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Questions from a Crypto Skeptic

I come in peace.
I’m interested in cryptocurrency, but many of the claims about its potential as an investment leave me wondering if I’m seeing the same thing others are. I also know I don’t know everything. Instead of shaking my cane at all the youngsters making a fortune with their internet money, I want to see if I can learn more.
Let me also preface this by saying that I’m generally interested in cryptocurrency. I think cryptocurrency is going to be useful, both for its anonymity and for cutting out costs from the traditional financial system (e.g. fees for converting dollars to euros, time spent waiting for transactions to clear, etc.). I’m also intrigued by the potential of smart contracts to automate some transactions, though I think some of the bullish arguments for these are overstated. We’re not going to get rid of contract law.
My skepticism of Bitcoin (and other coins) comes from the idea that it’s going to make you rich, which is the majority of the talk I hear around the topic these days. I’ll lay out why I’m not convinced by the “get rich” case for Bitcoin (and it would apply to any other cryptocurrency). Maybe you all can set me straight. This is all pretty basic, so don’t expect some sort of novel argument. I just tend to see the crypto community dunking on people who claim Bitcoin will fail because it will be hacked or that it will be banned and so on, when some of the basics seem more pressing.
The Currency Paradox. One of the biggest bull cases for Bitcoin is that it’s the currency of the future. But for it to be a functional currency its price has to be stable. No one is going to spend it if it could be worth double or more in a few months, yet people are owning it precisely because they hope for it to double or more in a few months. At some point its price will need to flatten and be boring and predictable for it to be a functional currency. That will neuter the investment thesis. I’m also seeing a lot of related arguments that Bitcoin is the new gold or a store of value, but the same reasoning applies. No one is going to protect their wealth by putting it in an asset that regularly crashes. It may turn into an alternative asset used for diversification, not entirely unlike gold, but it will still need stability.
The Fiat Currency Obituary. You might reason that Bitcoin will stabilize as a global currency when fiat currencies disappear. The logic is something like this: If Bitcoin replaces fiat currencies (~$37 trillion in circulation?) then it will have to be worth several million per coin, making early adopters wealthy in this new system. Now, I can’t “prove” that fiat currencies aren’t going anywhere, but I want to note their demise is far from a certainty.
People have been predicting the end of fiat currencies for decades, long before Bitcoin ever existed. I suspect many people have suddenly found these fringe arguments more convincing now that they have a financial stake in the outcome. Of course, it’s possible these prognosticators weren’t wrong, just early. But your great-great-great-grandkids could wind up saying that about you too.
Governments have a very strong self-interest in maintaining their own currencies, tools to enforce its use (taxes must be paid in the currency), and have militaries to protect their people and secure their existence. While there are plenty of cranks who hate the Fed and think it manipulates the dollar too much, most people are pretty comfortable with their cash. There would have to be something in the order of an interwar Germany hyperinflation or something like the 1997 SE Asian currency crisis, but for the major developed economies, for there to be serious pressure to flee fiat currencies. I’m not saying it can’t or won’t happen, but it’s a longshot.
It’s possible Bitcoin could stabilize as a more niche currency, something that solves a specific problem like the obnoxious fees charged for exchanging currencies abroad or something in that vein. That would lower the dramatic price predictions, though. And unless you’re active in whatever area Bitcoin is used in, you’ll still need to convert it to dollars to enjoy the fruits of being early.
It’s Mostly Paper Profits Right Now. Yes, lots of people have gotten rich from Bitcoin, but not everyone drooling at the current valuation can cash out at that price. Some people converted their Bitcoin to dollars during the latest peak and have enjoyed their riches. If a lot more Bitcoin owners decided they’re ready to collect their winnings at $32,000 then the price will crash again. When you see lots of people’s goals for owning Bitcoin is to convert it to dollars to pay debts, buy a house, buy a Lambo, whatever, you realize not every Bitcoin owner will have this opportunity until Bitcoin is a functional currency (see above), which could be never.
You might say the same is true of the stock market, and there are some similarities. Here’s the difference: Companies have assets, including future profits, that backstop their stock’s value. If I was the lone shareholder of Apple I would be filthy rich whether there was anyone to sell the stock to or not. They made around $60 billion in profits last year and that would be all mine. Bitcoin’s value is more speculative and I need more people willing to pay more for it than I did or I can’t realize that value. These people will eventually dry up unless Bitcoin develops more functional value.
As long as Bitcoin remains a speculative asset there are going to be winners and losers, people who cash out with extraordinary gains and people who’ve sunk more money in than they can get back.
It’s Just Math. I see a lot of formulas and mathematical jargon used to justify supercharged price predictions for Bitcoin. That’s all fine, but I suspect some of this is meant to put a scientific veneer on what amounts to guesswork or enforce an insideoutsider dynamic (Bitcoin skeptics just don’t understand math!).
The problem here is that making accurate predictions is incredibly hard, even with an ironclad model and perfect data. It gets even harder when you factor in the uncertainty of human behavior. Imagine the difficulty in trying to forecast the 2032 presidential election or what market share Tesla will have in 2040. You can certainly make an educated guess and there’s lots of data to draw from. But there is always going to be a big “if” justifying even the most complex sounding model. Just because a model spits out numbers doesn’t mean it’s right.
One of the more popular of these is the stock-to-flow model predicting Bitcoin hitting $1 million per coin by 2040. One of the selling points is that it predicts Bitcoin’s price with 95% accuracy. That sounds great. Unfortunately, this is a meaningless number by itself. There’s a lot more behind convincing statistical research than finding a line of best fit between two variables. As any number of p-hacking scandals can attest, finding “statistically significant” relationships between variables, sometimes totally unrelated variables, isn’t hard. I’m willing to wager an enterprising sleuth could find a similar relationship between the log price of Bitcoin and many other variables. In fact, the author of the stock-to-flow post does it in the same post.
What would be more convincing is a strong justification for analyzing a relationship between these two variables with robust statistical tests that rule out other explanatory factors. Even then it may have very little predictive power. Instead, the author plucks a metric from commodity analysis as a proxy for “scarcity,” while simultaneously dismissing the utility of analyzing Bitcoin as a commodity, then does a basic regression between the two variables and voila, Bitcoin will hit $1 million. I wouldn’t put much faith in that analysis. And it seems to be representative of many of the "just do the research" arguments I see for Bitcoin's future.
Based on my reasoning above, my investment thesis in Bitcoin is this: It’s a speculative asset to buy with money you can afford to lose. You can make money from other speculators driving the price higher in the near term, when/if it begins functioning as a currency in the long term (where it could be a niche function like international transfers or could happen well after you’re dead and gone), or as a hedge against catastrophe like a global currency crisis, where you may have much bigger problems. This is not a lot different than a financial roulette wheel: It’s fun to play, but you wouldn’t put your mortgage on it.
Now, where have I gone wrong? Help me see the light.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the replies everyone. There is lots to think about. I can’t reply to everyone so I thought I’d add a few comments here.
It sounds like a consensus here is that Bitcoin is not a currency and shouldn’t be treated as one. Instead it should be viewed more like gold. I mentioned I didn’t find this reasoning particularly convincing in my initial post due to the volatility. It might also be the cynic in me, but the sudden change in narrative from “it’s a currency” to “it’s a store of value” sounded like a rationalization. But I think the analogy to gold u/GSEDAN made was a good one and I see the case a little differently now. I’ve never been interested in investing in gold so I think I overlooked some of the rationale behind it. There’s no doubt it’s retained its value because people believe in it and the same can be true of Bitcoin and other cryptos. I can see some of the value there.
With that said, I’m still very skeptical of the “get rich” claims around it. Gold is a pretty conservative investment, even with a community of very passionate believers. While I think Bitcoin is obviously more exciting, the analogy can only take you so far if you want to make an extreme prediction for Bitcoin prices. I would update my investment thesis for Bitcoin to include that it’s a gold-like asset that can offer you exposure to a unique market as a hedge against other markets (stocks, real estate, etc.) with more speculative upside and risk.
A lot of other people pointed me toward Ethereum as a crypto with more obvious value since it can do a number of useful things. I followed Ethereum with a bit of interest before the 2017 crash but haven’t followed much since. I’ll take another look now. I’m still uncertain of how the utility of the currency translates into price appreciation. u/ExtraExtraMegaDoge and a few others had an interesting discussion in the comments here about this too. I think my question here is if the usefulness of the currency increases the demand for it, which increases the price with a fixed supply, wouldn’t the constantly increasing costs deter people from using it? I have some more to dig into here.
Anyways, thanks again. As I said, I’m interested in cryptocurrency. I first started paying attention to it in 2015 and have casually followed it since then. I even own a bit of Bitcoin I bought during the 2017 frenzy (and wish I’d bought it when I first researched it in 2015!). But as the price rises again I keep hearing more and more about how it’s inevitably going even higher and going to make everyone rich and so on and I’m routinely wondering what I’m missing. So that’s where I was coming from.
submitted by pajarosucio to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Stranger than Fiction IV: What Even Are Cults

I have been taking you through quite the tour in this series, starting with Taiping Rebellion’s lessons for Villains, the Real Secret Societies, and the Anti-Capital Nature of Magic. I am enjoying these quite a lot because I am learning some new things and I do not have to meticulously cite my sources, which is great since most of this has been stuff I know and am pretty familiar with and I don’t care to remember where I heard it from. But, I’ve been leaning on my prior knowledge, mostly.
This one is a bit different. I have put some time and effort into researching this one because two of the three stories I will tell were somewhat unfamiliar to me. The whole field of sociology and religious studies is one I have only shaken hands with occasionally. In fact, the idea of researching ‘Cults’ is incredibly fraught in academia because of the negative connotations of the word, the massive scope of what is or is not a cult, the tendency to get really political and moralizing in researching them, and, in some cases, the very real danger that by researching a dangerous organization you become one of their targets. So, while I assure you that I have done some work and tried to come to some reasonable arguments, the conclusions I make are only for your D&D game. Do not assume that this is in any way indicative of the various fields of study that work on these groups.
So let’s talk about real cults. I bet there isn’t a DM out there who hasn’t used cults in their games at some point, because they are such a staple of the genre. My goal is to identify some characteristics of real cults so that we can add them to the ones in our games and provide some depth and character to them. Real cults have an undeniable power over people, and there are reasons for it that I think are lost in the fantasy genre.
I identify five characteristics of cults and then will go through three examples to show these characteristics in action in history. The five characteristics are: a godlike leader, flexible beliefs, reinvention of the self, isolation of believers, and elite membership. The three stories I will tell are three wildly different manifestations of cults: Heaven’s Gate, Aleph, and the personality cult of Mao Zedong. There is a lot of space to cover, and a lot of repetition in showing how each story exhibits each of the five characteristics.
This is a long one, I am pushing the word limit. So, I give you permission to skip the whole body and get to the conclusion; that will, in what is a long enough post by itself, summarize how to build a cult and some questions to think about when doing so for your D&D game. There's also a TL:DR right below if you're really in a hurry. No judgment at all, this is a long one.
TL:DR; five characteristics of cults are godlike leader, flexible beliefs, reinvention of the believer, isolation, and elite membership. That’s a useful framework to build reasons why cults can recruit people in your world. Specific lessons from the stories are that people crave the feeling of a chosen community, will defend it by resorting to extremism when that community is threatened, and tend to trust their leader entirely when it comes to deciding what it means to build and defend their community.

Heaven’s Gate

39 people, including the founder and leader, of the Heaven’s Gate cult died in a mass suicide in 1997. For those of you that are old like me, you may remember looking up to the skies in 1997 to see the stunning sight of the Hale-Bopp comet. Those in Heaven’s Gate believed that there was an alien ship hiding in the comet’s tail, and that it was going to take them away from their mortal coil and transport their consciousness to a greater plane of understanding and evolution. They committed ritual suicide to beam themselves up.
This is a good starting point for our stories about cults because it is really about the cultists, their leader, and their beliefs. They didn’t commit any massive acts of violence, except against themselves, which makes it easier to pry at what drove them to believe something that seems so nonsensical on its face. It shows how a few simple characteristics can create such a strong bond between people and their faith, regardless of any setbacks that seem like it should have shaken them out of this state.
God-like Leader - Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles were the founders and leaders of Heaven’s Gate. They mixed sci-fi, the bible, and the occult into this belief that the Christian God was real, and he was an alien, which directly led to the creation of the History Channel (this claim is disputed). In all seriousness, Ancient Aliens might not have been their invention, but they took it to a religious level and spread the word as prophets, people destined to tell the fate of the world as foretold in The Book of Revelations, but with their alien spin. Both Applewhite and Nettles even later claimed that they were gods; they argued that Jesus and God were incorporeal aliens that could take over bodies, and that Applewhite was the same alien spirit that had once taken Jesus for a ride, and Nettles was the spirit of God. So the leadership of Heaven’s Gate quite literally made themselves out to be Gods.
Flexible Beliefs - Nettles and Applewhite had been running this thing since the early 70s and had led their cult around the US. They begged on streets, avoided anybody who might recognize them, and focused on reaching a higher evolutionary level on their own. They were a vaguely public group, a wandering community of believers that preached around the country. They picked up some ex-hippie, truth-seeker believers as you imagine with 1970s cults, but they also recruited scientists and even a serious major party candidate for the Colorado State House.
Nettles died of cancer in 1985. I bring this up, because it radically altered the group’s trajectory. She was supposed to be divine, how could she die before her time? Rather than fracturing the group, they changed their beliefs to one where bodies were vehicles. While they claimed to be alien spirits in human bodies, they believed up until Nettles’ death that they would be taken corporeally by alien spacecraft to their immortality and evolution. After her death, they changed their beliefs to focus on the spirit being taken rather than the body. When confronted with challenges to their doctrine, the beliefs changed.
Reinvention of the Self - Heaven’s Gate asked its membership to completely change themselves in order to attain the evolutionary level above human. There were two levels of this; first, in their life on earth they had to rid themselves of all the pitiful human traits they could, such as gender, personality, possessions, and more. Second, when the time came they would literally be taken by aliens to ascend to the next level. Cults offer both a promise and an action, in this way. There is a reward at the end, a great achievement that will change the individual and even mankind, but to deserve it they needed to reinvent themselves in the here and now.
Isolation of Believers - Like many cults, Heaven’s Gate asked its believers to leave everything behind to follow the leaders. In their early years, they were nomadic as people gave away everything to follow them around the US. After 1985, they began to become even more reclusive, primarily contacting the outside world through their website (which is still active and maintained by two, anonymous, remaining members). About a year before the mass suicide, they began renting a compound for everyone to live in, shut out from the outside world.
Elite Membership - Here is, I think, where Heaven’s Gate really stands out as a story, because while all the cults we’re looking at exhibit this characteristic, Heaven’s Gate personifies it best. Membership in Heaven’s Gate was not easy; not only did one have to give up everything and lead an ascetic life, they really had to prove themselves as a cut above normal people. Not everyone was ready for the evolutionary level above human, so the entire life of membership was a test that people were expected to fail. To gain and maintain membership in Heaven’s Gate meant that you were special and different, more advanced than most humans. And as the noted reinvention of the self, the cult promised that this cream of the crop would be rewarded by ascending to a higher level of consciousness in which all would finally be revealed. Heaven’s Gate attracted smart, capable people because it told them sure you’re smart and capable, but that’s just the start.
People like feeling not just smart, but like they are holders of secret knowledge. There’s something about knowing the world’s secrets better than the common man that is enticing and seductive. A cult plays into this by giving that feeling to them; more importantly, it makes them work for it. A religion puts its beliefs up front (generally) for people to see, but a cult gates that knowledge off and releases it slowly to believers to make them feel special, different, chosen.
This is the lesson I want to draw from for our D&D, that cult membership isn’t entirely illogical. I mean, it is, but it works by preying on some common psychological exploits. Faceless, fanatical cultists are faceless by choice, not because you need a villainous mob. They gave up their faces and individuality in service of a greater power because it knows they are special, because it gives them secret knowledge, and because they are an elite and chosen group who has worked for and deserves the rewards that will come in the promised end. That’s something to remember when making a cult in your game.


Better known as Aum Shinrikyo or just Aum (Aleph is how they’ve rebranded), this group was responsible for the 1995 Tokyo sarin gas attack that killed 13 and injured thousands more. This was only their highest profile attack, as there were a few other sarin uses before 1995 and the 1989 assassination of a lawyer, and his family, who was involved in a case against Aum.
With this story, I want to get at what made them violent like this and understand how a yoga study group became terrorists. I will go through a lot of their history and doctrine only on the surface because I want to focus on what pushes cults to go extreme. Also, what they believe in is really hard to pin down, and I don’t really want piles of Aum sites in my browser history lest I end up on some watch list.
God-like Leader - Shoko Ashara (not his given name) started preaching in the early 1980s; by the 90s, he was a popular guru lecturing and publishing books about spirituality. On the one hand, he claimed that his teachings were meant to identify and preach to a more pure, original form of Buddhism by referring back to Buddha’s secret teachings; on the other, he also incorporated ideas from Christianity by claiming that he alone could take on the sins of the world to redeem people. He even claimed to be Christ in 1992 (this is a common theme in my series, it seems).
What is important here is that the cult centered on the reverence of this one guy because of his special, spiritual qualities. Whatever he was, belief in and service to him was portrayed as the only path to spiritual enlightenment. In fact, the point of the cult was to convert people into clones of Ashara, sometimes even using specially made brainwave devices to transmit Ashara’s thoughts and personhood into other people. He also sold his bathwater, so really a trendmaker in that sense. He was executed in2018 for his role in the 1995 sarin attack.
Flexible Beliefs - Again, I am having difficulty pinning down their beliefs, but I think that is the point I want to make. Throughout its history, Aleph has predicted various kinds of doomsdays; the passing of one for-sure date of the end of the world just meant that they recalculated to find the next date. The execution of the leader hasn’t quite killed off the cult. Like with Heaven’s Gate, while there is a sort of core belief, the real power of the group is in the rituals and foundation of a community, and the beliefs will change whenever necessary if they are ever challenged by the interruptions of reality.
Reinvention of the Self - Aleph members, like Heaven’s Gate, are told to give all of their belongings to the cult and give up their lives to join. As noted, one of the goals of the cult is to literally clone the leader by making all the cult members into versions of him, whether through indoctrination, brainwashing, or the brainwave devices. Once again there are also two layers to this; by giving up all the things that made them individuals and taking on the persona of Ashara, they are advancing to a new level of consciousness. Ashara draws from Buddhism here in that the goal of consciousness is to realized the truths of the world. Ashara argued that he knew them, so by becoming Ashara, they can make steps towards attaining this perfect nirvana where they have become enlightened beings outside of the bounds of the mundane world, outside of the physical universe.
Elite Membership - Changing up the layout here to leave the most important for the end, but this is a crucial component of the story. Taking on this new self and stepping outside the bounds of the mundane world had a purpose; it was how they were going to save the world. Or at least live through the end of it. Ashara argued that the world was going to end, probably in a nuclear winter caused by the third world war. Only through their belief in Ashara could believers be saved, and with enough believers, the fate of the world could be reversed.
I’ll take a quick detour here to explain that, as best as I can. Karma is a familiar enough concept, but we generally get it wrong. I’ll relate a personal experience. In my philosophy course we were learning about karma, and the basics are that if you do bad deeds, you’ll eventually have to pay off that karmic debt by having bad done to you. I asked my philosophy teacher who was explaining this, “what about some kid in the back seat of a car hit by a drunk driver, what did they do?” The answer was, “well, to a Buddhist, probably something awful in a previous life, as did the drivers of both cars, the families impacted, and everyone hurt by that event.” Karma is not direct, it’s a universal system of waves that we are creating, reverberating throughout infinite time and reincarnations. Everyone is connected, every event is just the waves of karma shifting our fate and balancing the karmic debt from thousands of lifetimes of ripples.
That might help explain what Aleph and its believers thought, because they seemed to think that their devoted group could change the world through the power of their karma. By following their leader, living lives of good karma, and serving this one shining light that promised to fix the infinite pattern controlling all fate, they could suck away all the bad in the world and prevent these karmic waves from destroying everything. I’m going on hunches here, but that’s the connection I see.
So people in Aleph were an elite group of the best of mankind united in a mission to save the world from itself. Not just that, but Aleph specifically targeted certain people for recruitment, offering university graduates and high skill people a relief from their workaday lives and a belief in something bigger. For a 90s, cutthroat capitalist, 60+ hour workweek Japan, the idea that they could do something really meaningful with their lives and transcend the mundane was attractive. Shit, I barely do 40 in a job that isn’t that bad and I can feel it.
Isolation of Believers - I saved this for last because this is where it gets violent. One of the ways that cults overcome the doubts when beliefs are reinvented, one of the ways that it makes people believe they are elite and unique, is by isolating its members from outside influences. They get put into a bubble where only the desired behaviors are reinforced by new secret knowledge and access to the leader, and any contradictory information is screened out. Heaven’s Gate did it, Aleph did it, and so, as we will cover, did Mao.
But in the case of Aleph, their isolation was not just from the rest of the world around them, their isolation was viewed as a fortress to protect them. Going back to the karma, these people saw themselves as the last hope for mankind, the calm center of the storm trying to spread that calmness against the encroaching waves. Part of what made them a cohesive community and made them commit was because they thought the world would push back on them. They had to fight against bad karma. And remember, karma is not individual, it is a universal pattern that links every person together, not a direct action/reaction dyad. The people that resisted Aleph did so as part of this universal system of bad karma shaking the pattern. Aleph’s little pocket of good was under attack by the system, almost like Agents taking over individuals in the Matrix. And Aleph was under attack. They were sued for fraud and kidnapping by parents whose kids joined the cult and faced numerous legal battles about all sorts of other, very legitimate, complaints of illegality.
So how does a yoga, self-help group become terrorists with biological weapons? Because they saw themselves as an isolated bastion trying to save the system from itself, they viewed their attackers not as people but as expressions of that system, and because the fate of the universe hung on them and them alone. It might have seemed like just some lawsuits to outsiders and the resulting attacks as absolutely inordinate retaliation, but on the inside this was a defensive war for the future of the world.
So there’s the D&D lesson from Aleph; to protect their community and their ideals and their mission, a cult can very quickly become violent, extremely so. But they won’t see this as retribution and violence, but as a necessary evil taken only in defense against those already attacking the group. Even the end of the world, as cults are prone to seek in D&D, might be justified to believers as a defense against something worse.

Mao Zedong

When you think of the Cult of Mao, you probably see images of the posters from the Cultural Revolution. You think of the million teenagers cramming into Tiananmen Square, all waving their little red books, just losing their shit at seeing Mao as if he were one of the Beatles in their first American tour. This is definitely the biggest incarnation of a cult that we’ll look at, but Mao started small and the Cultural Revolution was as much an attempt to recapture the magic of his first cult as it was a totally new expression of his cult.
Mao is an interesting case of a cult leader because he is the only one without any trappings of a deity, and yet he is probably the most deified of them all. He shows that when you add charisma and mythical heroism to the cult leader, the cult can feel like a special and embattled minority even when it is the clear, dominant, and oppressive majority.
Flexible Beliefs - I’ll cover Mao, the person, last. I don’t want to get into the arcana of dialectical materialism here to show how Maoism changed, but rather I’ll focus on people as a stand-in for flexible beliefs. Because one of the big hallmarks of Maoism, as it played out in China, was how replaceable every believer was, and how once deposed their entire history of support for Mao and Maoism became a sham. I’ll give a quick biography to demonstrate the point.
Peng Dehuai was one of Mao’s closest associates from the very beginning in 1927 and a superb military mind. While Mao wrote about guerilla warfare and led politics, Peng led the troops in doing it. Peng supported Mao when he was just an upstart in the Communist Party, he supported Mao when he eventually became leader, and he supported Mao in the Korean War after taking over China, he was there every step of the way without question. But in 1959, he wrote a letter arguing that Mao had gone a little overboard with this whole Great Leap Forward thing and that it looked like the movement (which led to a massive, unquantifiably deadly famine) might have had some adverse consequences. The entire party turned against him, his entire history was purged, and he was routinely publicly humiliated during the Cultural Revolution and accused of being a deep-capitalist plant the entire time.
Peng is not an isolated incident. Mao’s second in command, Liu Shaoqi, suffered similarly and he was killed during the Cultural Revolution for being a traitor and spy despite having given his life to the Communist Party and 20 years to Mao. Lin Biao, who took over behind both Peng and Liu as head of the military and Mao’s #2, went harder on the Mao cool-aid than anyone, but in a mysterious set of circumstances his plane crashed while he was fleeing the country and everything he’d ever done was portrayed as a great deception and betrayal of Mao.
Reinvention of the Self - Mao got his start as a cult leader in Yan’an during the Rectification Movement. The Party, he argued, suffered from a lack of unity; everybody had their own readings of Marxism and therefore the group lacked cohesion. Rectification was an intense movement of reeducation where everybody grouped up into small groups, read the works of Mao and other approved texts, commented, and then criticized themselves and their own failings in front of this group. Failure to be sufficiently sincere in your self-criticism meant you had to do it again. And again. And again. At the end of this, people had been reinvented into a cohesive force, a group capable of saving China.
This first movement was something almost mythical. The people that went through it went on to rule China for 40 years (Deng Xiaoping was the last living leader from Yan’an). But Mao decided that the first 20 years had made that group soft, so he got the Cultural Revolution off to replace them with a new group. And that blueprint, of groups forming to study, to criticize, and to reenact the wars of the revolution by fighting now against the entrenched state bureaucracy, was a quite deliberate attempt to recreate Yan’an on a national scale.
In both cases, the reinvention of the self was a proxy for the reinvention, the revolution, of China. When the students of Yan’an were rectifying themselves to create Party unity, they imagined it as the prerequisite to finally saving the country from the imperialism of Japan and beyond. When the students of the Cultural Revolution memorized the little red book together in the office buildings of bureaucrats they had overthrown, they saw themselves as the only hope for global communism against the traitorous capitalist-roaders in China and in the USSR.
Isolation of Believers - Mao managed this by effectively taking over the country. Whereas many cults have to really work to get their people away from outside influences, when you can shut off the whole country to foreigners and you can totally control the media to say whatever you need it to say, isolation is pretty easy.
But there’s an extra step here. They still need to isolate within that isolation to feel unique and special, as I’ll cover later. In Yan’an, they managed it by being out in the boonies. Yan’an, though it is the heart of ancient China, is a backwaters in modern times. The mountainous terrain and muddy roads make it nearly inaccessible. Out here, away from Japan’s attacks, away from the Nationalist government in the South, the beleaguered Communist Party found a home having run away from all that. And more people came, similarly undergoing their own trials to arrive at this heart of resistance.
During the Cultural Revolution, the young Red Guards tried to recreate this by going on tours around the country to revisit these spaces, but more significantly, their isolation was psychological. Universally, they created their own groups and attacked the rest of society; anybody old was suspect, including teachers, government officials, and often their parents. They isolated themselves in the belief that the old revolution had failed, long live the next revolution.
Elite Membership - Everything about the Communist Party is an elite organization. Even though Mao warned them that they should keep close to the masses, the Communist Party recruits only a percentage of the population, picked based on merit (or connections) to become part of the ruling group. Each level is another layer of prestige, all the way to the top. But it takes a lot work to be there. During Yan’an, it meant undergoing rectification, and the same process continued throughout Mao’s tenure. During the Cultural Revolution, Red Guard groups popped up styling themselves as the true believers, sometimes even fighting each other over who was the most correct and closest to Mao.
More importantly, in every case, these people believed that China was unique and elite in the world. Even when their goal was fighting against other Chinese, both in the revolution and in the Cultural Revolution, they felt like they were saving China and indeed the world. They were the forefront, the vanguard, of revolutionary change.
God-like Leader - Mao’s biggest departure from the cults we looked at earlier is that he made all of this happen to a population of a billion, not the forty of Heaven’s Gate or even the (alleged) tens of thousands once in Aleph. A billion. The most populous country in the world. And yet all the tactics that seemed to serve a small, dedicated group like a religious cult worked here. In a country they controlled, they still felt isolated. In an elite group of specially picked members, they still felt special and unique. In a place that had already been reinvented as a Communist nation once, they still had to do it again. And in a land of a billion, nobody was able to point out the absurdities in how beliefs changed so wildly.
A main reason for that is Mao himself. I said that the Cult of Mao kinda got its start in Yan’an, but that’s not quite true. By the time he reached Yan’an, he was already a sort of mythic figure. He’d escaped the white terror of 1927 (when the Nationalists hunted down all Communist Party members they could find in a sudden betrayal of their alliance), and in fact had totally called that it would happen years before. He built up a rebellion in the mountains, redistributed land, created a Communist state, before the Nationalists were able to bring a war to him. And he got away, walking with his handful of followers over 10,000 kilometers, crossing bridges under fire, constantly pursued, until finally reaching safety in Yan’an. He was the hero of this battle-scarred group and the nucleus of China’s revolution. His survival was a thing of legends, and it was all because he knew the path before he walked it, had been right at every turn.
This is, again, describing him in 1942. Not 1966 when the posters of him being the glorious sun shedding the light of revolution on his adoring followers sprung up, well after he had colossally screwed up as a leader multiple times in the intervening years.
The cult leader has a lot of power over his people, in every case they are portrayed as not just god-like, but infallible and essential. Mao really embodied this. His every word was the truth, and his existence was the prerequisite for the success of the revolution, for the salvation of China. That’s why people could be so subservient, why they could kill themselves in a mass suicide at Applewhite’s command, or commit atrocities for Ashara, or denounce their parents and kill their teachers at Mao’s whims. God-like, in a cult, means that they must be followed and they must be revered because they are the keys to the belief structure and the final goals of the community. So when Mao’s followers attacked their elders, they saw themselves as the embattled few saving the world when they were, in fact, already in total control. They believed Mao when he told them otherwise, regardless of the evidence in front of their eyes.
So there’s our lesson from Mao for D&D, and I think this is why cults are so common in our settings; it is so easy to single out such a important, powerful, and chaotic leader. The nature of a cult, the way it is formed, necessitates that the leader is infallible and essential, that they must be followed to the ends of the earth. That is a very easy person to make a villain.


Whew, this has been a journey. Thanks for making it through it all. And if you skipped it, no judgment, that is a lot of words to provide a historical context for a few points I want to make about a game we all play for fun.
So I think our five characteristics are a useful way to start understanding cults. Historically speaking, they are present in our examples, and they are pretty key components of what makes a cult a cult as opposed to a religion or political party or canasta club. So I’ll repeat them here, summarize some basic lessons, and prompt a few questions to help you build a compelling and terrifyingly realistic cult.
God-like Leader - the leader of a cult is often a prophet or even portrayed as a manifestation of a god, quite literally being god-like. But even without the religious dimension, they are god-like in that they are infallible and essential. They might totally contradict themselves, they might be a prophet one day and an avatar the next, they might suffer all sorts of set backs, but to be god-like, they have to show that it was all part of their vision. They couldn’t reveal the truth until they were ready. They allowed misfortune to test their followers. They are never wrong and are the key piece to reaching the goals of the organization.
Some questions; do they do this cynically, fully aware of what they are doing and manipulating it, or do they believe in it themselves? What myth or legend has made their charisma? In the world of D&D, what powers towards deification can they actually gain or use for the purpose? How much does the cult serve only the leader, and if a lot how is this justified?
Flexible Beliefs - There is usually some core at the center of a cult, a basic secret about the reality of the world and humanity’s place in it, but everything around it can change, and cultists won’t see the dissidence. To put it simply, for a doomsday cult, doomsday can always be tomorrow even though each successive day proves them wrong. The most important thing is that the purpose of the cult is served.
Some questions; what is the core, unchangeable belief at the center of the cult? What actions can they take to get there? Why is it persuasive, what does it offer them? How can it adapt whenever proven wrong? What is the leader's role in redefining the cult's beliefs? Can it survive without the leader?
Reinvention of the Self - every cult asks its people to reinvent themselves. This is such a powerful tool, it’s used almost everywhere, from the military to business retreats. Because when you reinvent yourself alongside others who are going through the same process, you become a particularly tight-knit community. But what separates cults from common uses is that that transformation has to be powered by a belief that it is happening for a reason and that they are becoming a more advanced type of person for having gone through it.
Some questions; what are the rituals they use to reinvent themselves? What are they trying to attain? How do senior members initiate the new ones? Are there additional levels of reinvention beyond the first? What does a reinvented cultist look like or act like? Should they literally gain some powers?
Isolation of Believers - for all of this to work, especially the flexible beliefs and the reinvention of the self, people have to be isolated from the rest of the world. They might literally sequester themselves away, but for a villainous group, they instead take extreme measures to keep the world away even as they live and act within it.
Some questions; how does the cult keep information from outside from getting in? What are the punishments for letting information in? How do they interact with the world when they must be out in it? How does the cult isolate people from their friends and family?
Elite Membership - Cults don’t just gather the gullible, they appeal to even particularly smart and capable people because they appear to be a special group that not everyone can be part of. There are always requirements to join that not everyone can meet, and this makes the cultist feel like they are part of an elite group. That feeling reinforces all the rest of the characteristics. But that feeling of being different is complementary to the feeling that they will get elite rewards for their sacrifice. They are elite because they will be the first (or only) to gain something once the cult’s objectives are attained.
Some questions; why do cultists see themselves as unique and special when they are part of this organization? What prerequisites are there to membership? What do they have to do to prove that they deserve membership? How are various levels distinguished from each other within the cult? What do they gain, what secret knowledge is dispensed with membership, what boon is granted?
Thanks for reading! I have a podcast and a blog that you can find at www.marriednd.com or @marriednd.
submitted by authordm to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

Loading screen quotes (From Demo)

LOADING_TIP_0:0 "§BA police state is a country run by criminals.\n- Robert Harris, Fatherland§!"
LOADING_TIP_1:0 "§B'What do you do,' he said, 'if you devote your life to discovering criminals, and it gradually occurs to you that the real criminals are the people you work for?' \n- Robert Harris, Fatherland§!"
LOADING_TIP_2:0 "§BTruth, she thought. As terrible as death. But harder to find. \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_3:0 "§BPerhaps if you know you are insane then you are not insane. Or you are becoming sane, finally. Waking up. \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_4:0 "§BOn some other world, possibly it is different. Better. There are clear good and evil alternatives. Not these obscure admixtures, these blends, with no proper tool by which to untangle the components. \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_5:0 "§BEvil is not a view ... it's an ingredient in us. In the world. Poured over us, filtering into our bodies, minds, hearts, into the pavement itself. \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_6:0 "§BWe are all insects. Groping towards something terrible or divine. \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_7:0 "§BWhat profit it a man if he gain the whole world but in this enterprise lose his soul? \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_8:0 "§B'It will end', Childan thought. 'Someday. The very idea of place. Not governed and governing, but people.' \n- Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle§!"
LOADING_TIP_9:0 "§BWho controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_10:0 "§BThe best books... are those that tell you what you know already. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_11:0 "§BIf you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face- forever. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_12:0 "§BBut if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_13:0 "§BUntil they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_14:0 "§BPerhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one. \n-George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_15:0 "§BIn the face of pain there are no heroes. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_16:0 "§BFreedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. \n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_17:0 "§BThe appalling thing about fascism is that you've got to use fascist methods to get rid of it. \n- It Happened Here§!"
LOADING_TIP_18:0 "§BWe don't accept your decisions. You accept ours. \n- It Happened Here§!"
LOADING_TIP_19:0 "§BWhat Douglas had once seen as the attractive over-confidence of youth, now looked more like unyielding selfishness. \n- Len Deighton, SS-GB§!"
LOADING_TIP_20:0 "§BOnce he had realized that these words and words like them were the truth, once they had broken through his defensive barrier of denial, then they became a part of him, burning their way into his soul. \n- J.N. Stroyar, The Children's War: A Novel§!"
LOADING_TIP_21:0 "§BTrue peace in our world cannot be achieved so long as the United States is enslaved by the corrupt influence of the Jew. \n- Adolf Hitler§!"
LOADING_TIP_22:0 "§BOpen your hearts, home an ally. \n- Allied Homes Organization poster advertising§!"
LOADING_TIP_23:0 "§BWe cannot condemn Autocracy in Europe whilst we tolerate it in our own backyard. Either Queen Elizabeth will leave our northern brothers or be forced to do so. \n- American Leftist§!"
LOADING_TIP_24:0 "§BI speak simply as a soldier of the Last War whose most earnest prayer it is that such cruel and destructive madness shall never again overtake mankind. There is no land whose people want war. \n- Edward VIII, King of England§!"
LOADING_TIP_24:0 "§BWe cannot recite 'give me liberty, or give me death', whilst we remain enslaved to masters behind the shadows, manipulating and eroding the very foundations of our Republic. \n- NPP Member§!"
LOADING_TIP_25:0 "§BIt is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of the nation. \n- Adolf Hitler§!"
LOADING_TIP_26:0 "§BTo be German nowadays is to die in battle, armed or unarmed, willing or unwilling, for a cause or no cause at all. \n- Anonymous German Citizen§!"
LOADING_TIP_27:0 "§BI have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality.\n- Goethe§!"
LOADING_TIP_28:0 "§BA thousand years will pass and the pride of Germany will not be erased!\n- Hans Frank, Governor-General of Poland§!"
LOADING_TIP_29:0 "§BYou will all wind up shining the shoes of the Germans!\n- Italo Balbo§!"
LOADING_TIP_30:0 "§BIt is a very simple question: are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the German-American Bund?\n- J. Parnell Thomas, Head of the House Committee on Un-American Activities§!"
LOADING_TIP_31:0 "§BWar? What is it good for?\n- Edwin Starr§!"
LOADING_TIP_32:0 "§BNo one starts a war - or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so - without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.\n- Harold G. Moore, We Were Soldiers Once... And Young§!"
LOADING_TIP_33:0 "§BBombs do not choose. They will hit everything.\n- Hermann Göring§!"
LOADING_TIP_34:0 "§BIf I had to put up a poster for every seven Poles shot, the forests of Poland would not be sufficient to manufacture the paper.\n- Hans Frank, Governor-General of Poland§!"
LOADING_TIP_35:0 "§BNo enemy bomber can reach the Ruhr. If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Göring. You may call me Meyer.\n- Hermann Göring§!"
LOADING_TIP_36:0 "§BCoercion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.\n- Robert McNamara§!"
LOADING_TIP_37:0 "§BSomething must be done to save humanity! A better world if possible!\n- Fidel Castro§!"
LOADING_TIP_38:0 "§BI don't think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews.\n- Fidel Castro§!"
LOADING_TIP_39:0 "§BA man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.\n- President John F. Kennedy§!"
LOADING_TIP_40:0 "§BInjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.\n- Martin Luther King Jr.§!"
LOADING_TIP_41:0 "§BA man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.\n- John F. Kennedy§!"
LOADING_TIP_42:0 "§BOne believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.\n- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World§!"
LOADING_TIP_43:0 "§BMost men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.\n- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World§!"
LOADING_TIP_44:0 "§BThere is no final one; revolutions are infinite.\n- Yevgeny Zamyatin, We§!"
LOADING_TIP_45:0 "§BOne individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives.\n- Subhas Chandra Bose§!"
LOADING_TIP_46:0 "§BIf I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.\n- Erich Koch§!"
LOADING_TIP_47:0 "§BEs ist aus. Der Krieg ist gewonnen! \n- Adolf Hitler to his Generals following the English surrender.§!"
LOADING_TIP_48:0 "§BOnly Armies Matter Now. \n - Francis Parker Yockey§!"
LOADING_TIP_49:0 "§BThe Burgundian System is a disgusting German abomination, but it allows them to thrive over the inferior minorities within their realms. We must twist this, as pure Russians, to break the degenerate "sub-cultures" and create a more pure state.\n- Unknown Russian, 1968§!"
LOADING_TIP_50:0 "§BA strange game. The only winning move is not to play. \n- §!"
LOADING_TIP_51:0 "§BNobody in the world, in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of those oppressing them. \n- Assata Shakur§!"
LOADING_TIP_52:0 "§BIt was a bright day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.\n- George Orwell, 1984§!"
LOADING_TIP_53:0 "§BI have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French. \n- Charles de Gaulle§!§!"
LOADING_TIP_54:0 "§BThe end justifies the means, as long as there is something that justifies the end.\n- Leon Trotsky§!"
LOADING_TIP_55:0 "§BIf you were a better person, you wouldn’t be here.\n- Unknown SS-Penal Battalion Officer§!"
LOADING_TIP_56:0 "§BIt is certain that concentration camps had a bad reputation with us \n- Albert Speer§!"
LOADING_TIP_57:0 "§BThis world doesn’t have a history. It has a criminal record.\n- Unknown§!"
LOADING_TIP_58:0 "§BNature does not know extinction, only transformation.\n- Wernher Von Braun§!"
LOADING_TIP_59:0 "§BYou know, sometimes I think I was either born too early or too late for my life. Maybe we're both just relics. \n- Guillermo del Toro, The Shape of Water§!"
LOADING_TIP_60:0 "§BIs it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good forced upon him?\n- Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange§!"
LOADING_TIP_61:0 "§BUnfortunately this earth is not a fairy-land, but a struggle for life, perfectly natural and therefore extremely harsh.\n- Martin Bormann §!"
LOADING_TIP_62:0 "§BI am become death, the destroyer of worlds. \n- Julius Robert Oppenheimer§!"
LOADING_TIP_63:0 "§BIn seven days God had created the Earth. In a single day mankind had turned it upside down.\n- Kristina McNorris, Bridge of Scarlet Leaves§!"
LOADING_TIP_64:0 "§BHe who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.\n- Friedrich Nietzsche§!"
LOADING_TIP_65:0 "§BThe optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true. \n- Julius Robert Oppenheimer§!"
LOADING_TIP_66:0 "§BMy honor is my loyalty. \n- Heinrich Himmler§!"
LOADING_TIP_67:0 "§BMen may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear. \n- Heinrich Himmler§!"
LOADING_TIP_68:0 "§BWe’re dealing with two devils who only want to rule hell.\n- Ruta Sepetys, Between Shades of Grey§!"
LOADING_TIP_69:0 "§BIt is better to have an end with horror than a horror without end.\n- Marin Preda, The Most Beloved Of Earthlings§!"
LOADING_TIP_70:0 "§BDeadly errors do not appear out of the blue, they do not happen unexpectedly; they have a prelude, yet who pays attention to it?\n- Marin Preda, The Most Beloved Of Earthlings§!"
LOADING_TIP_71:0 "§BThe country is dying for want of men, not for want of programs. \n- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu§!"
LOADING_TIP_72:0 "§BThe end of hope is the beginning of death. \n- Charles De Gaulle§!"
LOADING_TIP_73:0 "§BThe future does not belong to men. \n- Charles De Gaulle§!"
LOADING_TIP_74:0 "§BThe government has no proposition to make, it only has orders to give. \n- Charles De Gaulle§!"
LOADING_TIP_75:0 "§BThe sword is the axis of the world, and grandeur cannot be divided \n- Charles De Gaulle§!"
LOADING_TIP_76:0 "§BLet us not forget that history will not forgive the guilty; and guilty are we all. Some, for remaining silent, others for acting wrongly, and all of us, for bearing with it \n- Ion Antonescu§!"
LOADING_TIP_77:0 "§BA totalitarian dictatorship, by its very nature, works in great secrecy and knows how to preserve that secrecy from the prying eyes of outsiders.\n- William Shirer, The Rise of the Third Reich§!"
LOADING_TIP_78:0 "§BAnd so, as mankind harnessed fire as its first invention, so it would perish in fire as its last action.\n- Unknown§!"
LOADING_TIP_79:0 "§BI don’t see any American dream; I see an American nightmare.\n- Malcolm X§!"
LOADING_TIP_80:0 "§BHemos Pasado!\n- Francisco Franco, 1939 §!"
LOADING_TIP_81:0 "§BYou know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays, everyone’s crazy.\n- Charles Manson§!"
LOADING_TIP_82:0 "§BYou may conquer the land, you may slaughter the people. That is not the end. We will rise again.\n- Charlton Heston, Ben-Hur§!"
LOADING_TIP_83:0 "§BWir sind verloren... Wir sind verloren... Wir sind verloren...\n- Unknown German Citizen, 1964§!"
LOADING_TIP_84:0 "§BHow many families have you destroyed today?\n Unknown American Protestor.§!"
LOADING_TIP_85:0 "§BCognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.§!"
LOADING_TIP_86:0 "§BWe will not be led like sheep to the slaughter!\n-Abba Kovner§!"
LOADING_TIP_87:0 "§BTo sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing.\n- Adolf Eichmann§!"
LOADING_TIP_88:0 "§BOne seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder.\n- Albert Speer§!"
LOADING_TIP_89:0 "§BMy measures will not be crippled by any bureaucracy. Here I don't have to worry about Justice; my mission is only to destroy and to exterminate; nothing more.\n- Hermann Goering§!"
LOADING_TIP_90:0 "§BAh goddammit, it’s time to end this. No more half measures, no more proxy wars. Death to the Americans! Death to the Japanese!\n- Hermann Goering§!"
LOADING_TIP_91:0 "§BOur blood has been spilled on our soil. My blood... on their hands. They are the invaders. All U.S. and German forces will leave Russia immediately... or suffer the consequences.\n-Dmitry Karbyshev §!"
LOADING_TIP_92:0 "§BMan shall be trained for war, and woman for the procreation of the warrior; all else is folly.\n- Friedrich Nietzsche§!"
LOADING_TIP_93:0 "§BThe goal of this system shall be nothing short of the complete obliteration, on the conceptual level, of right wing thought.\n- Santiago Carillo§!"
LOADING_TIP_94:0 "§BOne individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives.\n- Subhas Chandra Bose§!"
LOADING_TIP_95:0 "§BIf we made a mistake, then we made a mistake; after all, what's been missing in the European fight for socialism over the last 100 years, is the element of 'madness'.\n- Gudrun Ensslin§!"
LOADING_TIP_96:0 "§BThe best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear.\n-Heinrich Himmler §!"
LOADING_TIP_97:0 "§BSegregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!\n- George Wallace§!"
LOADING_TIP_98:0 "§BNot one drop of American blood will be spent on a land invasion of the home isles.\n-Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. §!"
LOADING_TIP_99:0 "§BYou can’t blame people for wanting a bit of hope to hold on to.\n- George Lucas, on the success of his films. §!"
LOADING_TIP_100:0 "§BThe moment the first American soldier sets foot on the Japanese mainland, all prisoners of war will be shot.\n- Hideki Tojo§!"
LOADING_TIP_101:0 "§BFear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking on it.\n- Robert F. Kennedy§!"
LOADING_TIP_102:0 "§BThe seas of the four directions/all are born of one womb/why, then, do the wind and waves rise in discord?\n- Emperor Meiji§!"
LOADING_TIP_103:0 "§BThe Sphere keeps the Americans out, the Japanese in, and the Chinese down.\n- Sukarno§!"
LOADING_TIP_104:0 "§BMen endured so much for war, but for peace they dared nothing.\n- William Olaf Stapledon§!"
LOADING_TIP_105:0 "§BDarwin himself, in his day, was unable to fight free of the theoretical errors of which he was guilty. It was the classics of Marxism that revealed those errors and pointed them out.\n- Troffim Lysenko§!"
LOADING_TIP_106:0 "§BI am not a crook!\n- Richard Nixon§!"
LOADING_TIP_107:0 "§BI thought you were my comrades! Live together, die together!\n- Corporal Bolton before being abandoned by his squadron in the Battle of London§!"
LOADING_TIP_108:0 "§BSo bye bye, Miss American Pie, drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry, and them good ole boys\nwere drinking whiskey and rye, singing this’ll be the day that I die, this’ll be the day that I die\n- Don McLean §!"
LOADING_TIP_109:0 "§BWe cannot have a future without respecting our past. \n-Michael I§!"
LOADING_TIP_111:0 "§BGermany has grown soft and fat on the backs of its slaves. We must once again learn to stand, strong and proud, on our own two feet.\n- Reinhard Heydrich§!"
LOADING_TIP_112:0 "§BGermany has grown amoral and callous from the institution of slavery. We must once again learn to see our fellow man as a fellow man.\n- Albert Speer§!"
LOADING_TIP_113:0 "§BGermany has grown complacent and weak from the slave system. We must remember to fight our own battles.\n- Hermann Goering§!"
LOADING_TIP_114:0 "§BGermany succeeds, and continues to succeed, in part thanks to the copious amounts of free labor that the slave system provides.\n- Martin Bormann§!"
LOADING_TIP_115:0 "§BTo the strongest!\n- Alexander the Great upon being asked who would inherit his empire§!"
LOADING_TIP_116:0 "§BWherever the flag of the Rising Sun flies, it shall not come down.\n- Isoroku Yamamoto§!"
LOADING_TIP_117:0 "§BThe whole of Russia under Voroshilov or Zhukov would be crushed faster than the city of Arkhangelsk under my command\n- Mikhail Tukhachevsky, 1957§!"
LOADING_TIP_118:0 "§BInside every anarchist is a failed dictator\n- Benito Mussolini§!"
LOADING_TIP_119:0 "§BI accept calmly what is to be my infamous destiny.\n- Galeazzo Ciano§!"
LOADING_TIP_120:0 "§BAs always, victory will have a hundred fathers, but defeat will never be acknowledged by anyone at all\n- Galeazzo Ciano§!"
LOADING_TIP_121:0 "§BLet the well-being of the Fatherland be the supreme law.\n- Henri Mordacq§!"
LOADING_TIP_122:0 "§BLaws are silent in times of war.\n- Marcus Tullius Cicero§!"
LOADING_TIP_123:0 "§BThe die has been cast.\n- Gaius Julius Caesar§!"
submitted by Hexcron to TNOmod [link] [comments]

Tools & Info for SysAdmins - Mega Summary Q4 (Over 80 Items)

Hi sysadmin,
Each week I thought I'd post these SysAdmin tools, tips, tutorials etc with just one link to get it in your inbox each week (with extras). Let me know any ideas for future version in the comments!
This week is mega list of all the items we've featured to in the last 3 months, broken down into categories, for you to explore at your leisure. I hope you enjoy it.

Free Tools

Free MailFlow Monitor. Rejection / Delay Text Alerts, Group Policies, Alerts By SMTP Code, Trouble Shooting Tools including header analysis. MailFlow Monitor is EveryCloud’s (Our) free, cloud-based, round-trip tool that sends you an alert as soon as there is an issue with your email flow. Settings are adjustable to allow you to choose how much of a delay is acceptable and which types of bounce alerts you want to see. Helps you get to the bottom of a problem before users (or your boss) have even noticed it.

Postman is a popular, free app to make API development faster and easier. It offers a powerful GUI, saved history of requests, flexible monitoring, automated testing with collection runner, mock servers, and unlimited collections, environments, tests, and sharing. It also provides detailed documentation.

Microsoft Sysinternals Suite is all their utilities in one convenient file. Contains the all the individual troubleshooting tools as well as help files, but not non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault. A shout out to azers for recommending this one.

RichCopy is a simple tool written by a Microsoft engineer named Derk Benisch. It provides a much-appreciated graphical interface for the very popular Robocopy command-line utility.

Windows Update MiniTool is an alternative to the standard (and sometimes overbearing) Windows Update. It allows you to control updates by giving you the power to search, install, and block Windows updates in any way you like.

Space Monger gives you a graphical image of your whole disk, where large files and folders are easily identified. This handy tool can be run from a USB drive, so you don't even need to install it. Thanks for this one and Windows Update MiniTool go to mikedopp.

UNetbootin is a terrific, cross-platform utility for creating bootable live USB drives for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. Thanks go to Gianks for this one.

CopyQ is a clipboard manager that adds some advanced editing and scripting capabilities. It monitors the system clipboard and saves text, HTML, images and more into customized tabs. From there, the saved content can be copied and pasted directly into any application. Clipboard history is easily searchable and can be filtered. Suggested by majkinetor.

Desktop Info provides a quick view of every kind of metric about your Windows system right on your desktop. The display looks like wallpaper but stays resident in memory and updates in real time. Gives you a quick way to monitor what any system is up to, while using very little memory and requiring almost nothing from the CPU. This one was recommended by mikedopp.

Healthstone is a lightweight, self-hosted, agent-based system-monitoring solution that runs lots of customizable health checks. The dashboard runs on a Windows or Linux server, and it has agents for the Windows and Linux hosts you want to monitor. You can customize the dashboard to send notifications via email, Pushbullet, or NodePoint tickets whenever a client stops checking in or any of the configured checks fail. Configuration is retrieved from the dashboard by all agents in the form of templates, which are stored in the templates folder and can be customized for your needs. Thanks to mikedopp for this one!

Rufus is another utility for formatting and creating bootable USB flash drives. This one works with MRB/GPT and BIOS/UEFI. Rufus is about twice as fast as UNetbootin, Universal USB Installer, or Windows 7 USB download tool when creating a Windows 7 USB installation drive from an ISO. It is also marginally faster for creating a Linux bootable USB from ISOs. We first heard of this one from Gianks, but there were quite a few others who shared the recommendation as well.

Axence netTools is a set of ten free tools for network scanning and monitoring. Includes: Netwatch (multiple host availability and response-time monitoring); Network port and service scanner; Wintools (view of launched processes/services, remote register editor and Windows event log view, HDD/RAM/CPU details, custom queries based on WMI protocol); TCP/IP workshop and SNMP browser; Traceroute; NetStat (list of inbound and outbound connections and open ports); Local info (tables with local configuration details, TCP/UDP stats); Lookup (DNS and WHOIS records); Bandwidth test; and NetCheck (LAN hardware and wiring quality check). This was recommended by DollarMindy as an "easy ping monitor with email alerts."

MediCat USB is a a bootable troubleshooting environment with Linux and Windows boot environments and troubleshooting tools. A complete Hiren's Boot Disk replacement for modern hardware that follows the Ubuntu release cycle with a new update released every 6 months. The DVD version was originally recommended to us by Spikerman "for when you need to helpdesk warrior."

MobaXterm is an enhanced terminal for remote computing. It brings all the key remote network tools (SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH) and Unix commands (bash, ls, cat, sed, grep, awk, rsync) to Windows desktop in a single, portable .exe file that works out of the box. The free version includes full X server and SSH support, remote desktop (RDP, VNC, Xdmcp), remote terminal (SSH, telnet, rlogin, Mosh), X11-Forwarding, automatic SFTP browser, plugins support, portable and installer versions but only 12 sessions, 2 SSH tunnels, 4 macros, and 360 seconds for Tftp/Nfs/Cron. Thanks go out to lazylion_ca for suggesting this one.

WinDirStat provides free, open-source graphical disk-usage analysis for MS Windows. You'll get a sub-tree view with disk-use percent and a list of file extensions ordered by usage. This tool was recommended by ohyeahwell, who likes to use it "for freespace as it can be deployed via ninite pro."

IIS Crypto allows administrators to enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows Server 2008, 2012 and 2016. You can also reorder SSL/TLS cipher suites from IIS, implement best practices with a single click, create custom templates and test your website. Available in both command line and GUI versions. EOTFOFFTW tells us, “This tool has been very helpful in configuring SSL settings for Windows IIS servers.”

Ditto saves all your clipboard items so you can access them later. It works with anything that can be put on the clipboard—images, text, html and custom formats. The simple interface includes search and sync functions for ease of finding what you need. Thanks go to Arkiteck for suggesting this one!

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware should be your first stop if you suspect a malware infection. It is the most-effective malware remover—featuring deep scans and daily updates—and blocks malware, hacker, viruses, ransomware and malicious websites that slip through your traditional antivirus. Also available as a full AV program that you can buy if you wish to do so.

Termius is a complete command-line solution providing portable server management for UNIX and Linux systems—whether a local machine, a remote service, Docker Container, VM, Raspberry Pi, or AWS instance (similar to Putty for Android). This cross-platform Telnet, Mosh-compatible and SSH client. Securely access Linux or IoT devices to quickly fix issues from your laptop or phone. Thanks for this one go to blendelabor.

WSUS Offline Update lets you safely patch any computer running Microsoft Windows and Office—even when there's no connection to the Internet or a network of any sort. More specifically, you first run WSUS Offline Update on a machine that has Internet connectivity to download the updates you need and copy the resulting update media to a USB drive. You then use the USB drive to run the update on the target computers. Recommended by mikedopp.

SystemRescueCd is a Linux system rescue disk that allows you to administer or repair your system and data after a crash. It can be booted via CD/DVD, USB or installed directly on the hard disk. Many system utilities like GParted, fsarchiver, filesystem tools and basic tools (editors, midnight commander, network tools) are included, and it works on Linux and Windows computers, desktops and servers. Supports ext3/ext4, xfs, btrfs, reiserfs, jfs, vfat, ntfs—as well as network filesystems such as Samba and NFS.

KiTTY is a fork of PuTTY, the popular Telnet and SSH client. It runs on Windows and can perform all the tasks of PuTTY plus many more. Features include portability, predefined command shortcuts, sessions filter, session launcher, automatic log-on script, URL hyperlinks, automatic command and password, running locally saved scripts in remote sessions, ZModem integration, icons for each session, transparency, unfortunate keyboard input protection, roll-up, quick start of duplicate sessions, configuration box, automatic saving, Internet Explorer integration for SSH Handler, binary compression, clipboard printing, PuTTYCyg patch, background images/transparency and organizing sessions you save in a folder hierarchy.

WinMTR is a free, open-source Windows application that integrates the functions of the traceroute and ping utilities into a single, convenient network diagnostic tool. Many thanks to generalmx for suggesting both this and SystemRescueCd!

Free Services

SSL Labs SSL Server Test is a free online service that will run a deep analysis on the configuration for any SSL web server. Simply enter the hostname, and you'll get a detailed report highlighting any problems found on each server.

Draw.io is a free, browser-based diagramming application that's terrific for creating flowcharts and org charts. It's available as an online application with optional integration to various cloud storage options.

ImmuniWeb® SSLScan allows you to test SSL/TLS security and implementation for compliance with PCI DSS requirements, HIPAA guidance and NIST guidelines. Checks SSL certificate expiration for subdomains, insecure third-party content, and email servers’ SPF, DKIM, and DMARC implementation. Credit for this one goes to pixl_graphix.

BadSSL.com offers a simple, free way to test a browser's security setup. This helpful service was suggested by Already__Taken who advises you to "test what your MITM proxy will happily re-sign and present to you as a valid site."

Testssl.sh is a free command line tool that checks a server's service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols, recent cryptographic flaws and more. Recommended by stuck_in_the_tubes who likes it "for when you need to assess protocol encryption without the use of external services."


For access to all of the sysinternals tools on any Windows box with internet, just Win+R and open \\live.sysinternals.com\tools. It's a public SMB share with all of the tools that Microsoft hosts. Thanks to jedieaston for the tip.

BASH keyboard shortcut: 'Control + r' initiates a name/command lookup from the bash history. As you type, this 'reverse incremental search' will autocomplete with the most-recent match from your history.


Darknet Diaries podcast relates the fascinating, true stories of hackers, defenders, threats, malware, botnets, breaches, and privacy. The show's producer, Jack Rhysider, is a security-world veteran who gained experience fighting such exploits at a Security Operations Center. Thanks to unarj for suggesting this one.

StormCast is a daily 5-10 minute podcast from the Internet Storm Center covering the latest information security threat updates. New podcasts are released late in the day, so they're waiting for you to listen on your morning commute. While the format is compact, the information is very high-level and provides a real overview of the current state of affairs in the info-sec world.

Microsoft Cloud IT Pro podcast is hosted by Scott and Ben, two IT Pros with expertise in SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure. The podcast focuses primarily on Office 365 with some discussion on Azure, especially as it relates to Office 365 in areas such as Azure AD and Mobile Device Management (MDM) or Mobile Application Management (MAM).

Datanauts podcast keeps you up to date on developments in data center and infrastructure related to cloud, storage, virtualization, containers, networking, and convergence. Discussions focus on data center compute, storage, networking and automation to explore the newest technologies, including hyperconvergence and cloud.

Cloud Architects is a podcast on best practices, the latest news, and cutting-edge Microsoft cloud technologies. Nicolas Blank, Warren du Toit and Chris Goosen host discussions with various experts in the cloud space to gather helpful guidance and ideas.

Risky Business is a weekly podcast that covers both the latest news and thoughtful, in-depth discussions with the top minds in the security industry. Hosted by award-winning journalist Patrick Gray, it is a terrific way to stay up to date on information security.

The rollBak is a podcast on systems engineering, DevOps, networking, and automation—along with the odd discussion on software development or information security. Conversation is casual with the intention of making complex topics approachable in a way that fosters learning.


Get Started in PowerShell3 is a great jump start video series on starting out in PowerShell. According to sysadmin FireLucid, "It's a great broad overview of how it works and I found it extremely useful to have watched before starting on the book."


Ask Woody is a no-nonsense news, tips, and help site for Windows, Office, and more. You can post questions about Windows 10, Win8.1, Win7, Surface, Office, or browse through their forums. Recommended to us by deeperdownunder.

Learn X in Y minutes is a community-driven site that provides quick syntax for many popular programming languages. Here are direct links for some common ones, kindly provided by ssebs:

WintelGuy offers a handy collection of useful links, calculators, resources, and tools for the sysadmin. Thanks LateralLimey for the recommendation!

How-To Geek is a website dedicated to explaining today's technology. Content is written to be useful for all audiences—from regular people to geeky technophiles—and the focus is to put the latest news and tech into context.

EventSentry is a comprehensive, well-organized resource for Windows security events and auditing on the web. It allows you to see how events correlate using insertion strings and review the associated audit instructions. This was recommended by _deftoner_ as an “online DB where you can search for Windows Event Log by id, os, error code, etc. I do a lot of auditing on a big network thru event log ids, and sometimes I found rare errors—and there is not a good db with all of them. Not even Microsoft has one.”


The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win tells the story of an IT manager's efforts to save his company's dysfunctional IT dept. The company's new IT initiative, code named Phoenix Project, is behind schedule and hugely over budget. Bill is given 90 days to resolve the entire mess—or have his entire department outsourced. An entertaining read, with elements that seem familiar to most system admins. Comes highly recommended by sp00n_b3nd3r.

UNIX® and Linux® System Administration Handbook, 5th Edition, is a comprehensive guide written by world-class, hands-on experts. It covers best practices for every area of system administration—including storage management, network design and administration, security, web hosting, automation, configuration management, performance analysis, virtualization, DNS, security, and management of IT service organizations. You'll learn all about installing, configuring, and maintaining any UNIX or Linux system, even those that supply core Internet and cloud infrastructure. A great resource for anyone responsible for running systems built on UNIX or Linux.

Taming Information Technology: Lessons from Studies of System Administrators (Human Technology Interaction Series)was suggested by AngryMountainBiker, who describes it as "essentially an ethnographic study of system administrators. The authors videotaped and otherwise documented SA's over a period of time and were able to break down a number of fascinating incidents and how to improve the art. I'm disappointed this hasn't been recommended reading for all SA's and maybe more importantly, their bosses, who too often don't really know what SA's do."

Learn Active Directory Management in a Month of Lunches is a practical, hands-on guide for those who are new to Active Directory. It covers the administration tasks that keep a network running smoothly and how to administer AD both from the GUI tools built into Windows and from PowerShell at the command line. Provides best practices for managing user access, setting group policies, automating backups, and more. All examples are based in Windows Server 2012.


Sans Digital Forensics and Incident Response Cheat Sheets provide a collection of assorted, handy incident response cheat sheets. It's a helpful reference for commands, process, tactics, tips, tools and techniques that was compiled by Sans DFIR, the experts in incident-response training.


Ned Pyle's blog from Microsoft's Directory Services Team contains a wealth of posts on best practices and solutions to common issues. While no longer actively maintained by Ned Pyle, the library of information already posted is incredibly valuable. Thanks to azers for bringing this to our attention.

Happy SysAdm has been providing resources, solutions and tips for system administrators since 2010. The blog is written by a Senior Systems Administrator with close to 15 years experience in designing, scripting, monitoring and performance-tuning Microsoft environments going all the way back to Windows 3.1/95/NT4.

Stephanos Constantinou's Blog shares the author's original scripts for PowerShell, Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange On-Premise and Online (Office 365) and Microsoft Azure. His current focus is on retrieving data from systems, editing it and automating procedures. You'll also find a section with some PowerShell tutorials.

Have a fantastic week!!
u/crispyducks (Graham @ EveryCloud)

P.S. Some Extra Free Tools We Put In The Email Version

Clonezilla is free, open-source software for disk cloning, disk imaging, data recovery, and deployment—helping with system deployment, bare metal backup, and recovery. Cloning efficiency is optimized by the program's approach of saving/restoring only used blocks in the hard disk.

SPF Record Testing Tools is a query tool designed to help you deploy SPF records for your domain. It validates if an SPF record exists and whether it is formatted correctly and entered into your DNS as a proper TXT record.

PS Remote Registry module contains functions to create, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values on local or remote computers. This one was recommended to us by IhaveGin.

PowerCopy GUI was recommended by Elementix, who described it as "similar to RichCopy, but it uses .Net, PowerShell, and Robocopy. A good (non-install) alternative." The tool allows you to set up predefined options, one-click access to help and log file, and instant error analysis.

Gitbash is a package containing bash and a collection of other, separate *nix utilities like ssh, scp, cat, find and others—compiled for Windows—and a new command-line interface terminal window called mintty. Recommended by sysacc who tells us he's been "dealing with log files lately and I've been using...Gitbash a LOT... It's part of the Git tools, I love having access to Linux commands on Windows."

Easy2Boot is a collection of grub4dos scripts to be copied onto a grub4dos-bootable USB drive. Each time you boot, the E2B scripts automatically find all the payload files (.ISO, .IMA, .BIN, .IMG, etc.) on the USB drive and dynamically generate the menus. Thanks to Phx86 who says it "creates a very versatile USB drive. It checks a lot of marks other various tools did not. Formats NTFS, your ISO boot disks doubles as standard NTFS storage. Drag and drop .ISO files to the correct folder, then boot directly to them. Boot menu reads the .ISO files and builds a menu based on what is loaded on the drive. No fiddling around with custom boot menus when you add a new .ISO."

CCleaner is the fastest way to eliminate temporary files and Windows Registry problems. Our own Matt Frye says, "When a machine is having problems, this is almost always the tool I use first. It also helps to ensure privacy by getting rid of traces left behind (such as cookies) by web browsers."

Netwrix Auditor Free Community Edition is a great auditing/monitoring tool for the Windows sysadmin. It lets you see changes and access events in your hybrid cloud IT environment, so you can stop worrying you'll miss critical changes to AD objects, file server permissions, Windows Server configuration or other security incidents.

WinSCP is an SFTP client and FTP client for Windows with a GUI, integrated text editor, scripting and task automation. It allows you to copy files between a local computer and remote servers via FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, WebDAV or S3 file transfer protocols.

Why am I doing this each week?
I want to be mindful of the rules of the subreddit, so if you’d like to know more about my reasons for doing this, please visit the bottom of the sister post on SysAdminBlogs:
You can view last weeks post here: https://www.reddit.com/sysadmin/comments/a2zuhy/tools_info_for_sysadmins_linux_rescue_disk_telnet/

Edit 1: As some of you may know this post got caught in site wide filters today. It's since been released as you can see, but whilst that was all happening I set up a new subreddit /ITProTuesday. We'll post them in here each week to, so please subscribe if you want to make sure you don't miss out on them!

Edit 2: I'm greatly honoured by the gold!! Thank you anonymous user.
submitted by crispyducks to sysadmin [link] [comments]

[Lets Build] 100 Secret Societies

Welcome to the 16th [Lets Build!]
TOPIC: 100 Different Secret Societies
Die Roll Result
1 The Figulari, they disguise their actions in public as the Potter's Guild. In truth they construct enchanted clay traps that capture the souls of their political opponents. Their members are referred to as "Clayed Men".
2 Magitologists; a large well known cult in certain parts of the world. Started by psychic writer L Rob Hupyard, they are a vastly rich organization rich enough not to be hunted down by the authorites in the cities they reside in. They have many famous people among their ranks. Rumors are that they horribly torture and brainwash those who try to leave.
3 The Guild of Undertakers and Gravediggers has a secret: the town was built on the site where an evil, nameless god was slain millenia ago and anyone buried there will arise as undead in three days. They have a ritual they perform out of sight of the deceased's loved ones that prevents this, but a necromancer has infiltrated their ranks and has figured out how to reverse it. Unless stopped, the whole area will be awash in undead.
4 Lizard people who secretly control large sections of the government. They are actually lizardfolk, with numerous members dedicated to the creation of hats of disguise to further infiltrate.
5 Magic users pretending to be an anti-magic organization for two reasons: the ability to discreetly cape and stop real anti-magic supporters, and so that they can use terrible arguments in politics to reduce resistance to magic-positive rulers and legislation.
6 A cult that worships inactive spheres, with prophecies saying that someday the spheres will activate, and Grant them limitless power (spheres are inactive Mythallar, waiting for DAM plot point)
7 Pixies intent on researching and recovering permanency spells, intent on permanently shrinking the other races to a more proper size (with a smaller subsection planning to grow, themselves, and subjugate both other pixies and newly-Tiny races)
8 Ancient cult of half-dragons, dragon born, and kobolds, worshipping an ancient, True-Polymorphed wizard, who will refuse to believe their dragon isn't real.
9 Necromancers whose only goal is to live in peace, using undead to do manual labor and creating a hidden City where all live rich, happy lives. A necromancer controlling some farming zombies dies of old age, leaving some zombies free from control, and those zombies attack a nearby, surprised village. Adventurers are brought in, offered lots of gold to defeat "the Neverland behind all of this".
10 A hidden underground elf City, not drow, just wood elves who would prefer to be left alone. They mostly hunt but they also sell beautiful bone and wood carvings in nearby towns. Their City was once a valley, but, using their druid and ranger members, they had trees grow over the top. Now noon is as twilight, and twilight is as night.
11 A society of gnomes dedicated to gnome rights. They believe (correctly or incorrectly) gnome rights are being trampled on and intend to right this wrong from the inside. Using trenchcoats and disguise kits, sets of three gnomes disguise themselves as humans and try to gain political power to force all businesses and public places to lower counters, tables, chairs, and shelves to a height appropriate for "all sentient and decent folk".
12 A secret cabal of merchants that rig the price of a particular raw material in the surrounding towns. When competition arises, they have bandits attack the rival caravans while faking attacks on their own. If the PCs get too close to the truth they'll be hired as caravan guards during their investigation, only to be attacked by bandits and all the members of the caravan during an ambush.
13 A cult of humans that believe elves are favored by the gods due to their grace and longevity. To fool the gods, their priests wear masks and gloves made from the skin of elves and pray to Elven gods for long life. They will kidnap and starve elves and half elves so their skin become looser and easier to remove after they're killed.
14 A small cult of commoners who believe that magic isn’t real, and is a series of mechanical tricks performed by incredibly well disguised constructs.
15 A group of pale, starved elves who travel the globe kidnapping humanoids and feeding them to a dark beast, in an attempt to increase it’s power enough to level cities.
16 Every person in town talks in a whisper, because they believe they are living in the ear of their god, and they don't wanna wake him.
17 The UnderTown, a town ruled by dwarves that connects to other towns, they can always be found beneath the city, ready to accept another dwarf into their ranks to help him/her out. Enjoys causing earthquake-like collapses of relatively important structures in small towns and has a fromidable army to destroy nations underfoot (literally under).
18 The Silver Adders - A group of rebellious teenagers from noble families that have taught themselves the art of poison and assassination. They've honed their skills with thrill kills of random merchants and peasants, leaving behind a silver broach as a calling card. They now seek more challenging prey, specifically adventurers like the PCs.
19 A town full of people living on the top of a cliff who throw offerings off the cliff to their god, mostly harming the people passing down under the cliff.
20 The Clean Slate - Those who study history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes and stagnate. The Clean Slate does its best to destroy the chains of precedence and history so people can try new things. The more novel ideas realized the better chance of founding a perfect society. Once that is done all other history would be useless anyway.
21 The True Royals - They have a child who is supposedly the heir to a kingdom long since destroyed. They need to find other people first willing to follow them and then willing to reform the kingdom. The problem is somebody in the past did their best to erase all mention of the kingdom so nobody remembers or cares. The True Royals sponsor missions to rediscover this ancient civilization. If it was a good or evil place remains a mystery.
22 The Needle Conglomerate - The world is flat and they know it. What they keep secret is ancient writi vs that state there is a world of riches and gems on the underside if this one. They work to dig deep at the thinnest parts of the world to get through to this land. Their luck isn't to good cause they keep hitting ancient dungeons or lakes of fire that burst out onto the surface.
23 The Friends in the Dark: a shadowy secret network of informers and rumor-mongers whose purposes and goals are unknown, even to many members. Actually, the secret police/intelligence agency of a collapsed and forgotten kingdom that still goes through the motions even though they have nothing left to protect/answer to.
24 The Order of the Spellbreakers: An order of paladins who believe that only the gods may use magic (or grant it to their followers), and all other magic is heresy. They seek to eradicate magic from the world, starting with villainous characters such as liches and making their way toward the more innocent local enchanter or wandering Druid.
25 The Hidden Fangs - A group of vampires who disguise themselves as vampire hunters, allowing them to visit towns which have vampire problems and feast on the citizens without being detected easily.
26 The Helping Hand - this group of helpful clerics and healers secretly believe that doomsday is right around the corner and is helping it along, for their perceived prize in the afterlife
27 The Leathercrafter's Union - to normal society a normal gathering of Latherworkers, like any other trade guild, but secretly they plan and execute attacks on smiths - particularly armorsmiths, that they feel are making them obsolete.
28 The Divine Crown - this cult believes that the mightiest kings and Lords aren't just blessed by the gods, but instead that they are the reincarnation of the gods. How the royalty they worship reacts to worship varies among ruler to ruler, but most royalty do begin to be annoyed when the cult makes unauthorized assassinations on their enemies - which they almost always do.
29 The Undergrounders: These humans became fascinated by the dwarves and built their own small society emulating dwarven tradition's and customs. The dwarves who meet this society can't seem to agree whether or not this is a mockery or humans finally coming to their senses. There are similar societies fascinated by gnomes, halflings and elves, with elves being the most offended at this odd display. There also were a small society dedicated to emulating orcs, but these societies are usually killed when they meet actual orc tribes.
30 The shadows. A group headed by an unknown man that contacts mercenaries and potential members through mysterious envelopes that appear out of seemingly nowhere. They have an intricate network of common folk that allows them to stay up to date with affairs all over the city.
31 The Golden Cradle - A group of hereditary nobles that were secretly adopted into their families when their parents were unable to conceive children. They secretly fund numerous orphanages and sponsor orphans as apprentices to various guilds. Given that all their wealth and power is built upon their falsified bloodlines, though, they will stop at nothing to preserve their secrets. They may feel terrible about their actions, but they justify it as the only way to protect their good works.
32 The Risen: A group of people who have been resurrected and believe themselves to be chosen amongst the masses. They seek to further their agenda of purifying non-believers.
33 The Moundeliers:. A goup of halflings, gnome, druid and firbolg who seek to prevent the expansion of villages into the woodland area.
34 Gold Bloods:. They are a group of people who have seen the destruction of the world fortold by celestials. They believe Orcs and worshippers of grumsh are the bringers of the end time and seek to eradicate them.
35 The Grave Barons: Teifling nobles who became Teifling once partaking in a ritual for Asmodius for greater power. They have spread throughout the land slowly corrupting nobles.
36 The Umbraconti: An (figuratively and sometimes literally) underground school of wizards and artificers who research taboo magic. Their actions are normally not overtly malicious but it has been said that Umbraconti wizards have killed entire cities in pursuit of arcane knowledge.
37 The High-hats: A guild of minstrels and fools whose entire purpose is to infiltrate the celebrations and courts of royalty and, using their enchanted bardic music and foolery, influence the royals for the betterment of the guild.
38 Reachers: A society of Gnomes who worship a human con-man who claims to be a gnome that found the cure for shortness. He gives them "magic growth tonics" (water) in exchange for valuables they steal from passing travelers.
39 The Spore: A group of Druids who have found that a dangerously addictive mushroom can only be grown on the dead bodies of Firbolgs. As such, the group has taken to hunting down Firbolgs and killing them to further their addictions.
40 The Brine: A society of fisherman and dock workers who smuggle the dead from Tartarus by means of the River Styx without arousing suspicion from Kharon, the Ferryman of Hades.
41 A group of priests, nuns, monks, paladins, etc., who run a society dedicated to the welfare of orphans and foundlings. They run orphanages but specialize in placing babies and very young (preverbal) children with families who cannot conceive. They are militant in their charity, but no matter how hard the PCs look, there is absolutely nothing creepy about them. A statistically improbable number of the children gain wild magic sorcerous powers once they hit puberty, though this is kept mostly secret.
42 Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo: The Grand Exalted Imperial PooBah welcomes you to join this brotherhood focused on the manlier aspects of life: hunting, fishing, drinking, BBQs, more drinking, etc. Be recommended by a member and bring your first dues installment to your local chapter; Lodge 26.
43 The Fellowship of Whispers, a religious chapter of paladins, clerics and assassins dedicated to rooting out politicians, noblemen & all other influential members of society that have been corrupted by demonic influence. Their name comes from the quietly whispered prayer associated with their more unsavoury activities. Or perhaps from the fact that their existence is only known through whispers in dark places. Or...
44 The Bloody Brothers & The Sanguine Sisterhood, twin societies founded by two ancient vampires who tired of the hunt and instead compete to control civilisation(s)- keeping score with one another. Their leadership is split on gender lines, but thralls exists in all forms. Many wars and disasters have been caused by one trying to torpedo the other.
45 The Order of the Mask, a group of revolutionaries and enlightened thinkers who believe that a republic is the only way forward for society. They idolise a Masked Jester, whose name is lost in history, who assassinated the last of the great kings of the kingdom and caused a century of strife. The Jester would likely be bemused if he was brought back, he killed the king because it was fun.
46 The Preservers, a society that collects knowledge on all things and store it in their hidden library. Their leadership are members of a long forgotten and ill-fated civilisation, related to the Lizardfolk and Yuan-ti. Some claim the library exists on it's own plane and is accessible only through the realm of dreams through years of training in traversing the planes or by following a guide that knows the way.
47 The Wilhallow Society for Scientific Endeavor: a group of wizards, alchemists, necromancers and scientists performing countless experiments on the unknowing denizens of the small town of Wilhallow over the course of the last 60 years. By now, the majority of Wilhallow's residents are barely human, having been replaced bit-by-bit with zombified flesh, goblin and orc limbs, or advanced mechanical prosthetics. Fortunately, they've all been magically disguised to not notice this, and the fact that none of them seem to age anymore hasn't particularly bothered the citizens of Wilhallow.
48 The Devil's Circle: A high-stakes gambling ring overseen by a minor Baron of Hell, Zycobulz. The Circle's patrons include kings and wizards, Fay lords and Drow matriarchs. The bets are on the outcome of wars, the survival of empires, and can take decades to play out. The rewards are souls, titles, favors and magic trinkets, and Zycobulz ensures that the house always walks away a bit richer.
49 The Redstreet Genuine Gentlemen's Club: a dizzyingly complex and far-reaching information network set up by a long-deceased master detective, the Redstreet Club can get dirt on anyone and anything, and has years-long casefiles on interesting individuals locked away in the Club's record books. The Club's members are detectives, city guardsmen, street urchins and thieves, each one pulling from a pool of resources to fund their own investigations and to hand out information to interested buyers.
50 Six Sky Triad: a Thri-Kreen society hidden in a small desert town. Triad activities are mostly benign, with the Thri-Kreen secretly discussing town matters and fulfilling ancient cultural rites that have been suppressed by the local government. Every Thri-Kreen citizen of the town is either a Triad member or at least knows of it, and they keep their society hidden through telepathic communication, their nighttime meetings occurring in total silence. Occasionally the Triad will journey out into the desert for a night, singing desert songs and praising the Sand Father, but these journeys are rare, and getting rarer as time goes by.
51 The Monks of the Eclectic Feline: An order of monks who’s origin is shrouded in mystery, but who operate based on the whims and wishes of an “Immortal Tabaxi Warrior” which, if investigated, turns out to be a house-cat familiar with a catnip addiction. Where’s the house-cat’s mage?
52 The Delumminati: a group of blind Drow that believe the entire world should be cursed with the darkness they suffer themselves. They extinguish any source of light they find, kill magic users that produce light effects, and eventually hope to kill the sun.
53 Death liberators; This underground group of Necromancers work to remove the stigma of Necromancy and get it legalised.
54 The Faithless; a group that dont recognise the divinity of the gods, and seek to end organized religion. They "achieve" this by sabotaging places of worship, usually disguised to look like an attack by another religion. When confronted they will usually respond with a variation of: "If the gods are so powerful, why didn't they prevent it?"
55 Mary Mage's Managerie: This traveling band hides their criminal activity by also performing as a travelling circus. Unlike many other circuses Mary's main attractions are extraordinary magic displays and training of magical animals
56 Sorcery: The Collective; this widespread hobby is particularly popular amongst young men, but they play in secret clubs due to watchdog groups that claim that the players are tempted by the infernal by participating.
57 The Vanishing Act: A network of entertainers and performers that spans the globe. The Act is centered around the "liberating" of valuable goods and information, which are then traded around the network for a price. Becoming a member is difficult due to the organization granting membership by invitation only. In addition, one who wishes to join must not only prove themselves to be uniquely talented in their chosen art, but equally skillful in the retrieval of valuable goods, in whatever forms those goods come. Members are given a subtle yet distinctive tattoo and a musical excerpt to memorize, which allows them to identify other members. "Studios" can be found in various cities (typically hidden in very expensive clubs or brothels), and many Actors find themselves frequenting such locations. Those who wish to trade their valuables can sniff out the areas and seek admittance by presenting their tattoo and music, upon which they will be free to go about their business.
58 The Gutter's Court: Once upon a time, all the highborn lords and ladies of the land agreed that they could not be bothered dealing with all the troubles presented by the everyday peasant. To remedy this issue, they created the Gutter's Court, a seperate, less powerful court then their own, composed of remarkable peasants that have demonstrated an above average level of loyalty to their respective feudal leader. These peasants are recruited by their feudal lords to handle menial administrative duties as well as provide an additional layer of contact between the nobility and the commoners. The Court is also a tool used for a less innocent purpose. Due to the chosen peasants being the lowborn representatives of their lords, any issues that the lords have with one another are typically resolved through violent retaliation directed towards their proxy. Chosen peasants often make their own plots to seize power in the Gutter's Court, and exceptionally prominent ones may even be taken into their lords house.
59 The White Eldritches: Lots are born to control, few are born free. Acting in the darkness, this mind flayers are born with the gift of the free will. Able to hear the Elder brain orders, but free to choose what to do, they want Illithid people to be free from the hive brain control. Excep for their terroristic actions against the elder brain they're quite the good guys (Chaotic Good/Neutral).
60 The Baker's guild: a regular guild to a passerby, is in fact a mafia organisation. Money laundering, exerting social pressure by under or overdelivery, smuggling in flour, etc..
61 The Terrorizing Tinkers: A clandestine collection of Gnomes who are popularizing the use of machinery over magic to better life and solve problems through evil means.
62 The Oldguard: A band of mercenaries that the government pays to keep the peace. Secretly they work towards a revolution, trying to bring back the "old ways".
63 The cult of the UnBroken god: A group/cult that believes if a god can be killed/maimed/broken they are not worthy of worship. Because of this belief they are trying to destroy all the gods, to find out if there are any gods left worthy of worship.
64 DAD - Dwarves Against Drinking. A secret society of dwarves who think that the drunken culture of dwarves is holding them back and once dwarfs stop drinking they will be able to rule the world.
65 A guilds of artists. They do tattoos mostly. Their secret isn’t that evil. They always offer tattoo songbirds to the hands of any travelers for free. They believe that the songbirds let the people get into heaven. And knowing no one would take the offer that way they trick people into getting them saying that the tattoos are a promotional gimmick.
66 A society of rich merchants and hired psychopaths/assassins that all have a taste for death. They lure large groups to their false town with promises such as payment for getting rid of a menace or a safe place to sleep for whatever group may pass by only to hunt them for sport the next night.
67 Mans Best Friend - On the outside, a charitable organization funded by the crown to provide service dogs for disabled citizens. In truth, the dogs are magically enchanted to serve as the eyes and ears of the government.
68 The Brawlers are a group of fighters and monks who use cestus gloves (1d8 damage) as their weapons. This group is unknown by the townsfolk and are usually in the taverns and inns. The brawlers blend in with the townsfolk and aren't able to be noticed. They have no motives but to fight when provoked. If a fight starts in the inn between the PCs and just 1 brawler, all the Brawlers attack the instigator of the encounter.
69 Mephistopheles: This secret society of Teifling traders all use masks of disguise self to appear identical, and all operate under the name Mephistopheles. They work together to slowly begin to form a monopoly on the trade of magical items in order to drive up the prices.
70 The Srepeek Ooz: A racially diverse order that seeks to preserve all forms of life by storing small populations of all races and species inside enchanted underground zoos. Inside one of these "life vaults" you can find many strange creatures both magical and mundane, some of them exist nowhere else.
71 The Loreguards: A small but powerful group of individuals who make sure no one rediscover the how to create magic items.
72 Cult of the Creation Dragon: these members believe that the world is in fact a the first dragon curled up waiting to wake up, the cult aims to wake the dragon and re create the world as we know it.
73 The Allseeing Eye: A huge network of wizards who use the detect thoughts, sending, and message spells to obtain information and give it to people for the right price. They sometimes secretly give unknowing people information about their rivals to get them to try and fight.
74 A secret all-female cabal of makeup artists that specializes in making dead people look alive. Through their expansive network of powerful individuals they are able to ensure they find out about deaths before anyone else. They offer the most powerful a chance at reanimation if they agree to work under the cabal' s thumb and they keep them in line by threatening to reveal their secret. Remember that famous bard that you thought had died? Or that kind mayor who you thought was buried under rubble? Turns out it was a "false alarm".
75 Dark Arts Anonymous: A collective of wizards who peered into the dark arts and wound up changed in some way. Despite many being banned from the "good" institutions of learning, many remain there, surreptitiously researching their hobby and corrupting their souls. They meet on Wednesday nights in a secret cave in the Feywild, and try to support each other in quitting this corrupting influence. To protect they're anonymity though, they will do anything.
76 The Farmer's Society: A society that owns a giant farm, and control nearby cities with blackmail using food.
77 The Medusa Cult: A cult of blind cultists who worship a Medusa. They can't see her, so they don't get any problems when living with her.
78 You have heard much disturbing gossip about the Iron League of the Cup. Apparently the Unspoiled Presbyter of the Grail is seeking the lost "Tome of Bivariate Energies" to further the Cup's excavation of a graven burrow past the Wandering Waters. As he gathers information on the Tome, the Presbyter is also distributing "tokens of redemption" that can only be redeemed at the excavation site.
79 The Unalloyed: An organization of Dwarves that seeks to remove all non-Dwarves from Dwarven territory and cut off all trade and travel to and from other races' territories.
80 The Necrocrats: A cult of powerful necromancers that seek out the worlds best and strongest of rulers to grant them immortality through lichdom, all in a quest to bring law to the world.
81 Order of the Specter, a group of noble men across the kingdom who deal in dark magic to receive visions of future events that could come to pass. The Order uses this knowledge to increase there own individual power and wealth. The magic they use requires that the users sacrifice one of there living family members: Son, Daughter, Father, Mother, etc.. Within the same blood line as them, no step-family or people they have married. Depending on how closely related they are to the sacrifice determines the length of the vision, and its importance to them.
82 Sisterhood of Silence, a highly trained group of criminals that direct the kingdoms court system through secret members and rituals/curses while also helping several criminals avoid the law. This sisterhood is rumored to have several hundred members all of which are female from many different races.
83 Matriarchs of Society: Only women who have become Grandmothers are invited to join. In general they work to make sure their lines continue. Another of their tasks is to find homes for displaced children, adding this child to a Matriarch's list of grandchildren.
84 The Leftovers club. A secret sect of necromancers gather as many dead bodies as they can, making deals with or stealing from butchers, morgues, hospitals, veterinarians, or local criminal organizations. These "leftovers" are given to two teams, who use a combination of necromatic techniques and surgery to create undead monsters. Once a month, a battle between the monsters is held, and the winning team is greatly rewarded. Once the battle is over, new teams are assigned and the cycle starts again.
85 Barbers guild: with franchises in different towns (usually a rented room in an inn), The locals see travelers go in and come out with shorter hair or clean shave. In actuality, they are a front for information brokers.
86 Thralls of the Crimson God. The Thralls believe that the only thing preventing the universe from destruction is to sate their god's need for blood: this includes ritual cutting, self-flagellation, and piercing as part of routine practice. The cult centers on human sacrifice, where a victim is drained of all of their blood in a ceremony to appeal to the Crimson God for mercy and protection.
87 The Rosen Order: A group of powerful warriors brought together by their love of flowers. They tend to all the city's flower gardens, keeping them in tip-top shape. The existence of the order is kept secret; its members fear their reputations as mighty heroes being ruined if they are ever found out.
88 The Fatladin: The secret group of the Paladin of Gras, God of the grease and good food, Avatar of Bacon. Gras has been forgotten, but not by these man, united in the Quest, to find the most greasy and wondrful food, to please their god.
89 The Teachers: The Teachers are a group of benevolent entities dedicated to training heroes to defend the world against evil.
90 The Shadow Empire: The Shadow Empire is a small group of demi-liches who back villains. They are patient, quiet, and totally committed to the conquest of everything.
91 The Stone Brotherhood: This is a dwarven cult dedicated to protecting dwarven craftsmen, and any other artisan they feel is unable to stand up for themselves.
92 The Libra Facta: One of the oldest known cults, Libra Facta has its origins shrouded in the ancient history of the druids. From time immemorial, the druids and their neutral followers have been working quietly to neutralize and balance the powerful forces for law and chaos, good and evil. In Libra Facta, this task took a peculiar but effective form.
93 The Mithril Chain was an order of knights, including cavaliers and fighters of all types. Very little is known of this organization, which boasted only a handful of members worldwide. Members of the Mithril Chain, known as "Links", often fought better than would be expected based on their known experience and abilities. In addition, some have been reported to display unusual powers, such as flying, creating fire, water, lightning, or light, passing through walls, or being unaffected by weapon attacks. Each wore a highly ornate steel chain around his neck; rarely were they seen together.
94 The Ring of Blood was a band of chaotic assassins pledged to promote terror. Each member assassin performed at least one assassination per week, with at least one each month being notorious (usually a well-known individual or an especially gory slaying).
95 The Brotherhood of Death was a chaotic evil order dedicated to the worship and service of Orcus through the promotion of chaos especially in sadistic orgies and human, demihuman, or humanoid sacrifices. Although open to evil chaotics of any race or class, the inner circle was made up of outstanding adventurer types, and the hierarchy headed by human clerics and demons. Peasants and idle nobles could only be initiates; initiates were not generally aware of the secrets of the society.
96 The Unending Alliance of the Beast: A quasi-Druidic cult that seeks out positions of power over animals; zoos, circuses, vet hospitals, all are used to train and foster a legion of animal servants who will eventually fight for their masters' glory. When and where that fight will happen, only the Alliance knows.
97 Cult of the Eternal Flame: The followers of the Eternal Flame cult were fascinated by the destructive power of fire in all its manifestations. They aspired to use the power of fire to eradicate the "corruption" of both civilization and nature using volcanic eruptions, forest fires, heat waves, and droughts, in order to herald a new world of ash and cinders ruled by fire alone. In the fire cultists' doctrine, the world and all its peoples were wicked and malformed, and the only hope was to purify everything, reducing all to smoking cinders.
98 The Choir: Members of the Choir had the ability to influence others through their strange songs.
99 The Silver Hand: A group of Paladins who are devoted to stopping evil, if it should ever appear. The members like to keep their identity secret so no harm comes to their families.
100 Grumlik's "Secret" Order of Gnome Mischief: A 'secret' order of Gnomes who go around and cause mild mischief, such as placing a dead fish in the pillowcase of a noble lord. What is their reasoning? There isn't one, they are just mean.
Special thanks to u/thunder_runner, u/khanzarate, u/MysticMeow, u/42Firehawk, u/infelixis, u/JFBig, u/KNHaw, u/Tskcool, u/jufojonas, u/Prasanna1995, u/LordOph, u/AnInfiniteAmount, u/NeoBlue42, u/Durien9, u/RobinWilliamsNeckTie, u/Patergia, u/felagund, u/hongan_os, u/legend_duckman, u/Silverdragon701, u/Billybaf, u/Thewanderingcorndog, u/K2MnO4, u/caciuccoecostine, u/ThePragmaticPimp, u/jufojonas, u/SkrewtapeSecertary, u/Ravendead, u/NosiTheBard, u/only_male_flutist, u/Jacknerik, u/lordochaos321, u/LordIlthari, u/Ninjaseb08, u/Xurandor, u/Patergia, u/OptimumTurner, u/ken_NT, u/KatanaKamikaze, u/dndspeak
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100 Different Secret Societies

Created by the d100 community!
Die Roll Result
1 The Figulari, they disguise their actions in public as the Potter's Guild. In truth they construct enchanted clay traps that capture the souls of their political opponents. Their members are referred to as "Clayed Men".
2 Magitologists; a large well known cult in certain parts of the world. Started by psychic writer L Rob Hupyard, they are a vastly rich organization rich enough not to be hunted down by the authorites in the cities they reside in. They have many famous people among their ranks. Rumors are that they horribly torture and brainwash those who try to leave.
3 The Guild of Undertakers and Gravediggers has a secret: the town was built on the site where an evil, nameless god was slain millenia ago and anyone buried there will arise as undead in three days. They have a ritual they perform out of sight of the deceased's loved ones that prevents this, but a necromancer has infiltrated their ranks and has figured out how to reverse it. Unless stopped, the whole area will be awash in undead.
4 Lizard people who secretly control large sections of the government. They are actually lizardfolk, with numerous members dedicated to the creation of hats of disguise to further infiltrate.
5 Magic users pretending to be an anti-magic organization for two reasons: the ability to discreetly cape and stop real anti-magic supporters, and so that they can use terrible arguments in politics to reduce resistance to magic-positive rulers and legislation.
6 A cult that worships inactive spheres, with prophecies saying that someday the spheres will activate, and Grant them limitless power (spheres are inactive Mythallar, waiting for DAM plot point)
7 Pixies intent on researching and recovering permanency spells, intent on permanently shrinking the other races to a more proper size (with a smaller subsection planning to grow, themselves, and subjugate both other pixies and newly-Tiny races)
8 Ancient cult of half-dragons, dragon born, and kobolds, worshipping an ancient, True-Polymorphed wizard, who will refuse to believe their dragon isn't real.
9 Necromancers whose only goal is to live in peace, using undead to do manual labor and creating a hidden City where all live rich, happy lives. A necromancer controlling some farming zombies dies of old age, leaving some zombies free from control, and those zombies attack a nearby, surprised village. Adventurers are brought in, offered lots of gold to defeat "the Neverland behind all of this".
10 A hidden underground elf City, not drow, just wood elves who would prefer to be left alone. They mostly hunt but they also sell beautiful bone and wood carvings in nearby towns. Their City was once a valley, but, using their druid and ranger members, they had trees grow over the top. Now noon is as twilight, and twilight is as night.
11 A society of gnomes dedicated to gnome rights. They believe (correctly or incorrectly) gnome rights are being trampled on and intend to right this wrong from the inside. Using trenchcoats and disguise kits, sets of three gnomes disguise themselves as humans and try to gain political power to force all businesses and public places to lower counters, tables, chairs, and shelves to a height appropriate for "all sentient and decent folk".
12 A secret cabal of merchants that rig the price of a particular raw material in the surrounding towns. When competition arises, they have bandits attack the rival caravans while faking attacks on their own. If the PCs get too close to the truth they'll be hired as caravan guards during their investigation, only to be attacked by bandits and all the members of the caravan during an ambush.
13 A cult of humans that believe elves are favored by the gods due to their grace and longevity. To fool the gods, their priests wear masks and gloves made from the skin of elves and pray to Elven gods for long life. They will kidnap and starve elves and half elves so their skin become looser and easier to remove after they're killed.
14 A small cult of commoners who believe that magic isn’t real, and is a series of mechanical tricks performed by incredibly well disguised constructs.
15 A group of pale, starved elves who travel the globe kidnapping humanoids and feeding them to a dark beast, in an attempt to increase it’s power enough to level cities.
16 Every person in town talks in a whisper, because they believe they are living in the ear of their god, and they don't wanna wake him.
17 The UnderTown, a town ruled by dwarves that connects to other towns, they can always be found beneath the city, ready to accept another dwarf into their ranks to help him/her out. Enjoys causing earthquake-like collapses of relatively important structures in small towns and has a fromidable army to destroy nations underfoot (literally under).
18 The Silver Adders - A group of rebellious teenagers from noble families that have taught themselves the art of poison and assassination. They've honed their skills with thrill kills of random merchants and peasants, leaving behind a silver broach as a calling card. They now seek more challenging prey, specifically adventurers like the PCs.
19 A town full of people living on the top of a cliff who throw offerings off the cliff to their god, mostly harming the people passing down under the cliff.
20 The Clean Slate - Those who study history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes and stagnate. The Clean Slate does its best to destroy the chains of precedence and history so people can try new things. The more novel ideas realized the better chance of founding a perfect society. Once that is done all other history would be useless anyway.
21 The True Royals - They have a child who is supposedly the heir to a kingdom long since destroyed. They need to find other people first willing to follow them and then willing to reform the kingdom. The problem is somebody in the past did their best to erase all mention of the kingdom so nobody remembers or cares. The True Royals sponsor missions to rediscover this ancient civilization. If it was a good or evil place remains a mystery.
22 The Needle Conglomerate - The world is flat and they know it. What they keep secret is ancient writi vs that state there is a world of riches and gems on the underside if this one. They work to dig deep at the thinnest parts of the world to get through to this land. Their luck isn't to good cause they keep hitting ancient dungeons or lakes of fire that burst out onto the surface.
23 The Friends in the Dark: a shadowy secret network of informers and rumor-mongers whose purposes and goals are unknown, even to many members. Actually, the secret police/intelligence agency of a collapsed and forgotten kingdom that still goes through the motions even though they have nothing left to protect/answer to.
24 The Order of the Spellbreakers: An order of paladins who believe that only the gods may use magic (or grant it to their followers), and all other magic is heresy. They seek to eradicate magic from the world, starting with villainous characters such as liches and making their way toward the more innocent local enchanter or wandering Druid.
25 The Hidden Fangs - A group of vampires who disguise themselves as vampire hunters, allowing them to visit towns which have vampire problems and feast on the citizens without being detected easily.
26 The Helping Hand - this group of helpful clerics and healers secretly believe that doomsday is right around the corner and is helping it along, for their perceived prize in the afterlife
27 The Leathercrafter's Union - to normal society a normal gathering of Latherworkers, like any other trade guild, but secretly they plan and execute attacks on smiths - particularly armorsmiths, that they feel are making them obsolete.
28 The Divine Crown - this cult believes that the mightiest kings and Lords aren't just blessed by the gods, but instead that they are the reincarnation of the gods. How the royalty they worship reacts to worship varies among ruler to ruler, but most royalty do begin to be annoyed when the cult makes unauthorized assassinations on their enemies - which they almost always do.
29 The Undergrounders: These humans became fascinated by the dwarves and built their own small society emulating dwarven tradition's and customs. The dwarves who meet this society can't seem to agree whether or not this is a mockery or humans finally coming to their senses. There are similar societies fascinated by gnomes, halflings and elves, with elves being the most offended at this odd display. There also were a small society dedicated to emulating orcs, but these societies are usually killed when they meet actual orc tribes.
30 The shadows. A group headed by an unknown man that contacts mercenaries and potential members through mysterious envelopes that appear out of seemingly nowhere. They have an intricate network of common folk that allows them to stay up to date with affairs all over the city.
31 The Golden Cradle - A group of hereditary nobles that were secretly adopted into their families when their parents were unable to conceive children. They secretly fund numerous orphanages and sponsor orphans as apprentices to various guilds. Given that all their wealth and power is built upon their falsified bloodlines, though, they will stop at nothing to preserve their secrets. They may feel terrible about their actions, but they justify it as the only way to protect their good works.
32 The Risen: A group of people who have been resurrected and believe themselves to be chosen amongst the masses. They seek to further their agenda of purifying non-believers.
33 The Moundeliers:. A goup of halflings, gnome, druid and firbolg who seek to prevent the expansion of villages into the woodland area.
34 Gold Bloods:. They are a group of people who have seen the destruction of the world fortold by celestials. They believe Orcs and worshippers of grumsh are the bringers of the end time and seek to eradicate them.
35 The Grave Barons: Teifling nobles who became Teifling once partaking in a ritual for Asmodius for greater power. They have spread throughout the land slowly corrupting nobles.
36 The Umbraconti: An (figuratively and sometimes literally) underground school of wizards and artificers who research taboo magic. Their actions are normally not overtly malicious but it has been said that Umbraconti wizards have killed entire cities in pursuit of arcane knowledge.
37 The High-hats: A guild of minstrels and fools whose entire purpose is to infiltrate the celebrations and courts of royalty and, using their enchanted bardic music and foolery, influence the royals for the betterment of the guild.
38 Reachers: A society of Gnomes who worship a human con-man who claims to be a gnome that found the cure for shortness. He gives them "magic growth tonics" (water) in exchange for valuables they steal from passing travelers.
39 The Spore: A group of Druids who have found that a dangerously addictive mushroom can only be grown on the dead bodies of Firbolgs. As such, the group has taken to hunting down Firbolgs and killing them to further their addictions.
40 The Brine: A society of fisherman and dock workers who smuggle the dead from Tartarus by means of the River Styx without arousing suspicion from Kharon, the Ferryman of Hades.
41 A group of priests, nuns, monks, paladins, etc., who run a society dedicated to the welfare of orphans and foundlings. They run orphanages but specialize in placing babies and very young (preverbal) children with families who cannot conceive. They are militant in their charity, but no matter how hard the PCs look, there is absolutely nothing creepy about them. A statistically improbable number of the children gain wild magic sorcerous powers once they hit puberty, though this is kept mostly secret.
42 Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo: The Grand Exalted Imperial PooBah welcomes you to join this brotherhood focused on the manlier aspects of life: hunting, fishing, drinking, BBQs, more drinking, etc. Be recommended by a member and bring your first dues installment to your local chapter; Lodge 26.
43 The Fellowship of Whispers, a religious chapter of paladins, clerics and assassins dedicated to rooting out politicians, noblemen & all other influential members of society that have been corrupted by demonic influence. Their name comes from the quietly whispered prayer associated with their more unsavoury activities. Or perhaps from the fact that their existence is only known through whispers in dark places. Or...
44 The Bloody Brothers & The Sanguine Sisterhood, twin societies founded by two ancient vampires who tired of the hunt and instead compete to control civilisation(s)- keeping score with one another. Their leadership is split on gender lines, but thralls exists in all forms. Many wars and disasters have been caused by one trying to torpedo the other.
45 The Order of the Mask, a group of revolutionaries and enlightened thinkers who believe that a republic is the only way forward for society. They idolise a Masked Jester, whose name is lost in history, who assassinated the last of the great kings of the kingdom and caused a century of strife. The Jester would likely be bemused if he was brought back, he killed the king because it was fun.
46 The Preservers, a society that collects knowledge on all things and store it in their hidden library. Their leadership are members of a long forgotten and ill-fated civilisation, related to the Lizardfolk and Yuan-ti. Some claim the library exists on it's own plane and is accessible only through the realm of dreams through years of training in traversing the planes or by following a guide that knows the way.
47 The Wilhallow Society for Scientific Endeavor: a group of wizards, alchemists, necromancers and scientists performing countless experiments on the unknowing denizens of the small town of Wilhallow over the course of the last 60 years. By now, the majority of Wilhallow's residents are barely human, having been replaced bit-by-bit with zombified flesh, goblin and orc limbs, or advanced mechanical prosthetics. Fortunately, they've all been magically disguised to not notice this, and the fact that none of them seem to age anymore hasn't particularly bothered the citizens of Wilhallow.
48 The Devil's Circle: A high-stakes gambling ring overseen by a minor Baron of Hell, Zycobulz. The Circle's patrons include kings and wizards, Fay lords and Drow matriarchs. The bets are on the outcome of wars, the survival of empires, and can take decades to play out. The rewards are souls, titles, favors and magic trinkets, and Zycobulz ensures that the house always walks away a bit richer.
49 The Redstreet Genuine Gentlemen's Club: a dizzyingly complex and far-reaching information network set up by a long-deceased master detective, the Redstreet Club can get dirt on anyone and anything, and has years-long casefiles on interesting individuals locked away in the Club's record books. The Club's members are detectives, city guardsmen, street urchins and thieves, each one pulling from a pool of resources to fund their own investigations and to hand out information to interested buyers.
50 Six Sky Triad: a Thri-Kreen society hidden in a small desert town. Triad activities are mostly benign, with the Thri-Kreen secretly discussing town matters and fulfilling ancient cultural rites that have been suppressed by the local government. Every Thri-Kreen citizen of the town is either a Triad member or at least knows of it, and they keep their society hidden through telepathic communication, their nighttime meetings occurring in total silence. Occasionally the Triad will journey out into the desert for a night, singing desert songs and praising the Sand Father, but these journeys are rare, and getting rarer as time goes by.
51 The Monks of the Eclectic Feline: An order of monks who’s origin is shrouded in mystery, but who operate based on the whims and wishes of an “Immortal Tabaxi Warrior” which, if investigated, turns out to be a house-cat familiar with a catnip addiction. Where’s the house-cat’s mage?
52 The Delumminati: a group of blind Drow that believe the entire world should be cursed with the darkness they suffer themselves. They extinguish any source of light they find, kill magic users that produce light effects, and eventually hope to kill the sun.
53 Death liberators; This underground group of Necromancers work to remove the stigma of Necromancy and get it legalised.
54 The Faithless; a group that dont recognise the divinity of the gods, and seek to end organized religion. They "achieve" this by sabotaging places of worship, usually disguised to look like an attack by another religion. When confronted they will usually respond with a variation of: "If the gods are so powerful, why didn't they prevent it?"
55 Mary Mage's Managerie: This traveling band hides their criminal activity by also performing as a travelling circus. Unlike many other circuses Mary's main attractions are extraordinary magic displays and training of magical animals
56 Sorcery: The Collective; this widespread hobby is particularly popular amongst young men, but they play in secret clubs due to watchdog groups that claim that the players are tempted by the infernal by participating.
57 The Vanishing Act: A network of entertainers and performers that spans the globe. The Act is centered around the "liberating" of valuable goods and information, which are then traded around the network for a price. Becoming a member is difficult due to the organization granting membership by invitation only. In addition, one who wishes to join must not only prove themselves to be uniquely talented in their chosen art, but equally skillful in the retrieval of valuable goods, in whatever forms those goods come. Members are given a subtle yet distinctive tattoo and a musical excerpt to memorize, which allows them to identify other members. "Studios" can be found in various cities (typically hidden in very expensive clubs or brothels), and many Actors find themselves frequenting such locations. Those who wish to trade their valuables can sniff out the areas and seek admittance by presenting their tattoo and music, upon which they will be free to go about their business.
58 The Gutter's Court: Once upon a time, all the highborn lords and ladies of the land agreed that they could not be bothered dealing with all the troubles presented by the everyday peasant. To remedy this issue, they created the Gutter's Court, a seperate, less powerful court then their own, composed of remarkable peasants that have demonstrated an above average level of loyalty to their respective feudal leader. These peasants are recruited by their feudal lords to handle menial administrative duties as well as provide an additional layer of contact between the nobility and the commoners. The Court is also a tool used for a less innocent purpose. Due to the chosen peasants being the lowborn representatives of their lords, any issues that the lords have with one another are typically resolved through violent retaliation directed towards their proxy. Chosen peasants often make their own plots to seize power in the Gutter's Court, and exceptionally prominent ones may even be taken into their lords house.
59 The White Eldritches: Lots are born to control, few are born free. Acting in the darkness, this mind flayers are born with the gift of the free will. Able to hear the Elder brain orders, but free to choose what to do, they want Illithid people to be free from the hive brain control. Excep for their terroristic actions against the elder brain they're quite the good guys (Chaotic Good/Neutral).
60 The Baker's guild: a regular guild to a passerby, is in fact a mafia organisation. Money laundering, exerting social pressure by under or overdelivery, smuggling in flour, etc..
61 The Terrorizing Tinkers: A clandestine collection of Gnomes who are popularizing the use of machinery over magic to better life and solve problems through evil means.
62 The Oldguard: A band of mercenaries that the government pays to keep the peace. Secretly they work towards a revolution, trying to bring back the "old ways".
63 The cult of the UnBroken god: A group/cult that believes if a god can be killed/maimed/broken they are not worthy of worship. Because of this belief they are trying to destroy all the gods, to find out if there are any gods left worthy of worship.
64 DAD - Dwarves Against Drinking. A secret society of dwarves who think that the drunken culture of dwarves is holding them back and once dwarfs stop drinking they will be able to rule the world.
65 A guilds of artists. They do tattoos mostly. Their secret isn’t that evil. They always offer tattoo songbirds to the hands of any travelers for free. They believe that the songbirds let the people get into heaven. And knowing no one would take the offer that way they trick people into getting them saying that the tattoos are a promotional gimmick.
66 A society of rich merchants and hired psychopaths/assassins that all have a taste for death. They lure large groups to their false town with promises such as payment for getting rid of a menace or a safe place to sleep for whatever group may pass by only to hunt them for sport the next night.
67 Mans Best Friend - On the outside, a charitable organization funded by the crown to provide service dogs for disabled citizens. In truth, the dogs are magically enchanted to serve as the eyes and ears of the government.
68 The Brawlers are a group of fighters and monks who use cestus gloves (1d8 damage) as their weapons. This group is unknown by the townsfolk and are usually in the taverns and inns. The brawlers blend in with the townsfolk and aren't able to be noticed. They have no motives but to fight when provoked. If a fight starts in the inn between the PCs and just 1 brawler, all the Brawlers attack the instigator of the encounter.
69 Mephistopheles: This secret society of Teifling traders all use masks of disguise self to appear identical, and all operate under the name Mephistopheles. They work together to slowly begin to form a monopoly on the trade of magical items in order to drive up the prices.
70 The Srepeek Ooz: A racially diverse order that seeks to preserve all forms of life by storing small populations of all races and species inside enchanted underground zoos. Inside one of these "life vaults" you can find many strange creatures both magical and mundane, some of them exist nowhere else.
71 The Loreguards: A small but powerful group of individuals who make sure no one rediscover the how to create magic items.
72 Cult of the Creation Dragon: these members believe that the world is in fact a the first dragon curled up waiting to wake up, the cult aims to wake the dragon and re create the world as we know it.
73 The Allseeing Eye: A huge network of wizards who use the detect thoughts, sending, and message spells to obtain information and give it to people for the right price. They sometimes secretly give unknowing people information about their rivals to get them to try and fight.
74 A secret all-female cabal of makeup artists that specializes in making dead people look alive. Through their expansive network of powerful individuals they are able to ensure they find out about deaths before anyone else. They offer the most powerful a chance at reanimation if they agree to work under the cabal' s thumb and they keep them in line by threatening to reveal their secret. Remember that famous bard that you thought had died? Or that kind mayor who you thought was buried under rubble? Turns out it was a "false alarm".
75 Dark Arts Anonymous: A collective of wizards who peered into the dark arts and wound up changed in some way. Despite many being banned from the "good" institutions of learning, many remain there, surreptitiously researching their hobby and corrupting their souls. They meet on Wednesday nights in a secret cave in the Feywild, and try to support each other in quitting this corrupting influence. To protect they're anonymity though, they will do anything.
76 The Farmer's Society: A society that owns a giant farm, and control nearby cities with blackmail using food.
77 The Medusa Cult: A cult of blind cultists who worship a Medusa. They can't see her, so they don't get any problems when living with her.
78 You have heard much disturbing gossip about the Iron League of the Cup. Apparently the Unspoiled Presbyter of the Grail is seeking the lost "Tome of Bivariate Energies" to further the Cup's excavation of a graven burrow past the Wandering Waters. As he gathers information on the Tome, the Presbyter is also distributing "tokens of redemption" that can only be redeemed at the excavation site.
79 The Unalloyed: An organization of Dwarves that seeks to remove all non-Dwarves from Dwarven territory and cut off all trade and travel to and from other races' territories.
80 The Necrocrats: A cult of powerful necromancers that seek out the worlds best and strongest of rulers to grant them immortality through lichdom, all in a quest to bring law to the world.
81 Order of the Specter, a group of noble men across the kingdom who deal in dark magic to receive visions of future events that could come to pass. The Order uses this knowledge to increase there own individual power and wealth. The magic they use requires that the users sacrifice one of there living family members: Son, Daughter, Father, Mother, etc.. Within the same blood line as them, no step-family or people they have married. Depending on how closely related they are to the sacrifice determines the length of the vision, and its importance to them.
82 Sisterhood of Silence, a highly trained group of criminals that direct the kingdoms court system through secret members and rituals/curses while also helping several criminals avoid the law. This sisterhood is rumored to have several hundred members all of which are female from many different races.
83 Matriarchs of Society: Only women who have become Grandmothers are invited to join. In general they work to make sure their lines continue. Another of their tasks is to find homes for displaced children, adding this child to a Matriarch's list of grandchildren.
84 The Leftovers club. A secret sect of necromancers gather as many dead bodies as they can, making deals with or stealing from butchers, morgues, hospitals, veterinarians, or local criminal organizations. These "leftovers" are given to two teams, who use a combination of necromatic techniques and surgery to create undead monsters. Once a month, a battle between the monsters is held, and the winning team is greatly rewarded. Once the battle is over, new teams are assigned and the cycle starts again.
85 Barbers guild: with franchises in different towns (usually a rented room in an inn), The locals see travelers go in and come out with shorter hair or clean shave. In actuality, they are a front for information brokers.
86 Thralls of the Crimson God. The Thralls believe that the only thing preventing the universe from destruction is to sate their god's need for blood: this includes ritual cutting, self-flagellation, and piercing as part of routine practice. The cult centers on human sacrifice, where a victim is drained of all of their blood in a ceremony to appeal to the Crimson God for mercy and protection.
87 The Rosen Order: A group of powerful warriors brought together by their love of flowers. They tend to all the city's flower gardens, keeping them in tip-top shape. The existence of the order is kept secret; its members fear their reputations as mighty heroes being ruined if they are ever found out.
88 The Fatladin: The secret group of the Paladin of Gras, God of the grease and good food, Avatar of Bacon. Gras has been forgotten, but not by these man, united in the Quest, to find the most greasy and wondrful food, to please their god.
89 The Teachers: The Teachers are a group of benevolent entities dedicated to training heroes to defend the world against evil.
90 The Shadow Empire: The Shadow Empire is a small group of demi-liches who back villains. They are patient, quiet, and totally committed to the conquest of everything.
91 The Stone Brotherhood: This is a dwarven cult dedicated to protecting dwarven craftsmen, and any other artisan they feel is unable to stand up for themselves.
92 The Libra Facta: One of the oldest known cults, Libra Facta has its origins shrouded in the ancient history of the druids. From time immemorial, the druids and their neutral followers have been working quietly to neutralize and balance the powerful forces for law and chaos, good and evil. In Libra Facta, this task took a peculiar but effective form.
93 The Mithril Chain was an order of knights, including cavaliers and fighters of all types. Very little is known of this organization, which boasted only a handful of members worldwide. Members of the Mithril Chain, known as "Links", often fought better than would be expected based on their known experience and abilities. In addition, some have been reported to display unusual powers, such as flying, creating fire, water, lightning, or light, passing through walls, or being unaffected by weapon attacks. Each wore a highly ornate steel chain around his neck; rarely were they seen together.
94 The Ring of Blood was a band of chaotic assassins pledged to promote terror. Each member assassin performed at least one assassination per week, with at least one each month being notorious (usually a well-known individual or an especially gory slaying).
95 The Brotherhood of Death was a chaotic evil order dedicated to the worship and service of Orcus through the promotion of chaos especially in sadistic orgies and human, demihuman, or humanoid sacrifices. Although open to evil chaotics of any race or class, the inner circle was made up of outstanding adventurer types, and the hierarchy headed by human clerics and demons. Peasants and idle nobles could only be initiates; initiates were not generally aware of the secrets of the society.
96 The Unending Alliance of the Beast: A quasi-Druidic cult that seeks out positions of power over animals; zoos, circuses, vet hospitals, all are used to train and foster a legion of animal servants who will eventually fight for their masters' glory. When and where that fight will happen, only the Alliance knows.
97 Cult of the Eternal Flame: The followers of the Eternal Flame cult were fascinated by the destructive power of fire in all its manifestations. They aspired to use the power of fire to eradicate the "corruption" of both civilization and nature using volcanic eruptions, forest fires, heat waves, and droughts, in order to herald a new world of ash and cinders ruled by fire alone. In the fire cultists' doctrine, the world and all its peoples were wicked and malformed, and the only hope was to purify everything, reducing all to smoking cinders.
98 The Choir: Members of the Choir had the ability to influence others through their strange songs.
99 The Silver Hand: A group of Paladins who are devoted to stopping evil, if it should ever appear. The members like to keep their identity secret so no harm comes to their families.
100 Grumlik's "Secret" Order of Gnome Mischief: A 'secret' order of Gnomes who go around and cause mild mischief, such as placing a dead fish in the pillowcase of a noble lord. What is their reasoning? There isn't one, they are just mean.
Special thanks to u/thunder_runner, u/khanzarate, u/MysticMeow, u/42Firehawk, u/infelixis, u/JFBig, u/KNHaw, u/Tskcool, u/jufojonas, u/Prasanna1995, u/LordOph, u/AnInfiniteAmount, u/NeoBlue42, u/Durien9, u/RobinWilliamsNeckTie, u/Patergia, u/felagund, u/hongan_os, u/legend_duckman, u/Silverdragon701, u/Billybaf, u/Thewanderingcorndog, u/K2MnO4, u/caciuccoecostine, u/ThePragmaticPimp, u/jufojonas, u/SkrewtapeSecertary, u/Ravendead, u/NosiTheBard, u/only_male_flutist, u/Jacknerik, u/lordochaos321, u/LordIlthari, u/Ninjaseb08, u/Xurandor, u/Patergia, u/OptimumTurner, u/ken_NT, u/KatanaKamikaze, u/dndspeak
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