Concealed Carry - Nevada Carry

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What is the future of Gun Control, Gun Rights and the 2nd Amendment in 2020 and beyond?

This past decade has proved to be a pivotal one for both advocates of Gun Control as well as advocates of Gun Rights. Throughout the 2010s, we have seen several horrific mass shootings, along with increasingly-polarizing debates, protests, not to mention new laws on the state and federal level in favor of both gun control and gun rights.
The most recent phenomenon occurring in the State of Virginia. State Democrats, hot off the heels of winning control of both legislative houses as well as the Governor's Mansion have proposed, and are currently voting on numerous gun control laws, some of which have generated enormous controversy as well as a large gun rights rally which (thankfully) came and went peacefully, with only a single arrest reported for an unrelated violation of a long-standing ban on wearing masks in public.
Some states, such as Virginia, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Vermont and Colorado, as well as long-time gun control havens California and New York have been, and are currently in the process of debating and passing various new gun control laws. Laws such as a ban on the purchase and possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, even if you legally possessed them prior to the law taking effect (otherwise known as "Grandfathering"). Other proposed laws include a newer, harsher, state-level version of the now-expired Federal Assault Weapons Ban, "Red Flag" laws, background checks on the sale of ammunition, increased taxes on firearms and ammunition, limits on the amount of firearms an individual can buy at once, waiting periods and more.
Other states, such as Texas, Idaho, Oklahoma and others have gone in the other direction, passing laws such as nixing the requirement for a permit to carry a firearm concealed or openly, commonly known as "Constitutional Carry". Some states such as Virginia and California are seeing numerous counties declare themselves "2nd Amendment Sanctuaries", where local and state law enforcement officials have vowed not to enforce any new gun control laws, even if ordered to by the Governor. A lawmaker in Virginia has threatened the deployment of the National Guard in order to enforce new laws (even though only the Governor, as well as the President has that authority, but I digress).
In the courts, various gun control laws on the state and federal level have been challenged with mixed results. Some laws, such as magazine bans and Assault Weapons Bans have, for the most part, survived lawsuits by various gun rights organizations. However, there is at least one case before the United States Supreme Court out of the State of New York concerning a now-repealed regulation prohibiting the transportation of legally-owned handguns outside city limits which has implications for other gun control cases in the legal pipeline all over the country. There are also several other 2nd Amendment cases currently on hold before the High Court. Could this case possibly become Heller II and open the door towards striking down a multitude of gun laws on the state and federal level?
As far as the 2020 Democratic Primaries go, guns have been mentioned off and on, most notably by now-former presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke who was quoted at a primary debate as saying "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15 and AK-47". Many believe that this comment is what sunk not only his presidential campaign, but also his political career in Texas, perhaps nationwide. Some believe that these comments will also weigh down the eventual Democratic nominee's chances at winning the election based upon winning certain swing states, several of which tend to support gun rights.
President Trump's record on guns has been mixed. On one hand, he repealed (with Congress's help) a Social Security Administration regulation which would've banned firearms ownership by anyone taking social security checks if he/she met certain criteria, such as having a "representative payee" or being otherwise unable to manage their finances. He has been appointing (and the GOP-controlled Senate has confirmed) many federal judges as well as 2 Supreme Court Justices, most of whom hold pro-gun views, which is likely to shape their opinions on various upcoming gun law challenges working their way through multiple circuit and district courts around the country.
On the other hand, he has, through Executive Order, banned "Bump Stocks" a device which has been attributed to the high amount of fatalities and injuries inflicted upon concert-goers in Las Vegas from a casino resort across the street on October 1st, 2017. He has also said to "...Take the guns first, due process second" with regards to taking away guns from potential mass shooters and criminals, a statement which drew the ire of gun rights groups as well as fellow Republicans.
1. Where do you see the gun issue going in 2020 and beyond?
2. How important will it be?
3. Which side will ultimately win out?
4. Will there be any new legislation on the federal level, or will this issue be tackled almost exclusively at the state level?
5. What will the new legal and political landscape surrounding guns look like as firearms technology evolves and 3-D printed firearms become more common, more well-built and harder to track?
submitted by RP61391 to PoliticalDiscussion [link] [comments]

‪In Depth Theory: Stephen Paddock wasn’t the Vegas shooter. He was offered money to stockpile guns for another criminal, and upon meeting at the hotel, was shot in the head and the criminal carried out the killing.‬

This is a theory I came up with three or four days after the shooting when the police were unable to find any motive whatsoever from Paddock. To this day, no motive has been ascribed to him.
Here’s the theory.
This is the biggest factor pointing to there being a second actor. Police are stumped as to what happened to his hard drive. It’s no where to be found in the hotel and missing from his computer.
*Patting his pocket to check for the hard drive, the Vegas shooter slips away into a bathroom, where he hunkers down with his hands over his head and pretends to be hiding from gunfire. Later, he leaves the hotel as police find Paddock’s dead body surrounded by an arsenal of exhausted, heated, guns.
Largest evidence supporting the theory
1) Missing hard drive, not missing computer.
You’d think that if Paddock acted alone and still wanted to dispose of the computer, he would’ve done so WITH the hard drive. Why would he carry around a hard drive-less computer? A person slipping away wouldn’t want to be carrying a computer, but a hard drive? That can be easily concealed.
Regardless of this theory, the fact that Paddock would want to hide the hard drive is astounding evidence that he was in contact with others to plan the shooting.
2) Lack of a motive
Why would a wealthy man, not indebted, never committing criminal acts, never showing signs of illness, quit life murdering en mass? It doesn’t check out and the police still can’t find anything.
3) Why would a shooter keep ammunition in the parking lot?
Reports say that he kept explosives and ammunition in his car. Why would he do that if he was meaning to use ammo to shoot people from his room?
4) Why didn’t the shooter shoot the shooting targets in his car?
If he were planning on shooting targets to explode, why didn’t he? The 50 pounds of explosives were found in his car, but not set off by gunfire. The only explanation I can think of is if the shooter didn’t know where the car was, because it wasn’t his.
4) Paddock was stockpiling for nearly a year. Wouldn’t he show symptoms of lunacy in that time if he was planning on indiscriminate mass killing?
It want a spontaneous shooting, yet no one that knew Paddock reports him acting differently in any way. Unless he was a master at hiding his rage, paranoia, depression, what have you, then it would be because he wasn’t actually feeling those things.
Biggest questions I would have about the theory
1) What about security camera footage?
If the shooter entered the room, wouldn’t there be security camera footage of it? It’s a good question that I don’t know.
2) Why did the shooter keep more guns for himself in this Reno homes?
The shooter kept nine guns additional guns to add to the 14 he previously owned. Why would he keep guns in his home if he were planning on handing them out to the shooter? Again, it’s a valid question. My idea is that he, as a previously established gun fan, saw them and wanted them for himself as he was buying for the shooter, similarly to when you buy clothes for yourself when shopping for a present for someone else.
NOTE: I’m not saying I believe this, but it’s the best alternative I can think of to the common theory that Paddock was deranged and shot them himself. Also, if you publish a murder mystery using these points, I expect at least a 5% cut ;)
submitted by MagyarRoka to conspiracy [link] [comments]

20 Things to do When You Move to Vegas

Since I have an hour to kill and we get weekly posts asking about moving to Vegas I figured i would share a few things about moving to Vegas. Hopefully others will chime in with their tips as well (and we will see how long it takes for one of the local newspapers to grab up this thread as one of their own feature stories :I ).
  1. Check the crime map. I mean it's a city so there will be crime everywhere but some places have more crime than others.
  2. Find a good realtor. They can help you find a place to buy or a place to rent and it will save you a lot of time and effort.
  3. Now that you have an address check out the Clark County Assessors page and see if you qualify for any exemptions. These can save you a boatload of money on your car registration fees and/or property tax.
  4. Next switch your car insurance to a local carrier (expensive) and switch over your driver's license and registration which is both expensive and time consuming.
  5. Now that you have a local ID go get a library card. We have one of the best library systems in the country and with your card you can stream movies and music and download ebooks as well as do regular library stuff like check out books and participate in their myriad of programs all for free.
  6. You might want to get your car windows tinted. While dark tint is illegal in many areas, it is perfectly legal here and will keep you from being roasted like a goat on a spit during summer driving.
  7. Also with your local ID you can hit up as many casinos as possible and sign up for their player's cards. This will get you lots of coupons sent to your address for things like match play and two for one buffets among other things. Be sure to ask if you qualify for additional goodies for being a veteran or a senior (usually free meals or bigger discounts on restaurants and shows).
  8. Next sign up for House Seats, FillASeat, and/or ShowTickets4Locals which for a small fees (ShowTickets4Locals is free) you can see as many shows as you want for a year or two.
  9. For even more entertainment options, pick up an annual pass to local places of interest so you can go fee-free all year (the National Parks pass is great if you like the outdoors, the Children's Discovery Museum is great if you have kids, museums often have annual passes as does the Springs Preserve, etc).
  10. To meet like minded people, join a club! There are Meet Up groups, walking clubs, an astronomy club, HAM radio clubs, shooting clubs, etc.
  11. Speaking of shooting, if you are of a mind to, go get your concealed carry permit. The Gun Store offers free concealed carry permit classes.
  12. If you have kids, picking the right school will be a big deal. Ask your realtor about this (currently the whole of Clark County is one giant school district but school quality varies greatly by community), also consider private schools, magnet schools, and charter schools.
  13. Add some local links to your social media accounts. Obviously subscribe to /vegas and /vegaslocals and add likes/follows to LVMPD, LVRJ, Vegas Sun, National Weather Service Las Vegas, etc.
  14. Get active in the community by volunteering. No matter what your passion, Vegas probably has a place that could use your help (volunteering at local schools or at the Animal Foundation, getting active in politics, cleaning up parks and open spaces, fundraising for local non profits, etc).
  15. Check out the local shopping. Many people can live for months on what they can buy at Dollar Tree or the 99 cent store, our huge Asian and Mexican grocery stores are a treasure trove of yummy yet inexpensive food, if you've never been to a Goodwill we have some of the best in the country, and nearly every strip mall in the city has one or more unique stores to check out.
  16. One way we explored the city when we first moved here was to do monthly challenges. One month we visited every museum in the city, another it was every park, and another was trying a different restaurant every day for a month.
  17. Become a regular. In a big, transient city, it is often hard to feel like you fit in. By becoming a regular (at your local coffee shop, library, certain restaurant, etc) people will recognize you and you will feel more like you are a part of the place.
  18. Develop traditions. Again, in a big, transient city that is far from traditional, sometime you have to create your own traditions. If you make it a point to go to the Ethel M lighted cactus garden every December or participate every year in the Santa run, or look forward to attending the NFR rodeo each year, you will begin to develop family traditions even in a not to traditional place.
  19. Get in the habit of always asking for a discount. Ask for a locals discount, a senior discount, a veterans discount...lots of places, from restaurants to stores to events and tourists sites offer discounts just for the asking.
  20. If you really need to get out of Vegas for a while consider the ultra cheap--and really interesting--Greyline tour to Laughlin, or take the Megabus or Bolt Bus to LA for the day.
submitted by MsKim to vegas [link] [comments]

Official Weekly Summary (Apr 21 - Apr 27, 2017)

Weekly Summary (Apr 21 - Apr 27, 2017)
Hi everyone,
Hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for the gold on last week's summary. Take care and stay safe. ✌ ♥ ☺
Last week's summary (April 14 - April 20, 2017)
submitted by IamMatlock to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Las Vegas - My Perspective/RESERACH - Why Bob Gannon? Foxconn?

First off, I am a Las Vegas native, born and raised. My family works @ the Luxor currently. My folks moved here in the 70s with the Mob... My grandfather designed the generator inside the Hoover dam, also, a mobstebookie. My family were Free Masons before Washington... We're Quakers. My great-grandpa was a Mason, a Quaker and slave owner(indentured servitude) who fought for the North. Let's talk secret societies ;]
Where I stand: 9/11 was a complete lie to push political agenda such as the Patriot Act, an endless war. America has to maintain economic power... Our only real method I think these days is war or a big fuckin' wall... JFK deserved it and was definitely assassinated. Without going into much detail as why he deserved it, he could have easily persuaded the public into mass hysteria with his newly appointed position. Seeing how we don't want 'desert stormed' in 24hrs because of mass rioting or protests from other military complexes throughout the world, he was shot. I think JFK was suicide by cop basically... But for Presidents... Either way, Las Vegas.... My hometown.
There is currently a great theory involving the Sinola Cartel which is great... But ... What does Sinaloa Cartel have anything to do with BOB GANNON? Nadda. Follow me:
------ months before shooting took place (planning phase) -------
This theory started with this post on 4chan prior to the attack:
OSI Systems? Huh... Let's do a simple google search on them, check their stock on Marketwatch.... Volume... Price... YTD.
OSI Systems Securities fraud:
OSI Systems was UP day of attack. I believe in made a new record high after the attack as well. OSI has been on the rise since... You guess in... 9/11 (They are in the 'IN' crowd when it comes to private biz)
I did 'OSI Systems competitors' in google. Discovered Foxconn on some comparison charts. YTD numbers, return percentages.
Found this about Foxconn, remember Wisconsin:
Hmm.... Metal Detectors probably have LCDs right? They are also an Apple Supplier. Chances are they could supply OSI as well.
*Bob Gannon dies... Oct 3rd... No more than 48hrs after the attack... *
So... Guess who takes center stage for me now.. And who is PUBLICLY speaking on the Vegas shooting... One of Bob Gannons buddies (obviously, they have similar views, Bob grew up and never left the area... He's a public figure. They both are) queue
Sheriff David Clarke... Resigned. RECENTLY. Amongst this Foxconn deal... Maybe received personal threats? What's going on? This Clarke guy definitely has some reputation back home...
Sheriff David Clarke KNOWS the Vegas shooting is a Farse because, things were going down in WISCONSIN, LEGISLATIVELY. People probably being openly bribed.
He's talking out, because he knew Bob Gannon.
My thoughts: Bob Gannon would figure out Repubs in Wisconsin took bribes and overlooked environmental issues(possibly). Opted for job creation. Pushed the plant into reality. Would also speak out OPENLY about Las Vegas shooting. Being Pro-Gun. Outspokenly Pro-Gun.... Bob Gannon thinks like me... Active shooter situation? Why don't more people have guns? If more people had guns int he same room as an active shooter. Concealed weapons.... The active shooter would be down in seconds. Mass casualties avoided. Subversion over total abduction.
They needed to.... 'Send him to Australia'
----- fast n furious ----- Where does it fit?
Paddock, whom I believe to still be breathing... Is an arms dealer. His actual brother... Slips in the interview with, 'Arms...' , 'wait.... I'm sorry....' Shtik. He has been doing Arms deals since he left Lockheed. His brother, involved in drug trade (he's fucking coked out, just watch the videos)... They are both GVMT. There's so many Federal families here in Las Vegas....
-------- the shooting itself ---------
1st Shooter I think there is possibility of the semi-auto 'bump-stock' being fired from 'Paddocks' room... Actually coming from the room. So that's one shooter. This is not the belt fed weapon you hear.
Next, 2nd shooter. He's in the tower closest to the Mandalay Bay, behind the stage. He has the belt-fed weapon and the best spot in the house.... These two guns can (sound) swapped @ times.. MAYBE... They do, as part of the coordination. Discredit. Misinform. Distract.
3rd shooter: He is literally ON the white fuel tanks I'll support this claim with this video: (TIME MAGAZINE YOUTUBE BTW)
Right at the beginning... It's timed perfectly with the audio clap of a gunshot. That is a long rifle on those Fuel tanks. Due EAST, aiming WEST. This shooter doesn't have automatic gear, but could be there to pick specific targets. I'm saying .22 or slightly higher caliper. I think the gun shot could have bounced(from drop) a-top one of the concessions and lost velocity maybe broken off and turned into shrapnel, causing the bullet to not slam AS MUCH into the concrete wall to the right of the Officer(we'd see or hear something I'd imagine maybe these cameras and mics on them are not the greatest), on Las Vegas Boulevard. Comments about this video on previous threads stated someone is on the other side of the tarp. BULLOX!!! STFU. THIS IS 7-8 MINUTES IN, EVERYONE DIPPPPPPPED. No one single person is going to stand right there...
You hear the shot, you see the bullet... End of story. It's coming from EAST due WEST. There are other videos to support this why OTHER concert goers towards the back of the venue started leaving early. I think the group towards the back getting a head start WAS THE SIGNAL TO BEGIN!!!! Long-rifle guy starts the volley. Other two join in.
Fish in a barrel. Cattle. GOYIM....
This is great video to reference, trajectory, also... Just wow, they didn't care: This is the first video I go, wow... That's a bullet landing! I can see it, the stage videos are great but there's no debris kicked up. The splatter confirms the trajectory.
----- Following the money -----
George Soros PUT's:
Look at the volume of MGM up to the attacks, most volume in... 3+ years: (You have to adjust the chart)
------ LVPD ------
Lombardo: He's just doing his job. The LVPD needs to lie to the public right now. Why? Well, all of you wondering why, who don't live in Las Vegas, it's simple... Our local economy relies on TOURISM. If future business trips don't allow for travelers to feel safe. We're fucked here locally. End of story. Hats off to you Lombardo, go home and hug your kids, kiss and fuck your wife. Please, for me. We know you are fearing for your life if you slip up on this shit. It's Las Vegas, we know you understand how it works here in the underworld Lombardo... I ain't mad at ya. My family HAS to go to work. There would be MASSIVE lay-offs due to lack of tourism. People were cancelling reservations at the Luxor all day on the 2nd, and 3rd. I know that for certain...
---- The Paddock MYTH ----
Who is Paddock? See this man gambling? Also, in Nevada... You can fake your own Death btw... If you know Oscar Goodman, Adelson, Frittita, Murren, any of those guys... They can probably make ya 'disappear'; set you up with a government job. But if you're retired and wealthy, who cares about a job? You just.... Go... Right... Back.... To... Gambling.................. Little botox... Fresh trim haircut. New lady friend because the old one moved out, just as the neighbors said. Has a thing for Pinay women....
Faked Death in NEVADA:
Chasing the dragon.
Las Vegas.... The mob.... Black Ops Government.... NEW JERSEY ....
The Casinos will take your house... Wedding ring... Car... Your life if you owe them enough money AND HAVE. WHAT THE FUCK IS 58 bodies to them? Nadda. Not a fucking thing.
Here's how it went down... Gangland, get back style (REALITY).... There's an old man, tied up, possibly owes the casinos money, homeless man, etc... He's been held hostage for a while by CIA or FBI... He is alive in the room, bound. The shooter carries out the mass executions... Get's a signal or timed himself(not recorded himself as LVPD said, if he's recording where is the video? Wrong setting? Forgot to press 'record?')... Plants a dead body. Shoots him once... Not good enough.. Wait's... Shoots the dead body twice(see this reddit post):
Then, proceeds to.... The 34th and 35th floor... 4Chan Anon:
Has some scotchy scotch scotch.... Flicks on the news.
Why plant the body? Well... To stage, 'LEAKS'... Our current President is in office because of Wikileaks and Seth Rich. Plain and simple. The CIA, NSA, FBI all knew we(the public) wanted to see the kill shot of the SWAT team. We all wanted to see this dead dirtbag who did this. They ALWAYS show us SOMEONE, on the TV... BID LADEN RING A BELL?(His photo was so bad when they released it, I said, that's MS PAINT!)
Why leaks?
I personally know there are a lot of very high security clearances here in LV. Area 51... etc... I have a family member who gets blindfolded and sent on a plane to 'the test site'..
Quit worrying about Weinstein, he's the distraction. All of Hollywood is disgusting. There are very few genuine people in that scene... Stay on point about Vegas. It's the cherry on top to 9/11... Sandy Hook (was on my birthday...). Boston Bombing... YOU GO WATCH THE VIDEO... FBI IS ALL OVER! THE GUY MISSING HIS LEG IS SMILING, JUST WOWWWWWW!
Stay woke everyone.
It was another False Flag.
Buy more guns and ammo while you can.
I grew up here in Vegas guys... Organized crime is just that... It see's no difference... There was just Al Capone in a high rise with a machine gun. Mob style.
"the bosses"
TL:DR; I'm native. Free Mason. 9/11 was a lie. This was a false flag. There were 3 shooters. Not Sinaloa. Not MexMafia. This is Deep State, money was MADE BIG TIME. George Soros. Murren. MGM.. OSI Systems commited securites fraud(are they above insider trading for MGM? Nah...) 10Billion dollar Foxconn deal goes down in the same state a pro-gun state rep dies. Bob Gannon was PEANUT BUTTER SANDWHICHED... It was a multi-state,county, government operation. CIA. FBI. NSA. No other culprits. Just the same old crooks. MSM and LVPD are lying to keep the local economy floating, our GDP depends on Vegas. These are in Vegas, no doubt... Every corner. Everywhere. We haven't heard a peep from NSA during this Las Vegas bullshit. No Paddock search engine history... What kinda porno he liked... Nothing.. NSA is silent, this wholleeee time. HOW!? WHY!? The NSA has copies on every phone in the vacinity, every shot heard. From each person. With all that data, we could tri-angulate each shooters exact position through syncing the audio with their position in the crowd.... Again, we are hearing CIA... FBI... NO NSA. NOT A PEEP.
Thanks for reading guys.
submitted by behold-a-pale-Evan to conspiracy [link] [comments]

CCW in Southern Nevada - Some info and experiences

Preface - This is to provide some perspective for those interested in concealed carry in Southern Nevada, based on my experiences here.
There are various places to take the CCW class in town. I went to the Gun Store on Tropicana because it was recommended by a friend, and free*. To define Free, the class itself is free, but you need to buy their frangible ammo for the testing. When testing with 9mm it was $25 - that goes for all mid-caliber rounds. For .22, its $16, and .45 is $30. All in all, I enjoyed the class. The instructor was full of insight and really focused on the responsibility one must bear as a CCW holder. 9/10 for the class.
After passing your class and qualification (which takes all day), you get to go spend some time at the LVMPD fingerprint bureau (on a different day). This process can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 4 hours, depending on how busy they are. There is quite the collection of characters that have to visit that department so people watching is one way to pass time. They go through the paperwork, relieve you of 100 hard earned dollars, make you wait some more, and then print you and photograph you.
Now you wait. And wait. And wait. And wait some more. By law, the LVMPD has 120 days to process your application and send it to you. Mine arrived in 113 days. My theory is that somewhere up the bureaucratic chain, someone said, "Well, by law we have 120 days. Let's make these bastards wait as long as possible. We'll do the backgrounds which takes maybe 2 weeks then file them. At 110 days we'll print the cards and mail them." Anyways, that's my theory at least.
FYI, it is legal to carry in a casino/hotel.
Really, the only places it is illegal to CCW are municipal buildings, the airport, schools and day cares, and Clark County parks (a local ordinance, not statewide).
I've had experiences with both LVMPD and Henderson PD while concealed carrying. Both were respectful and had no issue.
Ex. 1 - LVMPD - My business was broken into, and I was first on scene - prior to my Security Company arriving. I drew my weapon, called 911, and informed LVMPD Dispatch I was on site and carrying a weapon (since I didn't want to get shot). After a couple minutes I determined the building was empty and holstered my weapon. LVMPD arrived a bit later, asked me about it, told him it was secured, and it was no big deal.
Ex. 2 - Henderson - I got pulled over for expired tags. Stupid, I know, but kinda not my fault. DMV never updated my mailing address when I moved, and only updated my physical address even though I checked the box for both. Anyways, I roll down my windows and keep both hands on the wheel. Officer approaches on passenger side and informs me the reg is expired. I was surprised, and told my side of it. He said, no worries, proof of insurance and license will do. Since I carry IWB right next to my wallet, I didn't want him to notice something without me informing him. You are not legally obligated to tell them you have a weapon. My personal opinion is to decide the attitude of the officer, and use your judgement. I told him that I am currently carrying a concealed weapon, and that it is in the area of my wallet. He was calm and said, "Ok, no problem." He didn't reach for his gun, or anything like that. I handed over my license and CCW permit, and he just gave me a warning.
Anyways, this is a bit long, but hopefully will provide some perspective for those in the area or coming to Nevada. Keep Calm and Carry On my brothers and sisters.
submitted by Advmoto to CCW [link] [comments]

can you conceal carry in nevada casino video

Can I Any firearms in the vehicle today? - YouTube Nevada Concealed Knife Laws - YouTube CAN YOU CONCEALED CARRY AR PISTOL - YouTube Can I openly carry a gun in Las Vegas? Nevada Nevada Concealed Carry Weapons Permit at Discount Firearms ... Concealed carry in a casino? Is it legal in Nevada? - YouTube Can I keep a loaded gun in my car in Nevada? NRS 503.165 ... Nevada Open Carry of Handguns - YouTube 10 types of people who cannot legally own guns in Nevada ...

Yes, it’s legal to carry concealed weapons in all Nevada casinos. In fact, you may carry concealed anywhere in Nevada, except: public, meaning government buildings (with posted prohibition signs and metal detectors); buildings at airports; and schools, including colleges and day-care facilities. It is legal to carry openly or concealed inside a casino, on the Las Vegas Strip, or at the Fremont Street Experience. Most casinos will ask you to leave or disarm if they observe you are armed, but only refusing to comply is illegal (trespassing). However, they rented me a room while I was wearing a firearm. The staff all know me and have no issues with me when I come and check on my mail, etc. I have lived there since Dec. of 2015. I was leaving my apartment and going to my car when he said, "You can't carry a firearm on the property." I responded that yes I can. Can You Carry a Concealed Weapon in a Casino in Nevada? Yes, but only with a Nevada CFP or a license/permit from a state Nevada honors, provided the property is not posted. Casinos are not identified in Nevada statutes as off-limits for concealed carry. However, most casinos will have “No Weapons Allowed” signs posted. The gun laws in Nevada mandate that no firearms, neither open carry nor concealed carry, are permitted in airports, schools, courthouses, and correction facilities. Other public places, such as the Las Vegas Strip, casinos, movie theaters, and houses of worship are in charge of their own gun policies. And yes, you’re legally permitted to carry, While Las Vegas patrons are free to carry concealed or open-carry weapons while walking down the Strip, they have to be more careful when it comes to entering casinos because of the Las Vegas gun casino rules. Gun Carry Laws in Nevada. Nevada is relatively lax when it comes to gun laws. No permit is necessary to “open carry” a firearm in Nevada. Nevada does require a permit for any person who wishes to “concealed carry” their firearm. Anyone conceal carrying a firearm in Nevada without a proper permit can be charged with a category C felony. And then casino staff can turn people away who show up on the radar. Are CCW permits required for conceal carry in Nevada? Yes. People need current and valid CCW permits to conceal carry handguns and pneumatic guns. (Handguns have a barrel of less than 12 inches long.) It is always illegal to carry concealed long guns (rifles and shotguns). The law says you can carry your concealed weapon if you have a permit, though an individual venue such as a casino can say no and forbid your entrance. The Las Vegas Sun , in a story published in the wake of a fatal nightclub shooting in 2013, calls gun policies on the Strip “nebulous.” Nevada residents must hold a Nevada-issued concealed firearm permit to carry a concealed firearm. Non-resident or out-of-state permits are not recognized for Nevada residents. There is no specific exemption for military members or their spouses.

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Can I "carry a concealed weapon/ gun" in Nevada? - YouTube

Top Las Vegas criminal defense attorney lists 10 types of people who cannot legally own guns in Nevada. More info at small light big light big benchmade Camera I use Lens I use http:... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... If you’re looking to obtain your Nevada Concealed Carry Weapons permit in Las Vegas, be sure to come on down to Discount Firearms and Ammo. Here at Discount ... Helpful Links Top Las Vegas criminal defense attorney discusses whether it is legal to have a loaded gun in your car in Nevada. More info at Me and TheManSpot made a little video magic :)ManSpot:'d be honored if you considered supporti... Top Las Vegas criminal defense attorney discusses Nevada's "open carry" laws. He also describes the procedure to obtain a permit to carry concealed firearms ... Top Las Vegas criminal defense attorney discusses Nevada laws for "carrying concealed weapons."More info at Top Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer discusses whether Nevada casinos allow concealed carry of firearms. More info at

can you conceal carry in nevada casino

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