassed a bunch of time and you got away but this almost NEVER comes into play during a chase especially since you can cancel the reload. It usually isn’t punishing enough for the survivor to get significant space (since you can choose where you reload unlike Huntress locker reloads) but rather it’s a post-hook activity/ritual where you waste 5 of your 10 seconds of anti-camping leeway just reloading after hooking someone without the brown addons.
So add the brown "Fingerless Parade Gloves" addon to his basekit: Slightly decrease reload time (5secs down to 4seconds) and I would go even further on that reload if the developers would allow it because that is arguably the worst clunky part about his kit – maybe make him look down (nurse stun) mix bottles and stand still but let him finish it in 1.5 seconds instead by not letting him cancel it if it begins the animation too. No nerf in exchange necessary because it’s counter-intuitive to the anti-camping design anyway.
B. Clown’s Pink Addons:
  1. Redhead’s Pinky Finger (Instant Down when directly hitting someone with a bottle): This is actually a pretty nice addon considering most Clowns do not directly peg folks (playstyle change) so the expose immediately feels rewarding. I would arguably it isn’t really Overpowered at the moment but maybe if you needed a downside make the gas hinders slightly less than normal gas or has a shorter duration since you’re going for direct hits and it should reflect as a downside.
  2. Tattoo’s Middle Finger (Aura reveal for 6 seconds for gased survivors) – this is actually a solid “I’m all Ears” perk replacement adon but honestly this shouldn’t be a pink addon but a purple one as it doesn’t change gameplay enough and is just a strong add-on on it’s own.
Suggested New Pink Addon Replacement:
3) Crackhead’s Stinky Finger: Make the Clown’s gas into a movement speed INCREASING gas for BOTH survivors and clown. The clown no longer has the ability to hinder survivors but his gas now allows him to go faster (VRROoM!!) while obscuring his own vision (I guess survivors too) and could be a fun change where survivors are trying to run into gas to get their slight movement speed increase too. The exact number is hard for me to say but something like this done properly would make Clown bring other addons like Reload Speed or Extra Bottle addons and varied gameplay - which clown basically ignores at the moment as they aren’t necessary.
III. Deathslinger
A. As the Killer the whole pull someone in to hit him to get a blood wipe instead of the stun THEN have to reload either way could be addressed but I’ll say he’s pretty strong in chases as it is in his current form but movement speed would help his map pressure since he can’t crossmap fire like Huntress.
Now as a Survivor I think there needs to be a bigger tell for when Deathslinger brings up his harpoon gun to aim at you – whether it be an immediate noise rather than the slowly building ring (Could still be used to bait dead hards or jukes much like huntress). As a Killer the quick scope feels risky and rewarding – especially if its right before they get to that pallet drop but the lack of survivor feel good puts that interaction in the same 50/50 category like Spirit at times (That’s another conversation). As a survivor trying to keep your eyes 100% glued to Deathslinger in transitions because he doesn’t make a DISTINCT Grunt like Huntress when he draws up makes him less of an interaction but guessing game in many scenarios.
That will obviously have to be offset by giving him a small buff somewhere else depending on whether there is a straight delay or just an audible and I would suggest giving his harpoon another 7 or so meters of range (related to his pink addon) but feel free to make suggestions there.
B. Deathslinger’s Pink Addons
  1. Iridescent Coin (Exposes on survivors speared from at least 15 meters away) – Fair addon that forces longshots (Unliked a certain hatchet head cough…). The biggest problem with this addon isn’t that you can tell whether you were or not (Speared Event +200 Bloodpoints vs Sharpshooter Event +400 Bloodpoints) which is still a long reel and rewarding enough that you are shooting from far. The problem is that your harpoon gun’s maximum range is 18 meters… meaning you have a 3 meter window to accurately sharpshoot AND reel the target to instant down someone (meaning you usually have to run a reel addon too). This is why I suggested his harpoon gun becomes a 25 meter max range (obviously make it so he can reel that distance if completely unobstructed meaning the chain doesn’t turn orange at all by default).
Alternate Gameplay Change if it’s done without above range increase buff… just outright make it an instant down when shot between 15-18meters without any reel time required but make the reload time doubled. Make him a long range Aim-down-sight sniper with a punishing reload if he gives up and tries to play normally.
2) Hellshire Iron (Survivors’s auras are revealed in your terrior radius as long a you spear a survivor). This should just be a purple addon to be honest as it’s an adjusted Infectious Fright “something” but doesn’t give much gameplay change.
Suggested Pink Addon Replacement:
3) Flexed Chains:
The reel can NO longer be prematurely canceled by the killer but still breaks without full stun at full duration BECAUSE the killer gains reach on his hit to hit over a pallet (obviously different elevation vaults would prevent this so eventually it has to break though you can still hit through windows now). When another survivor runs through your chain instantly breaks the chain and stuns the killer for 4s, allowing the speared survivor to go free. This generates some teamplay opportunities here even more than trying to stand on a chain currently (because any average Deathslinger will cancel atm before the chain completely breaks) while forcing people to run in pairs to try and counter his now albeit much stronger power. “But now he can’t use his power if people are running in pairs” - which you can still attribute to wasting 2 people’s time constantly since they have to be positioned correctly to null the power 100%, who aren’t doing gens even especially if you end up M1ing them down – and not being able to pre-drop pallets in a 1v1 chase becomes a game changer interaction that a lot of killer mains wanted to see from Deathslinger PTB (they wanted a full animation of yanking the survivor over the pallet but hey – get what the devs can afford).
IV. Demogorgon
A. Rat Liver increases 9% movement speed while holding Shred with M2 (meaning 101% instead of 92% movement speed) and arguably his mandatory brown addon as it’s literally his best addon and ONLY addon of ANY COLOR that does effect in any way. This is what prompted this complete discussion thread after seeing Developer Almo (Part of balancing) agreeing with this assessment and saying he will be looking into it. This will most likely become part of Demo’s base kit because honestly it just makes Demogorgon significantly better while running any other addons is actually bad for ending chases using shred.
In general Demogorgon’s addons are pretty weak as almost all of them effect his portals rather than doing anything else – honestly many of them could be changed into generic Aura Blindness, Hemmoraging, or even Mangled (120s on Purples probably) on landing Shreds that every other killer seems to get to give him more options for perks. Undetectable and time spent for survivors to get rid of portals is fun and all but probably needs to be looked at considering his MASSIVE stomping noises and loud noises on teleporting + 14s COOLDOWN inbetween teleports that limits the mind gaming ontop of that. The only one that sort of works is Lifeguard Whistle like the Mindbreaker perk as you can killer instinct detect usually as the guy is cleansing but usually they start walking away to recover so its not nearly the full 5s which is small already.
B. Demogorgon’s Pink Addons
  1. Red Moss used to have the effect of giving shred the ability to break pallets before it became a +8 seconds to undetectable (2 seconds to 10 seconds) while increasing the cooldown recovery of the teleport by 10seconds from 14 seconds to 24 seconds. Honestly if made traversing completely quiet or made his stomping actually quiet I would be for this addon. Maybe as an actual downside in exchange for that make his traversing the upside down SLOWER since he is trying to be a stalker. Would actually promote the gameplay change at that point.
  2. Leprose Lichen (Reveals the Aura of all injured survivors while traversing the Upside Down) – This is an absolutely borderline garbage addon at the moment allowing you to get glimpses of stuff WHILE in a fixed field of view but ALSO injured. Once again could be a purple addon that combos with Red Moss by making the traversing speed EVEN slower in exchange for being able to see ANY survivor.
Suggested Pink Addon Replacement
3) Fungal Spines – Add 2 more portals (up to 8 from 6 default with a max of 9 with another addon) but prevent the Demogorgon from teleporting through his own portals through Of the Abyss. Instead the portals now hinder movement much like Freddy and causes the survivor to scream (Bubble reveal) if they are RUNNING over the trap. Creates an alternative gameplay choice and still allows wasting time through survivor trying to disarm these portals while dealing with Demogorgon’s other addons and that it detects for him when he is using M2 Killer Instincts. Unlike Freddy the traps aren’t one and gone and doesn’t require dream state.
V. Doctor
A. The Doctor’s madness mechanics are just confusing and infuriating for new survivors, who have no idea what all the insane stuff is happening on the screen. Information coming to the killer with illusion doctors revealing their approximate locations, 100% loud chase terror radius persisting and red stain revealing the immersed survivors trying to hide. HonestlyI played a lot of Doctor just because I used to honestly hate stealthing/immersed 0 interaction survivors, I’ve shyed away from him without running the shock detonation time decrease addons (just because I value ending loops more than before after playing for so long). With rework gave him Static Blast and I can’t really say he needs anything… if I had to suggest one then (much like Nurse later on) the Maple Knight Brown addon (which reveals the Shock Therapy Area of Effect) should be part of his base-kit just because it helps new players and lets you adjust to the different shock shape change tapes addons faster (which I never found to be useful myself).
B. Doctor’s Pink Addons
  1. Iridescent King (Gives every single Maddness Affliction Calm, Discipline, Order and Restraint with NO DOWNSIDES) – honestly all this stuff is fine and there should be something like this… but an appropriate downside because most of the “Doctor is afflicted too” isn’t enough. Fake pallets shouldn’t be highlighted in white to the Doctor for example. There should random and frequent fake sound explosions and screams from the Doctor’s point of view in exchange for the how powerful this addon is. Gameplay change isn’t much but all players get to deal with Chaos… equally. Pink addon chaos even.
  2. Iridescent Queen (Static Charge on Shock and Blast to zap your teammates) – This is honestly the most infuriating addon that makes you hate your teammates and regret rescuing your teammates as you just keep getting forced into madness tier 3 just to rescue someone… forced to snap out over and over again through a match especially on small maps vs Distressing Perk Doctor. I would definitely give it a downside by making the addon give a longer static blast cooldown by like 8~10seconds. The counterplay is really to stay apart… which can’t be communicated well to new players so it fits as a Pink addon still.
VI. Hag
A) Honestly she has some varied fun addons especially the purple ones like Rusty Shackles (instant hits with no reaction time though it removes her powerful camera snap for some spots), Aura Reading on Trigger and Grandma’s Heart (Randomly Activating Psuedo Dark Devotion).
Honestly Disfigured Ear is useless but fun to experience once (should completely mute sound or it would be cool if it firecracker blinded the survivor for a full second too like the trap just flashbanged them. I honestly am one of the few people that think Hag “when played correctly” is one of the most difficult to deal with killers unless you’re walking into it with prior knowledge somehow (Hax). Lucking out with Flashlights, Urban Evasion and a team (SWF even) that knows to correct defuse or just survivors (in a cruel twist) “pressures” the hag throughout is literally the only way you win against a good hag. The problem that I see commonly is that people face mediocre to below average hags that set 3 traps under each hook than misconstrued Hag’s strength at utter control if allowed to place all her traps correctly. Literally the only thing would be the maximum teleporting distance increase addons which would be up from her 40m (which is powerful enough for most maps) just because some map layouts are obnoxiously large but that’s a whole different issue to discuss in another thread.
  1. Mint Rag (On command teleport to any trap every 15s with no downsides). This is currently one of the most broken and underrated addons on good Hags – the skill ceiling is high and possible mistakes completely on the killer side but the only downside I can even suggest for this is that the traps be easier to see especially on maps like Swamp – I would even be okay with a simple bright glow on the trap whenever the hag targets it with her crosshair that the survivor standing on it can see (creates even mind game potential for the Hag too but also makes it easier to know which trap she is going to) just to prevent that Devour Hope protecting totem grab when you crouch walked to it because she can just appears with no sound or delay as it is now (By combining with Rusty Shackles).
  2. Waterlogged Shoe (Faster Movement, Traps Slow Survivors, Cannot Teleport) – I mean it’s a gameplay change… it’s a bad one by itself but it is one. Combine with purple addon Scarred Hand which makes Phantasms have Collision and also prevents teleports. I would actually be okay with seeing Scarred Hands removed completely and just added onto Waterlogged entirely as not being able to teleport is a pretty big downside. In exchange give a new “Painting Mud” purple addon that gives an additional trap charge.
VII. Hillbilly
A. Honestly “the rumours of his death were greatly exaggerated” because PTB Billy is not what came out live. Overheat is little more than an anti face camp mechanic if you aren’t intentionally messing with it new addons aren’t too bad after creating a somewhat fun requirement (Mother’s Helpers and a 4.4 base movement reduction) to instant saw now. He’s definitely weaker than before but nowhere near unplayable… I guess if I had to force an addon onto him the Brown Heavy Clutch addon (Decreases the Colision Zone during a Chainsaw Sprint) could be part of him to ease the new Billies into being able to saw around a pallet loop if the survivor misplays.
Talking to another Hillbilly main - apparently with his recent overheating nerf being back at 3.5s it's a bit more noticeable when chainsaw patrolling big maps so Yellow Addon Punctured Muffler is top tier again. Maybe add in a green addon with a similar effect or as an added part of other stuff
B. Hillbilly’s Pink Addons
  1. Apex Muffler (Chainsaw is silent for survivors outside of the terror radius) - on it's own it's actually not that bad but...
  2. Iridescent Brick (After maintaining a Chainsaw Sprint for 2 seconds, gain the Undetectable Status Effect until you stop sprinting)
These two addons were obviously meant to be used together and should just be combined with the added downside of doubling the duration of billy's obstacle collison self stun because nerfing his running speed just because he is silent would be unfun for all parties involved. That would be deserving of a pink addon. In exchange elevate LoPro Chains (Allowing Chainsaw Sprint to continue through pallets and result in a single Health state hit) – exactly as it is as a pink addon. If there HAD to be a downside to it then increase the overheating rate so that the Billy couldn’t Rev bait for too long then charge through a pallet (still a minor downside for a gameplay changing addon).
Then change Green Leafy Mash addon (Gain the Undetectable Status for 15s after landing a Chainsaw hit) or Green Mother’s Helpers addon (Reduce Chainsaw charge for 30s after being stunned) to a purple addon as both are actually pretty fun to play with when combined with Infectious Fright or Enduring respectively. A new green addon alternative would be the upgraded yellow Big Buckle called “Unusually Big Buckle” that decreases Terror Radius by 20 meters when the Chainsaw is overheated.
VIII. Huntress
A) Honestly she doesn’t need a green addon that lets her see where hatchets in lockers within 36 meters at all times (even when not running empty). This should just be a base kit thing to very slight planning where she can reload (even knowing where basement is considering her whole territorial imperative perk theme for those going for adept I guess) but it’s such a minor thing – just give it to her. Honestly huntress mains would probably hate the added information clutter of yellow hatchet locker lines everywhere but at this point it shouldn’t be an addon for sure.
Replacement Green addon: could be better Deerskin Gloves with a Considerably reduce Hatchet Reload time.
B) Huntress’s Pink Addons
  1. Iridescent Head (Inflict the Dying State upon the survivor by reducing hatchet max by 4) – Literally the most hated addon as it is on a mediocre to below average huntress and on a good huntress you literally just can’t do anything against her.
I’m okay with this perk IF there were a few requirements especially if you want to allow it to combo with Infantry belt (allowing you carry 3 Iridescent Heads). So… I’ll just throw a few up
Alternative 1: Reduce number of hatchets you can carry to 1 no matter other effects (including belt and have it reflect in the tooltip of the addon through correct wording) AND You MUST fully charge a hatchet (meaning you hear the SHING noise) in order for this to instant down.
Alternative 2: Much like Deathslinger’s Pink addon – there should be a minimum distance for the instant down to activate. Tentatively 24 meters (Could be more since her humming is 45m as it is) minimum to instant down with the hatchet meaning those hail mary throws become very rewarding for god huntresses and it would still combo with Infantry Belt.
New pink addon suggestion
2) “Unshattering Heads” Start with 5 extra Hatchets. Increases Hatchet Carrying Capacity by 5 (Total of 10 by default). Hatchets no longer break upon hitting a surface but is instead bounced to the closest traversable terrain, the huntress must run over the location to regain her ammunition. Lockers no longer replenish Huntress’s hatchets. The auras of the hatchets on the ground will always be revealed to the killer.
Something I thought of when attempting a machine gun hatchet build using green addon Flower Babushka (Considerably reduce hatchet wind-up time) – could potentially be seen as a plus if you’re ever running back over where you threw your hatchets in a controlled way as it’s instant reloading but super punishing if you just haphazardly throw your axes into the corners and be forced to run to them later. Since she cannot reload at any locker she has to always be able to see where to pickup her hatchets which in turn means she doesn’t constantly sees locker locations if we’re talking about another downside combined with the added “buff” above. It creates a wholly different game pace for the entire match and I think could be a fun pink addon
IX. Legion
A. After his reworks (with lots of addon changes and how Deep wound works) with missed attack ending his power then most recent nerf where he can’t see scratch marks or blood during feral frenzy. Honestly he’s no longer completely skill-less and while still kind of boring to go against – his current powerlevel is far higher than new killer mains give him credit for. Constantly being able to activate a “REVEAL ALL” especially by exploiting weak links in the survivors can allow you to absolutely stomp the information war portion of the match. Maybe I’m biased because I know how valuable and fun being able to know WITHOUT A DOUBT that there isn’t some dwight hiding in some locker (also I like profiling the survivors throughout a match).
With new deep wound mechanics that stop the timer when running AND when mending then Frank’s Mix Tape or even Stab Wounds Study (Both which reduce Deep wound timers) should just be part of the game at this point because 30 seconds is ridiculously long to mend themselves whenever they feel like it (I’m not saying the power isn’t a great stall ability to build pressure giving 12s per survivor though).
B. Legion’s Pink addons
  1. Iridescent Button (The unlimited detection and terror radius to scare folks and breaking vaulted pallets) is actually strong though it does have one built in downside of not knowing which killer instinct is closer than the other at times due to how red pulsing works (interpreting and managing this takes experience and knowledge) AND it alerts the survivors that this is in play immediately when you hit the first person. No change necessary with fair downsides though it is very strong.
  2. Fuming Mix Tape (Generator repair progression can be determined by intensity of their aura) – much like the Wraith Addon – this is a ton of information and doesn’t really have a downside. If I had to add one I would say the cooldown of Feral Frenzy should be longer (maybe 30s instead of 20s) in exchange for this powerup. Gameplay really enforces that anti-discordance/legion playstyle of everyone split and work simultanously pressure generators solo becomes even more important.
X. Ghost Face (Scream Mask)
A. Bar none his best addons are Base Night Shroud Recovery time (base 30s) because they just flatly reduce seconds each regardless because of the nature of his power. EVERY good Ghostface runs ANY TWO OF THESE Green Chewed Pen (-8s recovery), Yellow Olsen’s Address Book (-6s recovery) and WalleyesMatchbook (-4s recovery) stacked together. Everything else is just not worth running in comparison just because how often you are forced to go in and out of your power throughout a match.
Suggestion: Just reduce the base cooldown to 24s meaning it becomes 16s with JUST the Green Chewed Pen. Make it so these addons no longer stack together (While raising the rarity of each of these addons by one, brown to yellow to green to purple etc). meaning you aren’t forced to run two of them just to not feel exponentially weaker but still reach the same level of power. It’s a significant buff but base Ghostface is just significantly clunky in comparison just because his other addons are pretty terrible overall (many which don’t understand that ghostfaces will almost always 99% people through lean stalking then chase down and 1 tap folks).
B. Ghost Face’s Pink addon
  1. Outdoor Security Camera (Aura reveal on all outside terror radius after downing marked survivors). This is actually a really strong pink addon especially paired with Chewed Pen AND Infectious Fright (Just think about the interaction if you don’t get it). It actually punishes folks trying to play around barbeque and chili and gives tons of information – I would add a downside of adding 6s back to the recovery as part of this addon because in it’s current form this is a strong power so it would put it back to 22s even with the above buff.
  2. “Ghost Face Caught on Tape” (Tremendously reduces the stalk timer when leaning from cover but increases stalk time when not leaning) – honestly a terrible pink addon but it could be a purple addon – just because it makes 99% faster if you get used to the speed but makes exposing while chasing a fraction of a second slower in return.
Suggested new pink addon
3) “Betraying your Best Friend” - Makes it so stalking is impossible without leaning (Would force the ghostface away from the 99 strategy since he can no longer activate just before striking) on an object BUT touching a survivor with your body while crouching in Night Shroud instantly exposes the survivor. It would be harder to use but I’ve definitely been that ghost face that had survivors running directly into my arms enough times and it would play with the whole theme from the original Scream movies where someone crouching next to you “isn’t” your friend.
XI. Nightmare (Freddy Krueger)
A. Disclaimer here I don’t many suggestions for the Nightmare so feel free to suggest your own here.
Freddy is pretty strong as he is once folks are asleep but I would argue that Dream Pallets vs Dream Snares shouldn’t really be a choice through addons but an active choice during a match (Because that addon slot is too valuable). Dream pallets are near worthless against a competent and attentive team especially once they realize you don’t have dream snares (which are just outright better) so I would say being able to completely get rid of all your dream pallets at some point in the game to swap to dream snares or vice versa by going to specific alarm clock could be on option (Only one active at any given time of course and requiring resetup whenever you swap). Honestly people hate purple Swing Chains and Green Jump Rope (Slows actions for sleeping survivors) but it’s really where his power comes from and forces folks to actually use the alarm clocks (I see a lot of survivors completely ignore the dream mechanic then cry about it). He’s strong but really more of a pub stomper rather than an unstoppable force that new survivors make him out to be.
B. Nightmare’s Pink Addons
  1. Red Paint Brush (All survivors start in dream world and failing skill checks no longer wake them)
  2. Black Box (Obsession starts in dream world and cannot wake up no matter what)
These are fine as they are and thematic and also completely negates Borrowed time to an extent – Red Paint brush just gives Freddy a 60s headstart while Black Box is more niche. Open for Pink addon ideas here.
XII. Nurse
A. I said this before for the Doctor the only thing that should be part of the base kit but EVEN MORE important for the nurse is the Plaid Fannel for new players – Allows the Nurse to see Blink Target Locations. The HUGE learning curve of current nurse is why there are so few of them considering how punishing it is to be bad at her with her current state. She has been adjusted enough and beat down but she’s still extremely good in chases if you’re a practiced and precise nurse (I’m mediocre to below average at best and the compliants about map pressure isn’t bad because how fast you take down chases (except on the largest of maps… with no verticality).
B. Nurse’s Pink Addons
  1. Torn Bookmark (Adds 1 Chain Blink but can no longer blind through solid objects) - This is absolutely horrible and at this time point should give 2 additional blink charges instead so it isn’t as crippling. It should be immediately obviously to survivors that the nurse is blinking 4x meaning she can only go through windows and over pallets not through walls. Gameplay change and useable addon at that point for both sides.
  2. Matchbox (Increase the nurses movement speed to 4.2 m/s but removes 1 chain blink charge).
Being limited to a single blink is pretty painful for those minor adjustments especially since how long her stun lengths are that the movement speed is just not a good addon. 105% movement which is still slow compared to her 97% normally
Suggested new pink addon
3) "Last Gasp" - a modified Anxious Gasp (Blinking through a survivor causes them to scream) but now make it so blinking through a survivor injures them 1 health state then immediately fatigues so you can't combine with Torn Bookmark to just shred a guy up unless you keep missing. This would also remove one chain blink charge as a downside. Make it so she can no longer attack after blinking too so she can't just play as normal. This would create some fun different dodging patterns and even build variance as she is probably no longer running onhit perks or addons while she tries to teleport through you
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